ASSETS. Cash in banks. .... .. $72,503 56 Mortuary assessments to become due on postmortem policies not exceeding one assessment nor the amount of post-mortem claims not assessed for per item 4 of liabilities..... 10,327 41 Claims unpaid in United States Dec. 31, 1902.... 6,874 68 9 12,822,000 00 126,600 00 18,000 00 PRINCIPAL OFFICE, 100 BOYLSTON ST., BOSTON, MASS. Attorney in Maryland, Amount of net ledger assets Dec. 31, 1901.... INSURANCE COMMISSIONER. $28,628 74 Commissions, fees and salaries paid.... ... $74,494 16 NON-LEDGER LIABILITIES. Losses on stipulated premium policies, not Advance assessments Total liabilities TOTAL BUSINESS. In force end of previous year..... MARYLAND BUSINESS. In force end of previous year. Claims unpaid in Maryland Dec. 31, 1902... ....... $2,466 00 3,821 30 KNIGHTS OF THE MACCABEES OF THE WORLD, MICHIGAN. Commenced Business September 1, 1883. D. P. MARKEY, President. G. J. SIEGLE, Secretary.. PRINCIPAL OFFICE, MACCABEE TEMPLE, HURON AVENUE, PORT HURON. Attorney in Maryland, 4 INSURANCE COMMISSIONER. Amount of net ledger assets Dec. 31, 1901... $1,786,789 16 Taxes, $1,070.63; advertising, printing, etc., $11,193.80 All other items. .... .. $2,613,221 67 162,122 58 1,159 18 12,264 43 $3,712,708 28. by the company.. Cash in office and in banks. • ... Agents' debit balances. Interest due and accrued. Mortuary assessments due on last call, made within sixty days on insurance in force.... Market value bonds and stocks over book value Losses on post-mortem policies, not adjusted, $436,650 00 31,625 78 In force end of previous year. • 342 • $305,500 00 586,000 00 1,000 00 LADIES OF THE MACCABEES OF THE WORLD OF PORT HURON, MICH. Commenced Business October 1, 1892. MRS. LILLIAN M. HOLLISTER, President. MISS BINA M. WEST, Secretary. PRINCIPAL OFFICE, MACCABEE TEMPLE, PORT HURON, MICH. Attorney in Maryland, Amount of net ledger assets Dec. 31, 1901.... INSURANCE COMMISSIONER. $428,073 61 Per capita tax due on last call, made within sixty days on social certificates. Furniture, supplies, etc. • 6,000 00 15,277 58 Losses on post-mortem policies, due and unpaid $50 00 Losses on post-mortem policies, not adjusted, In force end of previous year. MARYLAND BUSINESS. ... 77,223 $70,739,852 00 .. ...... 483,439 47 |