صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


[blocks in formation]

Bacon, Lord, his oratory, 197, 226.
Baron, the actor, 114.
Baxter, Richard, saying of, 128.
Beecher, Edward, D.D., anecdote
of, 87.

Beecher, Rev. Henry Ward, on
the voice, 87; his elocutionary
training, 442, 443.
Béranger, 187.
Berryer, M., 86.

Betterton, the actor, saying of,

Bolingbroke, Lord, his oratory,
13, 227-232; his style, 188, 228-
230; his natural and acquired
talents, 227, 228; Chatham's
opinion of his eloquence, 228;
his invective, 229; excluded
from Parliament, 229; his writ-
ings, 231; Brougham's opinion
of his oratory, 231.
Bossuet, his eloquence, 22–24; on
the death of Henriette Anne
d'Angleterre, 28; his classical
studies, 167; his study of the

Bible, 167; his preparation of
a sermon, 180.
Bourdaloue, his eloquence, 22.
Brooks, Phillips, quoted, 128.
Brougham, Lord, his physical con-

stitution, 64; on speaking, 86;
his voice, 134; on the test of
oratorical power, 136; his power
in reply, 137; recommends the
practice of translation, 171; his
use of the pen, 179, 184; his
style, 188; his oratory described,
258-267; his energy, 91, 92, 258;
his faults, 259, 260; his force
in assault, 260; his irony,
sarcasm, and invective, 261; his
personal appearance, 261, 262;
his speech on Law Reform, 262;
his felicity in description, 262;
his invective against Pitt, 263;
his speeches on Negro Emanci-
pation, 263, 264; his power as
an advocate, 264, 265; his speech
in defense of Williams, 265–
267; his contrast of Burke with
Demosthenes, 274.

Bulwer, Sir Henry L., on the
House of Commons, 205.
Burgess, Tristam, anecdote of,

Burke, Edmund, his speech at
Hastings's trial, 15, 16; on the
oratory of his own age, 32; his
quotations from the classics, 59;
his voice, 74; a master of meta-
phor, 104; his popularity as a
speaker, 134; his readiness in
retort, 155; insulted in the
House of Commons, 155; his
quotations from the poets, 166;
unpopular as a speaker, 204;
his invectives, 216; his oratory

[blocks in formation]

tory, 119, 120.

Canning, George, his speech on
Portugal, 16; on Parliamentary
oratory, 47; his irony, 121; his
first speech in the House of
Commons, 145; his use of the
pen, 179; his oratory charac-
terized, 251-258; his personal
appearance, 252; his early
speeches, 252; his failure in
declamation, 253; his excessive
elaboration, 253, 254; extracts
from his speeches, 255-258; his
knowledge of finance, 255; his
wit, 256; his contests with
Brougham, 261; his preparation
for speaking, 435.
Carlyle, Thomas, on Daniel Web-
ster's eyes, 323.
Castlereagh, Lord, 225.
Chalmers, his oratory, 22; his
massiveness of frame, 65; his
manner of speaking, 134; his
failure in extempore speech,
148; his oratory characterized,
400-406; his personal appear-
ance and manner, 400-402; his
iteration, 402, 403; his failure in

extempore preaching, 403; illus-
trations of his power, 405, 506.
Chatham, Lord, his influence as
an orator, 14; his voice, 74, 233;
his force, 91, 234; his oratorical
frenzy, 109; his fastidiousness
and painstaking, 133, 232; his
treatment of Erskine, 152; rous-
ed by opposition, 157; his trans-
lations, 170; his oratory not
always successful, 207; his per-
sonalities, 215, 216; character-
ization of his oratory, 232-239;
his lack of learning, 233; his
force of assertion,234; anecdotes
of, 234-236; his wordiness and
iteration, 236, 237; described by
Wilkes, 238; his oratorical self-
culture, 431.

Chesterfield, Lord, his transla-
tions, 170; on the House of
Commons, 204; on oratory, 428.
Choate, Rufus, on Webster's elo-
quence, 36; on abstractions in
oratory, 103; his oriental looks
and style, 138; his nervousness,
150; his study of literature and
words, 166, 167; on translation,
171; his admiration of Pink-
ney, 175; commends the use of
the pen, 183; his success with
juries, 210; his oratory charac-
terized, 365-378; his personal
appearance, 366, 367; his ener-
gy, 367; his defenses of crimi-
nals, 369; his triumph over
Boston prejudice, 369, 370; his
dialectic skill, 371; his skill in
jury cases, 371-373; his long
sentences, 373; his style de-
scribed by Everett, 374; ex-
tracts from his speeches, 375;
his wit, 376, 377; his exaggera-
tion, 377; his copiousness of
style, 377; his emphasis, 378;
his oratorical training, 442.
Chrysostom, his classical studies,
165, his eloquence, 22.
Cicero, power of his oratory, 12,
13; on the eloquence of Demos-
thenes, 68; his intense feeling,
109; on Asiatic oratory, 137; his

nervousness and timidity in
speaking, 147, 148; his severe
oratorical training, 429, 430.
Clay, Henry, his voice, 75, 134,
319; his oratory described, 311-
322; his personal appearance,
311, 312, 319; his debate with
Calhoun in 1840, 313-315; his
slender education, 316, 317; his
success as a lawyer, 318; his
partial failures in speech-mak-
ing, 319; his absorption in his
themes, 319; his speech at Lex-
ington, after leaving Congress,
320; his oratorical training, 437,

