صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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General Subject - Historical. The Penny Post,

as a Gardening Measure, 96; Seeds received

from Friends, A. G., 220.; Seeds sent by Post,

268; Botanical and Horticultural Works,

Amicus, 268; The most curious Gardens in

Europe, especially in Britain, about the Year

1730, 223; Nurserymen's Catalogues, 97; The

late Mr. Roscoe originally a Gardener, 219;

The skilled Gardener, 669; Rural Enjoyment,
218; Clegg and Samuda's Atmospheric Rail-
way, 564.

Scientific. Soil and Vegetation supplied by

Nature with Sea Salt, Thomas C. Brown,

217; Influence of various Circumstances in the

Growth of Plants in modifying their Physio-

logical Action, 417; Excrementitious Exuda-

tions of the Roots of Plants, R. Lymburn, 218 ;

Aiding the Germination of Seeds by Quick-

lime, R. Lymburn, 218; Preservation of Grain

or Seeds, 669; Mudie's Views of the Adapta-

tions of Nature in the Vegetable Kingdom,

J. M., 220; New or concentrated Manures,

John Spencer, 358; Effect of Light which has

passed through coloured Glass on Plants, J.

B. W., 301; The Effect of Light passing

through coloured Glass on Plants, John Spen-

cer, 419; Experiments with a Liquid obtained

from Bones, R. Glendinning, 607; Supplying

packed Plants with Water during long Voy-

ages, 609; Burning Gas for warming Rooms

or Greenhouses, 220; Temperature, 300; Tem.

perature of Plants, 418; To destroy Worms,

A Subscriber, 37; Sunk Waterholders, Samuel

Taylor, 302; Calcareous Concretions on the

Bottoms of Steam Boilers, &c., 97; Wooden

Pavement for Streets, 564; Radiation from

Trees, 97.

Landscape-Gardening and Garden-Architecture.

-Glazing with Lcad instead of Putty, Amicus,

299; Pocock's Patent Flexible Asphalte Roof-

ing, 269; The Triumphal Arch, 303; Ironwork

coated with Gas Liquor, Tar, or Pitch, P. S.,

514; A Layer of Bitumen, a Preventative of

the Ascent of Moisture in Walls, 561; Ap-

proach Roads, 564; Ornamental Pottery, 269;

Caithness Flagstone, 97; Taste, 223; Wetter-

stedt's patent Metal, 37; Preservation of Wood,

358; Preserving Wood, 302; Dry Rot, 609.

Arboriculture. -The Oak, 219; The Mistletoe,

219; Quércus Cérris, 219; A new Cedar, W.

H. W., 419; Raising Coniferous Plants from

Seed, 303; The Genus Vaccinium, S. M., 303;

Grafting the Lilac on the Ash, J. Scott, 37; Use

of Lime in planting Trees, 37.

Floriculture. - Clerodendron squamatum Pahl

and Hort. Brit., speciosíssimum Paxt., D.




Garden of Baron Zanoli, Giuseppe Manetti, 98;
Villa Mallerio at Gernetto, 304; Villa Silva at
Cinisello, 305; Communications from Monza,
304; Villa Litta, at Lainate, 306; the Garden
of Cavaliere Dr. Luigi Sacco in Milan, 306;
Imperial and Royal Villa, 225; Commercial
Horticulturists in Milan, G. Manetti, 225; Root-
grafting, Giuseppe Manetti, 309; Pópulus fas-
tigiata at Pavia, 224; Milan, Brera, 225.


The Grecian Cottage of the present Day, 303; A
Classical Lease, 226; A Group of Grecian
Plants, 303; Mode of felling Trees in Greece,
225; The Corn-Drag of Greece, 226.


Gardening at Cronstadt, B. C., 41 ; Gardening in
Moscow, 565; New Ribes, F. E. Wagner, 99.


Cinnamon and Tea Plantations, Henry Veitch,

The Improvement of the Agriculture and Horti-

culture of India, 42.


Landscape-Gardening. · Mr. Nichols of Blun-
derstone, as a Landscape-Gardener, T. Fenn,
44; Improvements at Bedgebury Park, Kent,
T. B., 311; Enville, the Seat of the Earl of
Stamford, in Worcestershire, L. P., 514.
Implements and Machines. A new Hedge-
Pruner, James Wright, 312; Mr. Read's Hy-
draulic Machines, J. R., 361.

