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النشر الإلكتروني

The fact is, that the Duke of Wellington well knew that the allied sovereigns were then in treaty with Napoleon as the sovereign of France, and that therefore it was most unjustifiable either for our Cabinet, or for our Commander-in-Chief to encourage any efforts of the Bourbons to create a civil war in the South of France. What degree of positive support was given by us to the Duke d'Angouleme, it is impossible to ascertain, but as this Prince evidently could not have appeared in the South of France hut in consequence of its occupation by a British force, his presence ought to have been prohibited during the negociations at Chatillon. Marshal Soult's proclamation was, we conceive, highly justifiable.

Captain Batty pretends to take the welcome reception of our army, by the people in the South of France, as a barometer of their feelings in favour of the allied cause, as if such apparent welcome of victorious troops is not always given in the hopes of conciliating their favour, and appeasing their austerity. He draws the same inference from the numerous desertions from the French army, as if an army of young recruits and of foreigners would not necessarily suffer by desertion, after a series of discomfor. tures and of disastrous retreats. If the feelings of the French nation were so strongly in favour of the Bourbons, by what means could Napoleon have effected his almost miraculous re-conquest of the throne. On the 10th of April, the Duke of Wellington won the severely contested battle of Toulouse, having dislodged the enemy from Tarbes on the Adour, on the 20th March. On the 12th of April, Marshal Soult withdrew from Toulouse, and the city was taken by the British, and on the evening of that day the news arrived at Toulouse of the abdication of Napoleon. The arrival of this intelligence eight and forty hours sooner would have prevented the battle, and have saved the lives of about eight thousand brave


Captain Batty gives us a very clear account of the memorable sortie made by the garrison of BaEur. Mag, Sept. 1823.

yonne on the 14th of April, and in which the enemy were in every respect successful."This severe conflict began at three in the morning, and we were not altogether unprepared, two deserters having brought us intelligence that the garrison was under arms. Sir John Hope and his staff at the beginning of the attack rode forward to ascertain the enemy's movements, and, as the shortest way to his object, he entered a chemin encaisse, a narrow cross road, enclosed by almost perpendicular banks on each side. He had not proceeded far before he discovered, by a glimmering light, that the road was already in possession of the enemy, and that he was riding into their lines. Himself and his staff immediately faced about and galloped from the scene of danger, when a sudden discharge of musketry was made upon them by the enemy. Three balls entered the body of Sir John's horse, and the animal fell dead, entangling his rider's foot between his side and the earth. Two aid-de-camps dismounted to his assistance, one immediately fell wounded, and a ball directly after shattered the arm of the other. The General himself received a wound in the arm, and the enemy came up and made them all prísoners; they were only able to extricate Sir John Hope by withdrawing his leg from his boot, and as the French were conducting their prisoner into the town, he was again struck by a ball in the foot, supposed to be from one of our own piquets. Our troops fought with great obstinacy, and when the morning came the enemy, in traversing the glasis on their return to the town, suffered severely from our destructive fire. We lost 500 killed and wounded, and 300 prisoners." "It would be almost impossible," says Captain Batty," to convey an idea of the effect produced by the numerous flashes from the cannon, and the sparkling light from the musketry, or of the confused noise from the war of cannon, the bursting of shells, and the cheers of the soldiers, intermingled with the piercing shrieks and groans of the dying and wounded. At times the darkness was in part dispelled by 2 K

English Books.

the bright blue ligit of fire-balls thrown from the citadel, to show the assailants where to direct their guns. Some of these fire-balls and shells fell in the midst of the depot of Fascines, which instantly caught fire and burnt with great fierceness. Several houses caught fire; and two in particular burnt for a time with great violence, and casting a lurid light under the vaulted clouds of smoke which rose to the skies. Towards the close of the action the moon had risen, and as dawn broke over the scene of battle, we began to discern the dreadful havoc that had been made." But the guards had been ordered to lie down, in order to avoid the destructive fire, and at a given signal, “rising en masse rushed forward with an appalling shout." The French fled with speed and scrambled through the hollow lane in which Sir John Hope had been taken, and which now fell again into our possession. We re-occupied our former line of contravallation; and what rendered this sanguinary night-conflict the more lamentable was the subsequent arrival of the news, that Napoleon had abdicated, and that hos tilities had ceased. Upon our offcers expressing to the enemy their regret at so useless an effusion of blood the French, with their usual and revolting levity, treated it with nonchalance, declaring it was only a petite promenade militaire.

After relating these events, Captain Batty gives one chapter, de scriptive of the country around Bayonne and Bordeaux, and of the country of the Landes with its stilled inhabitants; and he describes the peaceful march homeward of our troops through France, with the return of the Spanish and Portuguese prisoners of war from France to their respective countries. This chapter, although not the most instructive, nor the most entertaining chapter of the volume, forms a delightful conclusion to the horrors of war, with which the preceding pages are filled.

