صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


I am alone; my bugle strain

May call some straggler of the train;

Or, fall the worst that may betide,

Ere now this falchion has been tried. - Scott.

3. The thing for thee to do is, if possible, to cease to be a hollow-sounding shell of hearsays and become a faithful discerning soul. Carlyle.

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4. Another, his big brother, though evidently some years younger, is selling doughnuts and bonbons. — Mrs. Dodge.

5. While resting thus, she became aware of another presence, and turning her head, beheld a small boy with his cap in one hand and a hammer in the other. – M. A. H. Clarke.

6. Philip, so far from having the least disposition to yield in the matter of the great religious persecution, was more determined as to his course than ever. - Motley.

7. The others, to do them justice, more than atoned for Dr. Théophile's coldness by their effusive friendliness. -Janvier.

8. The stranger attempted once or twice to stem the torrent of words, but in vain; so he bowed his head and suffered it to flow on. - Irving.

9. No matter whether or not Moses was gifted in a most extraordinary degree to write his code.



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II. Would I were in a wilderness of apes, tossing cocoanuts about, grinning and grinned at. - Lamb.

12. The country rose as one man at his refusal. — J. R. Green. 13. Mr. Simon Watts, though of extremely limited means, had some ambition. - R. M. Johnston.

14. Never do we more evince our arrogant ignorance than when we boast our knowledge. Everett.

15. They are soon to be matched in a longer and more determined combat than the world has ever seen. - Motley.

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16. Grief of that sort, and at that age, has killed more than ever have been counted amongst its martyrs. · De Quincey.

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17. This resolution was in the same words, when originally submitted by Mr. Lee, as when finally passed. — Webster.

18. What matter if the Governor removes you from office? he cannot remove you from the lake; and if readers or customers will not bite, the pickerel will. — Higginson.

19. To Thompson's credit be it recorded he showed no tendency to desert the cause he had espoused. - Tyndall.

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20. In 1784, when he was twenty-one years of age, Carlton Palace was given to him, and furnished by the nation with as much luxury as could be devised. - Thackeray.

21. More than a thousand feet beneath us was the arching head of a waterfall. — King.

22. Now it sank to a murmur, as of one who consoles and soothes and promises things to come. - Besant.

23. They built their cities as if for eternity. Froude.

24. To Nature therefore we turn as to the oldest and most influential teacher of our race. Mabie.

25. His legs, though exceeding short, were sturdy in proportion to the weight they had to sustain; so that, when erect, he had not a little the appearance of a robustious beer-barrel standing on skids. Irving.

26. This is a sturdy looking personage of a good deal more than middle age. — Holmes.

27. There seems no end to the charm of their vast, smooth, all but melancholy expanses. — Howells.

28. No wonder that the ladies look complacently at the glassy ice; with a stove for a footstool, one might sit easily beside the North Pole. Mrs. Dodge.

29. Not that my motives were not as pure and as patriotic as ever carried any man into public office.


30. Despising every other acquirement as superficial and useless, they came to their task as to a sport. — Lamb.

31. Wet or dry, light or dark, the stout old George was always in his place to say amen to the chaplain. Thackeray.

32. Here the poet caught the first glimpse of a greater and freer life than moved within the narrow horizon of the Norwegian capital. — Boyesen.

33. Seven altogether; a delightful number for a dinner party, supposing the units to be delightful, but everything depends on that. George Eliot.

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34. Even genius itself then feels rebuked and subdued as in the presence of higher qualities. - Webster.

35. We ought to be as cheerful as we can, if only because to be happy ourselves is a most effective contribution to the happiness of others. Sir John Lubbock.

36. This only proves the profundity of an observation made by Mr. Bagehot a man who carried away into the next world more originality of thought than is now to be found in the Three Estates of the Realm. - Birrell.

37. Venice lures you in a gondola into one of her remote canals, where you glide through an avenue as secret and as still Howells. as if sea-deep under our work-day world..

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38. What if their palaces were grand, and their villas beautiful, and their dresses magnificent, and their furniture costly, if their lives were spent in ignoble and enervating pleasures, as is generally admitted? — Lord.

39. Antwerp shook as with an earthquake. — Motley.

40. His age, though rich in minor decorative arts, had no accomplished statuary. - Lang.

41. His pride never appeared in loftier and nobler form than in his attitude towards the people at large. — J. R. Green.

42. Suffice it to say that he received an offer of the high and responsible station of Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. of Massachusetts. Webster.

43. That one purpose of malice faithfully pursued has quartered some people upon our national funds of homage as by a perpetual annuity. De Quincey.

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44. Though not more than twice as large as New England, it presented every variety of climate. — Prescott.

45. Although it was slipping down more than half a mile of undisturbed depth it appeared to be creeping at its own will and leisure. - King.

46. He did not seem so much desirous of provoking discussion by the questions which he asked, as of obtaining information at - Lamb. any rate.

47. Would to Heaven I could persuade you of this world-old fact, than which Fate is not surer, that Truth and Justice alone are capable of being conserved. - Carlyle.

48. But death was then scarcely intelligible to me, and I could not so properly be said to suffer sorrow as a sad perplexity. — De Quincey.

49. Sink or swim, live or die, survive or perish, I give my hand and my heart to this vote. - Webster.

50. Their frequent overflow when forced back upon their currents by the strong sea, rendered the country almost uninhabitable. Motley.

51. What if this man Odin should have felt that perhaps he was divine? Carlyle.

52. I do not see my way through it as clearly as could be wished. De Quincey.

53. Woe to the child who happens to be born with a weak will in New England.-J. F. Clarke.

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The things which I have seen I now can see no more.

- Wordsworth.

55. At close quarters his striped coat is all but as fine as the tiger's, while the form and movement of his body are in every way nobler. - Drummond.


I. Who knows but the world may end to-night? - Browning. 2. The white-coated sentinels never cease to pace the bastions, night or day. Howells.

3. Marcus Aurelius is immortal, not so much for what he did as for what he was. — Lord.

4. To the right lay the sea, sometimes at full tide, sometimes withdrawn to the very horizon; but he knew it for the same sea. - Kipling.


Outside her kennel, the mastiff old
Lay fast asleep, in moonshine cold.

6. Come to read the other side of her, she had a trust in God
Almighty that was like the bow-anchor of a three-decker.


7. What is a Caucus-race?" said Alice; not that she much wanted to know, but the Dodo had paused as if it thought that somebody ought to speak, and no one else seemed inclined to say anything.-Lewis Carroll.

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8. The General was on his feet as if by the touch of a spring. - Cable.

9. It isn't fair to judge a man's promise by one performance, and that one a livery stable, so I shall say nothing. — Mrs. Wiggin.

10. Finishing a thing, doing it thoroughly before we begin anything else, is very important to our own happiness and the good of others. J. F. Clarke.

II. Upon the beach lies a piece of timber, part of a wreck; the wood is torn and the fibres rent where it was battered against the dull edge of the rocks. - Jefferies.

12. And then, being given

he set out to return home.

many rich gifts by the old Rajah, Old Deccan Days.

13. There should find a peaceoble refuge the odd volumes of

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