of this fort may be useful; since, if compiled with any share of judgement, it may at once unite precept and example, shew them what is beautiful, and inform them why it is fo: I therefore offer this, to the best of my judgement, as the best collection that has yet appeared: though, as tastes are various, numbers will be of a very different opinion. Many perhaps may wish to fee in it the poems of their favourite Authors, others may wish that I had selected from works less generally read, and others still may wish, that I had felected from their own. But my design was to give a useful, unaffected compilation; one that might tend to advance the reader's taste, and not impress him with exalted ideas of mine. Nothing so common, and yet so absurd, as affectation in criticifm. The defire of being thought to have a more difcerning taste than others, has often led writers to labour after error, and to be foremost in promoting deformity. In this compilation I run but few risques of that kind; every poem here is well known, and poffefsed, or the public has been long mistaken, of peculiar merit: every poem has, as Ariftotle expresses it, a beginning, a. middle, and an end, in which, however trifing the rule may feem, most of the poetry in our language is deficient: I claim no merit in the choice, as it was obvious, for in all languages. the best productions are most easily found.. As to the short introductory criticisms to each poem, they are rather designed for boys than men; for it will be seen that I declined all refinement, satisfied with being the closet, the merit all belongs to others; I have nothing to boast, and, at best, can expect, not applause, but pardon. OLIVER GOLDSMITH, THE THE BEAUTIE OF ENGLISH POESY. The Rape of the Lock. This seems to be Mr. Pope's most finished production, and is, perhaps, the most perfect in our language. It exhibits stronger powers of imagination, more harmony of numbers, and a greater knowledge of the world, than any other of this poet's works: and it is probable, if our country were called upon to shew a specimen of their genius to foreigners, this would be the work here fixed upon. W HAT dire offence from am'rous causes springs, I fing-This verse to CARYL, Muse! is due: B Say Say what strange motive, Goddess! could compel A well-bred Lord t'affault a gentle Belle ? O fay what stranger cause, yet unexplor'd, Could make a gentle Belle reject a Lord? In tasks so bold, can little men engage, And in foft bosoms dwells such mighty rage? Sel thro' white curtains shot a tim'rous ray, And ope'd those eyes that must eclipse the day: Now lap-dogs gave themselves the rouzing shake, And fleepless lovers, just at twelve, awake: Thrice rung the bell, the flipper knock'd the ground, And the prefs'd watch return'd a filver found. Belinda still her downy pillow prest; Her guardian SYLPH prolong'd the balmy reft: 'Twas He had fummon'd to her filent bed The morning dream that hover'd o'er her head. A youth more glitt'ring than a birth night beau, (That ev'n in slumber caus'd her cheek to glow) Seem'd to her ear his winning lips to lay, And thus in whispers said, or feem'd to say. Fairest of mortals, thou diftinguish'd care Of thousand bright inhabitants of air! If e'er one Vision touch thy infant thought, Of all the Nurse and all the Priest have taught; Of airy Elves by moonlight shadows seen, The filver token, and the circled green, |