Capt. John Whiting, Milford Mrs. Martha Welch, do. David How Willifton, A. M. Charles Lahatt, Brooklyne Aaron Woodward, Candidate, Tolland Gilbert B. Livingston, Esq. Beekman NEWYORK. Richard Andrus, Newsalem Rev. Dan Bradley, Whitestown do. Rev. Samuel Buell, D.D. Easthampton, Longifland, 2 copies Major Joshua Benjamin, Southold Dr. James Cogfwell, do. Rev. Silas Conftant, Yorktown John Cobb, Troy Cornelius Davis, Master of the African Free School, Newyork, 50 copies Mrs. Elizabeth Dod, do. Rev. H. Dagget, Southampton, L.I. 1. B. Ducye, merch. Dutchess county Michael Dunning, jun. Stillwater Benjamin Egbert, merchant, Newyork Matthew Fitch, Greenriver Rev. Benjamin Foster, D.D. Newyork Cornelius Fifk, do. Capt. John Faight, Fishkill Benja. Huntington, Efq. Southampton John Hannah, Candidate, Fredericks town Benjamin Hoight, Stephentown Abraham Halsey, Fishkill Richard Hatfield, Efq. Whiteplains Rev. Abel Jackson, Orange county Rev. William Lynn, D.D. Newyork John P. Mumford, merchant, Newyork Rev. John McKnight, D. D. do. Rev. Samuel Mills, do Rev. D.Marsh, Poughkeepsie, 6 copies Rev. Samuel Smith, Saratoga do. Samuel Tomb, Candidate, Salem John Temple, Efq. Baronet, Newyork Joseph Titus, do. do. John Tenbrook, merchant, do. NEWJERSEY. Rev. David Auttin, Elizabethtown Joseph Baldwin, Craneftown Peter C. Conte, Caleb Cram, do. do. Henry Cook, Stud. in Div. Mendham Aaron Cram, Cramtown Robert Croffman, do. John Condet, M. D. Orangedale Charles Cram, do. Rev. A. C. Collins, Morristown,&cop. Matthew Crane, Silas Condut, Elq. Jonathan Crane, Caldwell do. de. Jonas Thomkins, Cranestown Samuel A. Woodruff, do John Young, Caldwell PENNSYLVANIA. James Brinckerhoff, York county Thomas Eastburn, Philadelphia John Grant, do Sylvanus Davis, Newark Samuel Dod, do. Ifaac Dod, Esq. Orangedale Uriah Du Bois, Salem county Rev. Abijah Davis, Capemay do. do. do. Rev. Peter Fish, Effex county Samuel Frost, Hanover Rev. Stephen Grover, Caldwell Capt. William Gould, do. Robert Gould, do. Timothy Gould, do. Matthew Harrison, Wardfeffon Aaron Harrison, Abraham Harrison, Orangedale Stephen Harrison, Efq. Orangedale do. Ifaac Harris, Efq. M.D. Salem county John T. Hampton, M. D. Fairfield James Howard, Hanover Benjamin Howel, do. William Holmes, Cranestown Capt. Abijah Hunt, Elizabethtown Rev. John Joline, Mendham Lewis James, Deerfield Mrs. Patience James, do. David James, do. Deacon Recompence Leak, Deerfield Norton Lawrence, Fairfield David Leonard, Parcipininy James McDonald, Wardsesson Amos Mun, do. John McQueen, Cumberland county Daniel Nafh, Stud. in Div. Pittsgrove George Parfonett, Eiq. Caldwell Mofes Quinby, Orangedale do. William M. Smith, Orangedale James Thompson, Wardfeffon Jofeph Thornton Ebenezer Tuttle, Esq. Caleb Tuttle George Kerr, York county William Keyzer, Philadelphia John Lodor, do. Zechariah Lawrence, do. Nathaniel Ogden, Philadelphia John B. Preston, do. John Stilly, Merchant, do. George Scot, Student, do. DELAWARE. Samuel Miller, Candidate for the Ministry, Dover Rev. Thomas Read MARYLAND. Jacob Cazier, 2 copies John Cox George Finley, Elq. Q. Ann's county Samuel B. Fofter, do. Major D. Hopkins, near Baltimore, 6 Rev. John Luckey, Hartford county William Luckey, do. John Martin, Baltimore, a copies John Mure, Dorfet county James Martin, Baltimore Rev. James McCoy, 2 copies James Roseberry Matthew Swem, Merchant, Baltimore Samuel Thomas, Efq. Q. Ann's county Andrew Woodrow, Baltimore Peter Bean, Lancaster county, 2 copies Rev. William Hill, Berkley county Samuel Tomfon, Cumberland county James Meredith, do. Eliab Kingman, do. Rev. Joshua Lewis, Marlbor. county John Lide, Chefterfield county Jas. H. Thomfon, A.M Charlst. 12 fets Main Hills, merchant, Savannah, 12 Rev, Reuben Hitchcock, Sunbury VERMONT. Rev. Joseph Bullen, Athens, 2 copies Elijah Blake, Sunbury Rev. Thomas Gross, Hartford Eliot Sawyer, merchant, Coos do. Rev. Job Swift, Bennington List of Subscribers from SCOTLAND. do. do. do. Alexander McLawrin Miss Jenny Spears, William Miller, From IRELAND. do. do. do. do. PARTI. HAPTER I. Concerning Divine Reve- Page 17 CHAP. II. On the Being and Perfections of God 53 CHAP. III. On the Unity of God, and the CHAP. IV. On the Decrees of God CHAP. V. Concerning the Creation of the CHAP. VIII. On the Apostacy of Man, and CHAP. I. Containing General Observations A THE SYSTEM of DOCTRINES CONTAINED IN DIVINE REVELATION. PART I. CHAP. Ι. Concerning Divine Revelation. IT is evident from reason, fact and experience, that mankind stand in need of a revelation from God, in order to know what God is what is their own true state and moral character-whether he be reconcilable to them, who have rebelled against him and if he be, what is the method he has appointed, in which he will be reconciled; and what man must be and do, in order to find acceptance in his fight: Wherein true happinefs confifts-whether there be another state-what are the favours he will grant in a future state, to those who ferve and pleafe him in this life-what are his grand defigus in creating and governing the world, &c. The ignorance B |