صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

the Amendments recommended by the Committee.

The Secretary at War faid, that fome of the Amendments by the Lords were objectionable, and had not been deliberately confidered in the other Houfe. In agreeing with fome, and difagreeing with others, they conformed to the precedent of the year 1757. A Committee was then appointed to draw up reafons to be given to the Lords, in a conference, for disagreeing in their Amendments.


Mr. Western called the attention of the Houfe to fome hardthips and opprethions experienced in the country, in confequence of the revenue officers extending the construction of the word maltmaker, in fuch an illegal manner as to fubject the houfes of farmers, and other individuals, to night fearches, to seizures, and to the penalties of the Excife laws, even if they were only in the habit of sending their own barley to be made malt of. He was himself in the habit of doing fo, and was fometimes vifited by an Excife Officer, who demanded to make a fearch. He refufed to give up his keys, and wrote twice to the Commiffioners of Excife, but received no answer. He had fince been informed by the Supervifor, that directions had been given not to proceed against him, but that was not the cafe with others in a fimilar predica.


The Chancellor of the Exchequer affured him that the circumftance fhould be enquired into, and the converfation dropped.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16. The Clergy Non refidence Bill was read a third time, and paffed.

The Smuggling Bill was ordered to be read a third time. A claufe was added, which went to punish thofe perfons offending against the Bill as rogues and vagabonds, and alfo a claufe to exempt perfons from being punithed both ways, namely, pecuniary fine and imprisonment. The Bill was read a third time and paffed.

The Paper Duty Bill was read a fecond time. In answer to a question from Sir W. Elford, it was understood that the new invention of Straw Paper would be exempted from the prefent duty, and a lower one laid.


On the report of the New Foreft Game Bill being brought up,

Sir Henry Mildmay ftated, that un derstanding this Bill was conceived by fome pertons to infringe upon their rights, he had no objection to let it ftand over until next Seffion.

Mr. Shaw Lefevre and Si W. Heath

cote faid, there were many persons who entertained the apprehenfions alluded to by the Hon. Baronet; and after fome converfation between the Attorney General, Mr. Lefevre, and Sir H. Mildmay, the further confideration of the Bill was poftponed till this day three months.

Mr. Tierney moved a long ftring of Refolutions, which were ordered to be printed, on the finances of the country.

A Petition from feveral Ship-owners was prefented against the Tonnage of Veffels.

The Stamp Duty Bill, the Irish Lottery Register Bill, the Innkeepers Allowance Bill, and the Auction Duty Bill, were read a third time, and paffed.


The National Debt Bill, the Uniawful Lottery Bill, the 1,500,cool. Exchequer Bills Bill, and the Land Tax Pedemption Bill, were feverally read a third time and paffed.

The Amendments made by the Lords to the Clergy Refidence Bill were read and agreed to.

Mr. Wilberforce gave notice that he fhould poftpone his intended motion upon the Slave Trade, in confequence of the latenefs of the present Seffion of Parliament.


Read a third time, and paffed, the Irish Imports and Exports Bill, the Poft Horfe Duty Bill, the Irith Militia Pay Bill, the 5,coo,ocol. Exchequer Bills Bill, the Irish Militia Discharge Bill, and the Paper Duty Bill.

On the third reading of the laft Bill, a claufe was added, authorifing the Commiffioners of Stamps to allow the prefent difcount on Newfpaper Stamps, for three months after the paffing of this Act, provided it be proved by oath, or otherwife, that the full duties had been paid upon the paper.


[blocks in formation]

the table. He fhould do no more at prefent than move the firft Refolution, and would afterwards propofe that the difcuffion on this fubject should take place on Thursday next; with this understanding, that in the mean time the whole should be printed.

He then moved the first Refolution pro forma, which, with the others, was laid on the table.