Climate, its effect on eloquence,

Cobden, Richard, his first speech,


Coleridge, S. T., saying of, 158.
Congress, the U.S., its personali-
ties, 215.
Conversation, an aid to oratory,


Curran, John Philpot, his phys-
ical vigor, 65; his skill in cli-
max, 102; his metaphors, 105;
on the use of tropes, 107; his
wit, 121; his first speech, 144;
his readiness, 153; his use of
the pen, 179; his defenses of
political prisoners, 207, 208; his
oratorical studies, 435, 436.
Cushman, Charlotte, her painstak-
ing, 444.


D'Alembert, on oratory, 10.
Demosthenes, his voice, 80; his
force, 91; saying of, 112; his toil,
133; his careful preparation for
speaking, 185; his triumph over
difficulties, 428, 429.

De Quincey, Thomas, on tautology
in popular oratory, 197, 198; on
the inspiration of organists, 339.
Dewey, Orville, D.D., his elocu-
tion, 86.

Discourses, contrast between
spoken and printed, 193–200.
Disraeli, Benjamin (Lord Bea-

consfield), his sarcasms, 123,
218, 219.


Edwards, Jonathan, his power in
the pulpit, 24.
Eldon, Lord, 150.
Elocution, objections to its study,
89, 419-423, 421.
Eloquence, the study of speci-
mens, 172-174; its tests, 193–
213; is in the audience, 203;
inconsistent with deep think-
ing, 203-205; contrasted with
wisdom, 204; a relative term,
212, 213, 281; cannot be re-
ported, 316; not a gift of nature
purely, 413-417. (See Oratory.)
Emerson, R. W., on oratory, 10,
50; on the eloquence of a Bos-
ton preacher, 24; on insincerity
of speech, 113, 128.
Emmet, his misquotation, 61.
Emmons, Nathaniel, D.D., 108.
Energy in oratory, 89-102; a char-

acteristic of Demosthenes, Chat-
ham, and Brougham, 91, 92,
258; also of John Marshall, 92;
increased by interrogation, 94,
95; by exclamation and apos-
trophe, 96; by gesture, 95; by
expression of countenance, 99
dependent on choice and num-
ber of words, 100; should be
accrescent, 101, 102.
Erskine, Harry, 153, 154.
Erskine, Lord, his physique, 65,
358; his skill in climax, 102;
on the source of eloquence, 109;
his wit, 123; his embarrass-
ment in his maiden speeches,
144; his sensitiveness to annoy-
ance, 151, 152; his study of
English literature, 166, 347; his
use of the pen, 180; on repeti-
tion, 197; his success in jury
addresses, 207, 208; his opinion
of one of Burke's speeches, 272;
his oratory characterized, 346-
359; his early education, 347;
his speech in defense of Baillie,
348-352; his rapid success, 357;

his defense of Lord George Gor- | Fox, Charles James, his ignorance

of political economy, 47; his
earnestness, 112; his oratory
weakened by his immoralities,
126, 127; his manner, 134; his
classical studies, 165; his fail-
ure as a writer, 187; on speeches
that read well, 195; his advice
to Romilly, 197; his oratory
characterized,244-251; his early
training, 244; his passion for
gaming, 245; his love of Ital-
ian literature, 245; his love of
argument, 247; his painstak-
ing, 247; his habits of dissipa-
tion, 248; his ignorance of phi-
losophy and political economy,
249; his power in reply, 249;
his social qualities, 249; his wit,
250; contrasted with Pitt, 250,
251; his practice of speaking,

don, 352; his speeches on the
state trials, 352; extracts from
his defense of Stockdale, 352,
353; his speech on the trial of
Paine, 354; his oratorical ex-
cellences, 354-358; his knowl-
edge of the human mind, 356;
his study of the feelings of
juries, 356; his concentration
in argument, 358; his personal
magnetism, 358; his speeches
commended as models, 359.
Everett, Edward, contrasted with
John B. Gough, 135; his mem-
orizing of his speeches, 176,
177; his description of Web-
ster's appearance when reply-
ing to Hayne, 333, 334; his
oratory described, 337-345; his
fastidious preparation of his
speeches, 337-338; his polished
rhetoric, 339; his lack of aban-Franklin, Dr. Benjamin, on the
donment, 339; his speeches,
"stand-up essays, 340; his
phrases contrasted with Web-
ster's, 340; his oratorical mer-
its, 341-345; his style, 341, 342;
passages from his speeches, 342;
the variety of his discourses, 342,
343; his first Phi-Beta-Kappa
oration, 343; his Plymouth and
Concord addresses, 343; his eu-
logy on La Fayette, 344; his
looks, voice, and gestures, 344;
his self-culture and preparation
of his speeches, 440, 441.
Exclamation, 95.
Expression of countenance, 99.