Arboriculture. - Specimens of Trees and Shrubs
received from the Sawbridgeworth Nursery,
100; Mr. Knight's Catalogue of Coniferæ, 311;
Trees and Shrubs in Croome Park, W. Clarke,
45; Cedar of Lebanon, its Varieties, J. B. W.,
172; Acer créticum, W. Clarke, 45; A`cer
Lohèlii, W. Clarke, 44; English Elms, 44;
Quércus pedunculata, 668; A transplanted
Mulberry Tree, which remained a Year dor-
mant, T. Rutger, 566; Folding Swine among
Oaks, Scott Portland, 101.

Floriculture. Rhododendron arboreum hýbri-
dum, B. B. Billington, 269; Wistària sinensis,
W. Pamplin, jun., 311; The Caper, 46; Roses
in November, 45; Yucca gloriosa, 101; Rho-
dánthe Manglèsii, 45; Victòria règia Lindl.,
566; New Annuals raised in the Clapton Nur-
sery, H. L., 45; Works on the Cacti, 311;
Rhizomórpha subterrànea, 173.
Horticulture. A Fine-Fruit Company, 312;
Berries of Black Hamburg Grapes, T. C., jun.,
101; The Vine at Valentines, J. J., 311; A new
Variety of Peach, S12; The Crop of Apples in
Berkshire, 672.

Agriculture. -Pearson's Draining Plough,

C. M. B., 102; The Knepp Castle Kidney Po-

tatoe, 101; Cannabis sativa var. gigantèa, W. P.

Taunton, 609; The Bokhara Clover, 46; The

Bokhara Clover, Samuel Taylor, 567; The

Bokhara Clover, T. Taylor, 101; Heracleum

aspérrimum, Bernard Saunders, 45; Naked

Barley, or Barley-Wheat, Charles Aldermann,

Kenbury, 312; The Rot in Sheep, J. D. C.

Sowerby, 313.

Education.-State of Knowledge of the Mid-

dling Classes, in a Village in Suffolk, J., 174.

East Lothian, 567; The Ligneous Flora of the
Shetland Islands, 102; Queen Mary's Tree,
362; A Weeping common Oak, Patrick Ro-
bertson, 567; Gladiolus cardinalis, 567 ; Meli-

lotus, or Bokhara Clover, Archibald Gorrie,
610; Irrigating Meadows with Liquid Manure,

270; Sub-soil Ploughing, 102; Cottage Win-

dows, 270.


Erratum, 272; Mr. Main's Theory of Vegetable

Developement, R. Lymburn, 325; Mr. Main's

Theory of Vegetable Developement, J. Main,

518; Moistening the Air of Hot-houses by
Steam, John Lyons, 373; Constitutional

Changes in Plants by being grown in Cli-

mates not natural to them, D. Beaton, 326;

Anomalous Productions of Hybrids, Surrey-

ensis, 568; The Construction of Mr. Penn's

Hot-houses, 375; Bartram's Botanic Garden,

J. M., 180; New Plants raised in the Birming-

ham Botanic Garden, David Cameron, 102;

Disadvantage of a Gardener boarding with the

House Servants of a Family, W. B., 180; Mr.

Penn's Mode of Ventilating, &c., D. Beaton,

229; Remarks on Mr. Penn's Mode of Warming

and Ventilating, J. R., 272; Mr. Penn's Mode of

Warming and Ventilating, Benjamin Fowler,

323; On Mr. Penn's Method of Ventilation, and

Mr. Rogers's Conical Boilers, William Ander-

son, 273; The Advantage of placing Hot-water

Pipes higher than the Boiler, J. R., 322; Mr.