Mr. Tierney obferved, that if any difcuffion was intended, he fhould wish it were poftponed to Friday.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer had no great appetite for a difcuffion at this late period of the Seffion; but as it was pollible fome Gentlemen might be difpoled to make obfervations on the Refolutions, he was willing that they thould have them in their poffef. fion as long as poffible after they were printed, before the difcuffion fhould commence. He would therefore move, that this debate be poftponed to Friday



Mr. Nichols rofe, pursuant to the notice he had lately given of a motion relative to the tranfactions which have taken place in the Carnatic. These proceedings, in his opinion, ought to be either avowed and justified, or acknowledged to have been rath and imprudent. He went into a history of the origin and state of the Eat India Company. That Corporation poffeffed two kinds of rights; firft, the right of trading exclufively beyond the Cape of Good Hope; fecondly, the right of making war and peace, of erecting fortrelles, &c. in India. The first was a facred right, which, like every thing connected with property, the Company had a right to exercife as they pleafed; but the fecond was entrusted to them for the advantage and intereft of the country, and ought to be vigilantly watched by the Houfe. The conquefts lately made in India he believed exceeded in extent and importance all the acquifitions of the French in Europe. The conqueft of the Myfore he knew was juftified in this country; but it was far from being thought equally well of on the Continent. Three wars had taken place with the Sovereigns of the Myfore, one with Hyder Ally, and two with Tippoo Saib. The first of thefe was now acknowledged to have been unjust on the part of this country. The Nabob of the Carnatic had always

VOL. XLII. Auc. 1802.

been attached to the English intereft; and the reward of that attachment was, that his legal heir was fet afide, in order that another might give a fanction to the ufurpation of the government of his country. It had been ftated, that this meafure could be defended as confiftent with the laws of nations. He was proceeding to ftate every poff ble cafe in which the law of nations could apply to this infraction, when

The Speaker interrupted the Hon. Member, by ftating, that there were Mellengers from the Lords at the door, defiring a prefent conference.

The Meffengers being introduced ftated, that their Lordships had agreed to the Scotch Militia Bill, with fome amendments; and that they defired a conference of the House of Commons who had agreed, except one on which they infifted.

Lord Glenbervie then moved, that the Houfe do infit upon difagreeing with this amendment made by the Lords.

The motions were put, and nega


Mr. Nichols then refumed his fpeech; and after he had made a few obferva tions,

Mr. Sheridan moved, that the House be counted; when it being found that there were only thirty-three Members prefent, the House adjourned.



Mr. Wallace obferved, that a gar belled account of the letter from the fon of the late Nabob of Arcot had been published in the newfpapers, which he wifhed fhould be rectified. He therefore moved, that there be laid before the Houfe a copy of the letter from Huffein Alli, reputed fon of the late Nabob of Arcot, to James Stewart Hall and Samuel Johnfon, Efqrs.Ordered.

Mr. Sheridan would not enter into any difcuffion of the rights of the India Company; it was fufficient to know that this country had recognized_the fovereignty of the Carnatic. That circumitance would furely intere Minifters, who had not yet dipped deeply in India politics, and who, therefore, might furely be hoped to ftand, on the prefent question, unbiaffed and uncorrupted. It was unnecellary for him to inform the House, that the Nabob of Arcot had always U


been regarded as the most fincere friend of this country in India. His grandfon, however, had been depofed, declared a traitor, deprived of his rank and rights, and his dominions annexed to the territory of the East India Company. But who were his accufers, who the witneffes, who his judges -The English Government in India only those who were to reap all the advan tage of his pretended treachery. He was not poffeffed of documents to enable him to form a pofitive opinion; but fo far as he could judge from the papers on the table, the perfons at the head of the Government in India were much to blame in this tranfaction. He fhould be extremely happy if future information would fhew that a wrong impreffion had been made on the pub: lic with refpect to this affair. He should be equally happy if his Majesty's Minif ters thewed their readiness in repairing any injury which might appear to have been done to the rights of the legal Sovereign of the Carnatic. If, however, the meafure was not juftified, nor any reparation made, he fhould think it his duty to bring forward a motion on the fubject next Seffion. In the mean time he would fubmit no propofition on the general question, but would move for leave to lay on the table a petition from the Regents of the Carnatic.

After a converfation in which the Chancellor of the Exchequer and Mr. Sheridan took part, the petition was brought up and laid on the table.

Mr. Nichols moved, that an humble Addrefs be prefented to his Majesty, requesting that meafures may be taken to investigate the late tranfactions in

the Carnatic.

No Member feconded this motion. It, therefore, was not put from the

vations, moved an Addrefs to his Ma jefly, that he be graciously pleased to grant to Dr. Carmichael Smith 5000l. for his valuable difcovery of Fumigation by Nitrous Acid, and that the House should make good the fame, which was feconded by Mr. Erskine, and agreed to nem. con. without paying the fees.


