صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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Gottfried-Heinrich-look there. Ja freilich! freilich! it is Fritz!" And he leaped up, screaming like a madman, nearly pushed Gottfried over the precipice to convince him of the reality of the discovery, and then, nearly did the same to Carl, and Frauz, and Jacobeher, and Heinrich.

"I am afraid he is dead," said Basler.

Hans again threw himself on his face, and gazed gaspingly down. Fritz did not move. Hans gazed, and gazed, but his eyes filled with tears, and he could see no more.

"Here Jacob," said he, as he once more sprung up, and hastily began looping together the ropes which his companions carried. "Here Jacob, place your feet against the rock there. Now, Gottfried, behind Jacob: Heinrice-Carl-now, steady, all of you-or stay, Carl, you had better descend after me, and bring your flaschen along with you."

In a few seconds, Carl and he stood beside their friend. They raised him up. A little kirchwasser was administered to him-they used every

measure which their mountain-skill suggested to waken him from his trance, which was rapidly darkening down into the sleep of death. The sun, which now began to beat strongly on the dark rocks where they stood, assisted their efforts. They succeeded-his life was saved.

That evening Fritz sat on one side of the fire in the cottage of Netty's grandmother, while the good old dame herself plyed her knitting in her usual diligent silence on the other. He was pale, and leant back on the pillows by which he was supported, in the languid apathy of exhaustion. Netty sat at his knee, on a low oaken stool, with his hand pressed against her cheek, and many and many a tear, such as overflow from the heart in the fulness of its joy, trickled over his fingers. "Now, Fritz,” said she, looking earnestly up in his face," you will never-never, go to the gemsjagd again."

"Never-never," echoed Fritz.

But he broke his word, and was chamois-hunting before the end of the honey-moon.


THE town clock of Menda had tolled the hour of midnight, when a young French officer, leaning on the wall of an extensive terrace, which formed the bounds of the gardens of the chateau, appeared lost in reflection, and absorbed in deeper contemplation than generally accompanies the gay thoughtlessness of a military life: although, undoubtedly, place, season, and all by which he was surrounded; were most propitious to meditation. It was one of the clear and cloudless nights of Spain; the twinkling of the stars, and the moon's pale and partial beams, threw a soft light on the rich and romantic valley, in which, at a hundred feet beneath him, was situated the small but handsome town of Menda, skirting the base of a rock, which sheltered its inhabitants from the north wind, and on the summit whereof was placed the vast and antique chateau; and thence the waters of the Atlantic, extending far on either side, might be fully descried. The chateau of Menda, however, afforded a contrast to the calm and silence of the scene around it. From its numerous casements blazed forth a profusion of light; the lively clamour of the cheerful dance, the sounds of mirthful music, and the joyous voices of the assembly, often mingled with, and aftener overpowered, the noise of the more distant waves dashing against the shore. The refreshing coolness of the night, succeeding a day of extraordinary heat, with the delicious perfume of trees and flowers by which he was surrounded, in restoring him from the severe fatigue which the military duties of the morning occasioned, had long detained the young soldier in that delightful spot, and induced him to forego the social enjoyments which the interior of the mansion afforded.

The chauteau itself belonged to a Spanish grandee of the first rank; who, with his family, now resided there. Of his two daughters, the eldest was particularly handsome: and had, during the evening, greatly attracted the admiration of the French officer, whose notice had evidently not been disregarded by the fair Spaniard: but, whenever she addressed him, there was, mixed up with her looks and tones of kindness, so singular an expression of seeming sorrow and compassion, that, haply, the impression it had made on him, had led him to withdraw from the society, and induced his deep and lengthened reverie. Notwithstanding she was one of five children, the great wealth of the Marquis justified the idea that Clara would be richly endowed: but Victor Marchand could scarcely bring himself to hope that, in any event, the daughter of one of the proudest and most powerful nobles in all Spain, would even be permitted to regard, with more than ordinary civility, the son of a Parisian grocer.

