INDEX. Abbat, Peter, 406. Adam de la Halle, 316-321. Alexander, romances of, chap. iv. Alfonso X., 409, 410. Alison," 210, 211. Apollonius, the Spanish, 407. Aucassin et Nicolette, 330-332. Bacon, Roger, 18. Callisthenes, the Pseudo-, 152 sq. Chrestien de Troyes, 101 sq., 195. Ciullo d'Alcamo, 387. Colonna, or delle Colonne, or de Conquête de Constantinoble, 323. Couronnement Loys, le, 60 sq. Cronica, General, 410. Curialium, De Nugis, 141. Dares Phrygius, 171 sq. and chap. Iter ad Paradisum, 154. iv. passim. David of Dinant, 18. Jacopone da Todi, 8. Dictys Cretensis, 169 sq. and chap. Jeanroy, M. A., 270. iv. passim. Dies Ira, the, 9, 10. Dunlop, 28, 132. Egil's Saga, 350, 360. Epistola Obscurorum Virorum, 16. "Eternal Gospel," the, 18. Flora, Joachim of, 18. Gautier, M. Léon, 25. Geoffrey of Monmouth, 94 sq. and Geoffroy de Villehardouin, 323 sq. Gloucester, Robert of, 204 sq. Grettis Saga, 351-360. Guillaume d'Orange, 59 sq. Hunt, Leigh, 279. Joachim of Flora, 18. Joseph of Exeter, 3. Kölbing, Dr, 166 note. Kormak's Saga, 347, 360. Lambert li Tors, 157 sq. Lang, Mr, 331. Layamon, 98, 99, 192-196. Mabinogion, the, 105. Madden, Sir Frederic, 97. Manasses, 379. Hysminias and Hysmine, 140, 377 Occam, William of, 17, 18. sq. Orange, William of, 59 sq. Orm and the Ormulum, 196-198. Paris, M. Gaston, 25, 102 note, 212 Paris, M. Paulin, 25, 97, 270. Peacock, 142, 279. Peter Lombard, 17. Prantl, Geschichte der Logik, Proverbs, early English, 203. Quintus Curtius, 155. Raymond Lully, 18. Reynard the Fox, 286 sq. Swinburne, Mr, 331, 367, 370. Theodorus Prodromus, 379. 14 Troubadours, the, 362 sq. Romance of the Rose, the, 299 sq. Romancero Français, 27. Romanzen und Pastourellen, 270. Rutebœuf, 312, 313. Sagas, 339 sq. Santa Maria Egipciaca, 407, 408. Scotus Erigena, 17. Scotus, John Duns, 18. Siete Partidas, 409. Specimens of Lyric Poetry, 209 sq. PRINTED BY WILLIAM BLACKWOOD AND SONS. |