صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

sending instrument. By an ingenious system, these signals, ranging from onetwo-hundredth to one-quarter of an inch long and one-hundredth of an inch high, appear in ink on a sheet of paper in exactly the same position as the light and dark areas on the original picture. In this way the photograph or illustration is reproduced, in a manner similar to that employed in making photo-engravings.

There was a new significance to experienced radio men who listened to the mysterious and seemingly meaningless characters carrying the photograph through the air on WJZ's invisible channel. These men will never forget how suddenly broadcasting dawned five years ago. Many of them had heard indistinct mutterings and discordant musical notes, but few took these strange sounds as an indication of the beginning of a revolutionary change in wireless. They found these noises, as they were called, mixed with the dots and dashes of commercial and amateur stations, and they cursed them because they caused interference, just as broadcast listeners the other night might have considered the "noise" of the radio picture radiated by WJZ.

But now the old-timers have learned a lesson. They know strange signals in the ether are likely to be highly significant of something radically new. This time the "noises" not only may be the forerunner of photographs flashed through the walls of homes throughout the world, but, it is believed, radio motion pictures and television!

These marvelous features of the ether may be perfected overnight, just as is radio telephony. The fundamental principles are known to radio research engineers.

As C. Francis Jenkins, the

radio-movie experimenter of Washington, recently explained, only the details are left to be worked out, and he predicts that within five years practically every household may have an attachment to the radio set in the form of a miniature motion-picture screen on which the Hertzian waves will paint with light beams the scenes of distant cities and events of international interest.

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The Maharajah Sir Pratab Singh, of Jammu and Kashmir

in which his nephew and presumptive heir, Hari Singh (the "Mr. A" of the case), was the victim. The tenderness with which the personality of Hari Singh was protected from publicity by the Court was ascribed to fear lest disclosure of the heir's breach of caste rather than his breach of morals should rouse violent aversion to his succession. It is now believed that he will succeed his uncle, although the late Maharajah was deeply shocked by the scandal. Probably respect and regard for the uncle rather than for the nephew was at the back of the British reticence-which, as a matter of fact, insured silence only for a few days and doubled the réclame of the


His Highness Sir Pratab Singh, Maharajah of Jammu and Kashmir, was a

firm friend of the British as overrulers "native states," big and little. In his of his realm and of all the many other youth he knew and admired General Roberts (Kipling's "Bobs"). He gave half a million dollars to help pay for India's memorial to Queen Victoria. In the Great War he not only kept his people true to British faith, but sent a little army of his own to the front (some 10,000 men, we believe), accompanied them in person, and paid his troops out of his own pocket. If anything were lacking to make Sir Pratab Singh popular. with Englishmen, it would be found in the fact that he loved the game of

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cricket and that he highly valued the medal he once gained for saving the life

of an Englishwoman.

The British raj will be lucky if the new Maharajah is half as good a sport or half as loyal to his overlords as was the dead prince who in his own Oriental way for forty years preserved peace and advanced the welfare of a semi-independent kingdom of 85,000 square miles and a population of about 3,500,000. There is romance yet in Kashmir.


Remembering Milton at Vallombrosa


T is safe to say that the average schooltrained English-speaking person who hears the word Vallombrosa spoken thinks immediately of Milton and his famous lines about the autumn leaves. Certainly no traveler in Florence will escape hearing them quoted. The fact that Milton was actually in Tuscany, that he visited and talked long with the imprisoned Galileo, and that his works. are filled with allusions to that happy time is well fixed in the Italian mind.

There are no people like the Italians for recording in tangible form their own. great men or those famous strangers who, under these skies, lived, worked or died. Several English poets who loved this country and made it a home, whether temporary or otherwise, are remembered by suitable tablets or monuments, and in many a city one comes across inscriptions to Shelley, Keats, Byron, the Brownings, and others to whom Italy was an inspiration and a joy.

But for some reason, one does not know why, there has been nothing to recall the visit of Milton until now. This year, however, joint Italian and English committees took the matter in charge, and recently there was a most interesting ceremony at Vallombrosa, where a tablet was set in the wall of the building in which the poet was lodged when he came there to visit the monks in 1638.

