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النشر الإلكتروني
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miring world from the courtly precincts of St James's; it was not ushered forth by fashionable publishers, nor heralded by the praises of reviews and the puffs of newspapers,―oblique, collateral, and direct; so that the non

ALMACK'S HYDE NUGENT-A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE sense, depending only on its own demerits, quickly sank THE GUARDS, &c. &c. London.

into oblivion, or rather never emerged from it. It was reserved for these enlightened days to doat on drivelling Ir is only by reference to the passion for scandal, so folly and sickening affectation, and admire works in the prevalent in England, that we can solve that enigma,- inverse ratio of their merits. The principal difference the extraordinary avidity with which the vapid and con- between the defunct and their successors lies in the protemptible trash, composing what are called, " Fashionable digious importance given to eating and drinking in the Novels," is devoured by the inhabitants of the first city latter, the eternal gabble about iced champagne, vol au in the world. Let the ingredients of which these ephe- vent, omellette au jambon, mareschino, rognons au vin de mera are concocted be analysed,-let it be discovered that champagne, lest the fine people should be suspected of they consist, for the most part, of scandalous stories, glean- dining on plain beef or mutton. To avoid a similar sused from the refuse of newspapers and the servants' hall; picion, Lady Wilhelmina Wilson, in the farce of "Gretna bad and stale jokes palmed upon well-known persons; a Green," assures her lover that she never drinks any tea perpetual affectation of finery, after the manner of Lady but "twelve-shilling green." As to the copious interBab and Mistress Kitty, in "High Life Below Stairs;" larding of French in their pages, it reminds us of Mr mere technical acquaintance with the arts of the cook Matthews in one of his personifications, who, when apand the milliner; a correct list of the wines most in re-plied to for a song, replies that he does not know a whole quest at fashionable tables, which the author may obtain from Mr Charles Wright's advertisement, or by virtue of his office in his master's house; slang, double entendre, and flat impertinence; not even an attempt at a story, unless it be in the worst style of the worst A. K. Newman Novel, set in a patchwork of bad French, and worse English; yet, let it be whispered, that the nonsense means something," a fact the public would never have discovered by its own natural lights,--that the characters, (God save the mark!) are drawn from life, by one whose "long familiarity with fashionable life has given him, or her, ample opportunities of observing and describing the faults and follies of the age," and immediately the many mouths of the "many-headed beast, the town," are opened wide to receive the precious farrago. The gaping appetite for slander allows of no discrimination, pauses for no enquiry, admits no doubt; the crumbs that fall from the supposed rich man's table are swallowed at the risk of choking; the offal is devoured with as much greediness as if it were turtle and venison; their faith covers a multitude of sins, and makes them blind, deaf, and stupid, into the bargain, or the public would have discovered long ago, that the dainty fare they admire so much, is nothing but a warming up of the olla podrida of the Leadenhall press.

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These literary scavengers, it is true, are not creatures of yesterday. They informed us all long ago, upon their honours, that, in the upper classes of society, all the men were cheats, gamblers, horse-jockeys, libertines, and fools; and that the women were cold, selfish, unfeeling, and profligate, with here and there an exception, to make a hero or heroine. But this was before lords or ladies took to "showing up" their acquaintance to put money into their pockets, and thereby opened the way for discarded butlers and literary valets, to deck themselves in borrowed plumage, and nickname God's creatures. The town was deluged, ad nauseam, with similar trash, long before "The Guards," and "Almack's," and "High Life," saw the light; but that trash did not greet an ad