The French were hated; and General G**t**r, the commandant of the province, having had strong reason to suspect that the Marquis de Leganes contemplated an insurrection of the inhabitants of that and the surrounding country, in favour of Ferdinand the Seventh, the battalion commanded by Victor Marchand had been sent to garrison Menda; and to overawe its inhabitants and the people of the neighbouring towns and villages, who were at the disposal and under the influence of the Marquis. Indeed, a recent despatch of Marshal Ney had even communicated the probability of the English attempting a landing on the coast, and of the Marquis being in active correspondence with the cabinet of Lon

don. So that, notwithstanding the welcome and hospitality evinced by the Marquis to himself and his comrades, Victor Marchand never relaxed in the adoption of every precaution that prudence could suggest. In pacing the garden terrace, and casting a keen and watchful glance from time to time to ascertain the state of the town, of which his position gave him a distinct and general view; or in listening occasionally to whatever sounds arose from the valley below, in which it lay, he strove vainly to reconcile to his mind, the open and almost unreserved friendship the Marquis had displayed towards him, and the peace and tranquillity of the country itself, with the doubts and fears expressed by his general-when his curiosity was suddenly awakened, and his suspicions aroused by new and somewhat unaccountable circumstances. Innumerable lights, at one and the same instant, were to be seen moving in the town below: the hum of many voices simultaneously heard, where all had been for so many hours darkness and repose. Although it was the feast of Sant'Jago, he had issued, that very morning, severe and peremptory orders, that everywhere-with the exception of the chateau-fire and light should be extinguished at the hour appointed by the military regulations. Again he looked, and more intently: and certainly could distinguish the glittering of muskets and bayonets at several of the posts where his sentinels were stationed. The lights were yet seen; but a solemn silence now succeeded to the noise, which was wholly distinct from that which might be supposed to accompany the observance of a festival of the church. Whence could proceed so general and extraordinary an infraction of military orders, in despite of the more than inadequate nocturnal police and rounds which he had organized? He was resolved to fathom the mystery: and at once, and with all the impetuosity of youth, he was in the act of scaling the terrace wall, to reach, by a direct and rapid descent of the rock, the corps-de-garde stationed at the entrance of the town, on the side of the chateau, when a slight movement near him, resembling the light step of a female on the sanded alley of the garden, induced him to pause. He looked around him anxiously for some moments, but without success. Again he raised himself to observe, and he became fixed and motionless with surprise, as his strained sight dwelt on some distant object; for, clear and distinct as the moon in heaven, he beheld a fleet of ships riding upon the waters, and nearing the land. He was casting in his mind, with the utmost rapidity of thought, the measures he must instantly pursue, when his reflections were interrupted by a hoarse, low voice, proceeding from a breach in the wall, at some paces distance, above which a human head projected. He hastened to the spot, and ascertained it to be the orderly, who was in attendance upon him at the chateau.

"Is it you, Colonel ?"

"It is!"

"The beggars, below there, Sir, are twisting about, like so many worms. I have been upon

the watch, and hastened to make my report to you."

"Speak!" said Victor Marchand.

"Seeing a man leave the chateau privily, with a lantern, I resolved to follow him; for a lantern, and at this hour, looked suspicious, so I stuck close to him, as he crept thitherwards: and on a platform of the rock, there, where my finger points, Sir, I saw him approach an enormous pile of faggots; when

A tremendous shout rose from the town beneath. A wide and sudden blaze of light broke forth near him, produced by the firing of straw and dry wood: and, at the same instant, the grenadier he had been talking with, received a ball in his skull, and fell dead upon the spot.

