صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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Exercise 3. Complete these sentences, using we or us

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in the blank spaces:

[blocks in formation]

9. The master punished all the boys, especially ·

- two.

[blocks in formation]

Exercise 5.

who did it.

who did so badly.

I should have said so.

who work.

who are idle.

Remember to use who for the subject and

whom for the object of verbs and prepositions.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

1. who was thrown from his horse.

2. which broke out of the cage.

3. that I have ever known.

4. what he told me.

5. who died during the war.

6. whom you saw passing by.
7. which is a long way from here.
8. what he ought to do.

9. whom the Indians killed.

10. whom the great fish swallowed.

11. which is the greatest country on earth.

12. what appeared impossible.

13. that I ever saw.

14. which was a great pity.

15. whose mother was ill.


What is a pronoun? What is a personal pronoun? What pronouns are of the first person? What pronouns are of the second person? What pronouns are of the third person? What is meant by inflection? What is it to decline a noun or a pronoun? Decline I, thou, he, she, it. With what is the pronoun I always written? How are the compound personal pronouns formed? Name the compound personal pronouns. What is a relative pronoun? Name the relative pronouns. What is meant by antecedent? Decline who. To what does who refer? To what does which refer? To what does that refer? How is what used? What is a relative clause? What is an interrogative pronoun? Name the interrogative pronouns. What is a demonstrative pronoun? Into what three classes are demonstrative pronouns divided?



Finish each story as you think best:

1. We had been bathing in the surf for a half hour, not knowing there were sharks in the water. One of the boys was swimming some distance from the shore

2. An old apple woman kept a stand on the corner near our house. One day some mischievous boys overturned her stand, and were grabbing for the apples

3. One summer we had a camp by the side of a stream in the wildest parts on the mountains of Tennessee. There were a few bears left in that region, though we were not looking for them. One morning early

4. Late one night our household was awakened by hearing some one crying, Fire! Fire! Hastily putting on a few clothes, I rushed downstairs and out into the yard


5. A poor beggar girl stood one Christmas Eve on the It was cold, and she was poorly and thinly dressed. A young man who was passing in a hurry dropped his purse

Using these words as outlines, complete the whole story as you think it happened:

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1. A wounded lion a kind hunter time passed the hunter's danger - the lion's gratitude.

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a swoop- child carried off

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3. A ship-man overboard - boats-life excitement- rescue name and story.


4. A desert the camels no water · a sand storm an oasis saved.

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(The above stories, when completed, should be corrected and copied, and may be used for language studies in all the pupil has learned up to this time.)


We have already seen that an adjective is a word that describes or limits the meaning of a noun or a pronoun, as beautiful, red, several, ten.

From this definition we see that there are two kinds of adjectives. Those which describe are descriptive adjectives, and those which limit are limiting adjectives.

1. A descriptive adjective is one that describes a noun or a pro


An honest man is the noblest work of God.

If you are good, you will be happy.

2. A limiting adjective is one that limits the meaning of a noun or a pronoun.

This hat cost five dollars.

Many people live in yonder house.

Some limiting adjectives refer to number.


that refer to number are also called numeral adjectives.)

one, two, three, first, second, third.

Some limiting adjectives refer to particular persons or things.

this, that, the, yonder, these, those.

Some limiting adjectives refer to any object and any number of things.

a, an, any, much, more, many, every, all, some.

NOTE. The limiting adjectives a, an, the, are sometimes called articles. (See page 128.)

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