one, but, if he may sing a "bit of one song, and a bit of
another, four lines will make up a verse.' For a like
reason, he who does not know one language, may be per-
mitted to jumble two in constructing his sentences; with
the understanding, however, that when an author props up
his foundered English with borrowed French, the French
shall be correct. There is a little book on French gen-
ders, lately published, which we seriously recommend to
the perusal of those gentlemen who are too fine to write
English; it will only cost them threepence, and save
them from the dilemma into which the author of " Al-
mack's" has repeatedly fallen. This worthy seems to la-
bour under an unhappy degree of doubt respecting the
gender of mer, and, in order to avoid unjust preference,
has accommodated the word with masculine pronouns,
and a feminine adjective.
"Ce malheureuse mer, comme
nous le detestons," is the choice manner in which a Pa-
risian Countess expresses herself in a letter to a friend !
If, as the newspapers threaten, there is to be another edi-
tion of this book, and so renowned a genius as the author
be not above taking friendly advice, it may be as well to
hint that a wide difference exists between the language of
the good society he is so fond of, and that of the second
table, though both may speak French.
"Tirer à quatre
epingles," is not more elegant French, than vulgar
kitchen hops," and "all humbug," is select English, es-
pecially in the mouth of a young lady.

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Another of these choice productions ("Hyde Nugent") introduces a gentleman, "divinement beau," who sits down to chatter stuff to la belle, whilst a friend, who "Tom "keeps up the talk," "does sailor," and plays fool." Where this author gathered his notions of polite society, it is hard to guess. From the coarse familiarity of manner, twaddling sentiment, and extreme absurdity of this novel, to say nothing of the prodigious knowledge exhibited of flowers, satins, feathers, gazes, and other female gear, we should conjecture it was written by a manmilliner.

It would be utterly impossible to give individual men

ply to mark the distinction between the educated and uneducated,) there is none of this footman-like admiration of fine equipages and fine clothes. They are the trappings of their state, and assumed as a matter of


For fear the sheer inanity of the things should give them their quietus before they have done their duty by the publisher's pockets, the public curiosity is perpetually stimulated by puffs of their vast popularity, and such paragraphs as the following:-"We understand that the author of expressly disclaims all personality. This, however, is well understood; no one, we are persuaded, can fail to recognise the originals of ——, and —————————, and &c. And, lest the obtuse faculties of the reader should fail in discovering the resemblance, as well they may, the paragraph-writer is kind enough to point them out with initials.

tion to one-half of these pictures of high life, as they have the impudence to style themselves; but there is one so pre-eminent in ignorance, insolence, vulgarity, unblushing impudence, and crawling servility, that it deserves to take place of all its brethren, were they fifty times as bad as they are. We allude to a book called "The In the gratification of a craving and unhealthy appeGuards." The title may probably induce many to take tite for slander, people care not how common or unclean it up; but they must have the patience of Job, or the the vessel in which their favourite potion is administered, stupidity of the author, if they do not lay it down before so that it be administered. No matter how bald or abthey have got half through the first volume. The story, surd the plot, how paltry the matter, how contemptible if story it may be called, is a mere vehicle for the intro- the manner,---nothing will open their eyes; only let it be duction of all sorts of worn-out scandal, stale Joe Millers, hinted, that the forthcoming novel contains some very pifadé moralizing, bad puns, slang, and loathsome adula- quant anecdotes and personal sketches, and all faults will tion,--sometimes of the "beneficent star of Brunswick," be forgotten, and all blunders-social, moral, and gramthe "gracious and graceful Monarch;" sometimes of thematical-forgiven, for the sake of the would-be satire, Gardes, as they are affectedly called. The author would fain have us believe he has been in the "Gardes," and so, perhaps, he has in the service of one of the officers. Let him be where he will-on parade, in the ball-room, or the park, affecting sentiment or aping ton, he is still "Tom Errand in Beau Clincher's clothes ;" and not the scraps of Latin, French, and Italian, dragged in at every page, nor even bien obligato, senor cabalero, as we say in Spain," can disguise the fact of his being a genuine "pleb," to use his own elegant phraseology. Witness his eternal enumerations of the fine things used by his fine hero, his "lots of carriages and horses," elegant "turns out," ," "magnificent hooka," "beautiful enamelled box of Havannah cigars," &c. &c. A gentleman may possess all these luxuries, but he would not fancy his gentility at all increased by the mention of such fopperies, any more than he would talk to the waiter at his hotel of the clubs it was proper to belong to; or speak of "flimsies" in the Tom and Jerry style; or put into the mouth of an earl's daughter such language as, "You must be addled and besotted," addressed to her husband when he differs from her in opinion; or say, in his own person, "the Life Guards have been all smarted and brushed up, and have been to foreign parts;" or inform us that Miss So-and-so, who married a foreign count, "let down the steps" of a carriage, and a thousand similar elegancies.



