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النشر الإلكتروني



I RODE homewards from Sir Toby's. Sir Toby, was a man of mettle; he felt as little inconvenience from an ordinary debauch as the lion from the exertion of his strength in the chastisement of a mouse. Nature seemed to have endowed him with a vis inertiæ, disproportioned to his size (which, by the way, was not of the smallest) to enable him to resist the potent attacks of the jolly god. And, as if some extraordinary excitement were necessary to his well-being, Sir Toby was never better, in every sense of the word, than when the wine was wrestling with his reason, after the manner of the giants of old against the gods, and often with as little success as was wont to attend them.

We had contracted an acquaintance at the coffee-house. He invited me to Altona, where I had been sacrificing so heroically, inspired by the example of the stouthearted Briton, that I just retained my equipoise sufficiently to keep the saddle, with scarcely sense enough to find my way home without a guide. It was a delightful cool May-morning, and I greedily in haled the refreshing breeze that blew directly in my face, so grate ful to my heated lungs, while my pony trotted briskly along, anticipating the luxury of a restorative sleep till noon, and of dreams as glorious and enlivening as the dawning day around me.

There was a light in my father's counting-house. This surprised me as it was only two o'clock. I entered. My father was seated at his desk; near him stood Captain Classen, his old friend and servant. They both stared to see me, and winked to one another as I thought I wished them good morning, and was about to retire. Good morning, Henry," said my father, "I am glad you are here, for I have business with you." Classen, we are agreed then; twelve o'clock precisely, I will have every thing in readiness." Classen withdrew. Au Eur. Mag. Aug., 1823.

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revoir, young gentleman," muttered the Captain as he went, and shook me by the hand, with a grin that set my teeth on edge.


Henry," said my father without laying down his pen, "prepare for a voyage to France to-day." -"To France, dear father, and on what business?"-"I wish you to marry."- "Marry!" I exclaimed half aloud, for I instantly beheld myself in the mirror of my imagination, as a bridegroom decked with myrtle; at my side, an interesting, elegantly dressed young lady, blooming with youth and beauty, and glittering with jewels; who, consigned to my heart, was destined for its inhabitant for the period of r my life, and the days flew away like boys at chuck-farthing, disturbed by the approach of a soldier or a parson→ my astonishment, however, was not lessened. "Yes, a daughter of Mr. Gerson, a merchant of Bourdeaux,

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"What, father, a lady whom I have never seen?"—" It is a good house, and you will have the choice of three sisters.""But suppose I

should not like either of them ?""No foolery, Henry," said my father, in a tone of earnestness; "there is a time for every thing, and I have allowed enough for that."-"If I were a prince," And though you were an emperor, you would be but a thoughtless boy, in need of a guardian, and my son. Here is a letter from Mr. Gerson, saying that he expects you, and this is my answer. At twelve you will embark."-" You will surely allow me to take leave of a few of my friends?"

"It is not necessary. Here are some cards; you have only to write your name upon them."

I took the cards and retired to my chamber. Marry! I muttered to myself, and a little yellow, meas gre French woman, whose whole business it is to disfigure, yet more, by art, her sufficiently disgusting person? And why not in Hamburgh, if it is to be at all? The tall, fair Miss Sorgel, or the short, round brunette, Miss Waterman,

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or the rich one-eyed Miss Funk, or the beautiful naïve Miss Adler, or the witty, fascinating My ideas became confused, and sleep bowed down my head. I was just on the point of changing my perpendicular for a horizontal position rather too suddenly, when I luckily awoke, and had sense enough to throw my self upon the bed, where, in the arms of Morpheus, I soon forgot alike the beauties of Hamburgh and Bourdeaux.

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"Henry!" sounded in my ears. I sprang up, rubbed my drowsy eye-lids, and stared; my father stood before me. It is eleven o'clock; your trunk is packed, the wind is fair, and every minute you delay is lost. Haste then to take some refreshment and embark." I looked sheepish and confounded. Upon a chair lay my travelling dress-my father retired, and my servant, George, assisted me to undress and dress again. "Are you to accompany me?" I asked. " Yes, Sir."-"I am glad of it," said I, and derived some little consolation from the circumstance; for there was not in existence a greater rogue, nor, at the same time, a more faithful fellow than this same George. My father paid him for reporting my extravagancies, (which he might do without hesitation, for I made no secret of them myself) and I for assisting me to commit them. The prospect of the voyage began now to interest me; and if, for my sins, I was to be tied to a wife, like a poacher to a stag, it was at all events more agreeable to choose her for myself from among three sisters in France, than to have one allotted to me out of the magazine of merchant's daughters here, warranted sound and perfect, like any other

article of merchandize.

