صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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N. B. To find any particular Book, or Pamphlet, fee the
Table of Contents, prefixed to the Volume.

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NEAS defended against the
imputation of an unmanly
fear of death, 220.
AGRICULTURE, account of a
courfe of expertments in, 162-
167. Char. of various writers
on, 231. Experiments in, 303,
378, 449, 477.

AIKIN, Mr. his effay on the liga-
ture of arteries, 219. His obf.
on the external use of prepara-
tions of lead, 485.
ALEXANDER the Great, his cha-
racter, 7.

ALMIDA, a tragedy, critique on,

AMERICA difcovered by the Green-
landers, 183.
ANGLO-SAXONS, their spirit of li-
berty, and care for its preferva-
tion in their conftitution of go.
vernment, 496.
ANIMALCULA, produced in veget-
able infufions, curious account
of, and hypothefes concerning,

ANTONY, Març, relation of the
remarkable manner of his death,

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BAPTISM, the duty, circumstances, BROWNRIGG, Mr. his account of
the American oil of ground-nuts,

and benefits of, investigated,
432. Parther obf. on the sub-
ject, 499.
BARON, Richard, his zeal for the
political writings of Milton, 334.
Sketch of his character, 336.
BATTLES, military obf. on several,
in modern wars, 273.
BEAUSOBRE, M. de, his obf, on
forefight, &c. 549.
BECKET,, Archbishop, his worth-
lefs character, 569.
BEECH-MAST oil, the making of,
recommended, to fupply the
place of oil of olives, 537.
BEGUELIN, M. his attempt to re.
concile the metaphyfics of Leib-
nitz with the physical principles
of Newton, 545.
BEHMEN, Jacob, fpecimen of the
nonfenfical jargon of his follow-
ers, 80.
BELISARIUS, his military exploits
in Italy, 97. His wretched fub-
jection to his wife, 100. Far-
ther particulars of his hiftory,

BERNOUILLE, M. his three me-
moirs in the Hift. of the Acad.
of Sciences, 541.
BLYTHE'S book of husbandry cri-

ticifed, 232.

BOILEAU, Mr. his art of poetry,

the best extant, 558.
BORDA, Chevalier, his inveftiga-
gation of a famous problem on
the motion of fluids, 520.
BOTANY, encomium on that fci-
ence, 131.

BRAKENRIDGE, Dr. remarks on
his calculations of the number
of inhabitants in London, 138-

BRITONS, ancient, their manner
of life, &c. 405.-Their lan
guage, 410.
BROMFIELD, Mr. his method of
performing the ligatures of ar-
teries, 219.
BROWN, Dr. his curious method
of detecting a thief, 531.
APP. Rev. vol. xliv.

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CAMDEN, Lord, oppofes the judg-
ment of Lord Mansfield, in re-
gard to the idea of the credibi-
lity of witneffes, 340.
CANTON, Mr. his experiments re-
fpecting the luminous appear-
ance of the fea, 329.


city of, defcribed, 401.
CATO, the elder, his ungenerous
treatment of his fervants, &c. 4.
CATTI, a tribe of ancient Ger-
mans, their warlike turn and'
character, 560.

CELTE, ancient, their manner of
life, &c. 405. Their enthu-
fiaftic love of freedom, 409.
Their language, 410.
CHALIEU, Abbé de, his verfes,
bidding adieu to Fontenay, 5:2.
Englished, ib.
writings on husbandry, 236.
CHERUSCI, ancient Germans, their
character, 560.

CHINA, number of inhabitants in,

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CKEBERG, his voyage to
China, 404.
ELLIS, Mr. his obf. on a particu-
lar manner of increafe in the ani-
malcula of vegetable infufions,

the farmer, his writings,
characterized, 235.
ENGLAND the rival of France,
from what æra, 567.
ENGLISH, ancient conftitution of,
ENTHUSIASM, poetic, effects op-
pofite to thofe of religious en-
thufiafm, 266, Pope deficient
in it, ib.

afronomical, for

1772, account of, 214.
ESTABLISHMENTS, of religion,
productive of bad effects, 193.
Right of, to require fabf, to ar-
ticles of faith, controverted,

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racters of their different tribes,
GOLDSMITH, Dr. remarkable in-
accuracies in his life of Lord
Bolingbroke, 109.
GOOCH, Mr. his account of a re-
markable feparation of the fearf
fkin, 213.