The cheerful sounds within the chateau walls were hushed at once. A death-like silence reigned around for a moment; and then were heard, but for an instant, distant and heart-piercing groans, as of a short conflicting agony: the report of a cannon boomed along the surface of the ocean. Cold drops burst from the forehead of the officer. He was there alone, unarmed, unfriended. His soldiers had all-all perished. He felt himself a degraded a dishonoured being; he would be dragged before a council of war, a prisoner, and in chains: all who could vindicate his zeal and prudence were of another world. With a keen rapid glance he scanned the depth below; and, leaping on the terrace walk, was on the point of casting himself into the abyss, when the slight shriek and convulsive grasp of some one by his side restrained him.

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Fly! Oh fly!" whispered Clara, almost breathless from agitation; GC my brothers follow me-descend the rock, quickly without delaythere-that way-below you will find Juniato's horse-begone-haste-haste

She urged him onward with all her strength. Lost and confused, the young man gazed on her for a moment; but, quickly yielding to the instinct of self-preservation, which rarely deserts us, he leaped into the park, and rushed onwards in the direction pointed out to him. The steps of persons in pursuit were heard, danger animated him to speed: he hastily scrambled down the rocks, by paths never before trodden but by goats. A shower of musket-balls whistled by him: but, with almost inconceivable rapidity, he gained the valley. The horse was there. He bounded on its back, and disappeared.

A few hours brought him to the head quarters of General G**t**r, who was at breakfast with his staff, and he was instantly admitted into the commander's presence.


"I come to resign myself to death," cxclaimed the Colonel, as he stood before the General, pale and haggard."

"Sit down, Sir," and when you are more composed, I will listen to you;" and the stern severity of his countenance, which truly indicated his well known harsh unyielding character, somewhat abated as he witnessed the emotion of his visitor. As soon as he was able, Victor told his horrible tale: and the downcast looks and deep

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silence of his auditors were the only, but expressive comment on his history.

"It appears to me, Sir," at length said the General, calmly," that you are more unfortunate than criminal; you can hardly be deemed responsible for the guilt of the Spaniards; and, if the Marshal decide not otherwise, I shall not hesitate to acquit you.”

These words afforded but feeble consolation to Victor, who falteringly demanded, "But when the Emperor learns the report, Sir?” "It is not impossible he may order you to be shot," observed the General, in a tone of indifference: "but of that hereafter," he added, rising and assuming his more bitter expression of tone and feature. "Let us now only think of vengeance-vengeance, deep, deep and terrible on these Spaniards."

In a short hour, an entire regiment, with detachments of cavalry and artillery, were on their march; at the head of which rode the General and Victor. The troops, informed of the massacre of their comrades, pressed onwards with unrelenting activity, actuated by feelings of hate and fury. The villages through which their road lay were already up in arms: but they were soon reduced to obedience, and, in all of them, each tenth man was told off and shot.

By some unaccountable fatality, the English fleet remained lying to and inactive, without even communicating with the shore: so that the town of Menda was surrounded by the French troops, without the slightest show of resistance on the part of its inhabitants: who, disappointed in the succour on which they had relied, offered to surrender at discretion. Such as were more immediately implicated in the massacre of the garrison, justly presuming that, for their act, the town would be delivered up to flames, and the entire population put to death, by an effort of courage and self-devotion, not unfrequent in the war of the Peninsula, offered to become their proper accusers. This unexpected and extraordinary proposition was acceded to by the General; and he engaged to accord a pardon to the rest of the inhabitants, and prevent the town being fired or pillaged by the incensed soldiery. But, at thesame time, he levied an enormous contribution on the people; for the payment of which, within twenty-four hours, he commanded that the principal and wealthiest residences should be given as hostages into his hands; and inflexibly decreed that all the persons appertaining to the chateau, from the Marquis to his lowest valet, should be placed, unconditionally, in his power.

Having seen his soldiers encamped, and taken all due precautions for their safety against a sudden attack, the General proceeded to the chateau, of which he immediately assumed military possession. The respective members, with the domestics of the family of Leganes, were bound with cords, and the ball-room was assigned them as a prison, the casements whereof opened upon the terrace: while the General and his staff occupied an adjoining suit of rooms where a council was holden, to adopt all necessary measures,

in the event of an attempted disembarkation by the British. Orders were given for the erection of batteries on the coasts, and despatches sent off to the Marshal.

