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النشر الإلكتروني

Corte, and of which the present eminent Russian Ambassador, Pozzo di Borgo, was the secretary. The party of Paoli was assisted by England, and great excesses were committed between that faction and those who adhered to the French interests. It is related that Paoli connived at, and even promoted numerous plots for the assassination of Napoleon, all of which he escaped, and eventually formed a junction at Calvo, with Salicetti and LacombeSaint-Michel, the representative of the people, and who had disembarked with troops. These forces were directed against Ajaccio, but their efforts were unsuccessful and Napoleon, succeeding better in his plans for rescuing his family from the vengeance of Paoli, finally left bis native country and disembarked at Marseilles, a soldier of fortune, under the banners of freedom.

He placed his family at Toulon, and joined his regiment, the fourth foot artillery, at Nice. In July, 1793, he was promoted to the captaincy of the 20th company by seniority. It was in this and in the following year that the mountain party, triumphing equally over roy alty and freedom, levied 14 armies to resist foreign invasion, and to support their own usurpation of the political power which they wielded with such sanguinary violence. The Convention determined to inflict upon Toulon similar horrors to those, which they had perpetrated upon the unfortunate inhabitants of Lyons; and Salicetti, Albitte, Freron, Ricord, Robespierre, and Barras, were appointed commissioners to superintend the siege of Toulon. That city, on the 27th August, 1743, had been treacherously surrendered by the royalists to the English, Spanish, and Neapolitan forces. Of 18 sail of the line, 11 had been delivered to the English, and the white flag of the Bourbons hoisted in the city. Captain Buonaparte was dispatched to Lyons to obtain powder for the siege-he even repaired to Paris for this object, and on his return to Toulon was appointed to the command of the artillery and of the engineers. He immediately displayed consummate judgment and vigour; and on 19th of December the recapture of Toulon was the

result of his exertions. In reward of his services he was on the day of the capture promoted to the rank of General of Brigade, and appointed to the command of the artillery of the army of Italy. The astonishing effects of his genius were displayed by the influence which he rapidly acquired over the minds of the troops, of the Commander, and of the Commissaries of the Convention. But on the 9th Thermidor, 27th July, the mountain party or Terrorists, at Paris, were destroyed, and General Buonaparte was arrested at Nice by the order of Salicetti and Albitte, the Commissaries at Toulon, to whom he owed his extraordinary promotion. Fifteen days after, Buonaparte resumed his rank in the Army of Italy, in consequence of Salicetti and Albitte reporting to the Committee of Public Safety, that it was impossible to carry on the military operations without the talents of Buonaparte. The capture of Oneille, and of Le Col du Tende, with the victory at Cairo, are the successes in Piedmont consequent on Buonaparte's re-appointment.The Commander in chief, Dumerbion, after the battle of Cairo, wrote to the Commissaries of the Government; "It is to the talents of General Buonaparte that I am indebted for those able dispositions which have procured us the victory. "The extensive grasp of Napoleon's mind was now displayed by his suggesting and pressing the plan of carrying the entrenched camp at Ceva; and he gave in that plan for the invasion of Italy, which was then rejected, but which he subsequently carried into execution, to the glory of his name, and to the establish ment of his own subsequent supremacy. The army of Italy then rejected that plan, and the victory of Cairo terminated the campaign. The jealousy of a rival now contrived that Buonaparte should be snatched from this scene of grand and enlarged warfare, and he was appointed to the command of the artillery of the army of the West, destined to subdue the honest, but fanatical and mistaken partisans of La Vendée. Buonaparte refused the appointment, and when the same council contrived his nomination to the command of a brigade of the line,

after vain remonstrances to Barras and Freron, he declined the commission, and retired to Paris. Napoleon might now have lived unnoticed, and have died unknown to history; but the Deputy Pontecoulant rescued him from his obscurity, by employing him on the plan of a campaign then in contemplation; and the goodness of Napoleon's heart was subsequently evinced by his patronage of this man, After the retirement of Pontecoulant from office, Buonaparte was again neglected, and he conceived the design of offering his services to Turkey. From this intention he was deterred by subsequent events, but what astonishing results might have ensued to the Eastern parts of Europe, and to Asia, had he proceeded in his design. Perhaps his life might have been equally glorious, and his death more happy than it has been. It was during this retirment in Paris that he had opportunities of appreciating the merits, and forming a passion for Madame de Beauharnois.

