صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

leaving the College, to enter on the public fervice:

C. Lloyd-In First Clafs of Arabic, Perfian, Hindooftance, and Bengalee languages.

H. Hodgfon-Firft Clafs, Perfian, Hindooitanee, and Bengalee; and first in Bengalee writing.

W. P. Potts-Firft Clafs, Perfian and Hindooitanee; and Second Clafs, Ara


G. D. Guthrie-Firft Clafs, Arabic and Perfian.

A. Ross-First Class, Arabic and Perfian.

J.W. Laing-First Class, Arabic and Perfian.

D. Campbell-First Class, Arabic and Perfian.

G. Hartwell-First Clafs, Bengalee; and Second Class, Persian and Hindooftanee.

W.Scott-First Clafs, Bengalee; and Second Clafs, Hindoostanee.

R. Thackeray-First Class, Arabic; and Third Claís, Perfian.

M. Law--Firft Clafs, Bengalee. W. J. Sands-Second Clais, Perfian and Hindooltanee.

J. Wemyfs-Second Clafs, Perfian and Hindoostanee.

F. Morgan-Second Clafs, Perfian and Hindoostanee,

R.O. Wynne-Second Clafs, Perfian. R. Vanfittart-Second Clafs, Perfian. J.W.Grant-Second Clafs, Hindoo


To the above we add the following remarks on the Disputation held at the College of Fort William, in Bengal, by a Gentleman who, was prefent :

Thefe Difputations were held in pursuance of the fixth statute, enacted by his Excellency the Governor General, as Patron and Visitor of the College, viz.

"Whereas it is neceffary that the students destined to exercife high and important functions in India, fhould be able to speak the Oriental Languages with fluency and propriety, it is there

fore declared, that public Difputations and Declamations fhall be holden in the Oriental Languages, at ftated times, to be prescribed by the Council of the College."

From the recent inftitution of the College, and the impediments which mult neceffarily have occurred at the commencement of an undertaking to novel in India, and at the fame time fo extenfive in its objects, it might reafonably have been expected that the firft Difputation would be confined to one of the Oriental Languages; or if a fecond were included in it, the mott fanguine expectations from the fuccefs of Collegiate Inftruction in the languages of Afia must have been fulfilled. How furprising, and how gratis fying to all perfons concerned in promoting the objects of this excellent Inftitution mult it then have been, to obferve the Students appointed to hold the late Difputations, equally capable of fupporting them with readiness, correctness, and elegance, in three of the Oriental Languages, the Perfian, Hiqdooitanee, and Bengalee? In feveral inftances the fame Gentlemen defended or oppofed the given pofition in two of thefe languages; and all, after finishing their arguments, read Thefes compofed by them in the fame languages; evincing in thefe diftinguished proficiency, and eminent ability and knowledge in the fubjects of the difputations, which were happily chofen for the occafion.

It would be improper to notice individual excellence, where all exhibited fo much merit. But it may be justly obferved, that this Difputation, though a firft effay, and held within a twelvemonth after the opening of the College of Fort William, would have done honour to the Profeffors and Students of any University in Europe. It formed an admirable introduction to the delivery of the honorary medals which followed, and fanctioned the motto engraved on them" Redit a nobis durora diemque reducit."


are happy in being able to lay
before our Readers a very accu.
ate Plan of thefe Docks, and of the
parts immediately circumjacent. A

particular account of the ceremony of laying the first tone of this grand and magnificent undertaking was given in our XXXVIIIth Volume, Page 7.


Whoever has enjoyed the fatisfaction of vifiting and viewing the work in its prefent ftate, must be aftonished at the tupendouinefs of its fcale, and the extent of human wisdom, fkill, and induftry, which has begun, carried on, and to far completed, in the courfe of five-and-twenty months, an "imperial work, the proof of past, and pledge of future profperity.

The effect and defign of Wet Docks arc, to keep the water always at one height, that is, the height of the ordinary full tides; to prevent veffels from being alternately expofed to wet and dry, and to be fometimes on a high level, and fometimes lying on one fide on the land. It must be evident to all perfons, that the pofition of the vellel remaining upright, and on the fame level, must be a great advantage in loading and unloading, even when there is only one ship; but when there are numbers crowded together, it prevents confufion and much damage, befides lots of time and space.

