صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني



THE Dutch fhip the Vryheid, from Amfterdam for the Cape and Batavia, laden with ftores, and having 380 foldiers and paffengers on board, was loft on Monday near Hythe. Only 12 persons were faved.-It appears, that upwards of 450 perfons have loft their lives by this melancholy event. Many women were thrown on thore whole bodies were perfectly naked. It appears that it is cuftomary with Dutch women, at fea, to undress themselves in time of danger.

27. About nine in the morning, Captain William Codling, late of the brig Adventure, condemned to death for the crime of attempting to defraud the Underwriters, by fcuttling and en deavouring to fink that veffel, was con ducted out of the gaol of Newgate, to proceed to undergo the laft extremity of his fentence at the Docks at Wap ping. The cart was covered with black; he afcended it with much firmnefs and fortitude, and all the way to the place of execution was devoutly engaged in prayer. He was accompanied by the Clerk to the Ordinary of Newgate. The convict appeared about 40 years of age, of middle ftature, and of a florid and prepoffeffing countenance. -After hanging the ufual time, the body was put in a fhell, and landed at Wapping New Stairs, in order to be delivered to his friends. The banks of the River were thronged, and every throud and yard of the thips within view of the execution were crowded with fpectators.

28. As a foreign Gentleman was driving his curricle in Hyde Park, the traces broke, and the animals taking fright, ran furiously with the curricle into the Serpentine River, where they got to the depth of feven feet in the water. The groom had jumped out of the curricle: but the owner was in imminent danger of his life, when a fpectator plunged into the river, and caught hold of the skirts of his coat. Both the hofes were drowned.

29. In the Court of King's Bench, a perfon named Hamlin, a tin-man at Plymouth, was brought up to receive fentence, having been profecuted by the Attorney General for attempting to, bribe the Right Hon. Henry Addington. It appeared, that the de

fendant, having received information that the office of Landing Surveyor at Plymouth was vacant, wrote to Mr. A. offering to give him 2000l. if he would procure him the place, and propofing to enter into a bond to any amount to keep the matter fecret.-The defendant fuffered judgment to go by default, and the Court fentenced him to be confined three months in the Marshalfea prifon, and to pay a fine of 100l.

One Johnfon, a fmuggler, who was confined in the Fleet Prifon on a capital charge, effected his escape. About four years fince, this man and another made their efcape from the New Jail in the Borough, where they were confined for obftructing fome Revenue Officers in the New Jail they prefented piltols to the keeper, and having gained the outer door, mounted horfes, which were in readiness, and rode off. At the time of the expedition to the Helder, Johnson made a tender of his services to Government : his knowledge of the Dutch coaft (from his fmuggling connexions) was thought of confequence, and his offer was accepted: his conduct in this fervice procured him the favour of feveral of the Ex Minifters, and of Sir Ralph Abercrombie in particular. About fix months ago, he was lodged in the Fleet Prifon for debts to the amount of 11,000l. Some of the Revenue Officers from Suffex, about a fortnight fince, came to fee him in the Fleet: they recognized him; and (wore he was at the head of the party of fmugglers who, in June laft, kept the Revenue Officers at Southwould in cuftody, while others of their party made off with their fmuggled goods. On being examined by the Lord Mayor, he was ordered to be detained for a capital felony; but Johnson, a fecond time, effected his efcape by cutting away the upper pannels of his prifon door. He climbed over the wall which furrounds the prifon, notwithstanding its great height, and the arrangement of the fpikes, with facility, by means of a rope-ladder, and inftantly rode off on a horfe in waiting for him at Fleetmarket. He had previously fent out of the Fleet his papers and linen.A reward of 500l. is offered for his apprehenfion; but he has reached France.


DEC. 1. As fome men were repairing a pump belonging to the Boy and Cup public-house, in Lobster-lane, Norwich, they difcovered, 27 feet below the furface on one fide of the well, a Gothic entrance, and a room, ten feet by eight, which probably belonged to a monastery.

