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النشر الإلكتروني

" Thomas, Albertus, and most hold that there be far more Angels than Devils.

Sublunary devils, and their kinds.] But be they more or less, Quod supra nos nihil ad nos. Howsoever as Martianus foolishly supposeth, Etherii Dæmones non curant res humanas, they care not for us, do not attend our actions, or looke for us, those ætheriall spirits have other worlds to raigne in belike or business to follow. We are onely now to speak in brief of these sublunary Spirits or Devils: for the rest, our Divines determine that the Devil had no power over stars, or heavens; Carminibus cælo possunt deducere lunam, &c. Those are poetical fictions, and that they can sistere aquam fluviis, & vertere sydera retro, &c. as Canadia in Horace, 'tis all false. They are confined until the day of judgement to this sublunary world, and can work no farther then the four Elements, and as God permits them. Wherefore of these sublunary Devils, though others divide them otherwise according to their several places and offices, Psellus makes six kinds, fiery, aerial, terrestrial, watery, and subterranean Devils, besides those Fairies, Satyrs, Nymphs, &c.

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Fiery spirits or devils are such as commonly work by blazing Stars, Firedrakes, or Ignes fatui; which lead men often in flumina, aut præcipitia, saith Bodine, lib. 2. Theat. naturæ fol. 221. Quos inquit arcere si volunt viatores, clara voce Deum appellare aut pronam facie terram contingente adorare oportet, & hoc Amuletum majoribus nostris acceptum ferre debemus, &c. likewise they counterfeit Suns and Moons, Stars oftentimes, and sit on Ship Masts; In navigiorum summitatibus visuntur; and are called Dioscuri, as Eusebius 1. contra Philosophos, c. 48. informeth us, out of the authority of Zenophanes; or little Clouds, ad motum nescio quem volantes; which never appear, saith Cardan, but they signify some mischief or other to come unto men, though some again will have them to pretend good, and victory to that side they come towards in Sea fights, St. Elme's fires they commonly call them, and they do likely appear after a Sea storme, Radzivilius the Polonian Duke cals this apparition, Sancti Germani sydus; and saith moreover that he saw the same after in a Storme, as he was sayling, 1582, from Alexandria to Rhodes*. Our Stories are full of such Apparitions in all kinds. Some think they keep their residence in that Hecla, a mountain in Iseland, Ætna

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* En. 4.

q. 36. art. 9. * Virg. 8. Eg. Austin: hoc dixi, ne quis existimet habitare ibi mala dæmonia ubi Solem et Lunam et Stelias Deusordinavit, et alibi nemo arbitraretur Dæmonem cœlis habitare cum Angelis suis unde lapsum credimus. Idem. Zanch. 1. 4. c. 3. de Angel malis. Pererius ina Gen. cap. 6. lib. 8. in ver. 2. * Perigran. Hierosol.

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in Sicely, Lypera, Vesuvius, &c. These Devils were worshiped heretofore by that superstitious Tupouala, and the like. Aerial Spirits or Devils, are such as keep quarter most part in the aire, cause many tempests, thunder, and lightnings, tear Oakes, fire Steeples, Houses, strike men and beasts, make it raine stones, as in Livie's time, wool, Frogs, &c. Counterfeit Armies in the air, strange noyses, swords, &c. as at Vienna, before the coming of the Turks, and many times in Rome, as Scheretzius 1. de spect. c. 1. part. 1. Lavater de spect. part. 1. c. 17. Julius Obsequcns, an old Roínan, in his book of prodigies, ab urb. cond. 505. Machiavel hath illustrated by many examples, and Josephus in his book de bello Judaico, before the destruction of Jerusalem. All which Guil. Postellus in his first book c. 7. de orbis concordiâ useth as an effectual argument (as indeed it is) to perswade them that will not believe there be Spirits or Devils. They cause whirlewindes on a sudden, and tempestuous stormes; which though our Meteorologists generally refer to natural causes, yet I am of Bodine's mind, Theat. Nat. 1. 2. they are more often caused by those aerial devils, in their several quarters; for Tempestatibus se ingerunt, saith Rich, Argentine; as when a desperate man makes away himself, which hy hanging or drowning they frequently do, as Kornmannus observes, de mirac. mort. part. 7. c. 76. tripudium agentes, dancing and rejoycing at the death of a sinner. These can corrupt the Aire, and cause plagues, sickness, stormes, shipwracks, fires, inundations. At Mons Draconis in Italy, there is a most memorable example in Jovianus Pontanus: and nothing so familiar (if we may believe those relations of Saxo Grammaticus, Olaus Magnus, Damianus A. Goes) as for Witches and Sorcerers, in Lapland, Lituania, and all over Scandia, to sell windes to Marriners, and cause tempests, which Marcus Paulus the Venetian relates likewise of the Tartars. These kinde of Devils are much delighted in Sacrifices, (saith Porphiry) held all the world in awe, and had several names, Idols, Sacrifices, in Rome, Greece, Egypt, and at this day tyrannize over, and deceive those Ethnicks, and Indians, being adored and worshipped for gods. For the Gentiles Gods were Devils (as Trismegistus confesseth in his Asclepius) and he himself could make them come to their Images by Magick spels: and are now as much



