صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Some day I hope I will be with thee in heaven. I am often at a great loss what to think of such a Saviour, that could be so kind as to care even for us little children. Ob, may the great God that made the world help me this night, and all the days and nights that I am spared on earth, to think of those things. All the prayers I offer up are not of myself, but are offered up through my Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.


O Lord, I again come into thy presence to thank thee for the care thou hast taken of me during the night that is past. I pray thee to watch over me during all this day. May I be obedient to my parents and teachers, and be able to give attention to their advice and instructions. Do thou bless my mamma and papa, and all my friends and relations, and make them all as happy as thou art making me.

I pray thee to enable me to understand more perfectly what I am daily reading in my Bible. I am too young to learn all things, but my Saviour, of whom I read, had compassion on such little children as I am. I hope in mercy he will also have compassion on me, and teach the way by which I may come unto him, for


all that I ask and expect to receive is only through this blessed Saviour, who loved little children so much. Amen.


Again, O God, I kneel before thee. Thou art always kind to me; thou art guiding and directing me when I am at a loss what to do. It can be no other that helps me in my difficulties, for no one is present with me to know what I am wanting. How often during this day have I felt thy presence with me even while engaged in my play.

Hear and an

Look down on me in mercy. swer this humble petition, and be with me during the night; and when I rise in the morning, make me an obedient child, both to father and mother, and do thou bless them both, and make them to know that thou art their God, as I believe thou also art mine. Hear my humble prayer, and do thou watch over me this night, and make me a good and happy child, for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen.


O Lord, my Heavenly Father, be thou the guide of my youth. Suffer me not to follow


the foolish and sinful desires which I feel

always rising within me.


Subdue within me

the perverse self-will which is continually attempting to prevail over Enable me to overcome myself, to keep my conscience pure, to resist the wicked one who is ever seeking to turn me from the path of duty. May I be daily growing in knowing, loving, fearing, and obeying thee, and becoming more and more a child of God.

Do thou watch over me throughout the whole of this day. Never leave me to myself, but be always present with me.

Bless my father and mother, and all my friends and relations, and do thou take us all to thyself; for all the petitions I offer up are in the name and for the sake of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.


O God! thou art very good to me. Another day has closed, and I am still here before thee, enjoying all the blessings and comforts of life. Oh, fill my heart with gratitude to thee, the giver of all that I am receiving.

Lord, thou knowest that I am very thoughtless; but, oh, leave me not to myself, but, in

difficulty and danger, be thou present to guide me and direct me.

Help me to spend the remainder of this evening, and all the days and hours of my life, in thy fear. Watch over me again this night. I humbly pray thee to bring me to see the light of a new day, for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen.


Heavenly Father, thou hast again been kind to me, and hast raised me up in health to see the light of another day. I bless and thank thee for the care which thou hast taken of me during the dark hours of the night that I have been asleep.

Oh, do thou watch over me the whole of this day, and make me a good and faithful child to thee, for Christ's sake. Amen.


O Lord, I come into thy presence this night, and at my mother's knee I kneel before thee, and thank thee for all thy kindness to me this day, and through the week which is now coming to an end.

May I know more of Jesus Christ, and love him more than I have yet done; for in



I have been reading how much he loved little children like me.

Oh, that I may be one of the lambs of his flock that I was reading about this morning. How happy would I be if I only knew that Jesus cared for me also, and that he would keep me from doing anything that was wrong. Spare me during the night, and bring me to see the light of thy holy day. Amen.

Hear these the prayers of a little child,
Who lisps them at his mother's knee ;
Oh, keep me, Lord! pure, undefiled,
And take me up at last to thee.


O Lord, I thank thee that thou hast brought me to see the light of another day, and that a day of the Son of man. All the days of the week are good, but the Sabbath-day is the best day, for it is thine. The other days remind me of thee as my Creator and Preserver, but this day reminds me of thee as my Redeemer. Thou hast said, "Remember the Sabbath-day to keep it holy," help me to remember, and, O Lord, help me to keep it holy. I am too young to be taken to thy house, but though I cannot spend the day in thy service there, I am not too young to spend it in thy service at home.

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