صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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Capt. John Whiting, Milford

Mrs. Martha Welch,


David How Willifton, A. M.

Charles Lahatt, Brooklyne
Rev. A. Lewis, Weftchester county
G.Livingston, Esq. Dutchess county, 5

Aaron Woodward, Candidate, Tolland Gilbert B. Livingston, Esq. Beekman


Richard Andrus, Newsalem
John Ambler, Frederickstown
Abraham Adriance, Fishkill

Rev. Dan Bradley, Whitestown
Rev. Abraham Beach, D. D. Newyork
John Bedient,

do. Rev. Samuel Buell, D.D. Easthampton, Longifland, 2 copies

Major Joshua Benjamin, Southold
Benjamin Broughton, Dutchess county
Allan Blair, Frederickstown
Capt. Hachaliah Brown, Stephentown
Rev. Robert Campbell, Stillwater
Solomon Curtis, Green river
Jonas Coe, Newyork

Dr. James Cogfwell, do.
Nehemiah B. Cook, Southold, L. I.
Jeremiah Crosby, Dutchess county
Rev. John Cromwell, do.

Rev. Silas Conftant, Yorktown
Col. Thaddeus Crane, Newfalem
Elias Cornelius, Stephentown
Cyrus Comstick, Newsalem
Halfted Coe, Newhemsted

John Cobb, Troy

Cornelius Davis, Master of the African Free School, Newyork, 50 copies Mrs. Elizabeth Dod, do.

Rev. H. Dagget, Southampton, L.I. 1. B. Ducye, merch. Dutchess county Michael Dunning, jun. Stillwater Benjamin Egbert, merchant, Newyork Matthew Fitch, Greenriver

Rev. Benjamin Foster, D.D. Newyork Cornelius Fifk,


Capt. John Faight, Fishkill
David Gelfton, Efq. Newyork
Ephraim Grant, jun. Tolland
Rev. Benja Goldsmith, Southold, L.I.
Maltby Gelston, A. B. Southampton
John Garrifon, Efq. Courtlandtown
Rev. Oliver Hitchcock, Granville
Rev. Elkanah Holmes, Bedford

Benja. Huntington, Efq. Southampton
Thomas Halfstead, Ulfter county

John Hannah, Candidate, Fredericks


Benjamin Hoight, Stephentown
William Horton, Elq. do.
Levi Hall, Fredericksłown
Mrs. Jane Hancock, Newyork
Philip Heath, Troy

Abraham Halsey, Fishkill

Richard Hatfield, Efq. Whiteplains

Rev. Abel Jackson, Orange county
Robert Johnfton, Dutchers county
Mrs. Sybil Kane, Newyork
Alahel Lee, Greenriver

Rev. William Lynn, D.D. Newyork

John P. Mumford, merchant, Newyork Rev. John McKnight, D. D. do. Rev. Samuel Mills,


Rev. D.Marsh, Poughkeepsie, 6 copies
Rev. John Minac, do.
Charles Moore, Stillwater
Hon. Samuel Olgood, Esq. Newyork
John Oakley, Westchester county
Samuel Olmsted, Newsalem
Jesse Oakley, Esq. Beekman
Rev. David Porter, Spencertown
Samuel Palmer, Greenriver
George Palmer, Esq. Stillwater
Rev. Winflow Page, Stephentown
Ezekiel Robbins, Newyork
Rev. David Rose, Southaven, L. I.
Nathaniel Reeve, Southold,
Rev. William B. Ripley, Ballstown
Dr. Joseph Spencer, Harrik
Mel. Smith, Esq. Newyork, 6 copies
Dirck Swart, Stillwater

Rev. Samuel Smith, Saratoga
Francis Squire, Newyork


Samuel Tomb, Candidate, Salem John Temple, Efq. Baronet, Newyork Joseph Titus,



John Tenbrook, merchant,
Rev. J. Tawnley, Westchefter county
Hon. John Thompson, Stillwater
Hugh Wallis, A. B. Spencertown
Jonathan Wife, Greenriver
Rev. A. Woolworth, Bridgehampton
Benjamin Wood, Newsaleni
Dr. Elias Willard, Stillwater
Reuben Wright,



Rev. David Auttin, Elizabethtown
Amari Armstrong, Orangedale
Prudden Alling, Elq.
Elias Baldwin, Orangedale
Jofeph Brown, Newark
George Brincherhoff, Mounthope
Ezekiel Baldwin, Hanover
Silas Baldwin, Caldwell
Joseph Baldwin, do.

