صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Whofe cellars always are well ftor'd; Whose doors are barr'd to none but Care;

Who fees Mirth hover round his board,
And revel there.

Bleft! who can unconcern'dly meet
His honeft taylor in the face,
Not forc'd to fneak from ftreet to ftrest
For hiding place ;

But free from debt, from forrow free,
Enjoys an ever tranquil mind ;
And, if fuch happiness can be,
A mistress kind.

Thus favour'd let me pafs my days;
And when Fate wills that I must die,
Let thofe condemn who will not praise,
For what care I ?

Dec. 1801.



LUBIN to Chloris faid one day,

"To love is endless pain;

I fear your heart is led aftray
By iome more wealthy fwain."

J. H.

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LOUD roars the thunder, fierce the tempeft blows; [fion roll; Waves dafh'd on waves with harsh confuThe tear of keen remorse from guilt now flows, [foul. And terror holds dominion o'er the And, ah! in Friendship's breaft what an

guish dwells! [eyes fhe views; When the rude fcene with watchful While Fear a difmal tale of fhipwreck [fubdues.

tells, And, aided by each blaft, her hope 'Tis calm, and Peace again refumes her feat, [tains rife; The waves no more in liquid mounEarth feels again the fun's enlivening heat, [dies.

The profpe brightens, and our terror But fear still lurks in Friendship's anxious breast,

And hope alone can lull her fear to rest.
QF, 15, 1801.
J. H.

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At length, by the Monarch of Nature
The tempeft is call'd from the madden'd
And foon, by his mercy, fecurely in-

The dæmon no longer impresses with
1. V. R. S.

SONNET TO MISFORTUNE, Supposed to be written by that unfortdnate youthful Bard CHATTERTON, a few Moments previous to his unfortunate Exit from this Life.


HAR ARD-FATED Power! whofe bofomchilling pains [guish feels, The Mufe has felt, and ftill with anTo me thou'ft oft, with all thy lucklefs train, [nion been, Thro' many a hard-toil'd day, compa Forced by Neceffity's imperious fwayThy froft-bound foil I've friendless trod [zone; Yet view'd far off, with kindly-cheering Unfhelter'd too 'neath Poverty's cold ray, [beams, Rich Fortune's Sun blefs others with its And Plenty's fruits full round them ripen fair.


But, ah! to me denied for ever seems Fortune's warm fun and Plenty's gifts to share.

To its bleft goal my fpirit now repairs, Tir'd of this world and all its vexing



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(Continued from Page 388.)



HIS Majetty, having delivered the Speech from the Throne, as given in our lait (p 385), immediately withdrew; and their Lordships proceeded to business; which was commenced by the Lord Chancellor reading his Majefty's Speech, and it was repeated by the Clerk of the Houfe; who having concluded,

Lord Arden rofe to move the Ad. drefs. He expreffed his fatisfaction at the internal strength and condition of the kingdom, and did not confider that there was any thing in the late fecret combination that could excite a ferious alarm. The intent of the Addrefs was, to affure his Majefty that the Houfe would cordially concur in promoting the various objects recommended in the Speech.

Lord Nelson, in feconding the motion, took a short view of the fituation of affairs in Europe, and adverted to the importance of preferving the honour of the country. The people, in his opinion, loved peace, but they were not afraid of war; it was neceffary that we should keep up our reJations with Foreign States, and not fuffer any one nation to fay to another,

you fhall not trade with England. He must therefore thank his Majefty for declaring that he would keep a watchful eye on the general stuation of Europe.

The Marquis of Abercorn noticed the importance of the present subject and time; obferving, that we ought to be alarmed at a rival whofe hand was eternally placed on his fword. He never thought that the preparations made by France to invade this country afforded a fufficient reason for giving, as the price of peace, thofe things which, if retained, might now have been a pledge for its continuance.

Lord Carlisle argued on the fulfilment of the prediction that he had formerly made relative to the Treaty.

The Duke of Norfolk spoke in favour of Peace.

Lord Grenville was convinced of the neceffity of inquiring into the real fituation of this country; it was evident the had been gradually advancing to all the horrors of war. He proceeded to analyse the Address, and afked, whether any fuch vigilance as his Majefty thought neceffary had been exercifed fince the figning of the Ticaty. He noticed the powerful in


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fluence of France in America by the acquifition of Louisiana, and in Europe by the Italian Republic, and the annexing of Piedmont to her territory. He condemned this country for paying no regard to the interests of our Ally the King of Sardania, who, when made prifoner in his capital, refused to join France against England. The attempt of France to regulate the German In demnities was also another material change in the political fituation of Europe, as that nation was suffered to interfere without any remonstrance on our part. He touched on the state of Switzerland, and condemned the puerile measures of Ministers, who remon ftrated when it was too late, and gave orders to retain poffeffion of the Cape, Martinique, &c. when they had in all probability been given up; and thus, by an oftentatious difplay of impotent refentment, our Government was exposed to the scorn and contempt of the enemy. He concluded with obferving, that if we had any hope, it was only to be found in the meafures of complete preparation, and in the language of energy and decifion held out to the enemy, not by the prefent fervants of his Majefty, but by that man (Mr. Pitt) to whom alone the country muft look up for falvation at this awful hour.

