O N. VARIOUS SUBJECTS. Containing, I. Temptations to Evil not from [|X. How divine Worship is to be God. II. Men tempted to Evil by their own Lufts. III. Of Natural, Moral, and Civil IV. Of Chriftian Liberty. IX. A Sermon addrefied particularly to young Perfons. acceptably performed. XI. The Evil and Folly of Covetoufnefs. XII. The proper Improvement of temporal Poffeffions. XIII. Of the Bleffednefs of the Pure in Heart. XIV. Of the Bleffedness of the Peace-Makers. XV. A Converfation becoming the Gospel recommended. By JOHN ABERNET HY, M. A. VOL. IV. LONDON: Printed for D. BROWNE, without Temple-Bar; C. DAVIS, in Holborn; and A. MILLAR, oppofite Katherine-street in the Strand. M. DCC.LI. |