A few days ago, as Mary Wills, a little girl about eleven years old, was working a fpinning-jenny, in a woollen manufactory at Plymouth, a fspike of the devil caught a finger of her right hand, and before it could be stopped, tore off all the fingers, finews, and mufcles of her right arm, up to the elbow, and broke the bones. The arm was amputated, and the child is likely

to recover.

Hatfield, the Impoftor, has been taken at a houfe called the Lamb and Flag, about feventeen miles from Swanfea. He went to Builth, in Brecknockshire, on the 11th inft, and at the inn met a Gentleman of the town, to whom he had a year and a half fince made himself known as a Captain in the Navy. They spent the evening in great conviviality at the inn, and Hat field prevailed on his gueft to give him cath for a bill on his banker, in London in the morning, he faw himfelf advertised in the papers, and decamped without the ceremony of a reckoning.


9. One Gibbs, a dyer, in Maidenlane, carrying home a pint of porter, flipped down, and, falling with his head on the pewter pot, was killed on the spot.

A Lady, named Stratton, lately died aa Winwick, Huntingdonshire, in the 107th year of her age; the retained the full poffeffion of all her faculties for fome time after her hundreth year.

An arrangement has been made by the Excife Office, in virtue of a former Act of Parliament; by which all pub. licans are to make an entry of the caks, &c. in which they depofit their mait liquors; and the brewers are in future to be placed in a fituation fimilar to the distillers, by being obliged to fend permits with each deli very of porter, &c.

Revenue-Account of the Total Net Produce of all the Permanent Taxes, in the years ending the roth of Oct. 1801 and 1802 refpectively :-In the year ended 10th of Oct. 1801, 22,936.4091. 148. 1148.—In the year ended foth Of. 1802, 25,199,0881. 145. old.

13. At night, a poft-chaife driver coming from Dartford with a return chaife, drove into the water at Weftminfter-bridge, to wash the horses; but the tide being high and on the return, forced the horfes and coach through one of the arches. A failor, who was an infide paffenger, and the poft-boy, were with difficulty faved by fome watermen. One of the horses was drowned.

14. At Bow-ftreet, Hatfield was brought up for examination: at his request, his irons were taken off.Mr. Taunton, Solicitor for the bankruptcy, produced the Gazette where it was recorded on the 15th of June laft; and the Chancellor's order for extending the time of appearance to the 18th of September; but ftated, that he did not appear: he alfo produced a bill of exchange for 30l. drawn in the name of Hope, fuppofed to have been written and negociated by the prifoner. A copy of the register of the prifoner's marriage, under the name of A. A. Hope, with the Beauty of Buttermere, was likewife produced. The prifoner was very referved in his replies; and on his complaining of the inconvenience of his fituation, Mr. Taunton faid he would undertake to allow him a guinea and a half per week, for the prefent. He was re

manded to Bridewell.

16. In the Court of Common Pleas, a caufe of fome intereft was tried, on account of its being one of the tranfactions in which Hatfield was concerned. The plaintiff, Mr. Nucella, is a merchant in the City, and the defendant, a Mr. Denys, a merchant, at Tiverton. Hatfield having become acquainted with the defendant, prevailed on him to enter into partnerthip with him, and shortly after H. having come to London, formed an acquaintance with the plaintiff, and induced him to transfer 5000l. Three per Cents. to the credit of Meffrs. Denys, of Tiverton. The Jury found a verdict for the plaintiff for 36611. 175. 6d. being the value of the principal at the time of the transfer, and the interest thereon.

By letters from Dublin of the 4th, it appears that the tempestuous weather of Wednesday and Thursday fe'nnight, and the unremitting rains, had produced difaftrous confequences near the metropolis. Several walls and other works had been materially in


jured by the flood; and the roads near Belfait were fo much inundated, as to prevent the mails from proceeding. The bridges of Ringfend, Lucan, and Celbridge, have been deftroyed; and many other accidents have arifen from the fame cause in various parts of the country.

