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old-fashioned deep-sea type, and the author is deeply impressed by the skill and coolness with which he manages the vessel during storms. The first harbor reached is Port Adelaide, after a voyage of ninety-seven days, and here the men go ashore. Mr. Clements is surprised to find the town far different from anything that he had imagined, but very much like the cities he has seen in his native England. The colonials whom he meets also impress him as very much like his fellowcountrymen. Far more interesting are the islands of the South Pacific which lie remote from the usual track. On the west coast of South America the ship stops at Callao, the port of Lima, and there the author is, to quote his own words, impressed "by the amazing politeness of everybody"-Spaniards, Negroes, Indians, and every possible combination of the three. Other ports are visited, including Santa Rosa, Peru, and here he rejoices in the picturesqueness of the life, the charm of the women, and the cordiality of every one toward strangers. A fairly interesting sea yarn Mr. Clements. has told, but it is not likely to replace Dana's "Two Years Before the Mast" as a classic of the ocean.


THE MEDICAL FOLLIES. By Morris Fishbein, M.D. Boni & Liveright, New York. $2. One of the first of our humorous medical authors was Woods Hutchinson-a later and more voluminous Holmes. Dr. Fishbein, editor of the "Journal of the American Medical Association," is a worthy follower. He is witty and sound and useful as he flays the fakers. He talks about all the lovely foolish fads that delight the newspapers and their credulous readers; about rejuvenation and birth control and chiropractic and osteopathy and many another thing. His book is good fun. He is especially amusing as he writes about the "big muscle boys"-the physical culture teachers, who love to be photographed all lumpy muscle and wearing a leopard skin and a ferocious pompadour.


PERSEUS; OR, OF DRAGONS. By H. F. Scott Stokes. E. P. Dutton & Co., New York. $1. This little book is one of a series. They are chiefly named after classical


personages, and are quite serious-all Wanted-Cartoons

about science, and sociology, the future of women, and the other heavy subjects, such as would probably form the subject of conversation on a picnic party consisting, say, of an editor of the "New Republic," Dr. Havelock Ellis, Mr. Bertrand Russell, Miss Ruth Hale, Miss Rebecca West, and other intellectual lights or glowworms. Somehow, Mr. Scott Stokes, the author of this book,

THE OUTLOOK wishes to receive cartoons from its readers, clipped from their favorite newspaper. Each cartoon should have the sender's name and address together with the name and date of the newspaper from which it is taken pinned or pasted to its back. Cartoons should be mailed flat, not rolled. We pay one dollar ($1) for each cartoon which we find available for reproduction. Some readers in the past have lost payment to which they were entitled because they have failed to give the information which we require. It is impossible for us to acknowledge or return cartoons which prove unavailable for publication.

The Editors of The Outlook 120 East 16th Street, New York City

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was invited, and he chose to talk upon the hopelessly useless and altogether fascinating topic of dragons. All about their origin, birth, and death; what their insides are good for; where dragons came from; how they act; and what you had better do if you meet one. There isn't an atom of self-improvement in the book; no word of woman's future; noth

ing about the wage scale in Lancashire or Oregon. And, for our part-our own shameless part-we are content to let all the lofty domes talk as they will under the elms. We will step aside with Mr. Scott Stokes, and learn about dragons.

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Six hundred and fifty attempts to concoct a good epigram.

PROTEUS; OR, THE FUTURE OF INTELLIGENCE. By Vernon Lee. E. P. Dutton & Co., New York. $1.

A critic of art and literature considers a new theory of intelligence.

THE BOOK OF THE ANCIENT GREEKS. By Dorothy Mills. G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York.

An introduction to the history of Greece. RACE OR NATION. By Gino Speranza. The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Indianapolis. $3. The rivalry between loyalty to the race and to the American Nation.


By Leon H. Vincent. The Macmillan Company, New York. $3.50. The biography of Bishop Vincent, with references to the origins of Chautauqua. THE FRESHMAN GIRL. By Kate W. Jameson and Frank C. Lockwood. D. C. Heath & Co., New York.

A guide to college life for girls.

AURILLY, THE VIRGIN ISLE. By Charles W. Garrett. The Christopher Publishing House, Boston.

This book is described by the publishers as an advance study in organic and cosmic evolution presented through an unusual and absorbing sea story of high rank. Far be it from us to contradict them. WANDERINGS AND EXCURSIONS. By J. Ram

say MacDonald. The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Indianapolis. $3.

Essays on travel and on politics by the former Prime Minister of Great Britain. He is an admirable observer and a true lover of nature.



Marjorie and C. H. B. Quennell. G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York.

