| William Shakespeare - 1709 - عدد الصفحات: 590
...Chivalry, As is the Sepulchre in ftubborn Jury Of the World's Ranfom, bleffed Mary's Son; This Land of inch dear Souls, this dear dear Land, Dear for her Reputation through the World, Is now Leas'd out, I dye pronouncing it, Like to a Tenement or pelting Fatm ; England bound in with the triumphant Sea,... | |
 | Charles Gildon - 1718 - عدد الصفحات: 394
...the Sepulchre in ftubboru Jury Of the World's Ranfom, blefled Mary's Son ; . ;. . This Land of fuch dear Souls, this dear, dear Land, Dear for her Reputation through the World, Is now Leas'd out, I dye pronouncing it, Like to a Tenement or pelting Farm ; England bound in with the triumphant Sea,... | |
 | 1737 - عدد الصفحات: 582
...this teeming Womb of royal Kings, Fear'd for their Breed and famous for their Birth' This Land of fuch dear Souls, this dear, dear Land, Dear for her Reputation through the World, Is now Leafed nut ; 1 dye pronouncing it, • Like to a Tenement, or pelting Farm. ENGLAND, bound in with... | |
 | Caleb D'Anvers - 1737 - عدد الصفحات: 334
...Womb of royal Kings, Fear'd for their Breed and famous for their Birth, This Land of fuch dear Soul?, this dear, dear Land, Dear for her Reputation through the World, Is now Leafed out ; I dye pronouncing it, Like to a Tenement, or pelting Farm. ENGLAND, bound in with the... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1740 - عدد الصفحات: 498
...ilubborn Jury Of the world's Ranfum, bleiled Marjs Son : V e L. IV. B Tkis This Land of fuch dear (bull, this dear dear Land, Dear for her reputation through the world, Is now leas'd out, (I dye, pronouncing it) Like to a Tenement, or pelting Farm. England, bound in with the triumphant Sea,... | |
 | William Oldys - 1740 - عدد الصفحات: 326
...fepulchre in ftubborn Jury, Of the world's ranfom, bleiTed Mary's ion; This land of fuch dear fouls, this dear, dear land, Dear for her reputation through the world, Is now leas' J out, I die, pronouncing it ; Like to a tenement, or pelting farm. England, bound in with the... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1747 - عدد الصفحات: 340
...fepulchre in flubborn Jury Of the world's ranfom, blefled Mlry's fort ; This land of fuch dear fouls, this dear dear land. Dear for her reputation through...pronouncing it) Like to a tenement, or pelting farm. England bound in with the triumphant fea, Whofe rocky fliore beats back the envious fiege Of watry... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1747 - عدد الصفحات: 544
...Sepulchre in ftubborn Jury Of the world's Ranlbm, bleffed Mary's Son i This land of fuch dear fouls, this dear dear Land, Dear for her reputation through the world, | Is now leas'd out, ( I dye, pronouncing it) Like to a Tenement, or pelting Farm. England^ bound in with the triumphant Sea,... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1747 - عدد الصفحات: 538
...Sepulchre in ftubborn Jury Of the world's Ranfom, blefled Mary's Son ; This land of fuch dear fouls, this dear dear Land, Dear for her reputation through the world, Is now leas'd out, (f dye, pronouncing it) Like to a Tenement, or pelting Farm. England, bound in with the triumphant... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1750 - عدد الصفحات: 332
...Jury Of the world's ranfom, blefled Mary't (on ; This land of fuch dear fouls, this dear dear IcnJ, Dear for her reputation through the world, Is now...pronouncing it) Like to a tenement, or pelting farm. England bound in with the triumphant fea, Whofe rocky more beats back the envious fiege Of watry Neptune,... | |
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