صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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All EXCHEQUER BILLS dated prior to the Month of December 1817 have been advertised to be paid off, and the interest thereon has ceased.
N. B. The above Table contains the highest and lowest prices, taken from the Course of the Exchange, &c. originally published by John Castaign, in the year 1718,
and now published, every Tuesday and Friday, under the authority of the Committee of the Stock Exchange, by
JAMES WETENIALL, Stock-Broker, No. 15, Angel-court, Throgmorton-street, London.

On application to whom, the original documents for near a century past may be referred to,







XXIX. 32. XXX. 146. XXXI. 207.
XXXII. 418.

ACADEMY, Royal, proceedings of. Births, 74. 171. 268. 359.458.

Acknowledgments to Correspondents, 78,
175.271, 365. 458,550.

Africa, commercial intercourse with, 104.
African commerce, remarks on the exten-
sion of, 26.

Alchymy, 233.

Births, Marriages, and Deaths, in the East
Indies, 456, 546,

Brighton, Excursion to, Letter I. 105.
11. 226. III. 301. IV. 398. 494.
Bishops, 49.

Blight in apple-trees, 334.
Blood, sweetener of the, 236.

Ale, quantities of, brewed by the principal Books, list of, 77. 174. 271. 364. 458, 549.

houses, 31.

Amusing experiment, 206.

Answers to Arithmetical Question, 408.

Answers to Mathematical Query, 330, 321,

Andrew's, St. Cross, 128,
Anecdotes of Heylin, 48. Lord Chatham,
ib. Sundry, 48. Mr. Ellis, 49. Fre-
derick the Great, 128. Curran, 216,
Of a Coxcomb, 216. Dr. Johnson, 231.
Card Table, 232. Of a Clergyman, 288.
Brook Watson, 288, Of Warmington,
287. Of the Princess Charlotte, 430.
Apple potatoe, spirit from the, 206,
Apple-trees, on the use of tar in preserving,


[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Brunswick, Princes of, 430.

Bulletin of the King's health, 70, 165. 266,
357, 450, 540.


Queen's health, 266. 357.

Bullion, prices of, 87. 183. 279. 275. 471,

Buonaparte, regulations respecting the
health of, 541.

Butterworth, Joseph, Esq. inscription on
the gold Cup presented to him by some
electors of Coventry, 480.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Course of Exchange, 87. 183. 279. 375.
471, 561.

Curious coincidences of the letter C, 140.
Curran, anecdotes of, 216.


Debt, on imprisonment for, 502.
Dividends, list of, 80. 176. 273. 367. 462.

Dysentery, cure for the, 524.


East India Shipping, 2. 90. 186. 282. 378.

Education, essay on, 397.

Hive, the, XL. 48. XLI. 128, XLII. 216.
XLIII. 287. XLIV. 429. XLV. 480.
Horne, Bishop, 430.

Howe, Earl, monument to the memory of,

Hussey's Confession, 168.


Important Recipe, 236.

Imprisonment for debt, on, 502.
Infantile query, 430,

Information, miscellaneous, XLIV, 38.
XLV. 144. XVI. 206, XLVII. 328.
Inscription on the gold cup presented to
Joseph Butterworth, Esq. late M. P. for
Coventry, 480.

Education, on the, of the middle class of Inscription on a monument in Benson

Society, 23. 101.

Electioneering, 49.

Ellenborough, Lord, funeral of, 541.
Ellis, Mr. anecdote of, 49.

England, on the increasing populousness of,

Epitaphs, remarkable, 8.

Exchange, course of, 87. 183. 279. 375, 471.


Experiment, amusing, 216.

Extraordinary circumstance, 48.


Fenelon, anecdote of, 128.

Fever, contagious, Dr. Bateman's account

of, 425.

Foppery, on, 300.

Church, Oxon, 480.

Intelligence from the London Gazette, 63.

[blocks in formation]

Foreign and Domestic Intelligence, 69. Languages, extraordinary acquisition in,

165. 266, 357. 450. 540.

Fragment, a, 52.

Fragmenta, XXVII. 233.

France and Italy, sketch of a tour through,

France, King of, his speech to 'the House

of Peers, 540.

Frederick the Great, two anecdotes of, 128.
Friends, on the choice of, 31.

Fruit, green, in winter, to preserve, 206,
Funeral of her late Majesty, Queen Char-
Jotte, 505.

Funeral of Lord Ellenborough, 541.


Gazette, London, intelligence from the, 63.
164. 262. 441. 537.

God, an essay on the knowledge of, 127.
Gout, infallible cure for the, 296.
Grain, average prices of English, 452.
Green fruit in winter, to preserve, 206.
Grenada, New, description of, 94.
Guardians, Society of for the protection of
trade against Swindlers and Sharpers,
69. 165. 206. 357. 450. 540.


Heard, Sir Isaac, memoirs of, 475.
Heylin, anecdote of, 48.

[blocks in formation]

Markets, London, 83. 179.275. 370. 465.555
Marriages, 74. 171. 268. 359, 453. 543.
Mathematical query, 112.

solution of, 523.
Memoirs of the Rev. Richard Yates, 3.
The Right Hon. George Rose, 91.
James Perry, Esq. 187. Earl of Liver.
pool, 283. Queen Charlotte, 379. Sir
Isaac Heard, 475.

Memory and recollection, 49.

Metropolitan Curate, recollections of, 200.
308. 402. 498.

Middlesex election, 69.

Miscellaneous Information, XLIV. 38.
XLV. 144. XLVI. 206. XLVII. 328.
Mortality, yearly bill of, 360,


Nautical question, solution of, 126.
Navigator's Arctic Journal, extract from,

New Parliaments, 334.