Domus Diruunt, muros dejiciunt, immiscent se turbinibus et procellis et pulverem instar columnæ evehunt. Cicogna 1. 5. c. 5. 8 Quest. in Liv. *De præstigiis dæmonum. c. 16. Convelli culmina videmus, prosterni sata, &c. De bello Neopolitano, lib. 5. Suffitibus gaudent. Idem Just. Mart. Apol. pro Christianis." In Dei imitationem, saith Eusebius. *Dii gentium Dæmonia, &c. ego in eorum statuas pellexi.




"repected by our Papists (saith Pictorius) under the name of Saints." These are they which Cardan thinks desire so much carnal copulation with Witches, (Incubi and Succubi) transform bodies, and are so very cold, if they be touched; and that serve Magicians, His father had one of them (as he is not ashamed to relate ) an aerial devil bound to him for twenty and eight years. As Agrippa's dog had a devil tyed to his collar; some think that Paracelsus (or else Erastus belies him) had one confined to his sword pummel; others wear them in Rings, &c. Jannes and Jambres did many things of old by their help; Simon Magus, Cinops, Apollonius Tianeus, Jamblicus, and Tritemius of late, that shewed Maximilian the Emperor his wife, after she was dead; Et verrucam in collo ejus (saith Godolman) so much as the wart in her neck. Delrio lib. 2. hath divers examples of their feats: Cicogna lib. 3. cap. 3. and Wierus in his book de præstig, dæmonum. Boissardus de magis & veneficis.


Water-devils are those Naiades or water Nymphs which have been heretofore conversant about waters and rivers. The water as (Paracelsus thinks) is their Chaos, wherein they live; some call them Fairies, and say that Habundia is their queen; these cause Inundations, many times shipwracks, and deceive men divers wayes, as Succuba, or otherwise, appearing most part (saith Tritemius) in women's shapes. Paracelsus hath several stories of them that have lived and been married to mortal men, and so continued for certain years with them, and after, upon some dislike, have forsaken them. Such a one as Egeria, with whom Numa was so familiar, Diana, Ceres, &c. Olaus Magnus hath a long narration of one Hotherus a King of Sweden, that having lost his company, as he was hunting one day, met with these water Nymphs or Fairies, and was feasted, by them; and Hector Boethius, or Mackbeth, and Banco, two Scottish Lords, that as they were wandring in the Woods, had their Fortunes told them by three strange women. To these heretofore they did use to Sacrifice, by that dogquavréia, or divination by waters.


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Terrestrial devils, are those Lares, Genii, Faunes, Satyrs, * Wood-nymphs, Foliots, Fairies, Robin Goodfellowes, Trulli, &c. which as they are most conversant with men, so they do them most harme. Some think it was they alone that kept the Heathen people in awe of old, and had so many Idols and

f Et nunc sub divorum nomine coluntur à Pontificiis. ver. hLb. 3. cap. 3. de magis & veneficis, &c. Nereides.

8 Lib. 11. de rerum Lib. de Zilphis. Lib. 3. Pro salute hominum excubare se simulant, sed in zorum pernitiem omnia moliuntur Aust. * Dryades, Oriades, Hamadry. ades.


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Temples erected to them. Of this range was Dagon amongst the Philistines, Bell amongst the Babylonians, Astartes amongst the Sydonians, Baal amongst the Samaritans, Isis and Osyris amongst the Egyptians, &c. some put our Fairies into this rank, which have been in former times adored with much superstition, with sweeping their houses, and setting of a pail of cleane water, good victuals, and the like, and then they should not be pinched, but finde money in their shooes, and be fortunate in their enterprizes. These are they that dance on Heathes and Greens, as Lavater thinks with Tritemius, and as "Olaus Magnus addes, leave that green circle, which we commonly finde in plain fields, which others hold to proceed from a Meteor falling, or some accidental rankness of the ground, so Nature sports her self; they are sometimes seen by old women and children. Hierom. Pauli. in his description of the City of Bercino in Spain, relates how they have been familiarly seen near that town, about fountaines and hils; Nonnunquam (saith Tritemius) in sua latibula montium simpliciores homines ducant, stupenda mirantibus ostentes miracula, nolarum sonitus, spectacula, &c. Giraldus Cambrensis gives instance in a Monk of Wales that was so deluded. racelsus reckons up many places in Germany, where they do • Pausually walk in little coates some two foot long. A bigger kinde there is of them, called with us Hobgoblins, and Robin Goodfellows, that would in those superstitious times grinde corne for a mess of milk, cut wood, or do any maner of drudgery work. They would mend old Irons in those Æolian Iles of Lypara, in former ages, and have been often seen and heard. Tholosanus cals them Trullos and Getulos, and saith, that in his dayes they were common in many places of France. Dithmarus Bleskenius in his description of Iseland, reports for a certainty, that almost in every family they have yet some such familiar spirits; and Foelix Malleolus in his book de crudel. demon. affirmes as much, that these Trolli, or Telchines, are very common in Norwey, "and seen to do drudgery work;" to draw water, saith Wierus lib. 1. cap. 22. dress meat, or any such thing. Another sort of these there are, which frequent forlorn houses, which the Italians call Foliots, most part innoxious, *Cardan holds; "They will make strange