I dined with a better appetite than my parents and sister, and received their good wishes, tears, and advice, on taking leave, with becom-. ing indifference.

Captain Classen was waiting with painful impatience. He did not take time to welcome me, but the moment I stepped on board he gave the signal, and, amidst the tumultuous bawling of the sailors, the masts sprung up, the pennants fluttered

in the breeze, the sails outstretched themselves to the gale, and Hamburgh and the shores of our beloved country by degrees darkened, receded, and vanished from our view.

It was not my first voyage. I had formerly visited England on mercantile business; consequently I felt no inconvenience from my situa tion, except the ennui, which so sudden a transition from a life of gaiety and dissipation to one of the dullest uniformity could not fail to engender. Captain Classen did his utmost to banish this demon, and was earnest and indefatigable in imploring the aid of the soul-stirring bowl to that effect. In fact, Sir Toby and the rest of the jovial companions of my nightly revels were mere milk-sops in comparison with the old, wrinkled, ironheaded, copper-bottomed sea-captain. His capacious mouth resembled the bunghole of a large moving wine hogshead, and I beheld with fearful astonishment the bottles of French and Spanish wine emptying themselves by dozens into it, till, at length, the power of participating in, as well as of witnessing, the prowess of my valiant friend forsook me, and I was conveyed to my hammock, where I soon slept so soundly that the shock of an earthquake would have failed to rouse me.

I loved wine as a means of heightening the charms of an interesting conversation, and I had never, even when carrying the use of it to excess, entirely lost sight of that object. This last debauch, however, filled me, when I awoke, with the sensation of having received a stunning blow, accompanied by no enlivening or redeeming recollections: the satyr-like countenance of the Captain was still before my eyes, while in the back-ground of the picture I beheld the rows of bottles that had exhausted their contents in his fathomless throat.

I was out of humour with myself, and stedfastly refused Classen's invitation to renew our libations. Finding me immoveable, he accommodated himself, at length, to my taste, and entertained me with a description of Bourdeaux, and with accounts of Mr. Gerson and his daughters. This conversation wea

ried me, I forced myself to hear nothing, and after awhile retired, peevish and fretful, to my cabin. My trunk struck me. I had not yet opened it, and resolved to do it now, rather for the sake of amusement than from curiosity. My best clothes, my finest linen, letters to several mercantile houses, a casket containing a valuable ring with bracelets to match. I guessed its destination, and pushed it aside, when lo! what should peep out of one corner of the trunk but a crimson purse! I took it up, and my heart danced with delight as I weighed it in my hand. On opening it, the contents proved to be exactly three hundred Louis d'ors.

I had frequently lost as much, and more than this in a single night; and, in fact, only the other evening. I had inconsiderately wagered double the sum with Sir Toby, that I would not stir afoot out of Hamburgh the following day, which was the day we set sail. But latterly, owing, no doubt, to the fault of the circular form of the gold pieces, there was never a Louis in my pocket in the morning that did not, before night, roll into that of another person. The ebb was naturally stronger than the flow; and, in spite of the liberal allowance my father granted me, I was certain of meeting a creditor in every one of the numerous streets of Hamburgh; they were always, however, exceedingly civil, and satisfied with the honour of being told, in answer to their enquiries, that I was well.

It gave me, at this moment, indescribable pleasure to picture to myself the rage and vexation of this unlucky horde of brokers, Jews, wine-merchants, and tavern-keepers, on hearing of my departure; and I would gladly have given a third of my prize to any "wise man of the east,' "who would shew them, in his magical mirror, my present figure, sitting here in security, counting my Louis d'ors.

But I had too little of the miser in my composition to find satisfaction long in this amusement; on the contray, with an impatience more consistent with the very opposite character, I began to lay schemes for spending my money. An evil spirit tempted me to try my luck at

a throw with my good friend, Classen, whom I took to be a warm fellow, but the devil trust the old sinner! I dreaded finding my man as formidable here as at the bottle, and anticipated, therefore, but a miserable passe-tems dearly bought. A better spirit turned my thoughts on Paris. I had seen London, and should I overlook her proudest rival? George was called, and we concerted measures together.