The two hundred Spaniards who had acknowledged themselves as the authors of the massacre, and resigned themselves into the General's power, were drawn up on the terrace of the chateau, and shot, without a single exception. As soon as their execution had terminated, General G**t**r ordered the erection of as many gallows as there were prisoners in the ball-room, on the same spot; directing, moreover, that the hangman of the town should be summoned.

Victor Marchand profitted by the interval in the work of death, which the execution of the General's orders required, to visit the unhappy prisoners; and a few minutes only elapsed before he again presented himself to his commanding officer. "I presume, Sir," he said, with much emotion," to implore your consideration in behalf of the condemned family."

"You!" observed the General, with a sneer' Alas, Sir; it is a sorrowful indulgence they solicit. The Marquis, in observing the preparations for the approaching execution, trusts that you will deign to change the mode of punishment; and that such as are of noble blood may suffer by decapitation." "Granted," was the laconic reply. "He also hopes you will allow him to have the aid of religion; and in tendering his solemn engagement not to indulge in the thought of escape, he prays that he and his may be freed from their bonds.' "Be it so," said the General: " you being responsible for the consequences. What further would you?" he added, sternly and impatiently, seeing the Colonel yet linger and hesitate to speak-" He presumes, Sir, to tender you all his wealth-his entire fortune-so that his youngest son might be spared." "Indeed," said the General; "it is no extraordinary exertion of generosity, as his property is already at the disposal of King Joseph. But," he continued, after some moments of reflection, while an indescribable expression of savage triumph lightened up his features-"I perceive all the importance attached to his last request, and shall even go beyond it. Let him then purchase the continuance of his name and family, that it may exist a memorial of his treason and its penalty. But it shall be on my terms; mark me-I leave his fortune free, and grant like pardon to such one of his sons as shall assume the office of executioner. I have said it-begone! and let me hear no more of him or his." The General turned from Victor towards the chateau, where dinner for himself and staff had been just served; leaving the Colonel thunderstruck.

His brother officers eagerly hastened to satisfy an appetite provoked by fatigue, but he had no thought but for the wretched prisoners; and, summoning resolution again to meet them, he slowly entered the ball-room, where the father and mother, their three sons and two daughters, sat bound to their rich and gilded chairs; while the eight servants of the house stood with their

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arms tied behind their backs, mute and motionless, their looks-turned on their superiors, as if to derive a lesson of courage or resignation from their bearing. At times a hasty exclamation disturbed the silence, attesting the regret of some bolder spirits, at having failed in their enterprize. The soldiers who guarded them were stern and silent, as if respecting the misfortunes of their enemies; and Victor shuddered as he looked upon the mournful spectacle of their distress, where but so lately joy and gaiety presided; and compared their afflicted state with the gaudy trappings which yet adorned the walls, as in mockery of the dreadful doom which they were sentenced in a few minutes to undergo.