The Romans lived longer in Britain than Europeans have lived in America, and this is a well-illustrated account of their life. THE TANGRAM BOOK. By F. Gregory Hartswick. Simon & Schuster, New York. $2.50. A story illustrated with colored designs formed by triangles and squares. A word with you privately-we have not read the story.

THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. By Thomas James Norton. Little, Brown & Co., Boston.


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By the Way

BOUT fifty of our readers very kindly responded to our plea for the answer to the Palmerston riddle, published in the August 19 issue, thereby showing themselves possessed of a keen knowledge of the Bible and a nimble mind. The answer seems to be the image that Michal, the wife of David, put in his bed in order to deceive his enemies who were coming to kill him. Together with the solution many people sent in other Biblical riddles which they desired to have solved. Here is one from Miss Frances Hastings, of Rochester. Can anybody guess it?


Find two words of equal length,

Equal in syllabic strength;

Find them once and look no more,

Vain the search in Bible lore.
There we see them sundered wide,
Elsewhere often side by side;

Twice three letters each contains.
Think not of time's earliest stages,
Pore not o'er New Testament pages.
On the intervening ground

Both dissyllables are found.

Common things the words denote,

Things not seldom sold and bought;

Bought and sold for sacred use,

Both exposed to much abuse.

One is little, one is great;

Each has served both Church and


Though the great includes the small,

Power does not to greatness fall.

One the body, one the heart;
Neither found to act apart;
First in point of time, the great
Still must for the other wait.
One for many, one for few;
Plain and ornate, old and new;

Cheap and costly, foul and fair,

Fondly sought and shunned with care.
One for men alone to use,

One designed for all who choose.
Children of a tender age,

Dullest boor and wisest sage;
Helpful both and influential,
They are not to man essential.
While we pray they many abound,
Ready substitutes are found.
Now the Bible bids us prize them,
Holds them guilty who despise them;
Now for earth's advantage given,
They will not be found in heaven.
Such the words in mystery pent,
Such the things they represent;
Those who know their Bible best
Soon will make successful quest.

Here is an exercise in punctuation. All those who have been reading Mr. Lawrence Abbott's articles on English grammar to the fore:

Every lady in this land

Has twenty nails on each hand. Five and twenty on hands and feet, This is true without deceit.


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Rolls and Discs


NEVERAL times in the past our monthly collection of records has contained what we might have called an "imposing array" of worthwhile selections. But now we realize that at the time we had no conception of the extent to which an "imposing array" might reach. This month brings a staggering list of new records. Another catalogue of the Columbia Masterworks Series has been issued, and in it are some thirty-odd additions to the collection-most of them major works, such as symphonies, sonatas, quartettes, and orchestral suites. Incidentally, all of these recordings were made in England. It seems that England's thirst for the highest forms of music on the phonograph has been greater than America's, and accordingly the British cousins of our own phonograph companies have brought out highly interesting and meritorious recordings of fine music. And now the American Columbia Company has imported by the wholesale matrices from the British Columbia Company and has presented the American public with a really astounding collection of the best music.

Among the recordings are symphonies by Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven; orchestral works by Richard Strauss, Gustav Holst-to say nothing of Papa Bach; and much chamber music of Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Brahms, Franck, and Ravel. It is a delight simply to thumb over the pages of the catalogue. The Columbia Company is to be congratulated on making a brave move. Unfortunately, the list is so great that it is impossible to comment on all the records adequately in this month's column. So a few will be reviewed now, and more later.

Phonograph Records

CONCERTO IN D MINOR FOR TWO VIOLINS (Bach). Played by Arthur Catterall and John S. Bridge, with orchestra conducted by Sir Hamilton Harty. In five parts, on three records. Columbia.

One of the most popular as well as beautiful of Bach's compositions, this concerto flows along from start to finish with noble and majestic dignity. Its second movement, very similar in mood.

Messrs. Catterall and Bridge there is a whole-hearted enthusiasm. The orchestra is kept very much in the background, but that is probably necessary to avoid a confusion of sound that would obscure the solo instruments. On the reverse of the last record the extra space is utilized by the celebrated aria from the Overture in D. This is often heard in transcription as the "Air for G String," but is here played by Sir Hamilton Harty and orchestra as originally written.




You, Too, Should

in D. This is often heard in transcrip- Use This Plan

SUITE IN B MINOR FOR FLUTE AND STRINGS (Bach). Played by Robert Murcie and orchestra conducted by Sir Hamilton Harty. In four parts, on two records. Columbia.