Mr. Bellamy, an Officer of the army, convicted of forgery in Ireland, has been executed.

The Admiralty Board having difcovered, during the late vifitation of the dock-yards, that perfons had contrived to get appointed as Warrant Officers on board fome of his Majesty's fhips, who had not been brought up in the navy: their Lordships have therefore eftab. lished the following_regulations, to be obferved as part of the Standing Orders of the navy :-No perfon to be appointed a Purter, who has not ferved two years as Secretary or Clerk to a Flag Officer, or Captain's Clerk of his Majefty's thips.-No perfon to be ap pointed Gunner, who has not been rated a Petty Officer of fome defcription, for the space of two years out of the four years neceflary to be ferved, before he can be examined. No perfon to be appointed Boatswain, who has not ferved four years, two of which must be in the capacity of Boatswain's Mate, or Yeoman of the Sheets,- No

perfon to be appointed Carpenter, who has not ferved a regular apprenticeship to a Shipwright, and for the pace of two years after the apprenticeship as Carpenter's Mate, or Carpenter's Crew, on board nis Majelty's hips, or in his dock-yards, and produce a certificate from the Mafter Shipwright, of his being properly qualified, &c.; and each of thefe perfons muft produce certificates of their good conduct, before they can be considered eligible to receive an appointment.

Cancers:-Olive oil boiled in a tinned veffel, at three or four fhort intervals, until it affumes the consistence of a falve, is used with great fuccefs in Turkey, in the cure of cancers:-the part is rubbed with the ointment.

In cafes of a bite from any poisonous animal, it is recommended to bind the part above the wound with theet-lead, and to ufe volatile alkali. Lunarcauftic, or the oxide of filver from the nitrous acid, is a certain and effectual antidote, as when mixed with the venom of the viper, it renders it innocent.

At a Special Seffions, lately hoiden in Halifax, a caufe was tried between a Clergyman and the keeper of a tollgate, wherein it was determined by the Sitting Magiftrate-" That a Cier. gyman, going on duty, is every where exempt from the payment of toll."


THE Rev. Frederick Hotham, fon of Baron Hotham, to Mifs Hedges, of Hampitead-place, Kent.

Captain John Giffard, of the roval navy, to Mifs Carter, daughter of Sir John Carter.

Lord Southampton to Mifs Seymour, fecond daughter to Lord R. Seymour. Jofeph Weld, efq. to Mifs Charlotte

Stourton, fourth daughter of Lord Stourton.

William Squance, of Torrington, Devon, efq. to Mifs Read, of Porchefter Lodge, Hants.

Sir Charles Anderfon, hart. rector of thorpe. Lee, in Lincolnshire, to Mifs Fanny Nel

Lieutenant-Colonel G. R. Ainslie to Mils Neville.



17. At Froffenden, in the county of

AT Stamfordham, aged 69, William Suffolk, the Rev. Chriftopher Smear.

Scott, M. D. one of the coroners for

the county of Northumberland.

13. Robert Alderley, efq. one of the benchers of the Inner Temple.


At Kendall, Mr. George Romney, the celebrated painter. (An account of this Gentleman in our next.)

Lately, Mr. Robert Nathaniel Dyer, lieutenant in the royal navy,


Mrs. Maude, of Wenfley, widow of Thomas Maude, efq. of the fame place.

Mr. John Homer, of Bucklerbury. 20. Mr. Burton, of Portman-treet, Portman-iquare, in his 68th year.

Rowles Scudamore, elq. juftice of peace for the courty of Gloucester, and the oldeft barrister in England, in his 91t year.


At Afhe, near Overton, Hants, Benja min Langlois, efq. of Cork-freet. John Charles Berthon, efq.


aged 56.


At Newbury, J. Merriman, efq.

Mr. J. Lightfoot, ftock broker. 25. Mr. John Hepworth, of York, one of the theriffs of that city.

