صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


Good chosen by men of judgment,


following upon each other,


pleasant in sense, 1333
morrow, 1189

betimes, 1193

matens, 1192
night, 1231

swoear (soir), 1190

travaile, 1191

to all, 378

too, 908, 1146, 1147

Goodness, desire for, 65

of nature, 64

Goods, the greater, rewarded, 1258
Gospel, all is not, 1565
Grace, of, 284

of God, 96

Granted, more than is, 204
Grapes of thorns, 1450

the smaller, 900
Grass cut uuder foot, 1557

grows, while the, 644
Great with you, by you, 1431
Greater, less, 136, 1249, 1250
contains the less, 1342
Greatest to the least, 129
Green and dry, 1491

rushes (ceremony), 118
Greeks always children, 342
Grief, publishing, 1018

renewal of, 143
Groom, porter, 1181
Ground, to give, 1240

upper (authority), 1428
Growing old in one day, 882

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Health an acknowledged good, 1333

rules &c. of, 1598-1615

Hear me out, 198

Hearing and seeing, 224

Hearing, answering, 219, 1552

speaking, 259

Heart, eat not thine, 817
rueth not, 976
hardness of, 434
of grace, 671

Heaven and earth mingled, 719
spitting at, 615

Heavenly minds, anger in, 390
Heavy, hot, 651

He has the suffrages of all, 987
He goes too far, 978
Hellebore, 80
Hercules' buskin, 683
pillars, 112
Here you fail, 310
Heresy incurable, 975
Heroes, 25, 887
Heroic sons, 518
Hesitation, 559
Hidden deeds, 1328

Hiding places, 1123

Hiding in a mown meadow, 915

Hinge, turning point, 742

Hitting a mark, 1069

Hold fast, 659, 971, 1360

Hole open, 1577

Holy things to dogs, 11

Home, do as you please at, 895
making conjectures at, 722
keeping people, 747a
Honest men's names, 139
Honesty, ingenuous, 1
Honey in the mouth, 1537

flows for him, 1157
tasting the, 1623
Honour a tender stuff, 392

attends the good, 1347
lost in talking ill, 937

[blocks in formation]

Honour onerous, 1110

rare for plentiful things, 1355

Honourable things, 1250

Hood, two faces under one, 633
Hook, angling, 758

Hooped in, 815

Hope bought at a price, 773
feeds the exile, 561
forbidden, 1293

for future life, 1281
in ourselves, 1099

makes minds light, 1285

life fleeting, 1291

not an antidote, 1280a
reasonable, 1104
useless, 1288

awaking man's dream, 1283

Hope's auguries fail, 1117

Hopes, succession of, 1291

Horns, a fair pair of, 1616
Horrors related, 1160

Horse starves, grass grows, 644
a gift, 840

throws his rider, 938

master's eye fatteth the, 1551

Host and fish, 1464

Hot and cold from the same
mouth, 797

nor cold, neither, 1446

Hours, court, 401, 1211

poor men's, 1216

ripe, 1558

well spent, 152

House ready finished, 1476

burning one's neighbour's, 990

dove, 747 a

leaving one's, 625

marked, 1609

How do you? 119

Hunger supreme, 1548, 1595, 1629
Husband, second, 1307

Hunting with old hounds, 1486
Hylas, to call in vain for, 785
Hypocrisy, 452

ARREST you there, 319
I beheld all, &c., 1286
I cannot think that, 320
I come to that, 323

I demand, 289

I distinguish, 290

I know it, 132.

I object, 288

I warrant you, 207

I was thinking, 322

I would have thought, 421

I would not you had done it, 1411

Idle, I cannot be, 1222

[blocks in formation]

Image of death, 1204
Imagination disturbs, 1287
Imitators, servile, 1044
Immunity, 551