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Fenelon, Archbishop, his oratory,


Ferguson, of Pitfour, anecdote of,


Follett, Sir William, 149.
Force in oratory, see Energy.
Forsyth, William, on forensic ora-
tory in England, 36.
Foster, John, on Lord Chatham's
force, 91; on Robert Hall's
preaching, 398.

importance of honesty to an
orator, 125, 126.

French and English oratory com-
pared, 212.


Gardiner, Wm., on loud tones, 85.
Gavazzi, 96.

Gesticulation, 95-98; Quintilian
on, 96-97; Daniel Webster's,
96; excessive, 98; faults of, 98,


Gibson, T. Milner, M.P., his wit,
120; on the House of Commons,
Gladstone, Wm., M.P., his classic
quotations, 62; his voice, 75; as
a speaker and writer, 188.
Goethe, on beauty, 129; on writ-
ing and speaking, 193.
Gough, John B., and Edward

Everett contrasted, 135.
Grattan, Henry, his emulation of
Chatham, 174; his retort upon
Flood, 216, 217; on Chatham's
eloquence, 233; his oratory char-
acterized, 287-293; his admira-
tion of Chatham, 287; his pri-
vate declamations, 287; his

natural defects, 287, 288; de-
scribed by Mr. Lecky, 288; his
grandeur, 288; his excellences
and faults, 289-290, 300; pas-
sages from his speeches, 290-
292; on C. J. Fox, 291; a born
orator, 292.

Gray, the poet, saying of, 114.
Guido, 90.

Guthrie, Thomas, D.D., contrast
between his spoken and printed
sermons, 199.


Hall, Robert, his oratory charac-
terized, 391-392; his precocity,
391; his early failures in the
pulpit, 392; his education, 393;
his popularity, 393; his principal
sermons, 393, 394; his personal
appearance, 395; the secret of
his power, 395, 396; his manner,
396; his self-abandonment; his
imitation of Doctors Robinson
and Johnson, 398, 399; on tropes
and figures, 399; on Chalmers's
iteration, 402.

Hamilton, Alexander, 182.
Hamilton, W. G., his advice to
public speakers, 183, 184.
Handel, the composer, his sensi-
bility, 114, 115.

Hastings, Warren, his trial, 15, 16.
Hazlitt, William, on Burke's style,

104; on speakers and writers,
202; on eloquence and wisdom,


Head, Sir Francis, on Indian ora-
tory, 26.
Henry, Patrick, his speech on
"the tobacco case," 17,303, 304;
his speech on American inde-
pendence, 18; his affectation,
133: his timidity as a speaker,
148; his coolness in crises, 157;
a proof of his eloquence, 210;
his oratory characterized, 301–
311; his defective education,
301; his distaste for labor, 302;
his taste for reading and the
study of character, 302; his first
law case, 303, 304; his speech

on the Stamp Act, 304, 305; his
speeches in support of Ameri-
can independence, 305-307; his
speech on the British refugees,
307; his ridicule of John Hook,
307,308; his personal appear-
ance and manner, 308, 309; his
success in jury trials, 310; com-
pared with Chatham, 310.
House of Commons, the oratory
successful in, 204, 205; person-
alities in, 214–219.


Imagery, excessive, 106.
Imagination, essential to the ora-
tor, 103-107; repressed by the
din of the age, 107.
Indignation, a stimulus to elo-
quence, 221.

Inspiration, the result of previous
toil, 186.
Instruction, not necessarily inju-
rious in oratory, 417-419; may
be over-technical, 418, 419.
Interrogation, 94, 95; employed
by Cicero and Demosthenes, 94,


Jefferson, Thomas, his voice, 77;
on Mirabeau, 92.

Jeffrey, Lord, his timidity as a
speaker, 148.

Johnson, Dr. Samuel, not fitted for
oratory, 188.


Kean, Edmund, his voice, 79; his
ignorance of elocutionary rules,
419, 420, 422.

Kemble, John, anecdote of, 114.
Kennedy, J. P., his anecdote of a
novitiate, 144.
King, Dr., 165.
Kirk, Edward, D.D., his elo-
quence, 384.


Labor the price of excellence, 426.
Laurence, Dr. French, his elocu-
tion, 88.

Law (Lord Ellenborough), 60.

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