Joseph Baldwin, Craneftown
David D. Crane, Newark
Rev. Jedidiah Chapman, Orangedale
R.H.Chapman, Stud. of Divinity, do.

Peter C. Conte,

Caleb Cram,



Henry Cook, Stud. in Div. Mendham

Aaron Cram, Cramtown

Robert Croffman, do.

John Condet, M. D. Orangedale

Charles Cram,


Rev. A. C. Collins, Morristown,&cop.

Matthew Crane,

Silas Condut, Elq.

Jonathan Crane, Caldwell



Jonas Thomkins, Cranestown
Rev. William Van Horn,
Seth Y. Wells, Orangedale
James Wharry, Wardseffon
Mofes Williams, Orangedale
Mathias Williams, do.
Rev. Calvin White, Hanover
Amos Woodruff, Greenwich
Leonard Winds, Hanover

Samuel A. Woodruff, do
David Young

John Young, Caldwell


James Brinckerhoff, York county Thomas Eastburn, Philadelphia John Grant,


Sylvanus Davis, Newark
Bethuel Dod, Stud. of Div. Orangedale
Nathaniel Dod, Cramtown
Eleazer Dod, Wardfesson

Samuel Dod,


Ifaac Dod, Esq. Orangedale
John Dod, sen. do.

Uriah Du Bois, Salem county
Daniel Davis, Deerfield

Rev. Abijah Davis, Capemay
Samuel Crane, Efq. Caldwell
Nathaniel Crane, Cranestown
Jonas Crane, Caldwell
Thomas D. Fuller, Elizabethtown
Jeremiah Freeman, Orangedale
Rev. Ifaac Foster, Salem county
Ezekiel Foster, Cumberland county
Ephraim Foster, jun. Deerfield,do.
Ephraim Fofter, fen. do.
David Fofter,


do. do.

Rev. Peter Fish, Effex county

Samuel Frost, Hanover

Rev. Stephen Grover, Caldwell

Capt. William Gould,


Robert Gould,


Timothy Gould,


Matthew Harrison, Wardfeffon

Aaron Harrison,

Abraham Harrison, Orangedale

Stephen Harrison, Efq. Orangedale


Ifaac Harris, Efq. M.D. Salem county

John T. Hampton, M. D. Fairfield

James Howard, Hanover

Benjamin Howel,


William Holmes, Cranestown

Capt. Abijah Hunt, Elizabethtown

Rev. John Joline, Mendham

Lewis James, Deerfield

Mrs. Patience James, do.

David James,


Deacon Recompence Leak, Deerfield

Norton Lawrence, Fairfield

David Leonard, Parcipininy

James McDonald, Wardsesson

Amos Mun,


John McQueen, Cumberland county
Jofeph Montique, A. B.

Daniel Nafh, Stud. in Div. Pittsgrove
Mrs. Sarah Ogden, Fairfield
Thomas Osbourn, Hanover
Ifaac Pierfon, A. B.
Enos Pierfon, Orangedale
Ifaac Prefton, Fairfield

George Parfonett, Eiq. Caldwell

Mofes Quinby, Orangedale
James Reves, Cumberland county
Mark Riley,


William M. Smith, Orangedale
Benjamin Smith, Hanover

James Thompson, Wardfeffon

Jofeph Thornton

Ebenezer Tuttle, Esq.

Caleb Tuttle

George Kerr, York county

William Keyzer, Philadelphia

John Lodor,


Zechariah Lawrence, do.

Nathaniel Ogden, Philadelphia

John B. Preston,


John Stilly, Merchant, do.

George Scot, Student, do.


Samuel Miller, Candidate for the

Ministry, Dover

Rev. Thomas Read


Jacob Cazier, 2 copies

John Cox

George Finley, Elq. Q. Ann's county

Samuel B. Fofter,


Major D. Hopkins, near Baltimore, 6
John Kernes, Queen Ann's county

Rev. John Luckey, Hartford county

William Luckey,


John Martin, Baltimore, a copies

John Mure, Dorfet county

James Martin, Baltimore

Rev. James McCoy, 2 copies
Rev. Lewis Richards, Baltimore

James Roseberry

Matthew Swem, Merchant, Baltimore
Mrs. Mary Smyth

Samuel Thomas, Efq. Q. Ann's county
John Witheraw

Andrew Woodrow, Baltimore

Peter Bean, Lancaster county, 2 copies
William Calhoon, candidate, P. Edw-
Rev. Jofeph Caldwell, Winchester
Maj. John Campbell, Augufta county,
John P. Campbell, Candidate, do.
Thomas Damron, Norfolk
Rev. W. Graham, A. M. Lexington,
James Gordon, Lancaster county

