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النشر الإلكتروني

Camerarius records in his life, Melancthon himself was much troubled with it, and therefore could speak out of experience. Montanus consil. 22. pro delirante Judæo, confirmes it, *grievous symptomes of the minde brought him to it. Randolotius relates of himself, that being one day very intent to write out a Physitian's notes, molested by an occasion, he fell into an hypocondriacall fit, to avoid which he drank the decoction of wormwood, and was freed. Melancthon (" being the disease is so troublesome and frequent) holds it a most necessary and profitable study, for every man to know the accidents of it, and a dangerous thing to be ignorant," and would therefore have all men in some sort to understand the causes, symptomes, and cures of it.



Causes of Melancholy from the whole Body.

S before, the cause of this kind of Melancholy is inward or outward. Inward, "when the liver is apt to ingender such an humour, or the spleen weak by nature, and not able to discharge his office." A melancholy temperature, retention of Hamrods, monthly issues, bleeding at nose, long diseases, agues, and all those six non-naturall things increase it. But especially bad dyet, as Piso thinks, pulse, salt meat, shellfish, cheese, black wine, &c. Mercurialis out of Averroes and Avicenna condemns all herbs: Galen. lib. 3. de loc. affect. cap. 7. especially Cabbage. So likewise fear, sorrow, discontents, &c. but of these before. And thus in brief you have had the generall and particular causes of Melancholy.

Now go and brag of thy present happinesse, whosoever thou art, brag of thy temperature, of thy good parts, insult, triumph, and boast; thou seest in what a brittle state thou art, how soon thou maist be dejected, how many severall waies, by bad diet, bad ayre, a small loss, a little sorrow or discontent, an ague, &c. how many sudden accidents may procure thy ruine, what a small tenure of happinesse thou hast in this life, how weak and silly a creature thou art. "Humble thy self therefore under the mighty hand of God." I Pet. 5. 6. know thy self, acknowledge thy present misery, and make right use of it. Qui stat

* Habuit sæva animi symptomata quæ impediunt concoctionem, &c. 1 Usitatissimus morbus cum sit, utile est hujus visceris accidentia considerare, nec leve periculum hujus causas morbi ignorantibus. "Jecur aptum ad generandum talem humorem, splen natura imbecillior. Piso, Altomarus, Guianerius. • Melancholiam, quæ fit à redundantia humoris in toto corpore, victus imprimis gemerat qui eum humorem parit.

Cc 2


videat ne cadut. Thou dost now flourish, and, hast bona animi, corporis, & fortune, goods of body, minde, and fortune, nescis quid serus secum resper ferat, thou knowest not what stormes and tempests the late evening may bring with it. Be not secure then, "be sober and watch," fortunam recerenter habe, if fortunate and rich: if sick and poor, moderate thy self. I have said.



Symptomes, or Signs of Melancholy in the Body.

PARRHASIUS, a painter of Athens, amongst those Olynthi

an captives Philip of Macedon brought home to sell, bought one very old man; and when he had him at Athens, put him to extreme torture and torment, the better by his example to express the pains and passions of his Prometheus, whom he was then about to paint. I need not be so barbarous, inhumane, curious or cruell for this purpose to torture any poor melancholy man, their symptomes are plain, obvious and familiar, there needs no such accurate observation or far fetcht object, they delineate themselves, they voluntarily bewray themselves, they are too frequent in all places, I meet them still as I go, they cannot conceal it, their grievances are too well known, I need not seek far to describe them.

Symptomes therefore are either universall or particular, saith Gordonius, lib. med. cap. 19. part. 2. to persons, to species; "some signes are secret, some manifest, some in the Body, some in the minde, and diversly vary, according to the inward or outward causes," Cappivaccius: or from stars according to Jovianus Pontanus, de reb. cælest. lib. 10. cup. 13. and cœlestiall influences, or from the humours diversly mixt, Ficinus li. 1. cap. 4. de sanit. tuenda: as they are hot, cold, naturall, unnaturall, intended or remitted, so will Ætius have melancholica deliria multiformia, diversity of melancholy signs. Laurentius ascribes them to their severall temperatures, delights, natures, inclinations, continuance of time, as they are simple or mixt with other diseases, as the causes are divers, so must the signs be, almost infinite, Altomarus cap. 7. art. med. And as wine produceth divers effects, or that herb Tortocolla in Lau

P Ausonius. Seneca cont. lib. 10. cont. 5. Quædam universalia, par ticularia, quædam manifesta, quædam in corpore, quædam in cogitatione & animo, quædam à stellis, quædam ab humoribus, quæ ut vinum corpus variè disponit, &c. Diversa phantasmata pro varietate causæ externæ, internæ. Lib. 1. de risu. fol. 17. Ad ejus esum alii sudant, alii vomunt, stent, bibunt, sältant, ali rident, tremunt, dorm unt, &c.


rentius, "which makes some laugh, some weep, some sleep, some dance, some sing, some howle, some drinke, &c." so doth this our melancholy humour, work severall signes in severall parties.