"Shall we soon come to an anchor, Captain?" I enquired, as the coast of France appeared in sight. "Where?" he wondering asked. "At Boulogne."- "Why should we ?"-"What, don't you know, my good fellow? Has my father said nothing to you ?"—" Not a word."

"Not that I am to land here, and travel by way of Paris to Bour, deaux ?"" Potz tausend! ar't not sober yet?" and he burst into a horse laugh. "I hope, Classen," I rejoined in a tone of displeasure,


you do not take me for a fool? George, were not such my father's orders?" George hesitated; a significant look from me, which Classen could not observe because he was staring full at the fellow, came like a reinforcement to his zeal, and he corroborated my statement.

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Aye, aye?-Humph!" muttered Classen, regarding me with an enquiring look, which, however, I braved with unaltered countenance; "that I did not know. I ask your pardon."

He steered for Boulogne. In a few hours George and I with our luggage were on shore, and shortly. afterwards on the road to Paris.

I exulted aloud as I beheld the spire of Notre Dame, and soon after the whole sea of houses which surrounded it. Now, in sight of one of the first cities in the world, it occurred to me to consider what I wanted there. Pleasure! What else? or how best enjoy it? While I was thus occupied for plans for making the most of my liberty, and my three hundred Louis, we arrived at our destination. I immediately hired a chambre garnie, assumed the title of Lord Johnsbury, and appropriated the first fortnight to visiting all the places of amusement, and seeing all the sights the capital afforded. My British name, and more, my British

gold, made every thing easy to me, and all were obsequious to serve me. I did not scruple to wear the solitaire intended for my bride. The diamond had become loose, and I entered a jeweller's shop to get it repaired. Two ladies came in almost immediately afterwards. One of them was elderly; the other young and beautiful; so beautiful, Indeed, that for the first time in my life I was seized with a kind of bashful admiration, as I beheld her, and I made way for her with the profoundest respect.

She bargained for a pair of earrings; the jeweller asked her too much, and she very reluctantly returned them. I instantly paid down the money and requested her ac ceptance of them, in remembrance of the sentiments of respect and admiration with which she had in spired a stranger. "You are very generous, Sir, and the jewels are extremely pretty; but even if they were far handsomer, the very circumstance of your being a stranger to me puts it out of my power to accept of them." She blushed as she spoke, and fixed her beaming eyes upon me with such a mild, yet penetrating look, that I trembled with a mixed sensation of fear and pleasure. I entreated, but in váin. A little impatient at her refusal I turned at length to her companion, offered her the ear-rings, and begged her to allow me, at least, the satisfaction of obliging the fair inexorable in her friend. Her eyes glistened as she contemplated my gift, and a little persuasion induced her to accept it. The young lady's countenance evinced her disapprobation of her companion's conduct, and she shook her head as she saw her take them. They departed, and I was silly enough to suffer them to do so without asking a single ques tion.

Arrived at my lodgings I awoke as it were from a dream; the figure of the lovely girl was still before my eyes, and I would willingly have given thirty more Louis to see the original once again. Fortune favoured my wishes; in the Theatre Français I espied my two ladies in a box. Hastening to pay my re spects to them, I had the satisfaction of being received by the ma

tronly lady in a very tender, and by her lovely companion in a no less friendly manner. Now, thought I, is the time to push my fortune; I assailed the young lady, whó seemed to be almost given up to me by her protectress, with all the idle flattery and nonsense I could muster, and was so importunate, in short, in the avowal of my passion, and so urgent in imploring her compassion on my sufferings, that the sunshine of her enchanting countenance by degrees entirely vanished, and the clouds of her displeasure gathered so thickly over her features, that I was really hurt, and felt myself at last compelled to enquire what was the matter. "Nothing, Sir," she replied, with such a look of indaunted virtue as disconcerted me not a little; "except, that we have both been mistaken." This rebuff completed my discomfiture; I kept silence for a long while before I could collect my scattered resolution for an attack upon the old lady. She was more reserved than I expected to find her; and indulged me with a long lecture, such as I could have supposed a duenna alone capable of delivering, on the want of self-government in the men, and the propriety of prudence and reserve in the female sex, before she would condescend to inform me that she sometimes walked in the Thuilleries with her niece, when the weather was favourable.