The 13th Vendemiaire, the sections of Paris revolted against the Convention. Barras commanded the the troops, and, recollecting Buonaparte's abilities displayed at Toulon, he employed him as a General of Division, and the safety of the Convention was effected by a loss of lives insignificant to what might have been consequent upon obstinacy or vigour, unaccompanied by discrimination and talents. From this success of Buonaparte arose, in the year three, the government of the Directory, under which he was nominated Commander in Chief of the Army of the Interior, succeeding Barras, who became one of the Directory, and did the honours of the Republic with great pomp. Six years after he married Madame Beauharnais, and at length, by the sagacity of Carnot, was appointed Commander in Chief of the Army of Italy.

At this crisis, so awful to France, there was a coalition against her of England, Austria, Piedmont, Naples, Bavaria, and of all the smaller states of Germany and Italy. In this emergency, the fine plan of an Italian campaign which Buonaparte had given in after the battle of

Cairo, in Piedmont, was entrusted to his execution; and, a few days after his marriage with Madame Beauharnois, he set out for Nice. It is now well known that Napoleon had conceived those gigantic plans of personal aggrandizement, which his stupendous power of intellect subsequently enabled him to carry into effect. At the age of 27 he had to appease the jealousy, and to conciliate the opinions of the many able and renowned officers, who, although veterans, were rendered subordinate to him by his appointment to the supreme command of Italy. He found among the superior commanders Augereau, Massena, Laharpe; Kellermann, now in years, commanded the division of the Alps, and Serrurier the army of observation. His discern

ment of merit restored to command General Scherer, who had just sustained the fine fight of Vado. Napoleon found the troops young and enthusiastic, but the army was without money, provisions, clothing, and almost without arms; destitute of artillery, and with a discipline too relaxed to sustain defeat, or to resist the allurements of so rich and luxurious a country as Italy. Opposed to him was a numerous army, highly disciplined, well appointed, advantageously situated, and possessed of every collateral advantage. The position of the French army was bad, and its center and its right were in the greatest peril. Four years had the French army been couped up in the rocky districts of Laguira

discontent pervaded the ranks, and anarchy paralized the commanders. "Comrades," said Buonaparte on his arrival at the army,

amidst these rocks we are in want of every thing; behold those rich plains at your feet; they are our's; let us march and take possession of them" and the army was electrified by his tone of confidence.

The stratagem of Buonaparte's campaign was to separate the Piedmontese army, commanded by Provera and Colli, from the Austrians commanded by Beaulieu and Argentan, and this Napoleon effected by the most masterly and daring manœuvre. At the moment of Napoleon's surprising their point

of junction, he found his center attacked by Argentau, and a movement on his right by Beaulieu. By a fine manoeuvre he threw his whole force upon Argentau__and overwhelmed him, obliging Beaulieu to repair to the support of his comrade; after six days fighing, Napoleon had effected the separation of the two armies, he had possessed himself of the rich country they had previously occupied, and had captured 40 pieces of cannon, had destroyed 12,000 Austrians, and had taken the strong fortresses of Coni, Ceva, and Alexandria, in Piedmont. The King of Sardinia was obliged to sue for peace; and the triumphant Napoleon chased the Austrians within their own territories of upper Italy. These fine battles astounded military men with the vast superiority of Napoleon's concentric system over the excentric or deployed system of the old school. Massena, Joubert, and Augereau gained their laurels in this campaign. It was but one month after Napoleon had assumed the command of this disorganised army, that he wrote an account of his victory to the Directory, adding, "to-morrow I march against Beaulieu, I shall oblige him to cross the Po, I shall immediately follow him, I shall possess myself of all Lombardy; and before one month, I hope to be on the mountains of the Tyrol, to communicate with the army of the Rhine, and, in concert with it, to carry the war into Bavaria." The throne of Austria trembled. The invulnerale Mantua was the key to Austrian Italy. Napoleon judged it to be insufficiently garrisoned, and resolved to throw his whole army against it by a rapid march. The manœuvre was perilous, and Salicetti, the Commissary of the Directory, and Berthier prevented the design; but subsequent events proved that Napoleon's views had been correct; and he resolved in future to submit to no such interference. The Po was now to be crossed; and by a movement upon Valencia he distracted the attention of the enemy, and threw his army, by a rapid movement, upon Plaisance, and forced the passage of the river. He then marched upon Lodi. The