Vallombrosa is a very beautiful spot, with its deep forests of pine and other trees. The climate is ideal in summer, for it is over three thousand feet above sea-level, and it is now a favorite resort during the hot months, while in the winter, when the snow lies deep, people come for the sports. In Milton's time it was, of course, very solitary; a few peasants or charcoal-burners possibly lived there, and no one else but the monks, who,

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under the guidance of the pious San Giovanni Gualberto, had retired from the world and founded a monastery. But it was the very place for a poet, and one can imagine what visions of solemn forest aisles or green meadows came to Milton's memory in after years when feeble and blind and poor in troubled days in England.

The recent ceremony took place in the green inclosure in front of the building called "Il Paradisino," part of the ancient monastery. The King sent a representative, the Duke of Pistoia (son of the Duke d'Aosta), while the British Government, in the unavoidable absence of its Ambassador in England, was represented by the head of the British press in Rome.

The tablet is the work of Hendrik Andersen, an American sculptor of Norwegian descent, who has lived long in Rome, but was formerly at home in Boston and New York. Below the basrelief showing the head of the poet is the inscription, written by Signor Ugo Ojetti, a distinguished scholar and orator, who was the principal speaker on this occasion. Its English version is as follows:

"In 1638, here dwelt the great English poet, John Milton, a student of our classics, devoted to our culture, a lover of this forest and of this sky. 30 August, MCMXXV."

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Charles VacVeagh

United States Ambassador to Japan

MacVeagh has the respect of the best business and political advisers of the


Yet he is neither a business man nor a politician. He is a lawyer of high attainments whose work has brought him into contact with wide-spreading affairs of commerce and finance. When his father, Wayne MacVeagh, was made United States Minister to Turkey by President Grant, that post was his first National office. Later Wayne MacVeagh had large political experience, became a Cabinet Secretary, and later Ambassador to Italy, but, as with his son, his first National appointment was of a diplomatic character. Both came to diplomacy with the best kind of legal training and a large

knowledge of world conditions. The present appointee is a co-member in a great law firm with the recent Democratic candidate for the Presidency.

In a sense this is a political appointment, but that does not mean a political trade or political favoritism. We have not yet reached the point where the great Ambassadorships are always awarded to men of long diplomatic experience. Where ability is unquestioned, the section or State of the appointee and the preservation of a balance of preferment as between sections still exercise influence. In this case no doubt a candidate from New York, and backed by Senator Wadsworth, helps that political balance.

One special reason which, it is said by some, might have indicated the selection of a diplomat of experience for appointment to Japan lies in the fact that the Japanese Government and people bestow an extraordinary degree of respect and courtesy upon the American Ambassador. This is in reality a tribute to the American people and Government, but men unaccustomed to diplomatic life might easily have their heads turned by a short sojourn in the Tokyo Embassy. In this case there seems to be little danger in that direction.

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sippi and Ohio Rivers, although a few are scattered at distant points. Probably they were built from three to five thousand years ago.

from that of the American Indian as to indicate some mighty influence from outside is at least probable.

teaches, that there can be no vital conflict or contradiction between the truth revealed to man by God in the natural order and that made manifest by him in

The skeletons found in the mounds do A Cardinal Pays Tribute the supernatural."

not differ essentially from those of the Indians who were in North America when the white man arrived. But some things found in the mounds do not correspond with the culture or customs of our red man.

In the mound at Bainbridge, for instance, were half-helmets of beaten copper, strings of pearls (the news accounts say that some were as large as hickory nuts), fragments and prints from woven cloth, tortoise-shell ornaments with carvings of birds, and something which it is thought may be a musical instrument. Evidently the four skeletons in this mound were those of people of consequence and in a way rich and honored. The number of pearls was so great that the place has been called "the great pearl burial."


Who were the mound builders? doubt the Ohio discoveries will cause a revival of an old and sharply contested debate on this question. One school of archæologists believes that the mound. men were racially the direct ancestors of the American Indian we know, and that mound interment, pearl-collecting, and other ways of the mound builders had simply died out. Other students of the problem find that answer too simple and also not capable of explaining known. facts. They see analogies between the mound builders, the Incas of Peru, and the Mayas of Yucatan, and ask whether the mound builders may not have been exploring parties from some southern race, sent northward to find such things as copper and pearls. Beyond that supposition rises again the fascinating speculation as to whether the civilization that left temples and carvings and even literature to the south of us may not have had its origin in adventurous parties from India or elsewhere in the Far East, voyaging by degrees through the Polynesian seas and making stations at many islands until there came the great jump from Easter Island (where there are traces of them) to the American coast. This takes us a long way from Bain bridge, Ohio. The theory of Mayan migration, colonization, and trade in the Mississippi Valley is far from being established. But that the mounds show racial and economic life differing so much

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himself openly among those who in the name of religion applaud and encourage the searchers for truth by the pathway of science. At the opening of the radio station of the Paulist Fathers in New York City a few days ago he said:

To-night we offer a tribute of praise and gratitude to our scientists, to those devoted servants of truth who dedicate their lives to the advancement of human knowledge.

