$10,000-Jacksonville, Fla., water works and 15,000-Jefferson Co., Ala., court house bonds. 15,000 00 17,250 00 Bonds Owned by the Company-Continued. 9,000-Galveston, Texas, limited debt bonds. 10,000-Jersey City assessment gold bonds.... 15,000-City of Mobile water works and sewer age bonds. 15,000 00 15,750 00 10,000-City of Atlanta, Ga., redemption bonds. 5,000-San Antonio, Texas, 5% gold bonds... 3,000-City of Athens, Ga., water works bonds 13,000-Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta 10,000-Ga., Carolina and Northern Ry. bonds. 5,000-Petersburg R. R. bonds, "B" 5,000 00 5,250 00 5,000-Baltimore and Potomac tunnel bonds.. 10,000-Staten Isl. rap. trans., 2d mtge. bonds. 8,000-Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta R. R. 15,000-Ga. and Alabama Ry. 1st mtge. bonds. 15,000-Charleston and Western Carolina Ry. 10,000-Carolina Central 1st con. gold bonds.. 10,000-South Bound R. R. gold bonds 38,500-Balto. and Ohio R. R. bonds, S. W. Div. 5,000-Atlantic Coast Line R. R. gold bonds.. 65,000-Seaboard Air Line 1st mtge. gold bonds 65,000 00 47,450 00 5,000-Newport News and Old Point Ry. and bonds Electric Co. bonds..... 10,000-Anacostia and Potomac River R. R. Co. 10,000-Atlanta Con. St. Ry. bonds. 5,000-Lexington, Ky., Ry. Co. gold bonds.... 12,000-Balto. Traction Co. bonds, N. Bal. Div. 10,000-Nashville, Tenn., Street Ry. 1st mtge. gold bonds. 8,000-Nashville Ry. 1st mtge. gold bonds. 5,000-City and Suburban Ry. Co..... 10,000-Norfolk Ry. and Light Co. bonds. 5,000-Metropolitan R. R. Co. bonds. 10,000-Toledo Traction Co. 5% bonds. 5,000-Richmond Traction Co. gold bonds.... ... .... .. • ..... 6,000-Balto. Traction Co. conv. assent. bonds. 6,000 00 6,075 00 10,000-United Ry. and Elec. Co. gold bonds... 10,000-Baltimore City Pass. Ry. Co. bonds... 15,000-Consolidated Gas Co. bonds. 10,000-Florida Central and Penin. 1st mtge. gold bonds. 10,000 00 10,300 00 10,000-Baltimore Co. Water and Elec. Co. 1st mtge. gold bonds. 10,000 00 10,000 00 $628,500 00 $616,607 50 STOCKS OWNED BY THE COMPANY. 100,000-City of Baltimore 31/1⁄2 per cent. refunding 18-Southern Railway Co. preferred stock..... 12-Baltimore and Ohio R. R. common stock.. .. 525-Greater Seaboard Air Line Ry. com. stock.. 52,500 5,250 100-Northern Central Ry. Co. common stock.... 10,000 11,900 140-Atlantic Coast Line R. R. common stock.... GERMAN-AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF BALTIMORE, MD. Commenced Business September 29, 1880. Capital Stock, $200,000. MARTIN MEYERDIRCK, President: HERMAN KNOLLENBERG, Secretary. PRINCIPAL OFFICE, NO. 411 EAST BALTIMORE STREET. INCOME. Entire premiums collected during the year... Fire. Deduct re-insurance, rebate, abatement and return premiums. 21,974 02 Received for premiums other than perpetual.. $119,524 63 300 00 • 23,091 68 ..... .. 13,290 86 2,230 00 97 34 $158,534 51 Gross amount paid for losses (including $8,930.09 accruing in previous years)..... Deduct amount received for salvage and reinsurance Net amount paid for losses. Repairs .... ... ... Paid stockholders for interest or dividends (amount declared during the year, $14,000). Fire. $61,888 25 4,647 72 $57,240 53 1,230 90 Loans (except mortgages) secured by stocks, bonds and other securities.. 23,746 75 Interest due and accrued on stocks, bonds and other securities.. 8,027 37 13,960 25 1,699 95 24,383 64 524 42 5,345 11 7,422 23 4,043 58 3,753 83 $119,604 44 |