صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

St. Louis to St. Charles,

Charette Village,

Osage river,
Lead mine,
Maniton creek,

Saline river,
Maniton river,

G. Woman's river,
Moine river,

Two Charlton river,

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Old Fort Orleans,

Grand river,

Coal Bank,

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Blue water river,

Kansas river,
Little Platte river,
Nodaway river,
Wolf river,

Big Nemaha,

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Nashtabutome river,

Little Nemaha,

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*Here the exploring party of Clarke and Lewis wintered

in 1803.-1804.

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Enter the Chippewan mountains,

Heads of the Missouri and Colum

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30 2594

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Length of the Missouri, with its windings

and some short portages, as

[merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small]

Length, by Clarke's river, a branch of Co

lumbia, to the Mouth of Colum

bia, as above,

Across the dividing-ridge to the Head

waters of the Clarke's branch


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Total distance from St. Louis to the Pacific, by Clarke's branch,


3628 Miles.

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ITAKE pleasure in still considering you as a traveller, and in the thoughts consequently, of your being, on your return to us, a full partaker in the many conveniences and comforts, which our late advancement in the art of travelling, actually confers. The number of good roads we now have, form of course one of the essentials; but, if these are in favour particularly of celerity and despatch, you will nevertheless, well understand, that what I would commend to you, has no reference to expedition without prudence, for that is neither a convenience nor a comfort. The carriage-racing feats between city and city, are likely to be suppressed, in virtue of a few admonitory assessments made upon some of our drivers and proprietors; for, to say the truth, these excesses have occurred much too often, and to such a degree, that in more instances than one lately, the unfortunate passenger has had a worse fate than to hold the lantern; a post which, on a certain occasion formerly, you will recollect a friend of yours was obliged to fill, and a friend of mine a post correspondent to


By the things you witness, as to Steam Boats, where you are, you will correctly enough judge of what the introduction of them has done for us. They soon proved to be eminently adapted to the waters of this country, both coast and interior, but especially the latter; and we have in no sort delayed to profit by the circumstance. They are very numerous: they ply in numbers and with pointed regularity, both the bold shore and the obstructed stream; and are now generally considered with us, as a necessary part of every line of conveyance, where the distance between places is partly by water. It is indeed surprising, when we cast our thoughts back for a moment, to former times, to observe how much this steam-navigation has multiplied the number, and enlarged the circumferences of our social circles, not to speak of what is strictly commercial in the intercourse.

You have travelled Southwardly here, and what is more, have travelled over some of the charming climes of Europe; yet I cannot refrain from thinking that, on this side of the Atlantic, we have still got some wonders in reserve for you, the survey of which may contribute to your gratification; and I feel myself induced to transcribe on this paper, a certain outline, as a memorandum for your tablet, to be referred to, whenever you shall so please, after your return to this land. It is the outline of an agreeable tour, in a direction contrary to those you formerly made. I derive it from the gentleman

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