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We had conjectured before, that lords and ladies eat, and drank, and laughed, and talked, and slept, very much like the rest of the world; or, if we lacked this valuable knowledge, surely it is to be attained at much less expense of time and trouble, than by wading through whole volumes of worse than childish folly and disgusting affectation. Granting that the authors really know what they are talking about---and which is conceding as much as can be expected of mortal creature at one sitting---and that the Exclusives and Distingués, or by whatever absurd or affected name they choose to be called, really think and act as they are represented, all that can be said is, that they are inconceivably more stupid and ridiculous than their worst enemies could have ventured to suppose them. But the simple truth is, that what the noble and the wealthy think or do in common with the rest of mankind, was known before; what is peculiar to their class, these novelists will fail to impart, for the lack of three grand requisites---to wit, knowledge of the subject, plain English, and common sense.

London. Hurst, Chance, & Co. 1829.

It is really astonishing that, with such proofs of their origin before their eyes, people will persist in believing this trash the production of those authorized to mix in the circles they pretend to describe. A groom of the chambers, by a little attention, and the assistance of my lady's woman, may easily pick up tittle tattle enough for a novel of this class. By virtue of his office he knows The Life of Archbishop Cranmer. By J. A. Sargant. the etiquette of an assembly room, and the outward and visible signs of rank and distinction; and what should THERE are few men who have greater claims on poshinder him from turning an honest penny by disposing terity than Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury. of this valuable knowledge to some Grub Street writer, The times in which he lived, the noble share he sustained or even from spoiling some reams of paper himself, if he in the great reformation of religion, his reputation as a reshould have a taste for literature? Such a person, it is former, a theologian, and a scholar, and his melancholy fate, true, must be as utterly incapable of comprehending how invest his history with an interest of no common kind. far the accidents of rank and fortune may operate bene- The work before us is, we understand, from the pen of a ficially, or otherwise, upon the moral entity, as he is of lady, and delineates, in an eloquent and forcible manner, writing three consecutive sentences in decent English. the life of the illustrious apostle and martyr. It is not, inHis eyes, which are incompetent to "guard their master deed, to be concealed that the fair author carries her vene'gainst a post," when he prates of humanity, are all-suf- ration for the Archbishop a little too far; and, we doubt ficient to show him the superior gentility of silver four- not, it will be asserted by many that she is too much of an chettes, as he would delight to call them, to iron pitch- extravagant panegyrist of his life and opinions. forks; and as all the difference he can see between man as we flatter ourselves that we know something of the and man, is the pomp and circumstance of their living, history of that period, we maintain that the work, on the he takes it for granted that no other can exist. Accord- whole, is as candid a statement as any that has hitherto ingly, in his self-styled pictures, he gives meet place and appeared. The reasons which induced our authoress to honour to these glorious attributes, agreeably to his own lay it before the public are as honourable to herself as grovelling conviction of their importance-just as a bump- they are modest and unpretending. "No presumptuous kin, who can scarcely read, neglects the contents of a display of diligent research, of accurate discrimination, book to stare at the binding. In novels, such as "Maor of acute reasoning, is intended; neither is any pretentilda" and some others, which, however common-place sion made to the charms of novelty or the attractions of and uninteresting, are undoubtedly the production of gen- amusement. Above all, party spirit, and a desire to protlemen, (we do not use the word aristocratically, but sim-voke controversy, are utterly disavowed. The work was


commenced with a view to the improvement and gratification of the rising generation and the simpler walks of life, solely at the request of one whose anxiety to promote the best interests of the community is equalled only by his munificence and personal exertions in the same cause, and to whom peculiar obligations rendered a denial impossible."

