.... .... 358,250 00 2,084 53 334 50 334 50 73,900 00 395 30 149,579 60 3,549 60 1,034 31 1,034 31. 999,000 00 2,325 02 571 46 571 46 $7,637,454 60 $27,141 57 $4,943 40 $4,943 40 FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND. Commenced Business June, 1890. Capital Stock, $2,000,000. EDWIN WARFIELD, President. HARRY NICODEMUS, Secretary. PRINCIPAL OFFICE, CHARLES AND LEXINGTON STREETS, BALTIMORE. Entire premiums collected during the year....$1,251,525 37 return premiums Net cash received for premiums. Total rents and interest. • ....... 23,531 13 $1,227,994 24 219,142 18 Inspections and adjusting. Paid stockholders for interest or dividends... Legal expenses DISBURSEMENTS. Gross amount paid for claims... Deduct salvage, re-insurance and recoveries.. • Fidelity $454,906 97 53,150 65 279,993 00 21,787 42 Commissions or brokerage to agents, less received on re-insurance. 334,248 12 Taxes on premiums, $20,132.21; on property, $28,177.57; insurance department fees and agents' licenses, $6,955.60; municipal licenses, $2,631.50.... 57,896 88 Advertising, $14,497.45; printing, and stationery, $16,691.80; furniture, $4,417.62..... Losses on ledger assets, $46,186.66; other disbursements, viz., postage, $10,117.94; incidentals, $46,056.63.... 35,606 87 102,361 23 $1,463,900 58 Total expenditures during the year...... ASSETS. Book value of real estate unincumbered...... $670,000 00 Stocks and bonds absolutely owned by the LIABILITIES. Estimate, proofs not filed, $26,032.91; fidelity and surety claims unpaid, $2,537.63; in pro cess of adjustment, $28,474.82; resisted, $139,989.08. Aggregate of unpaid claims and expenses..... $197,034 44 717,297 87 914,332 31 $4,876,233 57 $2,000,000 00 2,876,233 57 .....$316,557,694 00 FRANKFORT MARINE, ACCIDENT AND PLATE GLASS INSURANCE COMPANY OF FRANKFORT, GERMANY. Commenced Business August, 1896. J. GERSON, President. E. EHRHARD, Secretary. PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN UNITED STATES, 100 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK. General Agents in Maryland, H. L. SPEAR & CO. Amount of net ledger assets Dec. 31, 1901..... $879,642 41 |