Rev. William Hill, Berkley county
Lawfon Hathaway, Lancafter county
Rev. Nash LeGrand, Frederick county
Richard Lee, Lancaster county
Capt. John Morton, Prince Edward
John Meredith, Lancat. county, 4 fets

Samuel Tomfon, Cumberland county James Meredith,


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Eliab Kingman,


Rev. Joshua Lewis, Marlbor. county

John Lide, Chefterfield county
Evander McIver, Darlington county
Thomas Park, A. B. Greenville
Thos. Powe, Judge of Chesterf. county
Claudius Pegues, Efq. Marlb. county
George Quick, Marlborough
Hon. David Ramfay, Charleston
Benj. Rogers, Efq. Chesterfield county
Tristam Thomas, Judge of Marlbo-
rough county

Jas. H. Thomfon, A.M Charlst. 12 fets

Main Hills, merchant, Savannah, 12 Rev, Reuben Hitchcock, Sunbury


Rev. Joseph Bullen, Athens, 2 copies
Rev. Lewis Beebe, Pawlet
Rev. Afa Burton, Thetford

Elijah Blake, Sunbury
Enos Merrils, do.
Amos Chapman, Coos
Ebenezer Caldwell, Windfor
Rev. Silvanus Chapin, Orwell
Rev. Wait Cornwell, Middletown
Rev. Matthias Cazier, Castleton
Lewis Chapin, Jericho
Rev. Stephen Fuller, Vershire
J. H. Garnfey, Candidate, Castleton
Rev. Increase Graves, Rupert, 2 copies

Rev. Thomas Gross, Hartford
Samuel Hopkins, Rupert
Brewster Higby, Elq. Castleton
Rev. Eleazer Harwood, Pittsford
Rev. Lemuel Haynes, Rutland
Thomas Hale,
Anthony Hasweil, Printer, Bennington
Capt. Ifrael Harris, Rutland
David Huges, Norwich
Rev. Thomas Hebard, Poultney
Abiel Jones, Royalston
Rev. Ebenezer Kingsbury, Jericho
Dan Kent, Candidate, Dorfett
David Robinson, High Sheriff, Ben-
David Kingsley, Sudbury
James Lawton, Hardwick
Rev. Nathaniel Lambert, Newbury
Rev. James Murdock, Sangate
Rev. Chauncy Lee, Sunderland
Israel Newton, Norwich, 2 fets
Elijah Norton, Candidate, Woodstock
Ifrael Newton, Norwich
Rev. Reuben Parmele, Hinsbury
Rev. Peter P. Roots, Rutland
Hon. Mofes Robinson, Member of
the Senate of the United States.

Eliot Sawyer, merchant, Coos
Samuel Stone, Windfor


Rev. Job Swift, Bennington
Deacon Stephen Smith, Rupert
Deacon Joel Shelden,
Seth Stors, Efq. Attorney, Addison
Z. Swift, stud. Dart. Col. Wilmington
S. Swift, A. B. Bennington
Rev. Sylvanus Sage, Westminster
Rev. Ethan Smith, Haverhill
Rev. John Sawyer, Oxford
Major Marshall Spring, Bridport
Simeon Smith, Afq. Fairham
Rev. Tho. Tolman, Cornwall, 2 cop.
Rev. James Thomson, Poultney
Col. Samuel Thompson, Wilmington
Rev. Azel Washburn, Randolf

List of Subscribers from SCOTLAND.
Rev. J. Erskine, D. D. Edinb. 12 cop.
M. Colquhoun, Stud. in Div. Glasgow
J. Smillie, merch. Greenock, 4 copies
John Morfon, do. do. 3 copies
John Dick,
William McCufm, jun. do.do.
David Williamfon, do. do.
Peter McBeath,
John Caird,


do. do.

Alexander McLawrin

Miss Jenny Spears,

William Miller,






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Concerning Divine Revelation.

IT is evident from reason, fact and experience, that mankind stand in need of a revelation from God, in order to know what God is what is their own true state and moral character-whether he be reconcilable to them, who have rebelled against him and if he be, what is the method he has appointed, in which he will be reconciled; and what man must be and do, in order to find acceptance in his fight: Wherein true happinefs confifts-whether there be another state-what are the favours he will grant in a future state, to those who ferve and pleafe him in this life-what are his grand defigus in creating and governing the world, &c. The ignorance


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