GOULARD, M. his doctrine in re-
fpect to the faturnine applica-
tions in furgery, &c. contefted,
GREEKS, modern, still resemble
their ancestors in their great love
of their country, 505. Inftances
of, 506, feq. Their adherence
alfo to the old cuftoms of their
country, 513. Manners of their
ladies, ib.
GROUND, how to lay out, agree-
able to the modern tafte in gar.
dening, 346.


HAFIZ, the Perfian poet, spe-

cimen of his works, 427.
HAMILTON, Mr. his account of
a late eruption of Vesuvius, 201.
HARTE, Mr. his agricultural wri-
tings extolled, 239.
HEAT, general effects of, enume-
rated, 155
HEBERDEN, Dr. his obf, on the
number of inhabitants in Ma-
deira, 139, 140. On the dif
ferent quantities of rain which
appear to fall at different heights
on the fame ground, 331.
HEROD'S Cruelty in the flaughter
of the infants, critical remarks
on, 295.
HEWSON, Mr. his account of the
lymphatic fyftem in fith, &c.

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ancient, their
ftrong attachment to liberty,
177. Their regulations of go-
vernment, &c. ib.

JEBB, Rev. Mr. his apology for
his lectures, 82.

JEWS, conformity of their cuftoms

with thofe of the negroes, 550.
ILLINOIS, their country defcribed,
Government of, 11.
INFIDELITY abounds in France,


INOCULATION, of the fmall-pox,

a great cause of the late increase
of inhabitants in London, &c.

JOHN, King of England, his con-
tefts with Philip of France, &c.
575. With his English barons,
576. With the Pope, ib.

his bad character, 577.
JOHNSON, Dr. Samuel, attacks Ju-
nius, 330.

JONES, William, Efq; his demon-

ftration of a law of motion, in
the cafe of a body deflected by
two forces, tending conftantly
to the fame point, 135.
JURIES, trials by, the great bul-
wark of the English conftitution,

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LANDE, M. de la, his memoir on
the theory of the planet Mercu-
ry, 521.

LANE, Mr. his account of the fo-
lubility of iron in fimple water,
by the intervention of fixed air,

LAWS, in terrorem, cruelty and in-
justice of, 188.
LEAD, preparations of, their ufe
in furgery, 485.
LEGARD, Sir Digby, his account
of the drill husbandry criticifed,

LIBERTY, ftrong attachment of
the ancient inhabitants of the
north of Europe to it, 177.
LIEUTEAUD, his fynopus, propo-
fals for a tranflation of, into
English, 495.
LIFE, the expectation of, in re-
fpect to annuities, calculated,

LIGATURE of the artery.


LIGHTNING, methods for fecuring
churches, &c. from damage by,
LISLE, Mr. his book of husban-

dry animadverted on, 234.
LISTER, Dr. his book of thells
improved in a new edition,

LOCKE, Mr. his philofophical wri-
tings extolled, 280.
LOGIC, obf. on, 282.
LONDON, calculations of the num-
ber of the inhabitants, 137.
Critical obf. on the public build-
ings of, 280.

Louis, the Fat, rivalship between
him and Henry of England,
Louis, the Young, (King of
France) his contests with Henry
King of England, 569. Re-
flections on his character, 570.
Louis, Prince, fon to Philip, King
of France, his expedition to
England, and defign upon the

crown, 577. Befieged in Lon-
don, ib.
LOUIS VIII. King of France, his
quarrel with the English, 578.
- IX. his character, ib.
Louis XIV. ftory of him and
Mad. de Montespan, 61.

LYSONS, Dr. his account of an
extraordinary cafe of a girl who
had fwallowed three pins, 210.



ADOX, Dr. Bishop of Wor.
his fermon on inoculation
commended, 15.

MAGNETS, experiments on, 538.
MAGNETICAL currents, curious
memoir on the curvature of,

MAHOMET, a quack, 531.
MAINTENON, Madam, account of
her theatrical exhibitions at St.
Cyr, 62.
MANSFIELD, Lord, free expoftu
lation with, 35. His fpirited
fpeech in defence of toleration
and religious liberty, 190. See
more of him under CAMDEN.
MANUFACTURERS, British, their
diffoluteness, 14.
MANURES, lift of, 258.
MATTHEW, St. authenticity of the
1ft and zd chapters of his gof
pel, difputed, 293.
MAYER, Profeffor, his tables of
the moon's motions, &c. pub.
lished here by authority, 214,
MERIAN, M. his enquiry into the
comparative duration and inten-
fity of pleasure and pain, 547-
MILTON, his political writings

extolled, 335.
MONADES, of Leibnitz, curious

account of the nature of, 446.
MONKEY, a fingular one described,

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