صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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indeed a high ftrain of generofity in

you to think of making me easy all "my life, only because I have been fo

happy as to divert you fome few "hours; but, if I may have leave to "add it is because you think me no ¢ "enemy to my native country, there "will appear a better reafon; for I "muft of confequence be very much "(as I fincerely am) yours &c."

Thefe voluntary offers, and this faint acceptance, ended without effect.


patron was not accustomed to fuch frigid gratitude, and the poet fed his own pride with the dignity of independence. They probably were fufpicious of each other. Pope would not dedicate till he faw at what rate his praife was valued ;


he would be troublesome out of gratitude, not expectation. Halifax thought him- felf entitled to confidence, and would give nothing, unlefs he knew what he fhould receive. Their commerce had its beginning in hope of praife on one fide, and of money on the other, and ended becaufe Pope was lefs eager of money than Halifax of praife. It is not likely that Halifax had any perfonal benevolence to Pope; it is evident that Pope looked on Halifax with scorn or hatred.

The reputation of this great work failed of gaining him a patron; but it deprived him of a friend. Addison and he were now at the head of poetry and criticifin; and both in fuch a state of

elevation, that, like the two rivals in the Roman ftate, one could no longer bear an equal, nor the other a fuperior. Of the gradual abatement of kindness between friends, the beginning is often fcarcely difcernible by themfelves, and the process is continued by petty provocations, and incivilities fometimes peevithly returned, and fometimes contemptuoufly neglected, which would escape all attention but that of pride, and drop from any memory but that of refentment. That the quarrel of those two wits fhould be minutely deduced, is not to be expected from a writer to whom, as Homer fays, nothing but rumour has reached, and who has no perfonal know




Pope doubtless approached Addison, when the reputation of their wit first brought them together, with the refpect due to a man whofe abilities were acknowledged, and who, having attained that eminence to which he was himfelf afpiring, had in his hands the diftribution of literary fame. He paid court with fufficient diligence by his Prologue to Cato, by his abufe of Dennis, ‘and, with praife yet more direct, by his poem on the Dialogues on Medals, of which the immediate publication was then intended. In all this there was no hypocrify; for he confeffed that he found in Addison fomething more pleafing than in any other man.

It may be fuppofed, that as Pope faw himself favoured by the world, and more frequently compared his own powers with thofe of others, his confidence increased, and his fubmiffion leffened; and that Addison felt no delight from the advances of a young wit, who might foon contend with him for the highest place. Every great man, of whatever kind be his greatness, has among his friends thofe who officiously, or infidioufly, quicken his attention to offences, heighten his difguft, and stimulate his refentment. Of fuch adherents Addison doubtlefs had many, and Pope was now too high to be without


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