enemy defended the long narrow bridge with heroic bravery. Massena and Berthier exerted themselves to the utmost - amidst the most murderous fire, Napoleon himself planted two cannon in the critical direction. The French were victorious; the Adda was crossed, and Lombardy was the prize of the fight. Pizzighitone and Cremona fell three days after the battle of Lodi, and Napoleon was thus in possession of the whole of the Milanese. The Directory became jealous of his power, but Carnot prevented their sacrificing the_national success to their personal apprehensions. A treaty of peace was signed with Piedmont; all the strong places in that kingdom, as well as Savoy, Nice, and Tende being yielded to France. An insurrection of the Italians took place against the French, which Buonaparte suppressed by dint of promptitude and severity. The citadel of Milan, with a hundred pieces of cannon, surrendered to his forces. He crossed the Mincio, drove General Beaulieu out of Italy. Massena held the Austrians in check in the Tyrol; Serrier had carried the suburbs of Mantua, which he blockaded. Augereau crossed the Po, and compelled the Pope to sign a treaty with General Vaubois, who captured Livournia from the possession of the English. The whole of Italy from the Alps to the papal territories was in possession of the French, whilst Naples, Modena, and Parma, accepted of a peace at the dictation of Napoleon.

But the siege of Mantua was the object on which Napoleon bent all his thoughts. The possession of this strong fortress was necessary to the security of his little army in the extensive line of country he had acquired, and it was indispensably necessary to the magnificent plans which he cherished of carrying the war into Austria by the side of the Tyrol. By the capture of Milan, Ferrara, Bologna and Fort Urbin, he had at length acquired a sufficiency of heavy cannon for the siege; but in the mean time Austria had thrown 13,000 troops into Mantua, and General Wurmser, with an army of 60,000 men marched to its relief. Napoleon with but 40,000 men had

to cover the siege, and to guard all the passes from Brescia to Verona and Legnago. The danger to the French was imminent, when, to his surprise Napoleon learnt that the Austrians had divided their force, marching 25,000 men upon Brescia under General Quosdanovich, and 35,000 upon Mantua, through the valley of the Adige, under Wurmser. The idea struck Napoleon to beat them in detail. Abandoning all his artillery before Mantua, he rapidly concentrated his army upon Roverbella, defeated Quosdanovich in the two fine fights of Sals and Lonato, and drove him into the Tyrol. With incredible rapidity he fell back upon General Wurmser, and totally defeated him by a masterly battle at Castiglione, and by his exquisite manœuvres cut him off from the Mincio, and obliged his shattered forces to take the direction of Tenda. Augereau subsequently took his ducal title from this battle of Castiglione. These battles were all fought between the 1st and 5th of August, and the Austrians lost 20,000 men, and 50 pieces of cannon. Napoleon pursued the Austrians into the Tyrol and beat them at Serravalia, St. Marco and Roveredo, and in the defiles of Caliano. Wurmser could form no junction with Quosdanovich, but he succeeded in reaching Mantua.

Napoleon now found time to drive the English from Corsica, to check the designs of the aristocratical partizans in Genoa and Venice, and to check the machinations of the Pope, who had openly violated the peace of Bologna. The success of Austria upon the Rhine, enabled her to despatch to the relief of Italy 45,000 men under the able and fortunate Alvinzi. This general led 30,000 men upon Mantua, by the States of Verona, whilst he ordered the remaining 15,000, under Davidovich, to descend through the valleys of the Adige. Napoleon could bring but 33,000 men into the field, and of these he left 3,000 in garrison at Verona. With the remainder he rapidly marched upon Ronco, threw a bridge over the Adige, crossed the river, and directed his course to Árcola. Never, perhaps, was Napoleon's genius and mental courage so severely tried as at this point. Massena, Lannes and Augereau were

his commanders. He anxiously surveyed the enemy, and resolutely formed his plan of action. He or dered the troops to march promptly against the narrow cause-way of Arcola and to carry the bridge: his column of grenadiers was thrown into confusion by the terrific fire upon its flank. All was lost! Napoleon threw himself from his horse, seized a standard, rallied the grenadiers, and led them to the charge. Lannes was wounded, Murion fell dead at Napoleon's feet, who still pressed on, till he was entangled in the marshy ground. The troops were again staggered by the enemy's fire; General Belliard pointed to them their general in advance, they rushed to his rescue and bore him from the enemy: Napoleon wished to take advantage of the momentary enthusiam, and to lead them again to the charge, but they refused to follow, and the battle of Arcola was a negative victory to the Austrians. Napoleon, however, fertile in resources, concealed his manœuvres by continuing a heavy fire upon Arcola, and threw himself upon Ronco, attacked the main body of Austrians under Alvinzi, killed 5000, and took 8000 prisoners with 30 pieces of cannon, and drove him beyond Vicenza. The next day he drove into the Tyrol the second corps under Davidovich, and obliged Wurmser to shut himself up in Mantua. Alvinzi and Provera however united the scattered Austrians in the Tyrol and marched again to attack the French. Joubert retreated to Rivoli, Napoleon was at Bologna, 40 leagues distant; he intuitively saw through Alvinzi's plan and quickly sent a message to Joubert to maintain his post at Rivoli coute qui coute. Alvinzi, confident in victory over Joubert's little corps, attacked it with his chief force, and carried the fortified point or plateau of the position, moving a corps, under Lusignan, round the mountains to take the French in the rear. Napoleon had, by rapid marches, completely surrounded the different bodies of Austrians. Alvinzi, to his astonishment, found Napoleon at Rivoli to support Joubert ; he was entirely defeated; Lusignan was himself attacked in the rear and taken, with all his forces, by Massena. Provera thought to form a junction