But, notwithstanding this apologetical introduction, the authoress has evidently read and studied much; and, above all, she possesses that indispensable qualification in a theological writer, for the want of which no other attainments can compensate-a thorough conviction of the importance of religion. Firmly persuaded of the justice of the cause which she so well defends, she advances to the history of the Archbishop's life without fearing the obstacles which were to be encountered, and she concludes her affecting narrative in the same spirit

of amiable and genuine devotion with which she commences. We shall add a short extract or two, as specimens of the style in which the book is written. The following passage describes, in few words, the character of the leading English reformers:

"The other persons who bore any principal part at this time in the Reformation, were Latimer, bishop of Worcester, Shaxton, bishop of Salisbury, and Barlow, bishop of St David's; but Cranmer did not derive any material assistance from either of them. The abilities and eminent virtues of the first were admirably calculated to forward his views in his private functions, but, as a public character, he was very unequal to devise, and still more unskilful to execute. Conscious of his defects, he confined himself principally to his pastoral duties, in which he was indefatigable. Shaxton was a man of morose manners and forbidding aspect; so much so, indeed, that he was generally disliked, and hence, whatever he proposed, was received with prejudice and dissatisfaction. It was well, probably, that his severity was tempered by the benignity and clemency of Cranmer, or measures might have been resorted to which would have filled the advocates of the Protestant cause with regret, and furnished its enemies with a never-failing source of invective. Barlow, on the other hand, was as indiscreet, and as full of levity, as the other was severe and unbending; and so unguarded in his conversation, that, though a man of considerable sense and learning, it was impossible to intrust him with any affair of importance. Frequently would Cranmer exclaim, after a long consultation upon some interesting point, This is all very true, but my brother Barlow, in half an hour, will teach the world to believe it is but a jest.'"-Pp. 76–7.

Were we to enter upon any analysis of Cranmer's proceedings as connected with the Reformation, his endeavours to put the people in possession of the Scriptures, his conduct at the dissolution of the monasteries, and his whole career, till the day that Mary began her brief but inglorious reign, we should extend our remarks far beyond our limits. Referring our readers to the work before us for information on these subjects, we need only remark, that, at the accession of Mary, Cranmer was too important a person to escape. His enemies were numerous and powerful; and the Popish Church, which had a temporary re-establishment during that reign, was implacable against him. The trial, the recantation, and the martyrdom of Cranmer, are well told by our fair biographer. We shall conclude by quoting her account of his last moments:


devil is with him.' Regardless of their words, Cranmer presented his hand to certain old men, and some of the specwas, gave offence, and a priest of the name of Ely, not only tators who were known to him; but the act, simple as it refused the salutation, but reproved others for not doing so.

"Arrived at the fatal spot where his friends, Ridley and Latimer, had perished before him, he kneeled down and prayed with great devotion and earnestness; and then, with the utmost composure, and even alacrity, began to make the last requisite preparations. The bitterness of death was now past, and its terrors were disregarded; the serenity of his soul was restored; tears no longer dimmed his eyes, but the gracious smile of former days again illuminated his features, and told that all was at peace with himself and with the world. He was now undressed to his shirt, which was made to touch the ground, his head and feet being uncovered. At this moment, the Spanish priests once more endeavoured to shake his resolution; but finding their efforts ineffectual, they exclaimed, 'Let us go from him, for the

"Being bound with a strong chain, and fastened to the stake, the fire was placed to the wood. As soon as the flames ascended, he stretched forth his right hand, and suspended it over them until it was entirely consumed, frequently at the same time exclaiming, 'This unworthy hand!' The wind having drifted the flames on one side, the spectators had an opportunity of observing him minutely; and so completely had the constancy of his spirit overcome the infirmities of nature, that he seemed to be perfectly insensible to the agony of his torments. Amazed at his fortitude, and conceiving that such conduct could be the result of madness only, one of the friars ran to Lord Williams, declaring his opinion; but his lordship, who was better acquainted with the greatness of the soul of the sufferer, silenced him by a grave but expressive smile. His agonies, however, it is to be hoped, were not of long duration. The wind was high, and the flames, burning very fiercely, soon envelopped him. He was distinctly heard to utter, Lord Jesus! into thy hands I commend my spirit!' and with these words he expired.