Lord Pelham anfwered fome of the points of Lord G.

Lord Carysfort delivered fentiments fimilar to thofe of Lord G.

Lord Hobart denied that the fyftem of difarming had been carried to the extent reprefented; and afferted that it had not laft Seffion been argued by

Minifters that we ought to abstain from all interference in the affairs of the Continent. Lord G. he faid, did not argue fairly when he attacked Ministers for their incapacity, because, by the refignation of his office, he had left the adminiftration of public affairs exposed to thofe very men whofe departure from office he now called for fo loudly. The Address was then agreed to nem. dis.

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The Houfe, after going through the private bufinefs, proceeded to St. James's, with the Address.

WEDNESDAY, DEC. 1. ⚫ Several petitions were prefented, and arrangements made relative to the hearing of appeals.

The Duke of Clarence, after a few obfervations on the inconvenience of the prefent place of affembly, moved, "That a Committee be appointed to take into confideration the present fituation of the Houfe, for the purpose of confidering the best mode in which it may be rendered more commodious," &c. The Lord Chancellor obferved that the House contained such a variety of climates, that he could not much longer exift in it.


Lord Moira laid before the House a Bill for the Relief of Infolvent Debtors, which was read a first time. He faid, he did not mean to propofe any thing relative to the Bankrupt laws. Lord M. then moved for Copies of all In ftructions fent to the Governors of Madras by the Eat-India Directors from 1797 to 1801. Agreed to. Adjourned.



THE preliminary bufinefs having been gone through, and the Speech read.

Mr. Trench, after adverting to the acquifition of intereft and happinefs which the Empire had received by the Legislative Union, to our internal fecurity, to the happy termination of the difturbances in Ireland, to the improved ftate of our commerce, and in fhort to all the favourable points that are always amaffed for fuch an occafion, moved the Addrefs, which, as ufual, was an echo of the Speech.

The motion was feconded by the

Hon. Mr. Curzon.

Mr. Cartwright coincided with the withes contained in the Speech, but could difcover no feature of a pacific afpect in the conduct of the First Con-.. ful. He accused Minifters of being. too precipitate in difmantling their, fleets and armies; he feared the conteft must be renewed, and regretted the fecedence of thofe great talents which had fteered this country through the ruinous conflict with which the was menaced.

Sir J. Wrottefley denied that the ftatements of our profperity, contained. in the Speech, were well founded: affairs were far different in the district


where he refided: he thought Minifters had been betrayed into a fatal fecurity by the profeflions of France, of whole arbitrary conduct he took a view, and condemned them. If any remonftrance against her conduct had been made by Minifters, he hoped it would be stated in exculpation of their own: he concluded with expreffing Sentiments as to the late Ministry exactly Amilar to thofe of the Member who preceded him.

Mr. Pytches made a fpeech, in which he did not oppofe the Addrefs, but the fervile fpirit of fuch Addreffes in geBeral, which were but the echoes of Ministerial fentiments; he adverted to all the Speeches delivered fince the acceffion; and confidered the prefent as a perfect falmagundi. In one place it fpoke of the rapid increase of commerce, manufactures, and connexions, as the happy refults of peace; and in the next, it intimated a propensity to violate peace, as the only mode to promote that profperity. He deprecated the idea of renewing the war: and hoped that no man unitained by MiDifterial varnish would avow fuch a principle in that Houfe. He reprobated the Speech as a piece of bad machinery and fervile adulation, which every good Monarch should execrate and forbid.

Mr. Fox rofe, to reply to fome ob fervations of one or two Gentlemen on the oppofite fide. He would give his cordial fupport to the Addrefs, though he could not agree with fome

its points. He denied that there were any blefings to be found in the meafure of the Union. The Mover af the Addrefs had stated that his Majey recommended the approval of the plan for extending our military estab. bments: Mr. F. conceived the Speech related to no fuch establishents but what were required for natiinal fecurity: he thought fmall eftab. Ehments were beft adapted not only fot the continuance of peace, but for

better enabling us to renew the waar, if neceflary.In answer to the retion, whether we were to hold patific language to France when the

done every thing to irritate us, he expected to hear fome particulars of the irritations in question, and to Bave it thown that Minifters had taken the fe means to refent them, which in at they had neglected. He next adted to the allertion of Sir J. W.