The debate on the Finance Refoluwho ftated his diffent to one only of tions was refumed by Mr. Tierney, the Refolutions of the Chancellor of the Exchequer, which was, relative to the Reduction of the National Debt in

45 years; which, he faid, might be attained in a much shorter period. He therefore moved his first Refolution to that effect, which, after a variety of obfervations from Mr. Ad. dington and Mr. Vanfittart was negatived, and the former Refolutions of the Chancellor of the Exchequer were agreed to.


Lord Arden informed the Houfe, his Majefty had been waited on with the feveral Addreffes of the Houfe, and he had, in compliance with them, given directions for enlarging and im proving the rooms; for granting 5000l. to Dr. Carmichael Smith; 1700l. to William Drummond, Efq. and fuch * other grants as were prayed by the Addresses; and that he would confer fome Church Dignity on the Rev. Mr. Barton, the Chaplain of this Houfe.


Sir F. Molyneux stated, that it was his Majefty's command, that the Houfe thould attend him forthwith in the Houfe of Peers. The Houfe proceeded accordingly, and, on their return, the Speaker read his Majefty's moft gracious Speech, and the Members immeAfr. Wilberforce, after a few obfer- diately difperfed.






*** Those printed in Italics were not in the laft Parliament. Those marked thus (*) are new for the respective Places. All the rest are re-elected. The figure after the name thews in how many Parliaments the Member has ferved. Thofe marked (4) are returned for more than one place.


ABINGDON. T. T. Metcalfe 1 Aguondefham. T. D. T. Drake 2, C. D. Gerrard 1

Alban's, St. Hon. J. W. Grimstone, W. S. Poyntz I

Aldborough, Suffolk. Sir J. Aubry, Bart. 7, 7. M'Maton

Aldborough, Yorkshire. C. Duncombe,
jun. 1, John Sullivan [lowes
Andover. T. A. Smith 1, Hon. Ñ. Fel-
Anglefea. Hon. Arthur Paget 2
Appleby. J. Courtenay 5, P. Francis
Arundel. Lord Andover, J. Atkins
Afhburton. Sir Hugh Inglis, W. Palk 1
Aylesbury. J. Dupre, R. Bent
Banbury. Dudley North 6
Barnstaple. W.Devaynes 1,Sir E.Pellew
Bath. Lord J. Thynne 1, J. Palmer 1
Beaumaris. Lord Newborough 1
Bedfordre. Hon. H. A. St. John 5,
J. Ofborne 2
Bedford Town. S. Whitbread 2, W. Lee
Bawin. Sir R. Buxton 1, N. Holland
Beeraljton. Lord Louvaine 1, Col. W.
Mitford 1

[das 2 Berkshire. G. Vanfittart 4, Chas. DunBerwick. T. Hall, J. Fordyce 1 Beverley. J. Wharton, N. C. Burton 1 Bewdley. M. P. Andrews I

Bilhop's Caftle. W. Clive 6, 7. Robinson
Blechingly. 3. Milnes, J. B. Walsh
Bodmin. C. S. Lefevre 1, J. Dupre
Boroughbridge. Hon. J. Scott 1, E. B.
Boffiney. J. H. Addington 2, J. A. S.
Wortley 1

Bolon. W. A. Maddocks, T. Fydell 2
Brackley. J. W. Egerton 6, S. Haynes 4
Bramber. G. Surton 2, *H. Joddrell i
Brecon County. Sir C. G. Morgan 6
Brecon Town. Sir R. Salisbury 1
Bridgnorth. J. Whitmore 2, J. Hawks.
Browne 6

Bridgwater. G. Pocock 1, J. Allen 1 Bridport. Sir E. Nepean 1, G. Barclay 2 Bristol. Rt Hon. C. Bragge 2, E. Baillie Buckinghamshire. Marquis Titchfield 2,

Eari Temple 1 Lord W. A. Proby Buckingham Town.RtHon T.Grenville2, Callington. J. I. Fortefcue 1, Paul Orchard 4

