صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

I shall have the more guests at my awhile till I go down and call them

t and drink together the livelong night. to whom heaven sends so many guests nd he ran back down the hill, waving houting to the merchants, while Theseus p the steep path.

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ent up he met an aged man, who had

driftwood in the torrent bed. He had fagot in the road, and was trying to lift shoulder. And when he saw Theseus,

m, and said:

th, help me up with my burden; for stiff and weak with years."

us lifted the burden on his back. And blessed him, and then looked earnestly














now, fair youth, that you are going to torment o death; for he who met you (I will requite xindness by another) is a robber and a murderer Whatsoever stranger he meets he entices ither to death; and as for this bed of which he s, truly it fits all comers, yet none ever rose off it save me."

Why?" asked Theseus, astonished.

ecause, if a man be too tall for it, he lops his till they be short enough, and if he be too he stretches his limbs till they be long enough: ne only he spared, seven weary years agone; alone of all fitted his bed exactly, so he spared and made me his slave. And once I was a hy merchant, and dwelt in the great city of es; but now I hew wood and draw water for the torment of all mortal men."

en Theseus said nothing; but ground his teeth


e is no other road."

Theseus laid his hand upon the old man's ind said, "There is no need to flee;" and he o go down the pass.

not tell him that I have warned you, or he me by some evil death;" and the old man d after him down the glen. But Theseus on in his wrath.

he said to himself: "This is an ill-ruled land: hall I have done ridding it of monsters?" he spoke, Procrustes came up the hill, and all rchants with him, smiling and talking gayly. en he saw Theseus, he cried, "Ah, fair young ave I kept you too long waiting?" Theseus answered, "The man who stretches sts upon a bed, and hews off their hands and hat shall be done to him, when right is done out the land?"

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heseus flung him from him, and inte up ul club; and before Procrustes could strike d struck, and felled him to the ground. ce again Theseus struck Procrustes; and oul fled forth, like a bat into the darkness

Theseus stripped him of his gold ornaments, t up to his house, and found there great nd treasure, which he had stolen from the 7. And he went down the mountains, and

e went down the glens of Parnes, through I cloud, and rain, till he came to the pleasant Aphidnai, and the home of the heroes, where elt beneath a mighty elm.

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