But to confine them, these generall Symptomes may be reduced to those of the Body or the Minde. Those usuall signs appearing in the Bodies of such as are melancholy be these, cold and dry, or they are hot and dry, as the humour is more or lesse adust. From these first qualities arise many other second, as that of colour, black, swarty, pale, ruddy, &c. some are impensè rubri, as Montaltus cap. 16. observs out of Galen. li. 3. de locis affectis, very red and high coloured. Hippocrates in his book "de insania & melan. reckons up these signes, that they are "lean, withered, hollow-eyed, looke old, wrinkled, harsh, much troubled with winde, and a griping in their bellies, or belly-ake, belch often, dry bellies and hard, dejected lookes, flaggy beards, singing of the ears, vertigo, light headed, little or no sleep, and that interrupt, terrible and fearfull dreames," * Anna soror, que me suspensam insomnia terrent? The same Symptomes are repeated by Melanelius in his booke of Melancholy collected out of Galen, Ruffus, Ætius, by Rhasis, Gordonius, and all the Juniors, y continuall, sharp, and sinking belchings, as if their meat in their stomack were putrefied, or that they had eaten fish, dry bellies, absurd and interrupt dreams, and many phantastical visions about their eys, vertiginous, apt to tremble, and prone to Venery." Some add palpitation of the heart, cold sweat, as usuall Symptomes, and a leaping in many parts of the body, saltum in multis corporis partibus, a kinde of itching, saith Laurentius on the superficies of the skin, like a flea-biting sometimes. Montaltus cap. 21. puts fixed eyes and much twinkling of their eyes for a sign, and so doth Avicenna, oculos habentes palpitantes, trauli, vehementer rubicundi, &c. lib. 3. Fen. 1. Tract. 4. cap. 18. They stut most part, which he took out of Hippocrates' Aphorisms. Rhasis makes "head-ach and a binding heaviness for a principall token, much leaping of winde about the

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T. Bright. cap. 20. Nigrescit hic humor aliquando supercalefactus, aliquando superfrigefactus. Melanel. è Gal. Interprete F. Calvo. * Oculi his excavantur, venti gignuntur circum præcordia & acidi ructus, sicci ferè ventres, Vertigo, tinnitus aurium, somni pusilli, somnia terribilia & interrupa. *Virg. Æn. y Assiduæ cæq; acidæ ructationes quæ cibum virulentum culentumq: nidorem, et si nil tale ingestum sit, referant ob cruditatem. Ventres hisce aridi, somnus plerumq; parcus & interruptus, somnia absurdissima, turbulenta, corporis tremor, capitis gravedo, strepitus circa aures & visiones ante oculos, ad venerem prodigi. Altomarus, Bruel, Piso, Montaltus. Frequentes habent oculorum nictationes, aliqui tamen fixis oculis plerumq; sunt. Cent. lib. 1 Tract. 9. Signa hujus morbi sunt plurimus saltus, sonitus aurium. capitis gravedo, lingua titubat, oculi excavantur, &c. Cc 3


skinne, as well as stutting, or tripping in speech, &c. hollow eys, grosse veines, and broad lips." To some too, if they be far gone, mimicall gestures are too familiar, laughing, grinning, fleering, murmuring, talking to themselves, with strange mouthes and faces, inarticulate voices, exclamations, &c. And although they be commonly leane, hirsute, unchearfull in countenance, withered, and not so pleasant to behold, by reason of those continuall fears, griefs, and vexations, dull, heavie, lazie, restlesse, unapt to go about any businesse; yet their memories are most part good, they have happy wits, and excellent apprehensions. Their hot and dry brains make them they cannot sleep, Ingentes habent & crebras vigilias (Areteus) Mighty and often watchings, sometimes waking for a moneth, a year together. Hercules de Saxoniâ faithfully averreth, that he hath heard his mother swear, she slept not for seven moneths together: Trincavelius, Tom. 2. cons. 16. speaks of one that waked 50 days, and Skenkius hath examples of two years, and all without offence. In naturall actions their appetite is greater then their concoction, multa appetunt, pauca digerunt, as Rhasis hath it, they covet to eat, but cannot digest. And although they do eat much, yet they are lean, ill liking," saith Areteus, "withered and hard, much troubled with costivenesse," crudities, oppilations, spitting, belching, &c. Their pulse is rare and slow, except it be of the Carotides which is very strong; but that varies acording to their intended passions or perturbations, as Struthius hath proved at large, Spigmatice artis l. 4. c. 13. To say truth, in such Chronick diseases the pulse is not much to be respected, there being so much superstition in it, as Crato notes, and so many differences in Galen, that he dares say they may not be observed, or understood of any man.