Calne. Lord H. Petty, J. Jekyll 4 Cambridgeshire. Lord C. Manners, Right

t 5,

Hon. C. York 2 [Earl Fulton 3 Cambridge Univerfity. Rt Hon. W.Pitt g Cambridge Town. Hon. E. Finch 4, R. Minners 4 Camelford. K. Adair 1, J. Fonblanque Canterbury, Hon. G. Watson 1, J. Eaker Cardiff. Lord W. Stewart. Cardiganshire. Thomas Johnes 2 Cardigan Town. Hon. John Vaughan 1 Cartije. J. C. Cui wen 2, *W. S. Stanhope I

Carmarthenshire. Hamlyn Williams

Cheller 2

venor 2

Carmarthen Town. J.G. Phillips 1
Carnarvonshire. Sir R. Williams 1
Carnarvon Town. Hon. E. Paget 1
Caftle Rifing. P. J. Thelluffon 2, C.
[ton 2
Chefbire. T.Cholmondeley 1, *W.Eger-
Chefter. Lord Belgrave † 4, T. Grof-
[Thomas 4
Chichefter. Rt Hon. T. Steele 5, G. W.
Chippenham. C. Brooke, J. Dawkins 4
Christ Church. Rt Hon. G. Rose 3, *W.
Sturges 1
[Beach 2
Cirencester. Sir R. Preston 2, M. H.
Clith ro. Hon. J.Cut, Hon. R. Curzon ■
Cockermouth. R. Ward, J. Graham
Colchester. J. Dennilon 1, R. Thorn-

ton 4

Corffe Caftie. H. Banks 5, N. Bond 5 Cornwall County. Sir W. Lemon 7, F. Gregor 2

Coventry. N. Jefferys 1, W. F. Barlow Cricklade. T. Eltcourt 2, Lord Port

chefter 2

[ther 1 Cumberland. Sir H. Fletcher 7, J. LowDartmouth. E. Baftard 5, A. H. Holdf worth

Denbighshire. Sir W. W. Wynne 2
Denbigh Town. Hon. F. Weft
Derbyshire. Lord G. Cavendish 6, E.
M. Mundy 4
[Coke 5
Derby Town. Hon. G. Walpole 2, E.
Devizes. Rt Hon. H. Addington 4, J.
Smith I

Devonshire. Sir L. Palk 4, J. P. Baftard 5
Dorjetoire. W.M.Pitt 5, F.J. Brown 4
Dorchefter. F. Fane 2, C. Athley 2
Dover. J. Trevanion 5, 7. S. Smith
Downton. Hon. E. Bouverie 2, Hon.
J. Ward
[A. Foley 6
Droitwich. Sir E. Winnington 5, Hon,
Dunwich. Lord Huntingfield 3, S.
[Burdon 2
Durham County. Sir R. Milbanke 1, R.
Durham City. R. J. Lambton 1, R

Barne I

[blocks in formation]

+Lord Belgrave, fince his election, has become a Peer of the Realm, by the death of his father, the Earl of Grosvenor. On the meeting of Parliament, a new election for the City of Chester will of courie take place.


[blocks in formation]

Norton 1

Grantham, Sir W. E. Welby, T. Thornton
Great Grimsby. A. Boucherett 1, 7.
H. Loft
Griftead, Eaft. *Sir H. Strachey 2, D.
Guildford. Lord Cranley 6, Hon. J. C.
[Chute 2
Hampshire. Sir W. Heathcote 2, W.
Harwich. J Robinfon 5, T. Myers
Haflemere. G. Wood 1, R. Penn
Haftings. Lord Glenbervie 2, *G. W.

Haverfordwest. Lord Kenfington
Helfton. Lord Fitzharris, John Penn
Herefordshire. Sir G. Cornewall, J. G.
[Symonds 1
Hereford City. J. Scudamore 1, T. P.
Hertfor hr. W. Plumer 8, Hon. P.
[Calvert 3
Hertford Town. Hon. G. S. Cowper, N.
Heyden. C. A. Saville 1, G. John-
[Abbot 2

ftone I
Heytefoury. Lord Kirkwall, Rt Hon. C.
Higham Ferrers. F. Ferrard Foljambe
Hinden. Thomas Wallace, James Pedley
Honiton, G. Shum 1, *sir J. Honey-

wood i

Horsham. Patrick Rofs, Edw. Hilliard Huntingdonshire. Lord Hinchinbrook 2,

Lord Montagu 1 [Fellows 4 Huntingdon Town. J. Calvert 2, W. H. Hythe. Matt. White, Tho Godfrey Ilebefter. William Hunter, Tho. Plummer pfwich. C. A. Crickett 4, Sir A. Hammond I

