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In bringing to a close this volume of the "CHRISTIAN TREASURY," the Editor does not deem it necessary to say much. He is conscious of many imperfections in its management, and less interested critics may, perhaps, have discovered many more. At the same time he trusts that the readers of the periodical have found in its pages a large quantity of really interesting, valuable, and improving material.

The contents of the "TREASURY" have been of a very varied kind. It has been enriched with contributions from many of the most gifted men of our time-the deep and extensive mine of old Christian authorship has been as far as possible explored, and many precious fragments, sometimes rough, but always weighty, have been extracted-drafts have been made upon contemporary banks, many of them wealthy and of established reputation-while gems and jewels not a few have been borrowed from the sacred exchequer of the poets. All these the Editor has done his best to procure and arrange, adding occasionally a mite of his own: and while the work has cost him, certainly, much trouble, he can truly say that it has brought its own reward, and has given him more pleasure. And if there has been any reward higher and more honourable-if by the instrumentality of the "CHRISTIAN TREASURY," any soul, poor in present possession, and in prospect poorer, has been led to seek after "the unsearchable riches;" if thereby any, already rich in faith and in good works, and heirs of the kingdom, have been taught to "covet even more earnestly the best gifts," and to strive after the increasing of their " heavenly treasures;" if any have found pleasure, or comfort, or instruction in its pages--the Editor would desire, with all thankfulness and humility, to bless the God who has thus condescended to own and honour his labours.

The Editor is happy to be able to say, that he has succeeded in securing for the new volume, about to be commenced, the assistance of the leading ministers of most of the Evangelical Churches of our land, and also of several highly distinguished Christian laymen; and he fondly hopes that, under such auspices, the "CHRISTIAN TREASURY" may prove truly worthy of its name, may commend itself to the approbation and support of the Christian public, and may be powerful, in the Lord's hand, as an instrument of good.

February, 1846.

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