296 General Accident Assurance Corporation of Scotland. UNITED STATES BRANCH OF THE GENERAL ACCIDENT ASSURANCE CORPORATION, LTD., OF SCOTLAND, GREAT BRITAIN. Commenced Business February 23, 1891. MUIR & HOUGHTON, United States Managers. PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN U. S., FOURTH AND WALNUT STS., PHILADELPHIA, Amount of net ledger assets Dec. 31, 1901..... $411,478 78 Rec'd for premiums..$178,259 68 $201,282 26 $29,573 28 $409,115 22 Net paid policy-holders $90,901 35 $43,445 60 $6,945 35 $141,292 30 3,893 86 1,291 10 Commissions or brokerage to agents, less received on re-insurance. 123,370 99 i Disbursements-Continued. Salaries and allowances to agents. .. ...... .. Taxes on premiums, $6,307.54; feés and Advertising, $367.50; printing and stationery, .. Total expenditures during the year..... 27,326 54 479 99 44,111 00 7,736 42 6,750 47 13,541 28 $369,793 95 Unpaid claims and expenses-In process of adjustment, $44,825.42; resisted, $2,000; ex GREAT EASTERN CASUALTY AND INDEMNITY Commenced Business January, 1893. Capital Stock, $125,000. Accident. 53,535 85 $173,576 96 7,386 85 2,946 84 Entire premiums collected during the year... Deduct re-insurance, rebate, abatement and return premiums.... Received for premiums. Total interest. From all other sources. Total income during the year. DISBURSEMENTS. Net paid policy-holders. Paid stockholders for interest or dividends.. Commissions or brokerage to agents, less received on re-insurance. Salaries and allowances to agents, inspections and fees. $65,209 97 6,250 00 58,238 69 Rents 22,601 00 1,850 00 Premiums due and in course of collection.... 12,758 55 9,232 08 Aggregate of unpaid claims and expenses..... $12,568 48 • 300 Guarantee Co. of North America of Montreal, Canada. UNITED STATES BRANCH OF THE GUARANTEE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA OF MONTREAL, CANADA. Commenced Business in United States January 1, 1881. EDWARD RAWLINGS, President. ROBERT KERR, Secretary. HOME OFFICE, 57 BEAVER HALL HILL, MONTREAL, CANADA. Amount of net ledger assets Dec. 31, 1901... $741,791 16 INCOME. Entire premiums collected during the year... Deduct re-insurance, rebate, abatement and return premiums... Net paid policy-holders ... .. Total expenditures during the year..... 5,677 42 $736,113 74 Fidelity and Surety. $197,755 93 45,269 86 $152,486 07 20,093 01 $172,579 08 Fidelity and Surety. $52,246 34 17,984 47 $34,261 87 99,760 99 ASSETS. Book value of real estate, incumbered, $2,000. 45,977 19 $180,000 05 |