Thele advantages attach to every Wet Dock or Bafon into which fhips are introduced; but in the prefent cafe there is another end in view alforoom and proper quays being wanting on the River Thames for the accommodation of the numbers of fhipping that refort to it from all parts of the world. From inconvenience and confufion, expence always follows; but in this cale a greater lofs arifes than could be expected, owing to a fort of depredation, known by the name of Plunderage, which the bustle and confufion arifing from want of room and proper quays occafion. This Plunderage is, no doubt, confiderable; but it has been calculated by Mr. Colquhoun, the Magiftrate, at half-a-million annually.

The advantages, therefore, that will arife from the constructing of fuch Docks for Weft India produce (the most liable of any fort of goods to be plundered), are certainly great, and therefore were much wanted in the vicinity of London. The annexed ENGRAVING will ferve to fhew thofe who have not been on the fpot how the Docks are planned. That for unloading inwards is already completed, but to the Dock for loading outwards very little is yet done.

The Dock is twenty nine feet deep, built round with brick work, fix feet in thickness at top, and co

vered with large fquare ftones as coping to the wall. About two feet below the top is a groove in the brick-work, about fix inches deep, and a foot wide, into which timber is inferted to keep the hips from injuring, or being injured by, the brick-work.

Such are the Wet Docks, or rather the Wet Dock at prefent, for there is only one finished, the length of which is 2,600 feet, and the width 510. That which is yet to be made will be of the fame length, but narrower by 110 feet.

A magnificent entrance or gateway to the quays is intended, with allegorical devices; and there will be a high wall round the whole, befides a floping ditch, parapet wall, and iron pali fades. The numbers of houfes for the refidence of clerks and workmen will convert the march in time into a town; fo that London will really extend from Paddington turnpike to Blackwall, without any interruption whatever.

It having been previously known,that the first fhips were to enter on the 27th of August 1802, at one o'clock, a great concourfe of perfons of all ranks attended. The water had been introduced through a fquare aperture in the flood gates on the 25th, fo as to prevent thofe who attended what may be called the inauguration of the enterprize from waiting too long a time.

The Dock was filled nearly to the height of the tide at high-water on the 26th. The temporary bridge, under which was a wooden barricade that refifted the water when the coffre-dam broke, was taken away; and over the first fluice was erected a horizontal drawbridge, on a new and improved plan. It divides in two in the middle, and each half moves off horizontally on a pivot, being supported in its horizontal pofition by an equal balance made in the parts themfelves, and a circular ring of cast iron twelve feet in diameter, on which are rollers that are fee. tions of cones; fo as naturally to move agreeably to the curvature of the circle, in a manner fimilar to that in which the roof of a windmill turns upon the walls.

There are two flood-gates at the outer lock, and two more between that and the Wet Dock. The floodgates all open inwards, to refift the preffure of the water in the Docks when the tide is low.

[blocks in formation]

There are at each lock perpendicular windlaffes of cast iron, placed in circular wells dug in the ground, and built round with brick and ftone, for the purpose of opening and fhutting the flood-gates-thefe are worked from above by men; the chains which connect the windlaffes and the gates being altogether under water.

In the morning of the 27th, the water ftood about twenty feet deep within the fluices; and numbers of people who had affembled appeared fomewhat difappointed, expecting to have been gratified with feeing the water admitted with a rush into the empty docks. At eleven o'clock the work. men left off their labours, and the ballaft heavers who had been employed to clear the entrance (where the unfortunate coffre dam was) quitted their occupation.

All the hips belonging to the Weft India trade that were in the river had colours flying. On each fide of the entrance was a flag-ftaff, with the Royal Standard and Union Jack. The Royal Standard was alfo hoifted on the roof of the warehouse nearest to Blackwall.

About roo foldiers were pofted near the warehouses, and at each entrance leading to the North Quay, into which part no perfon was admitted without a ticket. This was a laudable regulation, as it prevented all the ill effects of a tumultuous and mifchievous crowd; and, although the company admitted to this place was extremely numerous, it was as refpectable. The top of the warehouse, No. 8, as well as all the windows of it, were filled with company. The number admitted by tickets could not be lefs than four or five thousand; and of thefe a great part confifted of elegant and beautiful females. The affemblage on the South fide confifted of perfons of all defcriptions; and there was not one throughout the whole of this immenfe crowd, who did not feem to feel a degree of pleasure proportionate to the importance of the event which they came to witnefs..

The Henry Addington, a ship of 400 tons burthen, and of 20 guns, lay at the entrance at Blackwall, together with the Echo; the former was only in ballast, and had little of that-the latter was deeply laden.

The Henry Addington stood high above the water, and was decorated with

about 200 flags; being not only those of the different nations that navigate European Seas, but every flag or enlign ufed in making telegraphic fignals in our service; o that the variety was great, and the effect fplendid.

