صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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Vol. XIV (1919) of the English Edition of the Bulletin of the International Labour Office of Basle is being printed by the new International Labour Office (associated with the League of Nations) in its usual form for the convenience of members of the International Association for Labour Legislation and other subscribers. From the year 1920 onwards English translations of the Labour laws and regulations issued in the different countries will be published in a series to be known as the "Legislative Series," particulars of which can be procured from the International Labour Office, Geneva, Switzerland.

London :



Entered at the Post Office, N.Y., U.S.A., as second-class matter. Printed May, 1920.



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Vol. XIV, Nos. 1-3





[NOTE.-The German, French, and English editions of the Bulletin are referred to as G.B., F.B., and E.B., respectively.]

National Labour Legislation


I. Argentine Republic

1. Ley 10505 sobre el trabajo a domicilio, 8 de octubre de 1918 (Boletin de la Union Industrial Argentina 1918, No 598, p. 30). Act No. 10505 respecting Homework. Dated 8th October, 1918.

1. The provisions of this Act shall apply in the Federal Capital and the national territories, and shall affect all persons, without distinction of sex, who are employed customarily or by way of trade at home on account of another in manual work or service (un trabajo o oficio manual).

This Act shall not apply to domestic service.

2. Every proprietor, director or manager of an industrial or commercial concern who gives out work to be done in the worker's home, shall keep a register containing the forenames and surnames of the workers, their addresses, the quality and nature of the work given to them, and the remuneration which they are to receive.

The register shall be open to inspection by the Inspectors of the National Department of Labour, who may inspect it as often as they may consider necessary on suitable days and at suitable hours.

If the register is not kept in the prescribed manner, or if incorrect particulars are entered in it, each contravention shall be punishable by a fine of from 100 to 300 pesos.

3. As soon as a worker receives materials for the purposes of work in his home, he must be given a work-book in which the nature and quality of the work, the date on which it was given out, the remuneration to be paid to him, and the value of the materials supplied shall be entered.




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