with Wurmser at Mantua, and follow up the anticipated success of Alvinzi, but was fallen upon by Napoleon, and obliged to surrender. Wurmser was driven back into Mantua, and, 27 days after the victory of Rivoli, Mantua itself fell into the hands of the French. In three days Austria had lost 45,000 men. Na poleon imposed the treaty of Tolentino upon the Pope, despising his anathema.

In less than one year, Napoleon, at the age of 28, had successively destroyed four powerful Austrian armies, commanded by the first generals in Europe; he had annexed a part of Piedmont to France, established two republics in Lombardy, and had subdued all Italy from the Alps to the Tiber, imposing treaties upon Naples, Rome and Parma. The Austrian cabinet was astonished by these reverses; and at the moment when the Emperor, availing himself of his better fortune on the Rhine, was about to invade France, he found his capital menaced by a warrior whose name now struck terror into his forces, and whose gigantic mind seemed to spurn all the petty plans of former warfare. Under the ablest general, Prince Charles, Austria assembled the flower of her victorious army of the Rhine at Tagliamento; Napoleon saw the gathering storm; his forces were increased to 53,000 men, besides the divisions of Delmar and Bernadotte. Napoleon, at the head of 37,000 men, carried Tarvis which he intended to make his point of stratagem, he then beat the Archduke, in person, at Tagliamento, and drove him upon the Izonso, captured Palma Nova, carried the entrenched position of Gradisca, whilst Massena captured Villach, and threatened Vienna by the routs of Saltzbourg and Frioul. In four days Austria lost a quarter of her Army, and the Archduke was obliged to abandon Klagenfurth and the line of the Drave. In the mean while Napoleon's divisions, under Joubert and Bernadotte, had respectively conquered the Tyrol, and had captured Laybach. On 31st March, Napoleon, at Klagenfurth, offered the enemy peace, which was refused with disdain, but the subsequent successes of Massena accelerated the crisis of a decisive battle, and

Austria signed an armistice at Judenburg on the 7th of April, and the preliminaries of peace, at Leoben, on

the 15th of that month.

It was at this period that Napoleon's complaint to the directory of Moreau's want of activity, in the command of the army of the Rhine, produced an hostility between these great captains. Moreau had not supported Napoleon's operations,having crossed the Rhine to his assistance only on the 19th of April, four days after Napoleon had conquered the peace of Leoben. In Napoleon's dispatch of the 19th of April to the Directory, he says, that had he followed the directions of his government, so far from being at Vienna, he should have ruined the Republic; and he proceeds to state that his victories, "are an infallible presage, that she can, in two campaigns, subjugate the continent of Europe." "I have not levied a single contribution in Germany; there is not a single complaint against us, and I feel that the time will come when we shall de rive our advantage from this prudent conduct;" of himself he says, I have never regarded myself in my operations; I have thrown myself upon Vienna, having acquired more glory than is necessary to happiness, and having left the superb plains of Italy behind me." From this it is evident that Napoleon then contemplated the subversion of the ignorant and tyrannical government of Austria, and the happiness of the people.

In the mean time the Priests of Venice and of Italy had stimulated the superstitious_populace to the massacre of the French; the sick, the wounded, whether military or civilians, were indiscriminately the victims of religious enthusiasm ; and, as a climax of religious crime, Easter day was that of the massacre. Napoleon, in consequence of these scenes, on the 16th of May, 1797, destroyed the odious oligarchy of Venice, and established a more popular Government in that city, as well as in Genoa. He founded the Ligu rian republic in Italy, and united the whole of the Austrio-Italian states into one government under the name of the Cisalpine Republic; intending to establish Republicanism throughout all Italy.

(To be continued)

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