Impatience, 1247

Impenitence, 1590

Impossibilities, 1234, 1235

Imposthume, 1302

Impressions watery, 1294

Imprudence, 474
Impulse, reason, 337
Incident to, 282

Inclination, 1340
Indiscretion, 1239, 1242

Industry, 599

Inevitable, 1449

Infect to, 1436

Infernal regions, 857

Infistuled, 1438

Ingenious, not natural, 189

Injury useful, 1116

Innocence, cheerful, 1562

Innovation, 74

Insane, 1055

Insinuation, 1560

Instrument in tuning, 355

Interpreting all to the best, 723a

Interrogatory, 326

Intimacy in giving, 1070a
Intreaty, armed, 864a
Inventory, 1271
Inward joy, sorrow, 873
Iron sharpens iron, 549
Is it a small thing? 1399
Is it because? 305

It cometh to that, 309

It is like, 1400

Ithacus, 1300

Iteh and ease, 486

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


Lamp, it smells of the, 739
of God, 231

Lamps, drinking at night, 843

Lancing the imposthume, 1303
Lanterns to the sun, 688
Lark, 1212

Lasting good, 1254, 1256
well, 1430

Late, early, 1195, 1198

Laugh at a friend's expense, 1049
Laughing, never, 814
Laughter, 501

Law, ambiguous, 444
at a price, 441
commending, 103
corrupt, 442

delays of the, 1060a
for merry tales, 1165

good, 438, 1000

good, out of evil customs, 1454

noisy, verbose, 440, 442, 445

of retaliation, 1145

Lawyers, woe to the, 439

Laziness, 1125

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Mahomet, 925


Make an end, 203

Make much of yourself, 115
Malice cannot be hid, 1524
Malignity, 1140
Man, I am a, 36

a proper, 1407

his glory to find out, 234
his powers, 1280

lame, in the way, 233
of every hour, 885
of straw, 1520

of two villages, 1493
old, dances, 865
one-eyed, king, 1628
red-faced, 1496

speak like a, 212
spied, 626

square, 862

the God of man, 42

Manes, 59, 456, 1093

Mar, to, a tale in telling, 1072
March blossoms, 1314
Mark the house, 1609
Market men, 642
Marriage, strife in, 413
Marry an equal, 1111

an unformed wife, 1476
Martyr, confessor, 586
Masters, change of, 585
Master's eye, 1551

Matches (allumettes), 1635
Matter, from the, 200

great, 988

not in question, 291
not new, 140
not words, 1384
small, 136

world made of, 459
Maximum, 1367

Maze, inextricable, 1011a
Meals, many, 494

Mean, the, 87, 1444, 1447
Meanness, 1602
Means and mind, 154

good and bad, 2

few and easy, 1352
the best, 1266

to an end, 1371

Measure, 1446

Meat to one, rejected by another,

Meddling, 656

Medicine-box, 870

Medicine in money, 1506
Medicine to the mind, 1241
Meditation on trifles, 1060
Medium, the, 1447
Melancholy, 1171


Memory cannot be taken away,


of boon companions, 850
of the good, 6

Men, all under the sun, 1295
gods, 42

rather than maskers, 404
their wants, 1370

Merchant, 173
Mercury, swift, 709

Mercy increases wrong, 601
Merry and wise, 471
Merry tales, law for, 1165
Merry world, 1384
Michaelmas spring, 527
Middle way, 1449
Might, right, 964
Mile post, 109

Milk the standing cow, 553
Milk, wine, 1605

Milo carrying the bull, 511
Mind, faculties of the, 1269
free from care, 182
gliding into the, 22
madness of the, 1284

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

AIL drives out nail, 289
Nails in the ulcer, 812

Nature, 1264

rejoices, 338

re-echoes, 343

not to be resisted, 995
seeds of, 1451

Necessaries, 1274, 1357

Necessity, 1594

its uses, 1449

Nectar, 818

Needle, 861, 1646

Neighbours, good and bad, 158,
1203, 1479

house burning, 990

Neptune, 183, 335

Nests, birds admire their own,

Net draws, 515, 768

Neutrality, 1312, 1444

Never may it please you, 1410

New, old, 1269

News, 117, 147, 554

good, 1541

falls in price, 149

Night, long, 408

Nodding, 623

Noise outside the door, 445
Nose cut off, 1428

drunkard's, 1608
the end of his, 1563
Not prejudicing, 1381
unlike, 303
Nothing, 324

forgot, 298

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