The Raccolta: Or, Collection of Prayers and Good Works, to which the Sovereign Pontiffs Have Attached Holy IndulgencesWoodstock College, 1878 - 487 من الصفحات |
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
adore thee Amen angels apostles Benedict XIV beseech thee blessed sacrament blessed Virgin Mary chaplet church or public confession and communion Congr cross death decree Deus devoutly Domine dost ejus eternal Father faithful feast gain Gloria Patri glorious Glory grace granted Hail Mary heart and devotion heart of Jesus heaven Holy Ghost holy Trinity Holy wound honor INDULGENCE OF SEVEN INDULGENCE OF THREE intention Joseph least contrite heart LET US PRAY Lord Jesus Christ love thee Maria mercy Miserere nobis nomen novena obtain once a day once a month OREMUS pious Pius VII PLENARY INDULGENCE Pope Pius Pope Pius IX praise pray thee precious blood public oratory quæ quæsumus saints salvation Sancte Saviour say this prayer sinners sins sorrow souls in purgatory Sovereign Pontiff Spiritus Sunday thine thou didst thou hast THREE HUNDRED DAYS thy divine thy holy triumph of holy truly penitent tuam tuum virgo visit a church