Ordering the soldiers to loose the bonds of the others, he hastened to the release of Clara; and, while every eye was turned towards him with intense interest, he freed her beautifully moulded arms from the cords. Even in that moment of sorrow, he could not but admire the loveliness of the Spanish girl, her perfect form-her raven hair-her long, dark eye-lashes--and an eye too brilliant to be gazed on, suffused as it was with tears of anguish or indignation. "Have you succeeded?" she whispered, as he bent over her; and her look strove to penetrate his inmost thoughts. An involuntary groan was Victor's sole reply; and to avoid her ardent gaze, he threw a wild and piteous look upon her brothers and her parents, and again on her. The eldest son, Juanito, was about thirty years of age, short of stature, and scarcely well formed; but these defects were redeemed by a countenance eminently Spanish, proud, fierce, and disdainful, teeming with all his country's gallantry. Filippo, the second, was about twenty years of age, and bore an extraordinary resemblance to Clara. Raffaele, the youngest, was eight years old; a mild and passive creature, with much of patience or endurance in his gentle features. The venerable countenance of the aged Marquis, and his silver hair, offered a study worthy of Murillo. As he contemplated the mournful group, Victor knew not how to announce the General's determination. Compliance with it was surely out of the question; and why should the cup of grief, already full, be unnecessarily overcharged? The entreaties of Clara, however, overcame him; her face wore the hue of death as she listened, but she struggled violently with her feelings, and, assuming a comparatively calm and tranquil air, she arose and placed herself solemnly on her knees at her father's feet.-"Oh, Sir! -Father!" she exclaimed; and, as all leaned forward in breathless attention, her accents fell clear and distinct around, as earth upon the coffin-lid. "Command-command Juanito to swear, by all his hopes of mercy hereafter, that he will now obey your orders, whatever they may be, to their fullest extent, and we shall yet be happy."

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The mother trembled from joy and hope, eagerly, as unobserved she bent forward to participate in the communication her daughter whispered in her father's ears. She heard, and fell

fainting to the earth. Juanito himself seemed evidently aware of its intent; for he writhed from rage and horror.

Victor now commanded the guards to quit the room, the Marquis renewing his promise of unconditional submission. They accordingly retired, leading away the domestics, who, as they issued forth, were delivered over, one by one, to the public executioner, and successively put to death.

Thus relieved from painful intrusion, the old man arose-“ Juanito!" said he, sternly. The son, aware of his întention, only replied by an inclination of the head, indicative of a decided refusal. He then sank into a chair, while his wild, fixed, and haggard look rested upon his parent. "Come, come, Juanito; dearest brother!" said Clara, in an encouraging and cheerful tone, as she playfully placed herself upon his knee, one arm encircling his neck, the other hand fondly removing the hair from his burning forehead, which she affectionately kissed. "If you knew, my Juanito, my own kind brother, how welcome death would be, if given at your hand. Think, Juanito! my loved, loved, Juanito! that I shall thus escape the odious touch of the public executioner. You, you will end my sufferings: and so shall we thwart the triumph of. Her dark eye turned from Juanito full on Victor, as if to awaken in her brother's bosom all his hatred of the French.

"Be a man, brother. Summon all your courage!" said Filippo; "let not our name perish, and by your fault.”

Clara arose; while all made way for the Marquis, who addressed his son. "It is my will-I command you, Juanito." The young Count moved not, stirred not; and his father fell at his feet. Raffaele, Filippo, and their sisters did the same, stretching forth their supplicating hands towards him, who alone could save their name from forgetfulness and extinction, while the Marquis, on his knees, continued, "My son, my Juanito, prove yourself a Spaniard. Show the stern resolve, the noble feeling of a Spaniard. Let not your father thus kneel in vain before you. What are your sufferings compared with the honour of those you love-those who so truly love you? Let not your own sorrows prevail against your father's prayer. Would I not die for you, were it required of me? Live then for us. Let not the hand of infamy insult my hoary head. Is he our son, Madam?" indignantly exclaimed the Marquis, addressing his wife, as he arose, while Juanito, with a fixed and horrid stare, sat dead-like; the distended muscles of his livid front seeming less the traits of mortal man than those of chiselled marble.

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towards Juanito, while Victor, no longer able to endure the scene, made sign to Clara of his intention, and rushed from the room to make one last effort with the General. Him he found in one of his milder moods, cheerfully conversing with his officers, while he partook of the delicious wines the cellars of the chateau afforded.

An hour afterwards, and one hundred of the principal inhabitants of Menda were assembled, by the General's orders, on the terrace, to witness the execution of the family of Leganes.They were arranged beneath the line of gallows, on which hung the bodies of the Marquis's domestics; and a strong military guard preserved order. At about thirty paces distant, a block had been prepared, on which a large and naked scimetar was laid; while the executioner stood near to act, in the event of Juanito's refusal.