In certain ways this suite outdoes the D Minor Concerto. Some of the dances are full of life and movement; others, like the "Sarabande," are sheer loveliness. One advantage for the phonograph of a suite is that each part is completed on a single record face. There is no sudden pause in the middle of a movement, as is the disturbing fact in a symphony recording. The strings are excellent in reproduction; the flute is a little. overpowered. Mr. Murcie is at his best in the rapid and cheerful "Badinerie" which closes the suite.



by Lionel Tertis. In four parts, on two records. Columbia.

There is something at least unusual in a lengthy composition for a melodic instrument with no accompaniment. As it happens, there is more than novelty in this particular example of an obsolete dance form. A large portion is composed of figures which are repeated and developed. But there is melody, too. The viola covers a wide range, giving itself a chance to exhibit its full warmth of tone. In some double-stopped passages there is all the sonority of the harmonizings of a Tuskegee quartette.

BENI MORA-ORIENTAL SUITE (Gustav Holst). Played by the London Symphony Orchestra conducted by Gustav Holst. In four parts, on two records. Columbia.

An interesting expression of Oriental atmosphere, with rich prismatic effects and exotic, dissonant harmonies. Mr. Holst has a strong sense of the dramatic. In the "Street of the Ouled Nails" he builds a complexity of themes one upon the other, as in imitation of the conflict

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to the famous Handel Largo, could be ing sounds of street activity. The effect The F.H. Smith Co.

profitably substituted on many programmes for that greatly overplayed composition, and not lose a speck of its freshness. The whole concerto seems to sail in a sea of melody in which each of the solo violins vies with the other for supremacy. In the performance of

is not soothing to the ears, but delightfully stimulating.

SYMPHONY NO. 5, in C Minor


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Founded 1873 Philadelphia Smith Bldg., .,Washington,D.C. Minneapolis


(Beethoven). Played by the London Symphony Orchestra conducted by Felix Weingartner. In eight parts, on four records. Columbia.



Please print name and address plainly

From the baton of Weingartner comes

a careful and complete version of the

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The Luxury Cruise to the

most grandiose of Beethoven's sym: Mediterranean


phonies. Even such things as repeats are taken into account. The symphony is conducted with admirable contrastsespecially the second movement. Its chief weakness is in reproduction. The famous double-bass passage in the scherzo, instead of being played with powerful elephantine zest, sounds timidly thin and remote. From the first we were aware of a disappointed feeling that the tone of the orchestra did not come out as fully, clearly, and colorfully as it should. And Beethoven's Fifth, even when conducted by Weingartner, loses much effectiveness when it lacks a full majestic power of tone.

IN THE VILLAGE (Ippolitow-Iwanow); PRINCE IGOR-Polovetzki Dance (Borodin). Played by the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra conducted by Leopold Stokowski. Victor.

It becomes more and more surprising what the phonograph can do in orchestral recording. In the delicate scoring of "In the Village" the deeper stringed instruments as well as oboe and violins sound almost too vividly real. Right in back of that dark slotted opening in the phonograph out of which the sound comes, the orchestra breathes-alive. In both these Russian numbers it has a chance to show itself off to advantage, with Eastern melodies, crisp rhythms, and weird touches.

PIRATE SONG (Stevenson-Gilbert);


STRATTON'S FANCY (Masefield-Taylor).
Sung by Reinald Werrenrath. Victor.

Two rousing good tunes, especially Deems Taylor's setting of John Masefield's "Captain Stratton's Fancy." The latter is far from commonplace. The words get lost in the shuffle, which is a pity, for the whole character of the song depends upon the telling of the goodly narrative.

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Have You a Specialty? among the piano rolls a setting of this

Do you make extra good jam or

candy, or put up pickles that your family and the neighbors rave about? Does your green tomato conserve beat anything that's sold in the stores, if you do say so yourself? Why not sell some?

If you can make any delicacy that is unusually good, adoertise the fact. Develop a market for your home-made wares through the MART OF THE UNUSUAL. Write and tell us what you've got that's different, and let us quote rates and help you with copy. MART OF THE UNUSUAL The Outlook

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gay little country-dance tune which must be familiar to almost everybody. It is the one to which the would-be humorists sing "The Assyrian came down like a wolf on the fold." In Sowerby's piano arrangement it is put through elaborate paces. The result is a piece of genuine beauty. There is an atmosphere of charm altogether strange for this overfamiliar little reel that has emerged from many a rustic fiddle or accordion.

SYMPHONY NO. 5-First and second movements (Tchaikowsky). Played by Albert Stoessel. Duo-Art. PIQUE DAME OVERTURE (von Suppé). Played by Milton Suskind and Julius Buerger; conducted by Artur Bodanzky. Ampico.

Here are two totally different piano recordings of orchestral music. The



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