1 BALTIMORE EQUITABLE LIFE INSURANCE CO. Conımenced Business October 15, 1900. JULIAN S. CARR, President. ALBERT H. BEERS, Secretary. PRINCIPAL OFFICE, 1261 CALVERT BUILDING, BALTIMORE, MD. ... Amount of net ledger assets Dec. 31, 1901. $11,539 37 ..... 5,000 00 Bonds and stocks absolutely owned by the Co... $10,422 50 Cash in company's office and in banks..... Net amount of uncollected and deferred pre 1,186 71 292 01 215 27 5,000 00 1,961 35 $19,077 84 : ASSETS NOT ADMITTED. .. Securities deposited in various States for the pro- • $104 50 BALTIMORE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Commenced Business March 27, 1882. FRANK S. STROBRIDGE, President. WILLIAM O. MACGILL, Secretary. PRINCIPAL OFFICE, S. E. COR. LIBERTY AND CLAY STREETS. Amount of net ledger assets Dec. 31, 1901..... pany's policies assigned as collateral...... Bonds and stocks absolutely owned by the com 142 89 Cash in company's office and in banks....... Interest due on stocks, bonds and other securities 563,204 70 3,326 31 Net amount of uncollected and deferred pre miums 7,777 56 $531,517 51 $565,871 16 23,548 62 3,303 53 $592,723 31 $201,130 77 294,965 96 $496,096 73 Bills receivable...... |