صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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"service of the artillery at 7 fr. 100 per day, whereas the "actual number was found to be 8. The discipline of the

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town was very poor, there were no fixed posts or regular guard."

"The commanders of the battalions who took charge of the town, brought their majors with them and reorganized the service."

15th The British made a determined effort to destroy all the principal buildings in the upper town of Quebec. A new six gun battery directed against the Bishop's Palace was opened on this day, and Colonel Williamson was ordered to commence the construction of a battery to destroy the citadel and the buildings in its vicinity.

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A deserter brought word to the French camp that the British were scattered at Ange-Gardien and that a strong detachment could effect their capture. Twelve hundred men were sent there immediately for this purpose, but nothing was accomplished: "The Indians, following the example of the troops, who for some time occupied them"selves solely with marauding and pillage, disbanded themselves, and advanced without precaution towards a "house, which they supposed abandoned; 'twas full of "Englishmen, whose fire they received, which put them to flight nothing was to be undertaken in this direction. "and a retreat was necessary."

The Marquis de Vaudreuil, wrote to Bougainville on this day: "Il est bien facheux que les Anglois continuent "à incendier les habitations et que la pluspart des Cana"diens n'ayent pas exactement suivi les avis que vous (6 leur aviés fait donner."

16th The French endeavoured to intercept the communication between the British fleet and army, and for this purpose they kept several floats on the river beyond the the range of the guns. A detachment of the Forty-third regiment was prevented by this means from crossing to the Levis Camp from Goreham's advanced post.

The Major commanding finally succeeded in fording the river Etchemin, which was a perilous undertaking. Many of the soldiers were carried off their feet by the rapidity of the current, and one man was drowned. The situation of the troops was rendered more dangerous by the batteries at Sillery which kept up a brisk fire against the men while they were in the water.

The summer of 1759 was unfavourable for military operations owing to the unusually heavy rain storms. Several of the French journals make special mention of this fact and they claim that the roads were made impassable thereby. Between St. Augustin and Quebec travelling was particularly heavy, and the cost of transporting provisions was excessive.

The Journal kept by an inhabitant of Quebec during the siege, records many interesting details on this day.

"Ils ont fait peu de feu, pendant le jour, mais à l'entrée "de la nuit ils ont jeté beaucoup de bombes et pots à feu "dont un, sur les neuf heures du soir, mit le feu à la "maison de la veuve Pinguet, vis-à-vis les murs des "Récollets. Ce feu fut assez bien servi suivant que je "l'ai vu. Deux frères Récollets et deux charpentiers "empechèrent la communication du feu, en montant sur "la maison voisine de Planty et la découvrant malgré les

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