Rogers's Boiler, and Mr. Beaton's Remarks,

W., 227; The Conical Boiler of Mr. Rogers, W.,
519; Proportion of Hot-Water Pipe required
for heating, Alexander Forsyth, 103; The
Grand Conservatory at Chatsworth, Alexander
Forsyth, 103; The Grand Conservatory at
Chatsworth, 180; The Conservatory at Chats-
worth, Alexander Forsyth, 229; The Grand
Conservatory at Chatsworth, Amicus, 275;
Joyce's Stove, D. Beaton, 276; Glazing with
Lead Lap instead of Putty, Veritas, 424; Sir
John Robison's Plant Case, Sir John Robison,
230; The Plates to Prince Puckler Muskau's
Hints on Landscape. Gardening, John Adey
Repton, 615; An Attempt to build in Lincoln's
Inn Fields, J. Main, 518; Paring the Verges of
Walks, Alexander Forsyth, 103; Ricauti's
Rustic Architecture, reviewed, S. J. Ricauti,
519; Large Trees, 181; Pinus Pinsàpo and P.
cephalonica, D. B., 277; Pinsàpo, Vilmorin,
568; Pópulus græ'ca, J. Mease, 231; U'lmus
fúlva, J. Mease, 231; Native Scotch Pine, R.
Lymburn, 104; Mr. Rivers's Roses, 47; Graft-
ing the Orange on the Pomegranate, J. M.,
180; Inaccuracies in the Names of Fruit Trees,
&c., E. B., 278; The Black Eagle Cherry,
J. B. W., 520; The Elton and Black Eagle
Cherries, T. R., 375; The Van Mons Leon
Leclerc Pear, L. Leclerc, 616; Mr. Lymburn
on the Culture and Preservation of the Po-
tato, J. Main, 278; Mr. Lymburn on the Po-
tato, D. B., 277; Storing Carrots for Winter
Use, John Pearson, 47; Mr. Gorrie's Horse-

hoe, 48; Naked Barley, 672; Yellow Clover

and Black Nonsuch, 278; The Calling of the

Queen Bee, W. Dunbar, 181; Habits of the
Jackdaw, John Wighton, 275; Braithwaite's

Kitchen-Range, G. M. Braithwaite, 231.

Mr. Main's Remarks on a Review of some of his

Works which appeared iu the " Athenæum,"


Regulations for the internal Administration of

the Garden of the Hort. Soc. of London, 318.

The Royal Botanic Garden at Kew, 183. 232. 590.

Botanical Garden (Kew). Copy of the Report

made to the Committee appointed by the Lords

of the Treasury in January, 1838, 365.
The West London Gardeners' Association for

mutual Instruction, 175. 177. 313. 371. 420. 611.

The Royal Botanic Society of London, Inner
Circle, Regent's Park, 514.

The Competition Designs for laying out the Gar-
dens of the Royal Botanic Society of London,
in the Inner Circle, Regent's Park, 321.
Royal Caledonian Horticultural Society, P. N.

Caledonian Horticultural Society, 270.


Alton Towers, 280; Syon House Gardens, James Allen, 48; Winter Garden of Petersburg, Surreyensis, 280; The Plant Naras, J. B. W., 327; Names of Insects, J. O. W., 104; the Cóccus on the Larch, F., 326; Adaptiveness of Trees and Shrubs to Soils, E., 326; The Curl in the Leaves of Vines, a Subscriber, 568; The Cause of the Curl in the Leaves of Vines, 67+; Moor. park Apricot, W. Brown, 376; Stock for the Moorpark Apricot, J. W. D., 280; A new

System of cultivating Frame Potatoes, T. R., 876; Yellow Dutch Turnip, N. T., 104; Roughhead's Swedish Turnip, D. R., 48; A clothy Substance, white above and greenish beneath, 1. R., 375; M. J. Berkeley, 376.


Mr. Smith of Monkwood, Ayrshire, 46; Contributions towards a Life of Lancelot Brown, Esq., the celebrated Landscape-Gardener, and Thos. Whately, Esq., the Author of Observations on Modern Gardening, 327; Biographical Memoirs of Charles Aug. Sckell, Superintendant of the Royal Gardens of the Kingdom of Bavaria, 674.


Death of Baron Jacquin, 104; Allan Cunningham, 48.






35-$7. Details of Wire Field Gates - 194-196 53. Illustrative of the Mode of naming Plants at the Derby Arboretum

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523 572-578

61-68. Sections of Sash-Bars
62. Sections of Glass, showing the difference
in thickness

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GARDEN STRUCTURES. 1-3. Details of a Wire Trellis, erected at Carclew 16-18 19-22. Plans and Sections of Hot-houses, illustrative of Mr. Penn's Mode of Warming and Ventilating 122-127 572 29, 30. Plan and Section of a Forcing Pit, 70. Lines showing a Mode of arranging heated by Hot-water 140, 141 Walks on a Lawn 587 41. Section of a Hot-house illustrative of Mr. 71. Section of Ground, showing a Sunk Fence 589 Penn's Mode of Warming and Ven72. Beds intended for Flowers in the Royal tilating Botanic Garden, Regent's Park 606 73. Beds proposed for Flowers in the Royal Botanic Garden, Regent's Park - 606 INSTRUMENTS, IMPLEMENTS, UTEN. SILS, AND MACHINES. 5-7. Views and Section of Kirkwood's Stove

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