refpecting our manufactures, and comfidered it as an additional reason, if true, for our remaining at peace: in fhort, he was of opinion that nothing which had paffed fince the conclufion of the Treaty could authorise us to renew the war: for, faid he, “If we were to renew the war with France, the most obvious way of carrying it on with effect would be to retake all thofe places we have given up. Now, in my opinion, to have given up places merely to retake them, would be to place the makers of the peace, and the approvers of the peace, of whom I confefs I ain one, in the most foolish and ridiculous point Minifters ever were placed in at any former period." He added, that he thould always think we were justified in going to war for fome point of honour; but he was convinced there never was a period when the sense of the people was fo completely for peace as at prefent: to reprefent them as, being inclined for war, was only an artifice of a combination of news-paper editors, to circulate their papers. Mr. F. continued for a length of time to fhow the neceffity of our remaining at peace; and as to the aggrandizement of France, he confidered it as one of the greatest aggravations of the public conduct of the late Minifters: in short, he was convinced that the only perfons who wished for war, were the Loanjobbers and Contractors. He particularly repeated his expreffions used in the laft Seffion, viz. that he was happy that the peace had been made, and hoped Minifters ftill approved their actions. The remainder of his fpeech was ftrongly indicative of his with for peace.

Mr. Canning confidered the Ad. drefs to contain certain expreffions which pledged the Houfe farther than he could with. He took a view of the affairs of the Continent; and was of opinion, that though every mind was interested in favour of the Swifs, yet, for fuch a purpose, Government ought not to facrifice the honour of the country. But it became Minillers to be watchful over the conduct of Bonaparte, who, as a Ruler of France, poffefied a rooted hatred against the English Government and interefts.

Lord Hawkesbury, though he did not agree with many Members who had spoken, was neverthelefs convinced


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that we ought to look with a vigilant eye on every thing that might hereafter affect our fituation and interefts. He replied to the different points in the Speech of Mr. C. and defended the principles on which he and his colfeagues had acted with respect to the Treaty. He did not fee that any profpect of fupport prefented itself, if we were to recommence hoftilities; yet, if a barrier could have been erected to the spirit of aggrandizement and encroachment in the affair of the Indemnities, we should have neglected nothing to effect it. In his opinion, there was never any thing more unjust, though perhaps the execution of the plan was inevitable. He confidered the difpofition of the French towards us the fame now as it had always been, that is, that they would take the earliest opportunity after peace to effect a rupture. He concluded with ftating, that it would be the fyftem of Miniters to improve the peace they had made, but to look with vigilance on paffing events.

Mr. Windham faid, that if the country were really in the ftate reprefented by the Speech, he feared it was lolt for ever. He noticed the points mentioned by Mr. Fox, and touched with feverity on the encroachments of the French denied the juftice of the arguments in favour of peace, and thought that Ministers could only fave their characters by acting with an energy proportionate to our alarming fituation.


The Chancellor of the Exchequer confidered the opinions of Mr. W. as calculated to throw a gloom over the public mind, and that they were totally incompatible with the real fenfe of the country. He took a comparative view of France fourteen years ago and at the prefent period, and faw no fuch vaft alteration, as to infer that the power of France had increated in proportion to her dominions. He concluded with laying that Ministers wished for peace, but they were not afraid of war.

The Addrefs was carried nem, con.


After the private bufiness of the day, Mr. Wilberforce role to deliver his fentiments on the fubje&t of the Addrets. He liked its tenor, though he thought it not right to push matters to extremities with regard to Continental affairs; the country had been too ready to engage VOL. XLII. DEC. 1802.

in foreign connexions, and had wafted much blood and treasure to no advan tage. It was nevertheless defirable to prevent the aggrandizement of France by land; and he therefore hoped we should merely keep our eyes on the affairs of the Continent. Mr. W. then took a view of the gigantic ftrides of the French fince the figning of the Treaty, as well as of the principal speeches which had been made on the preceding evening after going over nearly the fame grounds as had been purfued with refpect to the injustice with which the claims of the inferior powers had been treated by France, and the little dependence we could have on the faith of that Govern ment, as far as it related to the guarantee of different places ftipulated in the Treaty, he faid, he thought that the difpofition of the people ought to be confidered in preference to any other point whatever; and as their general difpofition was for peace, he thought it ought to be cautiously preferved.

Gen Gascoigne hoped that the fpirit fhown in the debate on this fubject would deter the First Conful from profecuting his defigns.

Mr. Elliot adverted to the deftru&tion of kingdoms and empires by the arms of the French; and with respect to the late remonstrance faid to have been made, he was convinced that it could not have produced any effect, unlets we had been ready to renew the conteft. Alluding to the confpiracies jult difcovered, he was certain that any traitors here must have communications with Paris; but he thought mercy ought to be shown to ignorant men, who knew not what they did. He believed no man had voted for the peace, who did not confider it as a mere experiment: and he concluded by faying, that if the fpirit of the nation were roufed, he fhould be fearless of the fuccef's of any war into which we might be driven.

Sir F. Burdett felt himself in the frange predicament of approving fome arguments on both fides of the question, and took a fatirical view of fome principal points urged by different Members.

Lord Temple confidered the Address to be of the fame milk and water nature as the rest of the Minifterial compofitions; it p edged the Houfe to nothing, and therefore he fhould agree to it.

Gen. Maitland faid, our fleets and armies were not fo far difbanded as was fuppofed: we had now 48,000 teamen in employ; and he law no reafon that the

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