At the main top-gallant maft head was the Royal Standard; the Admiralty Flag waved from the fore-top-gallant mait; and from the mizen and the bow-fprit hung the Union Jack.

Two Three-Coloured French Flags were hoisted on the ftern, and the Spanish, Portuguese, and others, upon the fides. The ropes were firung with colours, flags, and ftreamers of all kinds, from end to end.

At eleven o'clock two boats were manned, for the purpose of towing in the thip in conjunction with the people on the fides. Four guns were fired when the arrived at the outer gates, which were immediately opened for her admittance. The wooden drawbridge, which we much admired, dif appeared, as it were at the fame moment, when the veffel was fairly ta tioned in the middle of the first lock; where the remained more than half an hour, the band of the 3d regiment of guards playing "Rule Britannia.

During this delay, the Echo, a vessel rather of inferior fize, deeply laden with Welt India produce, was towed up in the fane manner; when the fecond gate was opened, and they both entered the firft bafon. In less than a quarter of an hour the two inner gates were opened; and, before one o'clock, both veffels were in the great Dock oppofite the first warehouse, which was crowded at every aperture, and on the roof, with Ladies of beauty and fashion.

Repeated huzzas were given from fhore to thore, and the Echo was in the middle. The band of the West London Militia, and the mufic on board the Addington, ftruck up "God fave the King!" and the whole was a spectacle exhibiting the triumph of a commer cial and loyal people, rejoicing at the firit effect of fo grand, extensive, and ufeful a work.

A falute of 21 guns was fired, and a pigeon let fly, when the Addington moored oppolite the warehouse No. 8; after which feveral persons of diftinction went on board. Among them were, Lord Hawkesbury, the Earl of Rofslyn, Lord Hood, Lord Pelham, Lord Hobart, Lord Glenber.


vie, the Lord Mayor, Sir Sidney Smith, Sir George Shee, Mr. Alderman Hibbert, Mr. Alderman Curtis, &c. The fame boat continued for more than an hour carrying numbers of our most diftinguished mercantile men and their families; many of whom only stopped a few minutes, making place for others, after taking a little elegant refresh ment. About half past three, Earl Rofslyn, and Lords Pelham, Hawkefbury, and Glenbervie, with Sir Sidney Smith, &c. went up the River in the Admiralty barge.

At five o'clock an elegant dinner was let out in the great cabin for the Ladies, &c. on board. There were alfo two long tables under an awning upon the deck; and the regimental band continued to play favourite airs. After dinner, one of the tables being cleared away, country dances commenced, and a great deal of additional company came on board. They continued dancing to a late hour, and the utmost conviviality prevailed.

The crowd that affembled at the Dock, the Bafon, and in the vicinity of Blackwall, cannot be estimated at lefs than 30,000 people. Accidents were very likely to happen, owing to their anxiety to behold the introduction of the Addington to the Dock, and to there being no fence on the fides; but we are happy to state, that, fo far as we have heard, none took place; there was no diforder, nor the flightest circumftance to diminish the enjoyment of the day, the weather being the most favourable poffible, without wind, duft, or fultry funthine.

The water in the Dock extends in furface 822,400 fquare feet, and in cubic feet (the depth being 25) contains 20.560,000.

Nothing can be conceived more beauiful than the Duck. The water is of the neceffary depth; its furface, fmooth as a mirror, prefents to the eye a haven fecure from forms; and the mind of a fpectator anticipates thofe fenfations of pleature and delight, which Seamen from all nations of the world, after buffeting storins and tempelts, muft feel when lodged in its tranquil bofom.

The warehoufes are the grandeft, moft, commodious, and fpacious, that we have ever feen, and are capable of containing a vaft quantity of goods.

We admire greatly what has been done; but no part, the locks excepted,

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is yet completed. The ftone copings on the quays are not finished; and the communication with the river at Limehoufe Hole is not yet opened; without which the Dock that is now in use is, like a man with one arm, but imperfectly useful.

A grand dinner was given in the evening of the 27th at the London Tavern, by the Directors of the Docks, which was very numerously attended; Mr. Milligan in the Chair, and Mr. Davidfon, Deputy Chairman. Among those who formed the party were-

His Royal Highnefs the Duke of York, Lord Hawkesbury, Lord Pelham, Lord Hobart, Lord Hervey, Lord Hood, Lord Sheffield, Lord Glenbervie, Mr. Addington, Sir Evan Nepean, Monfieur Parmentier, Monfieur De Hazet, Sir Lionel Darell, Sir Sidney Smith, Sir P. Stephens, Sir H. Munro, Sir G. Hope, Mr. Alderman Hibbert, Mr. Alderman Leighton, Mr. Alderman Curtis, Mr. Alderman Shaw, &c. &c.