He made it plain that this was not merely a tribute to the practitioners of physical science, that, as he said, "has contributed enormously to human comfort and health and life;" it was a tribute to the students of pure science, "real, not false science," which discloses as its ideal "truth, always, everywhere, at any cost."

By implication Cardinal Hayes denied that there was any warfare between science and religion, for he declared that the true scientist realizes, "as the Church

In the spirit of these remarks there is little, if anything, that can be reconciled with the spirit of the following. We take verbatim the postscript of a letter written by Mr. P. H. Callahan, regarded in some quarters as the foremost Catholic layman in America, to Father John A. Ryan, of the Catholic University. These

are Mr. Callahan's words:

P.S.-You can imagine how long a teacher would be allowed to remain in a Catholic university or a Catholic school who would teach that man had descended from a lower order of animals. No matter whether he were cleric or lay he would be fired like Shanley, the restaurant man, used to discharge his waiters caught cheating

a good strong kick going out the door and their hat and coat thrown after them-which system Shanley brought from Ireland and used to say was the best plan to retain the morale of his organization.

It would be hard to find a greater contrast than that between this attitude and the attitude expressed in Cardinal Hayes's words, "Truth, always, everywhere, at any cost." Indeed, a British periodical, "The Month," conducted under the auspices of the Jesuit Fathers, makes a statement which directly contradicts that of this Catholic layman. It says of the Catholic Church:

Her belief in the inspiration of God's Word cannot be shaken by scientific discoveries, in making which indeed her members have been among the foremost; nor does she deny wellsupported scientific truth-the case of Galileo only illustrates the factbecause it seems opposed to revelation. She has never forbidden the teaching of evolution in her schools, because, employing always Catholic teachers, she knows that no theory of human origins will be taught that, contradicts either scientific or revealed truth.

The same line of division runs through all churches that separates the Baptist Fundamentalist from the Rev. Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick.

But there is a more fundamental difference than that between those who in the name of religion fear science and those who welcome it. This is the difference between those who regard religion as primarily and essentially a theory, a view, a doctrine, to be received on au


thority, and those who regard religion as essentially a life.

There are both Catholics and Protestants who regard religion as something to be believed on the authority of a

those who insist that the creed is religion and those who say that the creed is no more religion than botany is a flower.

them are nasty eyesores on a fine old road.

As you enter the town appear more and more signs of the triumph of the automobile. The change is more notice

Creed or a Church or a Book. Some of The New New England able than in a city. The few scared

these do not fear any conflict between conclusions established by science and the dogmas of their religion because they keep them in separate compartments of their minds. They do not allow their knowledge to heckle their belief. They follow the Fourth Commandment as if it read: "Six days shalt thou think; but the seventh day is the Sabbath, in which thou shalt do no manner of thinking." In the laboratory they can welcome truth without qualms, but at the altar they are ready to accept anything that comes to them from their ecclesiastical superiors. But there are also both Catholics and Protestants who regard religion as a way of living. They recognize that people cannot live without thinking about life; that no one with a mind can keep that mind from considering and weighing theories; but they distinguish between theories about life and the life itself. Father George Tyrrell was a Catholic of this sort. In his "Confidential Letter to a Friend Who is a Professor of Anthropology," which led to his expulsion from the Jesuit order, he set forth very clearly this distinction between his religion, which he called Catholicism, and its dogmas. The scientist had come to Father Tyrrell for counsel because he had felt that the intellectual defense of the Catholic Church had broken down and because he could no longer reconcile his scientific conclusions with the doctrines. he had been taught. Should he leave the Church? "Yes," answered Father Tyrrell, "if theological 'intellectualism' be right; if faith mean mental assent to a system of conceptions of the understanding; if Catholicism be primarily a theology or at most a system of practical observances regulated by that theology. No, if Catholicism be primarily a life, and the Church a spiritual organism in whose life we participate, and if theology be but an attempt of that life to formulate and understand itself-an attempt which may fail wholly or in part without affecting the value and reality of the said life."