Ives, St. Wm Praed 5, J. Raine
Kent. F. Honeywood, Sir W. Geary 1
King's Lynn. Sir M. B. Foulkes 2, Hon.
H. Walpole 5 [Staniforth
Kingston upon-Hull. S. Thornton 4, J.
Knaresborough. Lord J. Townshend 4,
Jas. Hare 5
[burne 4
Lancaflire. T. Stanley 6, J. Black
Lancaster Town. Marq.Douglas, J.Dent 2
Launceflon. J.Brogden 1, R.H.A.Bennet
Leicester hire. Sir E. C. Hartopp 1, G.
A. L. Keck 2
[ton 1
Leicester Forn. S. Smith 4, T. Babing-
Leominfler. John Lubbock 1, Hon, C.
[Elliot 2
Lifkeard. Hon. J Elliot 5, Hon. W.
Left-withiel H. Sloane, W. Dicken-
fon, jun. 1
Lewes. Lord Francis Ofborne, H.
Lincolnshire. Sir G. Heathcote 1, C.
Lincoln City. R. Ellison 1, H. Sibthorp 1

Litchfield. Sir J. Wrottefley 1, T. An-
fon 4
[coyne I
Liverpool. Gen. Tarleton 2, Gen. Gaf
London. H. C. Combe 1, C. Price, W.
Curtis 2, Sir J. Anderson 2
Ludlow. Hon. R. Clive 2, R. Payne,
Knt. 5
[rett I
Luggerfhall. Earl of Dalkeith 2, T. Eve-
Lyme Regis. Hon. T. Fane 4, Hon. H.
Fane 7
[Burrard 2
Lymington. W. Manning 2, Gen. H.
Maidstone. Sir M. Bloxham 4, J. H.
[Western 2
Malden. J. H. Strutt 2, C. Callis
Malmesbury. Claude Scott, Samuel Scott
Malton. B. Cooke 1, Hon.C.L.Dundas 1
Marlborough. Lord Bruce 1, J. Leigh
Marlow. T. Williams 2, O. Williams 1
Maw's, St. Rt Hon. W. Windham 4,
Sir W. Young 4

Michael. St. R. Dallas, R. S. Ainflie
Merionethshire. Sir R. W. Vaughan 2
Midhurst. G. Smith 1, Sam. Smith
Middlefex. G. Byng 2, Sir F. Burdett
Milbourne Port. Lord Paget 2, Hugh

Minehead. J. F. Luttrell 6, J. Pattefon
Monmouthshire. Gen. J. Rooke 4, C.
Morgan I

Monmouth Town. Lord C. Somerset 1
Montgomeryshire. C. W. W. Wynn 1
Montgomery Town. Whitthed Keene 7
Morpeth. Lord Morpeth 2, Wm Ord
Newark. Adm. Sir C. M. Pale, *T. M.
Sutton 5
[Sir R. Lazeley
Newcastle-under-Lyne. E. W. Bootle 2,
Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Sir R. Ridley 7,


C. Brandling 4 [W. Northey I Newport, Cornwall. J. Richardson 1, Newport, Hants. J. Blackburn 1, R. G. Kerr [Patten 1 Newton, Lancashire. T. Brooke 4, P. Newton, Hants. Sir R. Barclay, C. Chap[ley I Norfolk. T. W. Coke 4, Sir J. AltNorthallerton. H. Pierfe 6, Hon. E. Lafce:les 2 [Cartwright I Northamptonshire. F. Dickins 4, W. R. Northampton Town. Hon. S. Percival 2,. Hon. E. Bouverie z Northumberland. Hon. C. Grey 4, Col. T. R. Beaumont 2 Norwich. J. Fellowves, *Wm Smith 4 Nottinghamshire. Lord W. Bentinck, Hon. E. Pierrepoint 1 [ Birch Nottingham Town. Sir J. B. Warren 1, Oakhampton. J. Strange 1, H. Holland, jan. [J. Trail Orford. Lord R. Seymour Conway 2, Oxfordshire. Lord F. A. Spencer i, J. Fane I

Oxford City. A. Wright, F, Burton 5 Dxford

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