صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


Abbat, Peter, 406.
Abelard, 14, 17.

Adam de la Halle, 316-321.
Adam of St Victor, 8, 10.
Alberic of Besançon, 157.
Albertus Magnus, 18.
Alcamo, Ciullo d', 387.
Alexander Hales, 18.

Alexander, romances of, chap. iv.

Alfonso X., 409, 410.
Aliscans, 75 sq.

[ocr errors]

Alison," 210, 211.
Amalricans, the, 20 note.
Amaury de Bène, 18.
Ancona, Professor d', 387.
Ancren Riwle, the, 198-201.
Anna Comnena, 378.
Anselm, 14, 17.

Apollonius, the Spanish, 407.
Aquinas, Thomas, 18.
"Arch-poet," the, 5.
Arnold, Matthew, 55, 278.
Ascham, 128.

Aucassin et Nicolette, 330-332.
Audefroy le Bastard, 275.
Aue, Hartmann von, 246-251.

Bacon, Roger, 18.
Bartsch, Herr K., 270.
Bastart de Bouillon, le, 57.
Baudouin de Sebourc, 32 sq.
Beauvais, Vincent of, 18.
Bede, 90.

[blocks in formation]

Callisthenes, the Pseudo-, 152 sq.
Caradoc of Lancarvan, 91.
Carmina Burana, 4.
Celano, Thomas of, 9.
Champeaux, William of, 17.

Chrestien de Troyes, 101 sq., 195.
Cid, l'oema del, 23, 376, 393, 398

Ciullo d'Alcamo, 387.

Colonna, or delle Colonne, or de
Columnis, Guido, 181 sq.
Condorcet, 15.

Conquête de Constantinoble, 323.
Contrasto, 387, 389.
Conybeare, 25.
Cornu, Professor, 402.

Couronnement Loys, le, 60 sq.
Courthope, Mr, 140.

Cronica, General, 410.

Curialium, De Nugis, 141.

Dares Phrygius, 171 sq. and chap. Iter ad Paradisum, 154.

iv. passim.

David of Dinant, 18.

Jacopone da Todi, 8.

Dictys Cretensis, 169 sq. and chap. Jeanroy, M. A., 270.

iv. passim.

Dies Ira, the, 9, 10.

Dunlop, 28, 132.

Egil's Saga, 350, 360.

Epistola Obscurorum Virorum, 16.
Epopées Françaises, les, 25 sq.
Erigena, John Scotus, 17.
Eschenbach, Wolfram von, 126,

"Eternal Gospel," the, 18.
Exeter, Joseph of, 3.
Eyrbyggja Saga, 350.

Flora, Joachim of, 18.
Froude, Mr J. A., 55.

Gautier, M. Léon, 25.
Genesis and Exodus, 202.
Geoffrey, Gaimar, 98.

Geoffrey of Monmouth, 94 sq. and
chap. iii. passim.

Geoffroy de Villehardouin, 323 sq.
Gérard de Roussillon, 44.
Giélée, Jacquemart, 291.
Gildas, 91.

Gloucester, Robert of, 204 sq.
Golias and Goliardic Poems, 4 sq.
Gottfried von Strasburg, 242-246.
Gran Conquesta de Ultramar, 410.
Grandes Chroniques of St Denis,

Grettis Saga, 351-360.
Guest, Dr, 218 sq.

Guillaume d'Orange, 59 sq.

[blocks in formation]

Hunt, Leigh, 279.

Joachim of Flora, 18.
John of Salisbury, 17.
John Scotus Erigena, 17.
Joinville, Jean de, 328, 329.
Joly, M., 151.

Joseph of Exeter, 3.
Jus de la Feuillie, 318-321.

Kölbing, Dr, 166 note.
König Rother, 237.

Kormak's Saga, 347, 360.
Kudrun, 233-236.

Lambert li Tors, 157 sq.
Lamprecht, 156.

Lang, Mr, 331.
Lanson, M., 83.
Laxdæla Saga, 349.

Layamon, 98, 99, 192-196.
Lombard, Peter, 17.
Lorris, William of, 300 sq.
Loth, M., 143.

Mabinogion, the, 105.

Madden, Sir Frederic, 97.
Malory, Sir T., 104 and chap. iii.

Manasses, 379.

[blocks in formation]

Hysminias and Hysmine, 140, 377 Occam, William of, 17, 18.


Orange, William of, 59 sq.

Orm and the Ormulum, 196-198.
Owl and the Nightingale, the, 203.

Paris, M. Gaston, 25, 102 note, 212

Paris, M. Paulin, 25, 97, 270.
Pater, Mr, 331.

Peacock, 142, 279.

Peter Lombard, 17.
Peter the Spaniard, 18.

Prantl, Geschichte der Logik,
note, 19.

Proverbs, early English, 203.

Quintus Curtius, 155.

Raymond Lully, 18.
Raynaud, M. G., 270.
Renan, M., 201. ́

Reynard the Fox, 286 sq.
Rhys, Professor, 136 sq.
Robert of Gloucester, 204 sq.
Robin et Marion, 317, 318.
Roland, Chanson de, 29 sq.

Swinburne, Mr, 331, 367, 370.

Theodorus Prodromus, 379.
Thomas of Celano, 9.
Thomas of Kent, 158.
Thoms, Mr, 282.
Ticknor, Mr, 393 sq.
Todi, Jacopone da, 8.
Tressan, Comte de, 28.
Tristram, Sir, 116.

14 Troubadours, the, 362 sq.
Troy, the Tale of, 167 sq.
Troyes, Chrestien de, 101 sq.
Turpin, Archbishop, 29.
Tyre, William of, 327.
Tyrwhitt, 25.

Romance of the Rose, the, 299


Romancero Français, 27.

Romanzen und Pastourellen, 270.
Roscellin, 17.

Rutebœuf, 312, 313.

Sagas, 339 sq.

Santa Maria Egipciaca, 407, 408.

Scotus Erigena, 17.

Scotus, John Duns, 18.

Siete Partidas, 409.

Specimens of Lyric Poetry, 209 sq.
Strasburg, Gottfried von, 243-246.
St Victor, Adam of, 8.
Sully, Maurice de, 323.

[blocks in formation]


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