Here is the issue which is raised anew in these days. It is a mistake to think that the chief differences within the Church are differences of creeds. The difference that counts is that between


EST INJY LANE looks at first sight as it has always' looked. The apple treesbearing a good crop this year-still line the road, inside the stone walls. There are a few elms in front of the widely separated farmhouses. The door of Deacon Noyes's barn stands open, and the swallows flash in and out, as they did when the Deacon's grandfather was a boy. But at the corner, at the crossroads, stands a novel figure. Is that really Constable Pingree, who used to patrol the streets, wearing a policeman's gray helmet and swinging a billy? He has changed his appearance extraordinarily; in fact, he is all dolled up. He has the smart cap of a metropolitan police officer; he stands beside a revolving sign with "Stop" and "Go" on it. From time to time he blows a piercing shriek on a whistle, and holds up the palm of one white-gloved hand, beckoning impatiently with the other hand. Think of it—a traffic cop on West Injy Lane!

His are no mere "gestures," however; nor is his presence an idle imitation of the customs of the cities. This is on the highroad between Boston and Portland, and the motor cars whiz by in endless procession. Yesterday, while Pingree was off duty and a winking green light in a white pillar was supposed to take his place, two women in a Ford tried to charge around the corner in defiance of common sense, and knocked another car into the ditch. The innocent occupants of the other car were, of course, the ones who had to be carried to the hospital.

There are a few other changes along the Lane. There used not to stand, in front of Captain Bannister's house, tables and trays offering green corn, tomatoes, and apples for sale, with signs announcing honey straight from the bee. Down at the corner, on the site of the grocery, young Dave Adams has made the place hideous with his red gasoline pumps, oil tanks, and other gaudy apparatus of a filling station. Farther on, near the old Patmos Bower Road (now Argonne Avenue), there are two greasylooking shacks for the sale of hot dogs and one devoted to fried clams. All of


pedestrians who are left wear the hunted look which is their usual expression everywhere. How long will it be before we read in the papers that a man has been before court, charged with coming outdoors on foot, and that the judge, remarking that this is a second offense, imposes a fine and ten days' imprisonMore traffic cops and more "silent policemen" guard the street corners in the old town. Frantic warnings against parking are displayed near the site of the hitching-post where Uncle Jimmy Currier used to anchor his old white horse and buggy. And the street, where Dr. Frothingham's horse used to paw a hollow in the ground, is neatly covered with asphalt and checked off with white lines for the further guidance of motorists. On Elm Street is the former home of Wigglesworth, the plumber, built on his ill-gotten gains in the Egregious Eighties, and in the most atrocious style of Queen Anne architecture-all towers, minarets, and points. Di Palma, the fruit dealer, owns it now, and has turned it into a wayside hotel. "The Homlyke Inn," he calls it, and anything less homelike, this side the Mosque of St. Sophia, cannot be imagined.

But the old Sir William Pepperellthe tavern which dates from 1760-has been restored, in good taste, to a style really Georgian. And the smoothly paved streets, the good country roads, are certainly better than the old lanes of rut and mud-hole. When the filling stations are a little thinned out and less insulting to the eye, when some thousands of the hot-dog shanties are blown up, when there ceases to be Ye Olde Gifte Shoppe every half-mile for the sale of fake antiques and ornaments brought from the cities, when the tea-rooms quit being so very, very quaint and full of whimsy, and when a tunnel is dug underground for those low varlets who still try to walk along the country roads, but get their carcasses in the way of the facile operation of an automobile-when all these things are done the voice of the turtle will be heard again, and the common hound dog will frisk once more in the lanes, where now no dog dare venture unless he is encased in a stale roll and covered with a swipe of mustard.

Ireland's Divided House


BLOOD-CLOT is no bigger

than the head of a pin, but if it obstructs the brain it brings death. If the Irish question is to-day unsettled, it is because there is still an obstacle to peace, trivial in dimensions and local in intrinsic importance, but deadly.

The total population of Ireland is only 4,500,000, or one in 400 of the human race; and yet there are two sovereignties -the Free State to the south and a reduced Ulster to the north; on the map mere territorial fragments, but spiritually the citadels of that fierce rivalry between Catholic and Protestant which for centuries deluged Europe with waves of war.