North West Passage, 451.


Scottish Descriptions, 14. 123. 209. 313.

Sheffield, Lord, address at Lewes wool
fair, 136.
Sion College, 430.

Notti Romane, first night of, 27. 129. 217. Sketches, No. I. 21. II. 318.

[ocr errors]

294. 390. 489.


Obituary, 75. 172. 269. 360, 454. 544.
Oldmixon, Sir John, account of, 148.


Parliament, old man's advice to a young
member of, 49.

the late, 49.
, new, 334.

Parliaments, English, duration of 145.
Parliamentary papers, 163.

Partnerships, dissolution of, 81. 177. 274.
368. 463. 552.

Patents, new, 82. 179. 275. 369. 465.

Patten, Parson, Anecdotes of, 234.
Perry, James, memoir of, 187.
Poetry, 61. 162. 259. 356. 439, 536.
Polar Expedition, the, 427.
Poor, queries relative to the, 524.
Popular Superstitions, relics of, 481.
Propagation of Fish, 145.

Publie General Acts, passed in the 58th
year of George 3d. 328.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Reeves, John, sketches of the life and cha-
racter of, 41. 133. 220. 322. 409, 492.
Recipes, XX. 236. XXI. 312. XXII. 407.
XXIII. 524.j

Regulations respecting the Health of Buo-
naparte, 541.

Relics of Popular Superstitions, 481.
Repton, Humphrey, biographical register
of, 34.

[merged small][ocr errors]

errata in memoir of,

Repository, L. 50. LI, 136. LII. 425,

Revenue, the, 335.

Rheumatism, recipe for, 407.

Riches and Happiness, essay on, 225.
Romane, Rev. Mr. 430.

Romilly, Sir Samuel, account of, 418.
Rose, Right Hon. George, memoir of, 91.
-, error in memoir

of, 320.

Rover, Dog, letter from, 190.
Royal Academy, proceedings of, 541,

Skiddaw, Heighth of, 534.
Sleep, letter from, 479.

Society, on the education of the middle
class of, 23. 101.

-, remarks on the proceedings of a
certain, 311.

Solution of a Mathematical Query, 523.
Spartan Oath, 216.

Speech of the King of France to the House
of Peers, 540.

Stocks, price of, 88. 184. 280. 376. 472.

Sugar, average prices of, 86. 182. 278.
374. 470. 559.

Sunday Newspapers, evils of, 104.
Cane, 146.
Superstitions, Popular, relics of, 481.


Tar, on the Use of, in preserving apple-
trees, 524.

Tar Water, to make, 236.
Theatrical Journal. Closing of Drury-lane
Theatre. Who can I be? Closing of
Covent-garden Theatre.
Head. Dr. Bolus. Opening of the Hay-
The Bull's
market Theatre. Miss E. Blanchard,
Mr. J. Russell, Mr. Wade. Nine Points
of the Law, or Possession, &c. 57.
The Green Man. The Death of Captain
Cook. Jealousy on all Sides; or, the
Landlord in Jeopardy. Montaldi; or,
the Black Bauner. Humphrey Clinker,
&c. &c. 155.

Opening of Drury lane Theatre. Receipt
of the late and present Theatres. Open-
ing of Covent-garden Theatre. The Bur-
gomaster of Saardam; or, the Two Voters.
Closing of the Haymarket Theatre. The
Privateer. Illness of Miss Kelly. Ama-
teurs and Actors. The Rendezvous, Red
Riding Hood; or, the Wolf of the Forest
of Ardenne. The Sea Serpent; or, Har-
lequin Yankee. The Murdered Guest.
The Invisible Witness. Characters of
several New Performers, 250.
Sigismar, the Switzer. Madame Bellzar.
Mrs. W. West, Mr. C. Fisher. Mrs.
Crowder. The Barber of Seville. Proof
Presumptive; or, the Abbey of St. Mar-
co. Closing of the English Opera, and
Surrey Theatre, &c. &c. &c. 350.
Mrs. Pope. Mr. Yates. Mrs. Yates. Six
Physicians; or, the Patient carried off,

Brutus; or, the Fall of Tarquin. Epilogue
to ditto. Is He Alive; or, All Puz-
zled. A Word for the Ladies. Epilogue
to ditto. Olympic Theatre, 531.

[blocks in formation]


BEL'S Narrative of a Journey to
China, 431.

Adhelm and Ethelfled, 56.

Advertisement, or twenty years ago, 56.
Bigland's Letters on English History, 55.
Chorley's Metrical Index to the Bible, 249.
Correction, a Novel, 55.

Coxe's Memoir of John Duke of Marlbo-
rough, "240.

Dallas's Felix Alvarez, 149. 245.
Davy, Sir H. on the Safety Lamp, 436.
Dream of Youth, 527.

Edwards's First Principles of Algebra, 436.
Elizabeth, Queen, Memoirs of the Court of,

Evans's Progress of Human Life, 346.
Harrison's Adversaria, 237.

· Montford, 525.

Henry Fitzosmand, a Moral Tale, 433,

Hooper's Poems, 434.

Johnson's Journey from India to England,

London, Bishop of, Charge, 1818, 337.
Magdalen, St. the fast of, 435.

Moir's Inquiry into Subjects of History,&c.

Morier's Second Journey to Persia,&c.&c.

Mulvey on the Prisoners of War at Aux-
onne, 154.

Opie's New Tales, 153.

Pamphleteer, No. XXIV. 348.

---, No. XXV, 529,

Recluse of the Pyrennees, 158.

Rudge's Considerations on the Sea, 343.
Sophia, or the Dangerous Indiscretion, 56,
Thomson's Observations on English Etymo-
logy, 226.

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