unto the hearers; and Ephef. v. 3. But Fornication, and all Uncleanness and Covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becomes Saints; neither Filthiness, nor foolish Talking, nor Fefting, which are not convenient, but rather giving of Thanks. 3. Give me leave to Suggest to you, that there is a Spiritual Adultery, which many of us, who perhaps deteft Carnal Adultery, as they do Toads and Serpents, may be very guilty of. And this as well as the Sin of the Flesh, excludes from the Kingdom of Heaven, and it is no other than inordinate Love of the World, or fuch a Love of the World, which makes us neglect our duty to God, and to our own Souls. To this purpofe St. James, Fam. iv. 4. Ye Adulterers, and Adultreffes, know ye not, that the Friendship of the World is enmity with God, and whosoever will be a Friend of the World, is an Enemy of God? We are Married to Chrift Fefus. He is our Bridegroom, and our Husband, who bought us with his Blood, and made us his own by the dearest thing imaginable, by laying down his Life for us. And there is none that knows how Love, Affection and Fidelity, and feeing one anothers Happiness are the indifpenfable Duties of married Perfons, but muft grant, that these Qualifications muft neceffarily be required of us, with refpect to our Lord and Master, and Husband, Christ, who hath not failed to do his Part, but hath loved us, discovered his Faithfulness to us, and fought our Happiness even to Aftonishment. If we make not the fame re turns, turns, or pay that Love and Fidelity to the World, to the Riches and Pleafures of this Life, which are due to him, as our Husband, we become Adulterers and Adultereffes, and the love of the Father is not in us, 1 Joh. xi. 16. Carnal Adultery is a crying Sin, one of the blacker fort: A Sin fo heinous, that the Primitive Church, efpecially the African would give no Pardon for it, no though the Offender were never fo Penitent; not admit him to their Publick Prayers, and Communion. Such dreadful Apprehenfions had they of this Sin, if a Perfon fell into it after Baptifm. Indeed it is a Violation of the most facred Inftitution of God, and making a Separation there, where God hath commanded the greatest Union. It is a manifest Violation of that Faith, which was given to each other before God, and the elect Angels, and the whole Congregation. It is an Injustice attended with Profanation of God, in whofe Name the Parties were joined together; there is Theft, there is Robbery in it, for one of the Parties is not only Robbed of his, or her right, but of the greatest Jewel, which is Peace, and content of Mind. It is a Profanation of the greatest Mystery of our Religion, even the Union of Christ, and his Church, which is reprefented by Marriage. And if the Gonfcience in the guilty Perfon awakes on this fide the Grave, it will fill the Soul with very great Horrour, kindle Hell fire in her Bofom, as a prefage of the Flames, that will fhortly, (if God's Mercy doth not interpofe,) be her Portion in the other World. So So heinous a Sin is Carnal Adultery. And fhall we make nothing of Spiritual Adultery? Which must néceffarily be as dreadful; as the Perfon whom we are tied to, is more excellent, the Wrong, that's done to him greater, and his Arm more powerful to revenge our Treachery. In the two standing Sacraments of the Church, we own this Marriage, and profefs we are united to God in a Matrimonial Bond, that we are joined to Chrift Jefus, and that we will be Faithful to him, beyond all Perfons whatsoever: Love nothing like him, Honour and Reverence him as our Head, and fuffer our felves to be guided by him. If we neglect all this, care not for fo great a Perfon, are taken with Trifles more than with his Love, and efpoufe thofe Sins which his Soul doth hate; if we leave him in Adversity, forfake him in the time of Danger, comply with the World, and had rather part with a good Confcience, than with our Eafe and Profit, and Advantages in the World? Is this Matrimonial Love? Is this being faithful to the Husband of our Souls? Is not this breaking the Bond, and diffolving the Tie, and divor cing our felves from him, who loved us, and wash'd us with his own Blood? And will not this Perfidioufnefs make him break out in the Language of a difconfolate Huband, I am broken with their whorish Heart, which hath departed from me, Ezech. vi. 9. Well; a Chriftian that's fenfible of the Unreafonableness of such Perfidiousness, I am fure will take another Course, and fubmit himself heartily and willingly to K the the Saviour of the Body, Chrift Jefus, and like a loving dutiful Wife be fubject to him in the fear of God, and that's the way to share in all his Benefits, even in the Benefits mention'd, Ephef. v. 25. Husbands love your Wives, even as Christ alfo loved the Church. SER. SERMON XXVI. St. Matth. Ch. v. Ver. 29, 30. And if thy right Eye offend thee,pluck it out, and caft it from thee; for it is profitable for thee, that one of thy Members should perish, and not that thy whole Body Should be caft into Hell. And if thy right Hand offend thee,cut it off, and caft it from thec's for it is profitable for thee, that one of thy Members fhould perish, and not that thy whole Body fhould be caft into Hell. T Hefe Words relate either to all the Command, or Prohibition immediately preceding; either to all the Rules, and Lessons, and Vertues, which we have already treated of, fuch as Humility, Meeknefs, Hunger and Thirst after Righteousness, purity of Heart, Peaceablenefs and Peace-making, exceeding the Scribes and Pharifees in Righteoufnefs, leading an Exemplary Life, &c. or to the Law and Command which prohibits har bouring Adulterous, and impure Defires, Intentions, Ka |