Between these kingdoms of the soul the boundary is still in dispute. Just as Denmark has had her Schleswig-Holstein, and France her Alsace-Lorraine, and Latin America her Tacna-Arica, so has Ireland her Fermanagh and Tyrone -no more than two out of thirty-eight counties, with a combined population of little over 200,000 persons-and the fate of these counties has affected, not only the rise and fall of British Governments, but the peace of the world itself.

In July, 1914, it was agreed that Southern Ireland should have Home Rule and that Northern Ireland should be allowed the privilege of choosing to remain under the British Parliament. This was the basis of the famous conference at Buckingham Palace, the success of which might have prevented Germany from pushing on to war. What broke up the Round Table and postponed Home Rule was the claim of both sides to Fermanagh and Tyrone.

Donald as Prime Minister took the advice of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in London, which body of law lords constitutes the Supreme Court of the British Commonwealth of Nations. The authority of this august tribunal was reinforced for the occasion

The Aviators'


brought down upon his head the ire of his superiors. His fate will be determined by a court martial.

Colonel Mitchell is not the only man in the Service who believes that the organization of our air defense is upon an intolerable basis.

The Outlook commissioned

Colonel Laurence La Tourette Driggs to make a first-hand study of the dissatisfaction in the Air Service-to record the thoughts and feelings of the men who have kept out of the headlines and trouble.


Colonel Driggs, in an airplane, reached the personnel of the country's many most important flying-fields. His dramatic revelations of the state of mind of the Air Service will appear in the next two issues of The Outlook.

In December, 1921, after seven costly years of bloodshed and a civil war in Ireland itself, a treaty was signed creating the Free State, but leaving the future of Fermanagh and Tyrone still uncertain. Provisionally, they were included in Northern Ireland, but on condition that a Boundary Commission of by the presence of eminent judges from Three be appointed-one member by the Australia and Canada. The decision of Free State, a second by Northern Irethe Judicial Committee was that until land, and a third by Britain—which Northern Ireland appointed a delegate looked hopeful. But what then hapthe Boundary Commission could not be pened was that Ulster refused to appoint brought into being without fresh legislaa delegate to the Commission. In other tion. And so important was the matter words, Ulster refused to comply with the considered to be that, in October of last arrangement that the British Governyear, with a general election pending, ment had made in consultation with Parliament was called into special session Ulster's leaders. and a statute enabling the Government to Faced by this deadlock, Ramsay Mac- appoint a delegate for Northern Ireland

received the royal assent. Not less significant was the fact that the Chairman of the Commission, who holds the casting vote, has been no less a person than Chief Justice Feetham, of Australia. It means that the entire British Empire, in so far as it is self-governing, has been mobilized as a steam-hammer to crack this nut; and without avail. It is a most admirable illustration of compulsory arbitration defied by one of the parties thereto. And if, as is possible, the Free State appeals to the League of Nations, the sovereignty of the British Empire will be brought into discussion at Geneva.

That Ulster is unreasonable cannot be denied. She declares, however, that she only acquiesced in the Irish Free State on condition that the two counties be included in her province, and she quotes a letter from Lord Birkenhead, wher. Lord Chancellor, to Earl Balfour, giving assurances to that general effect. With the terms of this letter Stanley Baldwin, then

Die-Hard, certainly would have agreed; and for the Conservative Government, with its Unionist tradition, to employ force against Ulster would undoubtedly alienate many supporters in both houses of Parliament. As Winston Churchill's father, Lord Randolph, said, thirty years ago, "Ulster will fight, and Ulster will be right!" The proposal that Londonderry, now predominantly Catholic, should pass out of Ulster's control, seems to the Protestants who have celebrated so often the famous siege as unthinkable as it would be to Boston to cede Bunker Hill to Britain. And yet Londonderry, Newry, and other towns are hard hit by the Free State tariff wall, cutting them off as it does from their normal markets. If the drama be acted on a small stage, it is none the less intense on that account.

It is surmised, then, first, that Chief Justice Feetham's award is substantially favorable to the Irish Free State, and, secondly, that Northern Ireland will be, to put it mildly, disinclined to surrender. the areas thus awarded to her neighbor.

If this happens, it will be asked why the rest of mankind should worry. Suppose that a few Protestants do remain under Roman Catholic rule and a few Roman Catholics under Protestant rule; who seriously suffers? The important problem for Sir James Cro ister in the North, is unemployment in ! President Cosgrave penditure by the Fi

Prime Minailing


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