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"Friends and foes alike bear testimony to the extraordinary fortitude he displayed on this dreadful occasion. By the former it was repeated with exultation; and long after his death, it was believed that his heart was found entire among the flames, as a proof of his constancy."-Pp. 277-9.

We need only add, that this volume will be read by every one, whatever be his religious creed, with interest; and that it is well worthy the exalted patronage it has received, as indicated by its being dedicated to Dr Blomfield, the Bishop of London.

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We do not think a Journal such as ours a fit medium for the dissemination of scientific knowledge. Literary notices and disquisitions have each an independent existence that admits of their being ushered independently and alone into the world. But the simplest fact connected with science must be subordinated to the great whole of which it forms a part. By attempting to give such subjects a place in our columns, we should incur the double hazard of appearing dull to our readers, without increasing their knowledge, and of encouraging the tendency of the age to a dilettante spirit of dallying with science. the same time, as we regard our own special province in the light of something better than a mere source of amusement for an idle hour, as we take pride in considering it that branch of mental culture which gives the last finish to our knowledge of the litteræ humaniores, we esteem no exertion of intellect exempt from our regards. We believe taste and imagination to be those faculties of the mind which most surely maintain it pure and noble; but we believe that their flight will be strong and free in proportion to the cultivation of our other powers. And, in this view of the matter, we scarcely expect to be accused of trespassing beyond our own limits when we occasionally direct our readers' attention to the exertions of the scientific world. Nay more, we are of opinion that there is a sort of debateable land---as, for example, the workings of the mind, and the contemplation of the phenomena of external nature---respecting which it might be difficult to determine whether it belong more properly to our province or to that of the scientific enquirer.

Scientific journals, such as that whose title we have quoted above, do not aspire to popularity in the common sense of the word, or, if they do, they will lose their labour. The great mass of mankind are now pretty generally prepared to acknowledge that they are materially benefited by every advance made in science; but only those who are deeply versant in its mysteries can be expected to follow, with attention and interest, every step that it takes. The philosopher must pursue the discovery

of truth from a deep-rooted and living love of the pursuit; he must not be influenced by a mere conviction of the mechanical benefits to arise from his success, and he must remain contented with the sympathy of a comparatively narrow circle. Steadily following this honourable course, he may rest assured, whenever the question that haunts us all occurs to him, What does the world at large think of me? that the respect and love of all good men are with him.

It is under these impressions that we have been induced to notice the appearance of the first number of the new series of Dr Brewster's Journal. We have been further influenced by an honest pride in every additional claim that our own town lays to distinction. We feel certain that, under the management of one who stands so far forward in the ranks of science, who has been so long conversant with editorial duties, and who is supported by the strong body of talent enumerated on the title-page, the Edinburgh Journal of Science will take a conspicuous place among the many that are now published throughout Europe. We observe that Dr Brewster intends devoting a portion of his journal to a narrative of the proceedings of various scientific societies. Will he allow us to suggest an improvement on this part of his task, which we are almost surprised has not before been adopted? Strictly scientific pursuits (unlike those of the imagination, which most affect solitude) are materially promoted by the frequent converse and co-operation of many; and, in this point of view, societies have proved highly beneficial to science. But, as it is certain, that wherever a multitude collect, the weaker class of minds will outnumber the strong, vague and desultory habits of enquiry have always tended to sully the proceedings of these bodies. Might it not then be of advantage, if, to a mere narrative of their transactions, Dr Brewster, or some of his assistants, were to add occasionally a critical appreciation and summary of their results? We are aware that we are inciting him to undertake a task of peculiar delicacy; but we think that something of this kind would prove a powerful engine, and capable of effecting much good.