Elvas Olaus voc. at lib. 3. varum choreas Olaus lib. 3. vocat saltum adeo profundè in terras imprimunt, ut m Part 1. cap. 19. "Lib. 3. cap. 11. Ellocus insigni deinceps virore orbicularis sit, et gramen non pereat. Zilph. et Pigmæis Olaus lib. 3. fæminis inserviunt, conclavia scopis purgant, patinas mundant, ligna portant, P Lib. 7. cap. 14. qui et in famulitio viris et • Lib.de equos curant, &c. 9 Ad ministeria utuntur. Where treasure is hid (as

some thinke) or some murder, or such like villany committed. de rerum varietat.

* Lib. 16.


noyses in the night, howle some times pittifully, and then laugh again, cause great flame and sudden lights, fling stones, rattle chaines, shave men, open doores, and shut them, fling down platters, stooles, chests, sometime appear in the likeness of Hares, Crowes, black Dogs, &c." of which reade Pet. Thyræus the Jesuite in his Tract, de locis infestis, part. 1. & cap. 4. who will have them to be Devils, or the souls of damned men that seek revenge, or else souls out of Purgatory that seek ease; for such examples peruse 'Sigismundus Scheretzius lib. de spectris, part 1. c. 1. which he saith he took out of Luther most part; there be many instances. "Plinius secundus remembers such a house at Athens, which Athenodorus the Philosopher hired, which no man durst inhabit for fear of Devils. Austin de Civ. Dei. lib. 22. cap. 1. relates as much of Hesperius the Tribune's house at Zubeda near their City of Hippos, vexed with evil spirits, to his great hinderance, Cum afflictione animalium & servorum suorum. Many such instances are to be read in Niderius Formicar. lib. 5. cap. 12. 3. &c. Whether I may call these Zim and Ophim, which Isay cap. 13. 21. speakes of, I make a doubt. See more of these in the said Scheretz. lib. 1. de spect. cap. 4. he is full of examples. These kinde of Devils many times appear to men, and affright them out of their wits, sometimes walking at * noone day, sometimes at nights, counterfeiting dead men's Ghosts, as that of Caligula, which (saith Suetonius) was seen to walk in Lavinia's garden, where his body was buried, spirits haunted, and the house where he dyed, Nulla nox sine terrore transacta, donec incendio consumpta; every night this happened, there was no quietness, til the house was burned. About Hecla in Iseland Ghosts commonly walk, animas mortuorum simulantes, saith Joh. Anan. lib. 3. de nat. dæm. Olaus. lib. 2. cap. 2. Natal. Tallopid. lib. de apparit. spir. Kornmannus de mirac. mort. part 1. cap. 44. such sights are frequently seen circa Sepulchra & Monasteria, saith Lavat. lib. 1. cap. 19. in Monasteries and about Church-yards, loca paludinosa, ampla ædificia, solitaria, & cæde hominum notata, &c. Thyreus adds, ubi gravius peccatum est commissum, impii, pauperum oppressores & nequiter insignes habitant. These spirits often foretell men's deaths, by several signes, as knocking, groanings, &c. *though Rich. Argen

Vel spiritus sunt hujusmodi damnatorum, vel è purgatorio, vel ipsi dæmones, c. 4. Quidam lemures domesticis instrumentis noctu ludunt: patinas, ollas, cantharas, et alia vasa dejiciunt, et quidem voces emittunt, ejulant, risum emittunt, &c. ut cancs nigri, feles, vari.s formis, &c. " Epist. lib. 7. * Meridionales Dæmones Cicogna cals them or Alastores 1. 3. cap. 9. Sueton. c. 69. in Caligula. * Strozius Cicogna lib. 3. mag. cap. 5.

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