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sufficient to saturate the matter therein, they will be intirely deprived of fluid; the quantity of redundant matter in each being half the whole redundant matter in AD and EH together: but if the fluid in AD and EH together is more than sufficient to saturate the matter, the fluid in AB and GH will be pressed close together; the quantity of redundant fluid in each being half the whole redundant fluid in both spaces. Secondly, In the space CD the fluid will be pressed close together; the quantity of fluid therein being such, as to leave just enough fluid in BC to saturate the matter therein. Thirdly, The space EF will be intirely deprived of fluid; the quantity of matter therein being such that the fluid in FG shall be just sufficient to saturate the matter therein consequently, the redundant fluid in CD will be just sufficient to saturate the redundant matter in EF; for as AB and GH together contain the whole redundant fluid or matter in both spaces, the spaces BD and EG together contain their natural quantity of fluid; and therefore, as BC and FG each contain their natural quantity of fluid, the spaces CD and EF together contain their natural quantity of fluid. And fourthly, The spaces BC and FG will be saturated in all parts.

For, first, If the fluid is disposed in this manner, no particle of it can have any tendency to move: for a particle placed anywhere in the spaces BC and FG, is attracted with just as much force by EF, as it is repelled by CD; and it is repelled or attracted with just as much force by AB, as it is in a contrary direction by GH, and, consequently, has no tendency to move. A particle placed anywhere in the space CD, or in the spaces AB and GH, if they are overcharged, is indeed repelled with more force towards the planes Dd, Aa and Hh, than it is in the contrary direction; but as the fluid in those spaces is already as much compressed as possible, the particle will have no tendency to move.

Secondly, It seems impossible that the fluid should be at rest, if it is disposed in any other manner: but as this part of the demonstration is exactly similar to the latter part of that of Problem the first, I shall omit it.

31] COR. I. If the two spaces AD and EH are both overcharged, the redundant fluid in CD is half the difference of the redundant fluid in those spaces: for half the difference of the

redundant fluid in those spaces, added to the quantity in AB, which is half the sum, is equal to the whole quantity in AD. For a like reason, if AD and EH are both undercharged, the redundant matter in EF is half the difference of the redundant matter in those spaces; and if AD is overcharged, and EH undercharged, the redundant fluid in CD exceeds half the redundant fluid. in AD, by a quantity sufficient to saturate half the redundant matter in EH.

32] COR. II. It was before said, that the fluid in the spaces AB and GH (when there is any fluid in them) is repelled against the planes Aa and Hh; and, consequently, would run out through those planes, if there was any opening for it to do so. The force with which the fluid presses against the planes Aa and Hh, is that with which the redundant fluid in AB is repelled by that in GH; that is, with which half the redundant fluid in both spaces is repelled by an equal quantity of fluid. Therefore, the pressure against Aa and Hh depends only on the quantity of redundant fluid in both spaces together, and not at all on the thickness or distance of those spaces, or on the proportion in which the fluid is divided between the two spaces. If there is no fluid in AB and GH, a particle placed on the outside of the spaces AD and EH, contiguous to the planes Aa or Hh, is attracted towards those planes by all the matter in AB and GH, id est, by all the redundant matter in both spaces; and, consequently, endeavours to insinuate itself into the space AD or EH; and the force with which it does so depends only on the quantity of redundant matter in both spaces together. The fluid in CD also presses against the plane Dd, and the force with which it does so is that with which the redundant fluid in CD is attracted by the matter in EF.

33] COR. III. If AD is overcharged, and EH undercharged: and the redundant fluid in AD is exactly sufficient to saturate the redundant matter in EH, all the redundant fluid in AD will be collected in the space CD, where it will be pressed close together: the space EF will be intirely deprived of fluid, the quantity of matter therein being just sufficient to saturate the redundant fluid in CD, and the spaces AC and FH will be everywhere saturated. Moreover, if an opening is made in the planes Aa or Hh, the fluid

within the spaces AD or EH will have no tendency to run out thereat, nor will the fluid on the outside have any tendency to run. in at it a particle of fluid too placed anywhere on the outside of both spaces, as at P, will not be at all attracted or repelled by those spaces, any more than if they were both saturated; but a particle placed anywhere between those spaces, as at S, will be repelled from d towards e; and if a communication was made between the two spaces, by the canal de, the fluid would run out of AD into EH, till they were both saturated.

34] PROP. VIII. PROB. 4. To determine in what manner the fluid will be disposed in the space AD, supposing that all the rest of the universe is saturated with immoveable fluid, and that the electric attraction and repulsion is inversely as some other power of the distance than the square.