Travels in North America; in the Years 1827 and 1828. By Captain Basil Hall, Royal Navy. In 3 volumes. Edinburgh. Cadell & Co. 1829.

(Second Notice.)

We have been told that Captain Hall was not very much liked in America, and we are but little surprised that it should be so; for, with all the manly frankness of a British sailor, he disdained to say any thing in the country, which he was not prepared to stand by out of it. He assures us, and we firmly believe him, that every word he now publishes, he has repeatedly and openly spoken in company in all parts of the United States. To a people like the Americans, whose leading failings are vanity and jealousy, this would be "pretty considerable" disagreeable, especially as the Captain saw ample cause to find fault; and, in general, though he acknowledged the rapid progress which the nation appeared to be making, could by no means be brought to allow that they were not, as yet, far behind Great Britain in the arts, in literature, in the science of government, and in all the elegancies and comforts of life. The straightforward policy he thus pursued may have exposed him personally to a good deal of annoyance; but certainly no honest man can find fault with it. Besides, the Americans are now prepared for his book, whatever it may be; and if it errs in being a little too English, Captain Hall may justly console himself with the reflection, that " an account which should please every body, would require, not months or years, or even a whole life, it must not be the work of a mortal, but of an angel--and a hard task he would have of it!"

We have already said that we do not intend entering the lists with Captain Hall on any of the graver ques

tions which he discusses in the course of his three volumes; but we beg most particularly to direct the attention of our readers to Chapters XI., XII., XIII., and | XIV., in Volume Second, where our author explains, with great acuteness, and a very complete knowledge of the subject, all the advantages and disadvantages of the American constitution, whether it be considered as a republic, according to the original intention of its founders, or as a pure democracy, according to the tendency of late innovations. At present we content ourselves, and we hope our readers, with adding a few more lively extracts upon miscellaneous subjects :



"By far the most interesting school, however, which we saw in the course of this busy day, was one for the education of Negro and Mulatto children. Poor little wretches! their whole souls-if, as Uncle Toby says, they have souls —were thrown into their lessons; and it was delightful to hobby was to teach blacks; and who had devoted many see them, under the guidance of a man, whose particular years of his life exclusively to this subject. I was led to think he had a better taste in teaching than some other persons we had seen in the course of the morning; for, when one of the little quaminos, in answer to some question, made use of a common English vulgarism, and said, The book is laying there,' the master called out, What! do you mean that the book is laying eggs?' We naturally begged to know whether or not he had discovered any material difference in the intellectual powers of the blacks and whites at these schools. His answer was, that up to a certain age, that is to say, as long as they were little children, there was no difference perceptible as they played about together, and studied together, the blacks were not made to feel any of those distinctions by which, in after life, their spirits the state of New York, where Negro slavery has been abowere sure to be crushed down. I was told, that even in lished by law, a black man meets with no real and effective sympathy on the part of the white lords of the creation. Consequently, let a Negro be ever so industrious or wellinformed, still he seems stamped for degradation, and thus has little or no fair chance amongst the whites, who will mutual confidence, which is the most important link of cineither trust him, nor allow of his trusting them. Thus, vil society, is broken, and when that is the case, there re mains, I fear, no other method of attaching to its interest, fellow-feeling is inevitably prevented from growing up."— a class so circumstanced, between whom and the whites all Vol. I. p. 29-30.


"In all other countries, with which I have any acquaintance, the use of ardent spirits is confined almost exclusively to the vulgar; and though, undoubtedly, the evil it causes may be severe enough, it certainly is not, upon the whole, any where so conspicuous as in the United States. In the course of the journey, such ample means of judging with great confidence, when I say that a deeper curse never of these effects lay on every hand, that I speak of them afflicted any nation. The evil is manifested in almost every walk of life, contaminates all it touches, and at last finds its consummation in the alms-house, the penitentiary, or the insane institution; so that, while it threatens to sap the foundation of every thing good in America, political yellow fever, or the Negro slavery, because apparently the and domestic, it may truly be said to be worse than the irremediable. Dram-drinking has been quaintly called the natural child, and the boon companion of democracy, and is probably not less hurtful to health of body, than that system of government appears to be to the intellectual powers of the mind.

