Tables and Rules for the Moveable
and Immoveable Feasts, together
with the Days of Fasting and Ab-
stinence throughout the Year
9 The Order for the Burial of the Dead 337
The Thanksgiving of Women after
Child-birth, commonly called, The
Churching of Women
Forms of Prayer to be used at Sea
A Form of Prayer for the Visitation
of Prisoners
A Form of Prayer and Thanksgiving
to Almighty God, for the Fruits of
the earth, and all the other Bless-
ings of his merciful Providence
Forms of Prayer to be used in Fami-
- 359
Selections of Psalms, to be used in-
stead of the Psalms for the Day, at
the discretion of the Minister
Tables for finding the Holydays
The Order for Daily Morning Prayer
The Order for Daily Evening Prayer
The Litany, or General Supplication,
to be used after Morning Service
on Sundays, Wednesdays, and Fri-
Prayers and Thanksgivings upon sev-
eral Occasions, to be used before
the two final prayers of Morning
and Evening Service
The Collects, Epistles, and Gospels, to
be used throughout the Year
The Order for the Administration of
the Lord's Supper, or Holy Com-
. 281
The Ministration of Public Baptism of
Infants, to be used in the Church 307
The Ministration of Private Baptism
of Children, in Houses.
. 312
The Ministration of Baptism to such as
are of Riper Years, and able to an-
swer for themselves