صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

House at Washington, each of them smoking a corn-cob pipe. Jackson died near Nashville, Tennessee, at his home called "The Hermitage," on June 8, 1845.

at tor'ney, in law, one appointed by un couth'ness, roughness others to transact business for wardness in appearance. them.

or awk

im pen'e tra ble, too thick and tan-
gled to pass through.

rep re sent'a tive, a member of the
state or national body of law-out'rages, violent acts of injury.


for ti fi ca'tion, a work of defence, a


dem on stra'tion, expression of feeling by outward signs.



ORPHEUS with his lute made trees,
And the mountain tops that freeze,
Bow themselves when he did sing:
To his music plants and flowers
Ever sprung, as sun and showers

There had made a lasting spring.

Every thing that heard him play,
Even the billows of the sea,

Hung their heads, and then lay by.
In sweet music is such art,
Killing care and grief of heart
Fall asleep, or hearing, die.

Or'pheus, in Greek story, a wonder

ful musician, singer, and poet.
It is said that he charmed the

beasts, the waters, and the trees, with his music.

killing care, that is, care that kills.



I WANDERED lonely as a cloud

That floats on high o'er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd,

A host of golden daffodils;

Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the milky-way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:

Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves beside them danced, but they
Outdid the sparkling waves in glee:
A poet could not but be gay,

In such a jocund company;

I gazed

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and gazed — but little thought

What wealth the show to me had brought.

For oft, when on my couch I lie

In vacant or in pensive mood,

They flash upon my inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;

And then my heart with pleasure fills,

And dances with the daffodils.



WALTER RALEIGH and his friends, Blount and Tracy, were floating on the princely bosom of the broad Thames, upon which the sun now shone forth with all its splendor.

"There are two things scarce matched in the universe," said Walter to Blount -"the sun in heaven and the Thames on earth."

"The one will light us to Greenwich well enough," said Blount," and the other would take us there a little faster, if it were ebb-tide."

"And this is all thou thinkest-all thou carestall thou deem'st to be the use of the king of elements, and the king of rivers-to guide three such poor caitiffs as thyself, and me, and Tracy, upon an idle journey of courtly ceremony!"

"It is no errand of my seeking,” replied Blount, "and I could excuse both the sun and the Thames the trouble of carrying me where I have no great mind to go, and where I expect but dog's wages for my trouble. And by my honor," he added, looking out from the head of the boat, "it seems to me as if our message were a sort of labor in vain; for see, the queen's barge lies at the stairs, as if her Majesty were about to take to the water."

It was even so. The royal barge, manned by the

queen's waterinen, richly attired in the regal liveries, and having the banner of England displayed, did indeed lie at the great stairs which ascended from the river, and along with it two or three other boats for transporting such part of her retinue as were not in immediate attendance upon the royal person.

The yeomen of the guard, the tallest and handsomest men whom England could produce, guarded with their halberds the passage from the palace gate to the river-side, and all seemed in readiness for the queen's coming forth, although the day was yet so early.

By my faith, this bodes us no good," said Blount; "it must be some perilous cause puts her grace in motion at this time. We had best put back again, and tell the earl what we have seen."

"Tell the earl what we have seen!" said Walter; why, what have we seen but a boat, and men with scarlet jerkins, and halberds in their hands? Let us do his errand, and tell him what the queen says in reply."

So saying, he caused the boat to be pulled toward a landing-place at some distance from the principal one, which it would not, at that moment, have been thought respectful to approach, and jumped on shore, followed, though with reluctance, by his cautious and timid companions. As they approached the gate of the palace, one of the porters told them that they could not at present enter, as her Majesty was

in the act of coming forth. The gentlemen used the name of the Earl of Sussex, but it proved no charm to the officer, who alleged in reply, that it was as much as his post was worth to disobey the commands which he had received.

Nay, I told you as much before," said Blount; do, I pray you, my dear Walter, let us take the boat and return."

"Not till I see the queen come forth," returned the youth, composedly.

At this moment the gates opened, and ushers began to issue forth in array, preceded and flanked by the band of gentlemen pensioners. After this, amid a crowd of lords and ladies, yet so disposed around her that she could see and be seen on all sides, came Elizabeth herself, then in the full glow of what in a sovereign was called beauty. In the lowest walk of life, indeed, she would have been truly judged to possess a noble figure, joined to a striking and commanding countenance. She leant on the arm of Lord Hunsdon, whose relation to her by her mother's side often procured him such distinguished marks of Elizabeth's friendship.

The young cavalier we have so often mentioned had probably never yet approached so near the person of his sovereign, and he pressed forward as far as the line of warders permitted, in order to avail himself of the present opportunity. His companion, on the contrary, kept pulling him backward, till

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