CENTRAL ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY Commenced Business March 30, 1895. Capital Stock, $150,000. WILLIAM H. GRAHAM, President. RALPH BUTLER, Secretary. PRINCIPAL OFFICE, PARK BUILDING, PITTSBURG, PA. Capital stock paid up in cash. Amt. of net ledger assets Dec. 31, 1901... Entire premiums col $300,000 00 150,000 00 $286,216 31 lec'd during the year. $275,502 91 $60,598 53 $39,093 88 Deduct re-insurance, re bate, abatement and return premiums.... 19,030 15 2,387 79 949 98 Rec'd for premiums. $256,472 76 $58,210 74 $38,143 90 $352,827 40 Total interest...... Total income during the year... 13,553 14 $366,380 54 Paid policy-holders. $90,803 86 $22,327 67 $15,369 65 $128,501 18 Paid stockholders for interest or dividends... Commissions or brokerage to agents, less re ceived on re-insurance. Rents 12,000 00 110,883 15 3,555 79 Disbursements-Continued. Salaries, fees and other charges, officers. ..... Taxes, fees and licenses. .. Total expenditures during the year...... 62,618 60 6,671 34 7,513 15 6,603 12 $338,346 33 Bills receivable, $320; agents' debit balances, Claims adjusted and unpaid-Plate glass, Reserve as required by law. .. .. .... 6,313-59 $364,937 30 $11,250 00 137,817 35 250 00 250 00 1 149,567 35 $215,369 95 Capital stock paid up... Surplus as regards stockholders. 6,313 59 $221,683 54 $150,000 00 Total amount at risk 31st December, 1902 $75,659,647 96 BUSINESS IN MARYLAND IN 1902. Accident, plate glass and health risks written in 1902.... $2,232,370 00 CITY TRUST, SAFE DEPOSIT AND SURETY CO. OF PHILADELPHIA, PA. Commenced Business June 4, 1886. Capital Stock, $500,000. Amt. of net ledger assets Dec. 31, 1901..$3,127,073 56 Entire premiums collected during the year... Deduct re-insurance, rebate, abatement and return premiums..... Rec'd for premiums other than perpetual. Total rents and interest. From all other sources. .. Total income during the year. Fidelity 45,431 03 OSCAR LESEK. $3,250,265 51 i $223,184 76 141,693 83 6,957 40 $371,835 99 284 City Trust, Safe Deposit and Surety Co. of Philadelphia, Pa. DISBURSEMENTS. Gross amount paid for losses. Net amount paid policy-holders......... Legal expenses, $8,275.29; real estate repairs, $23,454.05 Paid stockholders for interest or dividends (amount declared during the year, $30,000). Fidelity $65,644 85 31,729 34 29,952 00 Commissions or brokerage to agents, less received on re-insurance. 15,207 48 170,585 08 Book value of real estate unincumbered... $503,382 56 Mortgage loans on real estate.... 37,300 00 Due from ledger accounts, secured. ....... • ... 13,485 82 14,500 04 • 286,191 33 119,967 44 348 50 4,773 08 EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ASSURANCE CORPORATION, LTD., OF LONDON, ENGLAND. Commenced Business April, 1881. Capital Stock, $750,000. SAMUEL APPLETON, S. STANLEY BROWN, Secretary. Manager and Attorney. Amount of net ledger assets Dec. 31, 1901.... Received for premiums.... $217,249 06 $17,793 16 $1,477,643 14 |