Their urine is most part pale, and low coloured, urina pauca, acris, biliosa, (Areteus) Not much in quantity; But this in my judgement, is all out as uncertain as the other, varying so often according to several persons, habits, and other occasions not to be respected in Chronick diseases. "Their melancholy excrements in some very much, in others little, as the spleen plays his part," and thence proceeds winde, palpitation of the heart, short breath, plenty of humidity in the stomack, heaviness of heart and heartake, and intolerable stupidity and dulness of spirits. Their excrements or stool hard, black to some and

• In Pantheon cap. de Melancholia. capaces, nihilominus tamen extenuati sunt. &c. f Andreas Dudith Rahamo. ep lib. 3.

Alvus arida nihil dejiciens cibi e Nic Piso Inflatio carotidum, Crat. epist. multa in pulsibus

superstitio, ausim etiam dicere, tot differentias quæ describuntur à Galeno, neq; intelligi à quoquam nec observari posse.


T. Bright. cap. 20,


little. If the heart, brain, liver, spleen, be misaffected, as usually they are, many inconveniences proceed from them, many diseases accompany, as Incubus, Apoplexy, Epilepsie, Vertigo, those frequent wakings and terrible dreams, intempestive laughing, weeping, sighing, sobbing, bashfulnesse, blushing, trembling, sweating, swouning, &c. *All their senses are troubled, they think they see, hear, smell, and touch that which they do not, as shall be proved in the following dis


Fear.] A


Symptomes or Signes in the Minde.

RCULANUS in 9. Rhásis ad Almansor. cap. 16. will have these symptomes to be infinite, as in deed they are, varying according to the parties, "for scarce is there one of a thousand that dotes alike," Laurentius c. 16. Some few of greater note I will point at; and amongst the rest, Fear and Sorrow, which as they are frequent causes, so if they persever long, according to Hippocrates and Galen's Aphorismes, they are most assured signes, inseparable companions, and characters of melancholy; Of present melancholy, and habituated, saith Montaltus cap. 11. and common to them all, as the said Hippocrates, Galen, Avicenna, and all Neotericks hold. But as hounds many times run away with a false cry, never perceiving themselves to be at a fault, so do they. For Diocles of old, (whom Galen confutes) and amongst the Juniors, "Hercules de Saxoniâ, with Lod. Mercatus cap. 17. 7. 1. de melan. take just exceptions at this Aphorisme of Hippocrates, 'tis not alwayes true, or so generally to be understood, "Fear and Sorrow are no common Symptomes to all melancholy; upon more serious consideration, I finde some (saith he) that are not so at all. Some indeed are sad, and not fearful; some fearfull and not sad; some neither fearfull, nor sad; some both." Four kindes he excepts, fanatical persons, such as were Cassandra, Nanto, Nicostrata, Mopsus, Proteus, the Sybills, whom +Aristotle confesseth to have been deeply melancholy. Baptista Porta seconds him, Physiog. lib. 1, cap. 8. they were

h Post 40. ætat. annum, saith Jacchinus in 15. 9. Rhasis. Idem Mercurialis consil. 86. Trincavelius, Tom. 2. cons. 17. i Gordonius. modò rident, modò flent, silent, &c. * Fernelius consil. 43. & 45. Montanus consil. 230. Galen de locis affectis, lib. 3. cap. 6. Aphorism & lib. de Melan. m Lib. 2. cap. 6. de locis affect. timor & moestitia, si diutiùs perseverent, &c. Tract. posthumo de Melan. edit. Venetiis 1620. per Bolzettam Bibliop. Mihi diligentius hanc rem consideranti, patet quosdam esse, qui non laborant mærore &timore. + Prob. lib. 3.


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