Captain Batty may be said to write like a gentleman of business, affording the general reader all the pleasures that can be derived from a cultivated mode of treating his


subject, and supplying professional persons with all the detail of opera tions sufficient to give them an accampaign. We have noticed one curate technical knowledge of the or two instances of our author's prejudices, and to these we shall praises the discipline of our army, now only add his omitting, when he which the Duke of Wellington to mention the dreadful severity by effected that discipline. When Cap. tain Batty reiterates the vulgar boast, that the Duke of Wellington had overcome every French Marshal must have known that the asserthat had been sent against him, he tion was not true. questionably drove the Duke from Massena un. except the capital, which was proBusaco, and conquered all Portugal tected by the lines of Torres Vedras, and fed by supplies from England totally distinct from the Duke's and the Brazils, and by other means military operations. Captain Batty is often guilty of coining words, and which are of standard authority. sometimes of misapplying those He should, for instance, know that the word strata is a term of geology, and not to be used in topographical try. We have only to repeat that or military descriptions of a counthe volume we have been reviewing has afforded us much pleasure, and siderably enhance its value. that its graphic illustrations con

The Way to preserve Good Health, and a Treatise on Domestic Medivine. By R. Thomas, M.D. 8vo. London, 1823.

WE certainly do not generally of this description for various rea consider it necessary to notice works sons; to the general reader they gible, always uninteresting, and for would be in many cases unintellithose interested in this particular branch of science there are several apart; but in this age of medicine, periodical publications set entirely when probably there is more imaginary ailment in one month than life, works of this description be our forefathers knew of in a long come of a certain degree of consewell as most countries in civilized quence in short, although this, as

Europe, is inundated with medical men, it is seldom you can enter a family but what some work, upon what is pleased to be termed Domestic Medicine, stares you in the face; as if every individual of a debilitated or melancholic habit should have an opportunity of frightening themselves into a belief of the existence of some dreadful disease, for which sufficient remedies are taken in the twenty-four hours to make the imaginary complaint a real one; and should you venture into a country family, in which some unfortunate hypochrondriac really exists, you find the table perfectly loaded with the works of Buchan, Reece, Solomon, Scudamore, &c., &c., &c., with a host of family nostrums, handed down, not from father to son, but from grandmother to grand-daughter through ages, like the recipes of the Arabs to Hippocrates.

The work in question it is our wish to treat with as much attention as the subject will allow, from the respectability of its writer; Dr. Thomas being the author of a praetice of physic, which is considered by our first medical men as a standard work of reference: and sincerely do we wish, instead of giving us, upon the same principles as that work, a description and treatment of the most complex diseases, he had confined himself to those trifl ing maladies that might be with safety treated by the unskilled; which plan would have not only avoided descriptions injurious to the valetudinarian, for

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how is that power obtained. Is it by books? We are ready to grant, that well stated facts do most materially assist the young and well, grounded practitioner in sooner arriving at that description of knowledge so highly useful to mankind, particularly in those diseases where the infrequence of their occurrence renders it probable that sufficient experience might never be obtained, even in the first medical schools of this large metropolis; but experience is, and always will remain, not only the best, but the only means of understanding disease. Really, in taking up a work on "Domestic Medicine," we should be inclined to think that diagnosis must be considered as the most simple and defined science the human mind can imagine, not that our first authors have declared their total inability to describe the peculiarities even of an ulcer, and that varieties of the same disease may be compared (as is done by one of our best writers) to the shades in colours; it being as difficult to describe disease under certain peculiarities, as it would be the depth of colour among the various greens of nature, Surely it ought to be written as in the works of Lavater, who, after the most ela borate description of certain features, has a perpetual salvo, "This and the rest agreeing", which generally leaves the student much in the same state of information as it found. him.

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The errors we have heard of hay-ing been committed on this score, by the comparatively well-informed part of the community, really makes us shudder, when we reflect on the thousands of instances which must have taken place among the ignorant; but we forbear giving any examples, wishing to spare the feelings of persons whose mistakes have arisen from good intentions. Much do we rejoice that the use of calomel, a practice among youth the most dangerous of all fashionable empiricism, has long been on the decline, notwithstanding which we daily and hourly witness its baneful effects upon the constitutions of the rising generations, particularly in the higher circles; indeed to such a pitch was it carried, that we have known a lady of the first rank,

boasting of the enormous dozes of this baneful drug her children, from habit, were able to swallow, administered not by the experienced, but by the caprice of a fashionable mother.

In the first part of this work, dedicated to the means of obtaining a "Healthful and long life,' Dr. Thomas has taken nearly the same view of the subject which has been so ably described by the sage Cornaro, and upon which Mr. Abernethy has founded a considerable part of his interesting lecture on this subject; nor is there the slightest doubt, that, were those principles adhered to, greater longevity, and, from equanimity of temper, comparative happiness would be the result: but much is it to be feared, mankind must be remodeled ere that result can take place. Those who have professionally recommended this system through a number of years, and in cases holding out the greatest inducements, are obliged to acknowledge that they have found few, if any, persevering disciples. Although, to a certain extent, the author goes hand in hand with Mr. Abernethy (allowed by all to be the most atten. tive observer on this subject), we find him at page 18, diametrically opposite in his opinion, relative to the use of liquids. Thus we have

"Nothing like simple element dilutes The food, and gives the chyle so soon to flow."