"Fortunately, however, the sober-minded part of the of this growing and frightful evil, are making great efforts American population, who are fully alive to the enormity to check its progress. that as yet I have not heard in conversation, nor seen in At the same time, I must confess, print, nor observed any thing myself in passing through the country, which promises the least alleviation to this grievous mischief, of which the origin and continuance, suspect, lie somewhat deeper than any American is willing to carry his probe. The habit, according to my view of the matter, is interwoven in the very structure of that po hold as the very wisest that has ever been devised, or ever litical society which the Americans not only defend, but upput in practice for the good of mankind. At present, how


ever, my object is to deal chiefly with the fact, though I may remark, in passing, that in a country where all effective power is placed, not indirectly, and for a time, but directly, universally, and permanently, in the hands of the lowest and most numerous class of the community, the characteristic habits of that class must, of necessity, predominate, in spite of every conceivable device recommended and adopted by the wise and the good men of the nation. "That I am not overstating the facts of this case, will be seen from the following extracts from the First Report of the American Society for the promotion of Temperance,' established at Boston on the 10th of January, 1826. The evils arising from an improper use of intoxicating liquors, have become so extensive and desolating, as to call for the immediate, vigorous, and persevering efforts of every philanthropist, patriot, and Christian. The number of lives annually destroyed by this vice in our own country is thought to be more than thirty thousand; and the number of persons who are diseased, distressed, and impoverished by it, to be more than two hundred thousand; many of them are not only useless, but a burden and a nuisance to society. These liquors, it is calculated, cost the inhabitants of this country, annually, more than forty millions of dollars; and the pauperism occasioned by an improper use of them, (taking the commonwealth of Massachusetts as an example,) costs them upwards of twelve millions of dollars.-The Society is in hopes, that, by some system of instruction and action, a change may be brought about in public sentiment and practice, in regard to the use of intoxicating liquors, and thus an end be put to that wide-spreading intemperance, which has already caused such desolation in every part of our country, and which threatens destruction to the best interests of this growing and mighty Republic.' "After these frightful statements, it may seem strange that, during the whole journey, I should have seen very little drunkenness, properly so called. But drinking and drunkenness, it must be observed, are not always necessarily connected; and I was perfectly astonished at the extent of intemperance, and the limited amount of absolute intoxication. To get so drunk as to kick up a row or tumble long, are feats that require a man to sit down to his bottle, about the streets, or disturb a peaceable household all night and swill away till inebriety is produced. To what extent this practice is followed as a habit in America I cannot say I certainly never saw any of it; but what I did see, at every corner into which I travelled, north or south, east or west, was the universal practice of sipping, a little at a time, but frequently. In many places it was the custom to take a dram before breakfast, and, in some parts of the country, another was taken immediately after that meal; and so on at intervals, which varied from half an hour to a couple of hours during the whole day."-Vol. II. pp. 83-90.


"I have reason indeed to believe, from what I saw and heard, that the American discipline, especially as applied to officers, is more stern than in the British navy, and for a reason which I think will be admitted the instant it is stated. With us, the supply of officers comes from a society not only familiar with the theory of ranks, if I may say so, but practically acquainted with those artificial distinctions in authority-the acknowledgment of which forms the very life and soul of a fleet. Consequently, whether it be at first starting, or in after years of professional life, naval officers with us meet with nothing in their intercourse with general society on shore to weaken the habit of subordination taught on board ship. The details of obedience may be different afloat and on shore, just as the duties are essentially different; but the principle of paying respect to the distinctions of rank, without any attendant feeling of degradation, is thus quite easily kept up amongst English officers at all times and seasons, whether they be on the water or on land. But a young American officer, when he comes on shore to visit his friends, and goes to the back woods, or front woods, or any where, indeed, will hear more in one day to interfere with his lessons of dutiful suberdination, than he may be able to recover in a year of seaservice. Unless, therefore, the system of discipline on board be not only very strict, but of such a nature as to admit of no escape from its rules, the whole machinery would fall to pieces. Democracy, in short, with its sturdy equality will hardly do afloat!