Edward Huffey Montagu, earl of Beaulieu. He was born in the year 1720, married, in 1745, Ifabella, dutchets dowager of Manchester, by whom he had two children, both ince dead.

29. At Bath, Thomas Williams, efq. of Temple House, Berks, M. P. for Great Marlow.

30. At Cardigan, Mr. Edward Sa. yage, late of Bristol.

DEC. 1. Mr. John Reynolds, brother to Mr. Reynolds, the dramatift.

At Bath, Helen, countess of Selkirk. Mr. Egerton Hammerton, late of Liverpool.

At Wefton Houfe, near Guildford, William Man Godfchall, juftice of peace for Surrey, in his 82d year.

2. At Oundle, F.lmer Pywell, efq. late a lieutenant in the navy.

3. At Bath, Sir Thomas Fletewood, bart. of Martin Sands, Cheshire.

4. Alexander Dyer, efq. of Tillygreig. 5. Richard Ayton Lee, efq. of Ingoldithorpe, in the county of Norfolk.

6. Mr. Roger Kemble, in his 82d year. Very early in life he ventured upon theatrical boards. He married Mifs Ward, the daughter of Mr. Ward, a contemporary with Quin, on the London Rage, and who afterwards became the Manager of a very refpectable provincial company of performers. By this Lady, who has the misfortune of feeing her venerable affociate in life drop into the grave before her, he had a numerous train of children, to whom he gave all the advantages of education, which it was in his power to beltow, and whom he had the pleasure of feeing arrive at an height of fame and fortune, by the fair exertion of industry and genius. Mr. R. Kemble poffeffed a very good undertanding, and was well acquainted with life. He was a refpectabie actor, though he never appeared more than once on a London fiage, when he performed The Miller of Mansfield, in the Haymarket Theatre, for the benefit of his fon Stephen, and difplayed good fenie and unaffected humour.

7. At Buckingham, Mrs. Thomas, relict of Benjamin Thomas, efq. late marshall of the King's Bench prison.

Mr. James Steuart, writer, at Edinburgh, in his 85th year.

9. John Simpfon, efq. of Launde Abbey, Leicestershire.

Lately, at Warrington, Mr. Thomas Lowndes.

10. Dr. John Butler, bishop of Hereford, in his 85th year.

II. William Frazer, efq. in his 75th year, who held the office of under fecretary of state from 1765 to 1789.

Lady Dundas, relict of Sir Lawrence Dundas, and mother of Lord Dundas. 12. At Hertford, Charles Townley, efq. aged 57.

13. At Chelfea, Captain Thomas Baillie, late clerk of the deliveries of his Majesty's ordnance, and formerly lieutenant governor of Greenwich Hofpital.

14. At Camberwell, Mrs. Dodd, wife of the Rev. Richard Dodd, rector of Cowley, Middletex.

Stamp Brookbank, efq. Chefter fieldftreet, May-fair.

At Leith Terrace, Mr. William Woods, late of the Theatre Royal, Edinburgh. He performed leveral years on the Edin. burgh ftage, both tragedy and comedy, with great applaufe.

15. William Biddle, efq. of Westfquare.

16. John Hunter, efq. a director of the Eaft India Company.

Lately, at Fairview, in Ireland, in his 96th year, the Rev. Robert Henry, fiftyeven years minifter of the diffenting congregation of Caftledawfon.

19. At Acton, in his 80th year, Samuel Wegg, efq. fenior bencher of Gray's-inn, vice-prefident of the Royal Society, and justice of peace for Middlefex and Effex.

At Plumstead, in his 67th year, Lieutenant-General William Johnstone, of the royal artillery.

27. Thomas Cadell, efq. alderman of London for the ward of Walbrook, and many years an eminent book eller in the Stand.


SEPT. 20. At Jamaica, Captain Bartlet, commanding the royal volunteers.

~~ Days


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