Here he assumes as fact, that which has long been a most disputable point, it being the opinion of some of our leading physiologists, that the use of liquid to any extent with our food is wrong, upon the principle of its diluting the gastrick

juice, and thereby decreasing its soluble power. Now, nothing can be more evident than, if digestion is retarded by the dilution of the gastrick juice, the flowing of the chyle must be effected in at least an equal ratio, and arguments might be adduced to prove in a much greater.

One of the most powerful facts, brought against the use of liquids with our food, is, that animals living in a state of nature do not drink while eating. It is not intended to include under this head pampered ladies' lap-dogs. Again, in the following page :

"In all cases the proportion of drink should exceed that of our food." However numerous may be the opponents of Mr. Abernethy's system, we will venture to say, few will go this length with Dr. Thomas, since surely it must be acknowledged, there are many situations in which abstinence on this score is particularly recommended.

Thus far have we gone, not so much against Dr. Thomas's book as against the principle of works on Domestic Medicine, when medical aid can be obtained; but we owe it to the author to say, when such works are found necessary (particularly in vessels not carrying surgeons) we should decidedly recommend the work in question, as combining a clearness of statement with the best of practice. He has also added a list of questions to be put to patients, which part we should recommend to the particular attention of all persons acting the physician, more especially where their practice is amongst the poor and ignorant, since even the most experienced find here the greatest difficulty from the want of powers of description in the interrogated.




Senegal. The agricultural establishments on the banks of the Senegal afford the most satisfactory results. Plantations of the colony, began by persons without any experience, have nevertheless succeeded. All European vegetables support the climate, and are so productive, that many of them seed twelve or thirteen times. Those esculent plants, which were almost unknown in the country, increase abundantly in the establishments. Success with the colonial plants has surpassed all hope; at the end of eight months in the garden of Richard Toll, which twelve months before was covered with wood, were yews seven feet high, tall sugar canes, pine-apple trees bearing fruit, bannanas putting forth their buds, more than two thousand young citrons, coffee sown and rising up; all these plants grow admirably without shelter, promising a rich produce.


Otaheite. The government of Otaheite has adopted an organization, founded on the gospel; and, no doubt, this example will be followed by other islands of that Archipelago. We shall give some extracts from the new code of laws printed by order of King Pomario, and exposed to public view in each district of his kingdom, that the inhabitants of the island, most of whom can read, may instruct themselves in their duties as fathers and citizens. In the preamble to this code, after the royal salutation addressed to the people, Pomario thus expresses himself. "God in his great mercy has sent us his word. We have received this word to be saved. Our intention is to observe his commandments. And in order that our conduct may become that of people who love God, we enact that the following laws be observed in Otaheite." This first promulgation contains nineteen heads of laws. 1. Upon murder; 2. on theft; 3. on depredations committed by hogs; 4. on stolen or lost goods: also, on the observation of the Sabbath; provocation to war, marriage, bigamy, adultery, &c. One of the articles appoints 400 judges, establishes courts of justice in the different districts of Otaheite and Eimeo; and enjoins the chiefs to enforce the execution of their decrees. The punishment of death is inflicted on mur

derers. Experience will certainly produce many changes in these laws; but, such as they are, they give an idea of the actual condition of these nations, formerly savage, and amongst whom the missionaries have wrought so much good in so few years. We shall now give three of these laws. The Law on Buying and Selling :--If any one makes a purchase, it is his business to well examine what he buys before paying the money. As soon as the purchase is concluded, and the goods delivered, the bargain cannot be annulled with out the consent of both parties. If one of the objects bartered is found to have any fault, not perceived before the exchange, the bargain may be broken; but if the fault was known the bargain is good. If the exchange is made in the name of a sick person, it is not consummated till the sick person has seen and accepted the goods in his own name; should he not then, they may be given back. No one must endeavour to depreciate another man's property, it is a wicked action. No one ought to interfere in bargains which do not concern him.-Law on the Observance of the Sabbath :-It is a crime in the eyes of God to work on the Sabbath. All which is conformable to the word of God must be observed; all that is not must be abandoned. Therefore no one, on the Sabbath, may build houses, construct canoes, cultivate the earth, or do any other work; no one may even travel. If any one wishes, on this day, to go and hear a missionary at a distance, he may do it; but that must not serve as a pretext for other affairs; in that he will do wrong. It will be better for him to go on the Saturday evening to the place, where he desires to spend the Sunday. The first transgression of this command will be followed by a reproof, and should the offender persist in infringing the law, he will be condemned to certain public works, assigned by the judge.—Law relating to false Witnesses:-The person who accuses another of murder, blasphemy, theft, or any other crime, commits a great sin. His punishment shall be to work on the roads, and to make a road four miles long and twelve feet wide, in every respect to be a good road. The person whose false report relates to less heavy crimes, shal

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