I am not able to answer this Problem accurately, except when the repulsion is inversely as the simple or some lower power of the distance; but I think we may be certain of the following circumstances.

35] CASE 1. Let the repulsion be inversely as some power of the distance between the square and the cube, and let AD be overcharged.

First, It is certain that the density of the fluid must be everywhere the same, at the same distance from the planes Aa and Dd. Secondly, There can be no space as BC, of any sensible breadth, in which the matter will not be overcharged. And thirdly, The fluid close to the planes Aa and Dd will be pressed close together. Whence, I think, we may conclude, that the density of the fluid will increase gradually from the middle of the space to the outside, where it will be pressed close together. Whether the matter exactly in the middle will be overcharged, or only saturated, I cannot tell,

36] CASE 2. Let the repulsion be inversely as some power of the distance between the square and the simple power, and let AD be overcharged.

There will be two spaces AB and DC, in which the fluid will be pressed close together, and the quantity of redundant fluid in

each of those spaces will be more than half the redundant fluid in AD; so that the space BC, taken all together, will be undercharged; but I cannot tell in what manner the fluid will be disposed in that space. The demonstrations of these two cases are exactly similar to those of the two cases of Prob. 2.

37] CASE 3. If the repulsion is inversely as the simple or some lower power of the distance, and AD is overcharged, all the fluid will be collected in the spaces AB and CD, and BC will be intirely deprived of fluid. If AD contains just fluid enough to saturate it, and the repulsion is inversely as the distance, the fluid will remain in equilibrio, in whatever manner it is disposed; provided its density is everywhere the same at the same distance from the planes Aa and Dd: but if the repulsion is inversely as some less power than the simple one, the fluid will be in equilibrio, whether it is either spread uniformly, or whether it is all collected in that plane which is in the middle between Aa and Dd, or whether it is all collected in the spaces AB and CD; but not, I believe, if it is disposed in any other manner.

The demonstration depends upon this circumstance; namely, that if the repulsion is inversely as the distance, two spaces AB and CD, repel a particle placed either between them, or on the outside of them, with the same force as if all the matter of those spaces was collected in the middle plane between them.

It is needless mentioning the three cases in which AD is undercharged, as the reader will easily supply the place.

38] Though the four foregoing problems do not immediately tend to explain the phænomena of electricity, I chose to insert them; partly because they seem worth engaging our attention in themselves; and partly because they serve, in some measure, to confirm the truth of some of the following propositions, in which I am obliged to make use of a less accurate kind of reasoning.

39] In the following propositions, I shall always suppose the bodies I speak of to consist of solid matter, confined to the same spot, so as not to be able to alter its shape or situation by the attraction or repulsion of other bodies on it: I shall also suppose the electric fluid in these bodies to be moveable, but unable to escape, unless when otherwise expressed. As for the matter in

all the rest of the universe, I shall suppose it to be saturated with immoveable fluid. I shall also suppose the electric attraction and repulsion to be inversely as any power of the distance less than the cube, except when otherwise expressed.

40] By a canal, I mean a slender thread of matter, of such kind that the electric fluid shall be able to move readily along it, but shall not be able to escape from it, except at the ends, where it communicates with other bodies. Thus, when I say that two bodies communicate with each other by a canal, I mean that the fluid shall be able to pass readily from one body to the other by that canal*.

41] PROP. IX. If any body at a distance from any over or undercharged body be overcharged, the fluid within it will be lodged in greater quantity near the surface of the body than near the center. For, if you suppose it to be spread uniformly all over the body, a particle of fluid in it, near the surface, will be repelled towards the surface by a greater quantity of fluid than that by which it is repelled from it; consequently, the fluid will flow towards the surface, and make it denser there: moreover, the particles of fluid close to the surface will be pressed close together; for otherwise, a particle placed so near it, that the quantity of redundant fluid between it and the surface should be very small, would move towards it; as the small quantity of redundant fluid between it and the surface would be unable to balance the repulsion of that on the other side.

From the four foregoing problems it seems likely, that if the electric attraction or repulsion is inversely as the square of the distance, almost all the redundant fluid in the body will be lodged close to the surface, and there pressed close together, and the rest of the body will be saturated. If the repulsion is inversely as some power of the distance between the square and the cube, it is likely that all parts of the body will be overcharged: and if it is inversely as some less power than the square, it is likely that all parts of the body, except those near the surface, will be undercharged.

42] COR. For the same reason, if the body is undercharged, the deficiency of fluid will be greater near the surface than near

* [Note 3.]

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