The dead silence which prevailed was interrupted by the sound of many footsteps; the slow and measured tread of soldiery, and the clattering of arms, drowned, at times, by the loud laugh of the officers over their wine. So had the dance and music, but shortly since, been mingled with the expiring groans of the French garrison. All eyes were now directed towards the chateau, and the several members of the Leganes family approached, with firm, unshrinking step, and countenances patient, calm and serene--save one. He pale, wan and heart stricken, leant upon the priest, who unceasingly urged every argument of religion, to sustain and console the wretched being who was alone condemned to live. The Marquis, his wife, and their four children, took their places at some paces distant from the block, and knelt. Juanito was led forward by the priest, and, having reached the fatal spot, the public executioner advanced and whispered him, haply imparting some necessary instructions in his dreadful mystery. The confessor would have arranged the victims so as to avoid, as far as possible, a view of the work of death; but they were Spaniards, and evinced no symptoms of fear.

Clara now darted forwards to her brother."Juanito!" she exclaimed," you must have pity on my weakness. I am a sad, sad, coward.Begin with me."

A hasty step was heard approaching-it was Victor. Clara was kneeling by the block, and her white neck already bared to the scimetar. The officer shuddered, but rushed forward"Your life is spared, Clara. The General pardons you, if you consent-to-to be mine."

The Spanish lady looked on him for an instant; a proud, disdainful glance of withering scorn, "Quick, quick, Juanito," she murmured, in a hurried hollow voice, as she turned, and her head rolled at Victor's feet.

As the first dull blow of the heavy scimetar was heard, for one moment the mother's whole frame moved convulsively. It was the first and only sign of weakness exhibited.

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The tall commanding figure of the Marquis now approached. He looked on his children's blood, and then, turning towards the assembled Spaniards, and stretching forth his arms over Juanito, exclaimed, in a loud and resolute tone of voice:-" Spaniards, hear me! A father's blessing I give unto my son; may it ever rest on and with him!-His is the post of duty. Now, Marquis of Leganes, strike firm and surely, for thou art without reproach!"

But when Juanito saw his mother approach, supported by the confessor-the scimetar struck heavily against the earth, as he shrieked in bitterest agony-"Mother!-God!-God!-it is too much-She bore-she nourished me.-Blood! and my mother's blood!" A cry of horror burst from all around. The bacchanalian orgies within the castle were at once ended.

The Marchioness, sensible that the strength and courage of her son had fled, cast one glance, and one only, at the scene at her feet; and then, aged as she was, leaped the terrace balustrade, and disappeared. As she fell upon the rocks beneath, the reeking instrument of death dropped from the hand of Juanito. His eyes flashed an almost maniac fire. A low, gurgling sound, like a death-greeting, broke from his livid lips-life seemed to forsake his limbs-and he sunk senseless upon the ground, beside the beloved beings who had fallen by his hand.

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Notwithstanding the unlimited respect and high honours accorded by his sovereign to the Marquis de Leganes-notwithstanding the title of El Verdugo, by which his ancient and noble name has been rendered yet more illustrious, the Marquis now lives an almost heart-broken and solitary man. The birth of an heir to his name and fortune (an event which, unhappily, deprived her who bore him of existence) had been impatiently awaited by him, and as his son saw the light, the father felt it was now his privilege, in Heaven's own time, to join that troop of shadows, that are ever with him and around him. With these, in his long hours of solitude, he holds strange discourse: and if he ever smile, it is when he points out his sleeping boy to those unseen beings-unseen by all, save himself-and swears by its innocent head, and by the generations yet unborn, an eternal enmity to France and to her children.

Man is belligerent by nature, and the thought of war summons up sensations and even faculties within him, that, in the common course of life, would have been no more discoverable than the bottom of the sea: the moral earthquake must come to strip the bosom to our gaze.

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