The meeting was diftinguished by much conviviality; and the following toafts were drunk :

The King and Conftitution.
The Queen.

The Duke of York and the Army.
Lord St. Vincent and the Navy.

Success to the Weft India and London Docks; and may every future improvement of the port produce the need of more.

Mr. Addington; and thanks for his fteady and zealous promotion of the great national objects committed to the conduct of the Weft India Dock Company.

Lord Hawkesbury, and the other Noblemen and Gentlemen who pa tronised and fupported in Parliament the establishment of the Weft India Dock Company.

Mr. Pitt; and thanks to him for his diftinguished patronage in the founda tion of the Weft India Dock Company.

Profperity to the British West India Colonies.

Lord Hood, and the other forviving Heroes of the glorious Twelfth of April 1802.

Thanks to the Statefmen and Warriors who, by their exertions and bravery, have procured us the blessings of Peace.

Lord Sheffield, the fteady friend of the West India Dock Company,


Cordiality and unanimity to the Im'perial Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.

The Duke of York gave the Lord Mayor and Corporation of London, and the Commons of the United Kingdom.



HE following Notice was given by
Mr. Colman to his Performers :


"Theatre Royal, Haymarket, 8th Sept. 1802. "The Proprietor of this Theatre is under the neceffity of informing thofe

Ladies and Gentlemen who now favour him with their affiftance, that he can make no renewal of engagements with any performer who will not ftipulate to act on and from the 15th of May next enfoing, tili the 15th of September following..

"It is with peculiar regret that this notice is given. It is foreleen that mott, if not all, of the prefent Company, will relinquish a future engagement at the How much the Haymarket Theatre.

Proprietor deplores this circumflance is left to the candour and feelings of thofe

who can confider what it is for old friends

to part-but the interests of this Houle demand that it should, in future, be opened on the day allowed by his Majefty; and the reafons why it will henceforth be thus opened, will be stated to

of the fecond piece, Mr. Fawcett, as
A&ting Manager, came forward; and,
after returning the thanks of the Pro-
prietor and Performers, as ufual at the
end of a feafon, folicited the candid at-
tention of the audience to the following
Addrefs, which he read from a paper :

"Ladies and Gentlemen,

"Mr. Colman, the Proprietor of this Theatre, under whofe management I have, of late, aflifted in many of his arrangements immediately relative to the Stage, has deputed me to return you his warmeft thanks, for the patronage with which you have continued to honour his houfe, during this season. Allow me to fay, alfo, that the gratitude of every performer here is as ftrongly impreffed upon their minds, as, be affured, it is on my own; but, in addition to these acknowledgments, the Proprietor has inftructed me to address you with matter of fuch peculiar nature, that your patience is folicited, while I read, verbatim, that which he has commiffioned me to communicate.

"When a Royal Patent was about to

the audience in the Farewell Addrefs. be granted to the late Mr. Foote, it was

[See Sept. 15.]

13. Covent Garden Theatre opened for the season, with Folly as it Flies and Il Bondocani. The part of the house before the curtain has been partly retouched and partly new painted. The effect, on the whole, is that of elegant fimplicity. The frontispiece appears quite new: the co-Jours are light blue, white, and filver, instead of tone colour and gold; and the pilafters on the ftage have thrunk, by judicious alteration, into fomething like a due proportion. The principal performers had their customary greetings

after the recefs.

15. The Haymarket Theatre clofed for the feafon; and the expectation excited by an Advertisement announcing an extraordinary Addrefs to the Public drew a crowded houfe.

The performances were, The SixtyThird Letter, The Voice of Nature, and The Fairies Revels. On the conclufion

VOL. XLII, Sept. 1802,

inquired, with that justice which charac-
terifes the English Throne, what annual
extent of term might be allowed him,
without injury to theatrical patents then
exifting in this metropolis. The Pro-
prietors of the Winter Theatres were
interrogated on this point; and in con-
fequence of their documents, a patent
was granted to Foote, for his life, to open
a Theatre annually, from the 15th of
May to the 15th of September inclu

"The Winter Houfes never clofed
precifely on the commencement of his
term-but Foote was unique, and de-
pended, chiefly, on his own writing and
his own acting. A licence was given to
the elder Colman, for the fame annual
term, on Foote's death: but, aware that
he could not, like his fingularly-gifted
predeceffor, depend on his own indivi-
dual powers, he engaged a regular com
pany of Comedians, chiefly selected from



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