صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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which resists the temptations of the devil the world & the flish by those means which God has appointed.

"Watch and pray, that ye be not led into temptation" "He that is faithful unto death shall receive the crown of life!"

This Heart represents one who can say, "I have finished my course; I have kept the faith! Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of glory."

In addition to the preceding stages of the new life, this veteran in faith and love, has stood stedfast when assaulted by the combined powers of darkness. His faith is unshaken, for it is built on the ROCK OF AGES! That heart is fortified by a triple guard on the right hand, and on the left; it cannot be taken by surprise, because its affections are centred in the Redeemer. There is no moment in which they are not exploring their treasure, or diffusing HIS blessings. His power to resist temptation is omnipotent; for Christ, the wisdom and power of God, has become the wisdom and power by whom he is made more than conqueror. There is now no condemnation for such a character. Neither death nor life, nor any created thing, can separate him from Christ, the lifebreath of his renewed existence. Divine light clothes him as with a glory. The earth is under his feet he looks down upon the world as a conquered foe he treads on serpents and scorpions, and all the powers of the enemy, and nothing can by any means hurt him. He is called and chosen, and faithful, and shall be of the first fruits of the first resurrection. There the remembrance of his

suffering and sorrow hath passed away; the days of his mourning and conflict are ended: what he sowed in tears he shall reap in joy. The Lord whom he loved even unto death, now wipes all tears from his eyes; yea, he maketh that faithful servant sit down to meat, while he girds himself to serve him. Blessed! how blessed! are the dead who die in the Lord, who is their resurrection, their life! Yea, saith the spirit, that they may rest from their labors and their works follow them.

Dear child, dear youth: Thy Saviour invites thee to become, by regeneration, such a noble specimen of the christian character. The same spirit which has here been admitted, cherished, and by whom the work of grace was completed, strives for admission to thy heart; and wilt thou grieve and resist the heavenly Comforter? Wilt thou still be a wretched imitator of the children of this world, who devour the husks of animal nature, and grub like moles in the earth for that which is to the worldling the root of all evil, and which never fails to pierce them with many sorrows? Or wilt thou not rather aspire after the enjoyment of mind to which thy high destiny invites thee? Compare the ignoble pursuits, the sordid character of the children of the world, the slaves of Satan, with the godlike fame of him who has subdued Satan, and

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