I had forgotten to enquire at what hour, and had interpreted the word sometimes according to my wishes. The fashionable world was still butied in sleep, when my anxious steps led me, reveur, to the Thuilleries. Somewhat less to the inconvenience of my purse than my stomach, I continued by fruitless promenade till nightfall. This course I pursued for four days, yet neither aunt nor niece were visible, and I was ready to die with rage and vexation. The sun was declining on the fifth day, and I was heartily cursing myself and all the women in and out of Paris, when I caught sight of my dulcinea and her duenna. She shuddered as her glance met mine; I know not whether at myself, or at the violent emotions which must have been strikingly pourtrayed in my countenance. These emotions


The Three Sisters.

were entirely without my power to controul, and I attacked her with such earnestness in entreaties, expostulations and assurances, that her prudent reserve and indifference gradually softened into compassion and sympathy. I took advantage of this favourable change to offer her the ring, which I again wore, and it was firmly fixed on her finger before she had time properly to consider the objections to her accept ing it.

You make a child of me," said she, after a vain resistance; "I am as culpable in listening to you, as in accepting this diamond; but you are conferring an obligation on an angrateful one, and who ought not even to suffer you to suspect that I comshe is so against her will." plained in vain of this cruelty. Nothing further could I elicit from her; yet she did not deprive me of all hope, and in a favourable moment I secretly begged the aunt to grant me her assistance, and to acquaint me with her residence.

" [ am under a promise to my niece, Sir," she replied, "to give you no assistance whatever, therefore it is out of my power to grant your request. I must confess, however," she added, smiling, "that I am a little surprised at your asking such a question." I was confounded at my own simplicity; I suffered them to depart without uneasiness, and or dering my valet de place to follow them at a distance, soon learnt that they resided in the neighbourhood of the Palais Royal.

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I was still too timid to avail my-
self of the advantage I thus gained
that day. The turbulency of my
feelings drove me from one place
to another; even in the theatre I
sought in vain for abstraction. The
highly impassioned Talma appeared
now frigid and dull; the natural
and affecting performance of Made-
moiselle George, but empty, heart-
Unable to hold
less affectation.
out longer I hurried to the Palais
Royal, that I might at least enjoy
the satisfaction of being near her.

Chance led me to a gaming-house.
It was just the thing; I punted, won,
lost, won again, lost again; and in
two hours time found myself with-
The forty Louis d'ors
out a sous.
which had emigrated gave me little

uneasiness; however, I could play
no more, and I returned home.
"George," said I, as he undressed'
" fill it
me, handing him the
again to-morrow." What! have
you got a fresh supply?"" How!
"Is melted
the money I gave you.
down to twenty Louis, of which our
landlord claims three.".
drel, you have robbed me!".
"Would you like to inspect my
"For travel-
account, Sir."" Well, well; think
of some resource.".
Hing, Sir?""No!" exclaimed,
with warmth; "I will not leave
Paris now if I sleep upon the stones;
does any thing strike you?"-" No-
thing. I was at the Thuilleries to-
day, and your diamond ring glit
tered through the hedge that sepa-
rated us like a sunbeam-but God
help us, you have lost it."-"Away
you are a lurking knave; the girt
is an angel!"-" From the Palais
Royal!" The fellow uttered these
words with such a malicious grin
that I stared at him, thunderstruck.
"I hope," said I-"That I jest:
God forbid! She is the niece of a
respectable, pious lady, and they
are both excellent connaisseuses of
jewels; à-propos, there is a pair of
bracelets to match the ring."
"Peace!" I exclaimed, with an
angry frown.

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The prospect of being reduced to the bitterest distress in a town, in which I was an utter stranger, added to the probability of my sacrificing myself to a contemptible fille, was not the most agreeable. Her portrait, deeply engraven on my heart in the noblest traits, gave the lie to these suspicions; and yet, when I considered all the circumstances, and particularly the behaviour of the aunt, I could not enmind. tirely banish them from my Unable to come to any decision, and harrassed by the contending passions which raged in my breast, I was pacing the room with hasty strides, when Mons. Brelon, my landlord, entered.

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"Pardonnez Monseigneur," said M. Brelon, a genuine Parisian ; pardon my intrusion at this unseasonable hour; but I have too great a respect for milord to keep from your knowledge some important intelligence that I have received." "I am most highly indebted to your

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