"I heard a story at Washington which is in point to this argument. A midshipman of an American ship of war, having offended in some way or other against the rules of the service, fell, of course, under his captain's displeasure,

and was reprimanded accordingly. The youth, however, not liking this exercise of authority, announced his intention of appealing to the people,' which determination was forthwith reported to head-quarters. By return of post, an order came down to say, that Mr So-and-so, being the citizen of a free state, had a perfect right to appeal to the people; and in order to enable him to proceed in this matter without official entanglement, his discharge from the Navy was enclosed.

"Great care is taken in the selection of persons wishing to enter the Navy; and these gentlemen are also exposed afterwards to frequent and rigorous examinations; by which means incompetent persons are excluded. Be the causes, however, as they may, I can only state, that the American naval officers are pleasant persons to associate with; and I reflect with great pleasure on the many professional acquaintances I was fortunate enough to make in that and other countries. I also look forward with equal confidence to meeting them again; being well assured, that whatever the nature of our intercourse may be-as national foes or as national allies, or merely as private friends—I shall have thorough-bred officers and gentlemen to co-operate or contend with."-Vol. II. pp. 147-9.


Americanisms, during which Mr Webster gave me some new "We had a pleasant discussion on the use of what are called views on this subject. He contended that his countrymen had not only a right to adopt new words, but were obliged to modify the language to suit the novelty of the circumstances, geographical and political, in which they were where there was an equally expressive English word, cut placed. He fully agreed with me, however, in saying, that and dry, it ought to be used in preference to a new one. 'Nevertheless,' said he, it is quite impossible to stop the progress of language-it is like the course of the Mississippi, the motion of which at times is scarcely perceptible, yet even then it possesses a momentum quite irresistible. It is the same with the language we are speaking of. Words and expressions will be forced into use, in spite of all the exertions of all the writers in the world.'

"Yes,' I observed; but surely such innovations are to

be deprecated?'

universally current in America, where English is spoken, "I don't know that,' he replied. If a word become why should it not take its station in the language?"

"Because,' I said, there are words enough already; and it only confuses matters, and hurts the cause of letters, to introduce such words.'

things happen currently, and, in process of time, your new "But,' said he, reasonably enough, in England such words find their way across the Atlantic, and are incorporated in the spoken language here. In like manner,' he added, many of our words, heretofore not used in England, have gradually crept in there, and are now an acknowledged part of the language. The interchange, in short, is inevitable; and, whether desirable or not, cannot be stopped, or even essentially modified.'

"I asked him what he meant to do in this matter in his Dictionary.

"I mean,' he said, 'to give every word at present in general use, and hope thereby to contribute in some degree to fix the language at its present station. This cannot be done completely; but it may be possible to do a great deal.'

"I begged to know what he proposed to do with those words which were generally pronounced differently in the two countries. In that case,' said he, I would adopt that which was most consonant to the principles of the English language, as denoted by the analogy of similar words, without regarding which side of the water that analogy favoured. For example, you in England universally say chivalry-we as generally say shivalry; but I should certainly give it according to the first way, as more consist→ ent with the principles of the language. On the other hand, your way of pronouncing deaf is def-ours as if it were written deef; and as this is the correct mode, from which you have departed, I shall adhere to the American way.'

"I was at first surprised when Mr Webster assured me there were not fifty words in all which were used in America and not in England; but I have certainly not been able to collect nearly that number. He told me, too, what I did not quite agree to at the time, but which subsequent enquiry has confirmed, as far as it has gone, that, with very few exceptions, all these apparent novelties are merely old English words, brought over to America by the early settlers, being

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