On hand (in store) December 31, 1901....... 2 Transferred, sold, etc........ ..... ..... 1 Balance remaining on hand (in store)........ Accountability and how distributed-(In whose possession). ................ Issued to First Infantry............... ............. Issued to Fourth Infantry....... ............. .... Issued to Fifth Infantry........... Issued to Troop "A" Issued to First Separate Company...... ...... Issued to Veteran Corps... ........ Issued to Retired Officers............ ...................... ....... ... ........ Total received and on hand.. Transferred, sold, etc..... On hand (in store) December 31, 1901......... Received since (from all sources)... ........... ............ ........ Balance remaininfi on hand (in store)........30 150 150 15 12800 Accouutability and how distributed (In Issued to First Brigade......... Issued to Medical Department Issued to First Infantry.......... ... ... Isfued to Fourth Infantry... Issued to First Separate Company....... Issued to Veteran Corps...... Issued to Retired Officers. Issued to Naval Brigade...... Total issued and in store... State Property....... ......... ................ .................. .. ............... ....... ...... ...... ........... |