صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

The managers have introduced a new afterpiece, under the flaring title of the Beacon of Liberty." It is founded on the history of the deliverance of Switzerland, by William Tell. The scene where Tell obeys the mandate of the Governor, and shoots an apple on the head of his son, produced considerable effect, but all the rest was tiresome in the extreme. Although the scenery is superb, and the performance has been repeated, we think it next to impossible that it can continue to occupy the boards for any length of time. As to becoming attractive, that seems entirely out of the question.

on the Dublin stage considered far beneath her. If Miss F. H. Kelly is not to play the leading characters in tragedy, she will have bitter cause to lament her connexion with this theatre. In our opinion, the sooner she can cancel her engagement, the better. Drury is in want of a leading female . tragedian, and we much overrate the enterprise, talents, and judgment of Elliston, if he would not receive her with alacrity. But, above all, we advise her not to appear in any 'new fangled tragedies that may be brought forward, until she has proved her ca-pability or inability in the tragic scenes of our immortal bard. The almost certain ill-success of a new tragedy will be attributed to her only, by those who are notoriously envious of her rising repùtation, and also by some of her quondam friends. We have heard it asserted, that the cast of characters to which Miss Kelly aspires was previously engaged by other performers; if this be true, then her engagement was more politic than just on the part of the managers; for how could she ever obtain the fulfilment of a promise, verbally made, of having an increase of salary, provided her debut entitled her to such a just reward? "In the "Point of Honour," Mr. Cooper, from Drurylane, made his first apearance on these

The Point of Honour, a sentimental comedy, translated from the French, has been acted for the apparent purpose of giving Miss F. H. Kelly another opportunity of appearing before a London audience. We cannot conceive that the character of Bertha could have been selected for the purpose of exhibiting her great talents to advantage; it is neither comic nor tragic, but of an episene nature, admitting something of both and enough of neither. Indeed we should have wondered how such a play as "The Point of Honour" could have attracted a crowded pit, if we did not know the anxiety of the town to see this young lady brought forward much oftener. We know not whether the first perfor-boards, în the character of St. Franc,

mers have, or ought to have, the power of choosing their cast of characters, but we certainly know, that every tragic performer has a right to expect the prominent characters of Shakspeare as long as the approbation of the public sanctions it. To confine one of our best actresses to characters of minor interest, infinitely beneath her powers, is as injurious to her rising reputation, as it is hurtful to her feelings, especially when she is doomed to witness a preference of rivals, who were rivals no where else; for the same actresses who are now thrust into the best characters of Shakspeare were

and was received with the warmest applause; as a good and useful performer he will prove an acquisition to the strength of the company. The character of Durimel was performed by Mr. Charles Kemble with eminent ability; but nothing can make this play attractive. Blanchard played Steinburgh with felicity, although he was egregiously imperfect, We forgot to state that Miss Kelly made a small addition to her part, which was eminently effective; her whole performance was received with enthusiastic applause,


ALTHOUGH this elegant theatre has closed since our last number, with the usual run of benefits, important only to the persons for whom they are given, and, therefore, not worth a particular notice, yet we have to mention 'one exception. The appearance of a new musical drama, called The Vicar of Wakefield, professedly founded on the popular novel of Goldsmith: a tale that will forever exist, as one of the brightest ornaments in English litera

ture, to embalm the name of its author to the latest posterity. A meagre outline of the story has been preserved, but the fine humour and natural sentiment, by which the novel is so eminently distinguished, do not live in the drama. The piece opens with the unlucky visit of Moses to the fair, and proceeds through all the gradations of misfortune by which the hapless Vicar is assailed, and his domestic happiness destroyed. The seduction of his beloved daughter,

Olivia, by Squire Thornhill, the man whom he had fondly viewed as the protector of his family; the destruction of his residence by fire, and his subsequent incarceration, are all brought before the audience. The sceues are, however, weak and inefficient, and the first representation was received with approbation mixed with almost an equal portion of dissent, leaving it for a long time doubtful whether a repetition would be endured. It has, however, since been acted, but with such moderate applause, that we are inclined to think that we shall never be again obliged to witness this unsuccessful attempt to dramatise a production pre-eminent for pure taste, moral sentiment, and natural and pathetic incident. The best scene in the play, beyond comparison, is that in which Mrs. Orger, as the well-known Carolina Wilhemina Amelia Skeggs, sung or rather peformed a song, descriptive of the charms of the opera, in an excellent style; this song elicits the greatest applause

most deservedly. 'Miss Chester graced the part of Olivia, with all the personal charms that could be desired, but neither her beauty nor talents could compensate for the frigid inanity ofthe part she was obliged to personate. Liston, we had almost said the immortal Liston, cannot redeem the character of our friend Moses from a very brief mortality. Terry, as the good old Vicar, performed with too much formality, and excited but little sympatby. Cooper, as Burchell, had no occasion for the respectable talents he possesses. As it is probable this drama will never be repeated, we should not have said so much, did we not think our distant readers would feel some curiosity to know how the best work of our best novellist has been treated. Novellists of inferior character may be successfully dramatised, as inferior poets may be translated; but a drama worthy of Goldsmith's novel we think as impossible as a translation of Virgil. This theatre closed on the 15th inst.


SINCE our last notice of this theatre the house has been closed; and nothing of consequence has taken place except the benefits at the close of the season. We are happy to hear that the

result of the season has been favourable, and that "active preparation," will be the employment of the manager during the recess.


SINCE the peace and other immediate results of the battle of Waterloo, no month has been so replete with important political occurrences as that the events of which it is now our duty to record. The ever memorable contest of Spain is far from terminated, but it has run through one stage of its events, and all its future occurrences must be of another class or species to open contests in the field. Our last Political Digest brought the war down to that period, when the enemy had captured the Trocadero on the 31st of August, and had opened negociations with the ruling powers in Cadiz; those negociations were broken off and hostilities were resumed. In Catalonia the intrepid Mina, with his brave coadjutors, Milans, St. Miguel, and Lloberas, continued to maintain the war against superior numbers and every disadvantage. On the 27th of September the most important fortifications of St. Sebastian and Figueras had been delivered to the enemy by treachery; but the surrender of this last place, the

strongest post in Catalonia, did not seem to damp the ardour of the patriot Mina. Morillo, after his treachery in Galicia, continued in possession of all the passes and fortifications of that province; whilst Ballasteros, in Castile, remained in amity with the general to whom he had betrayed his country. In other parts of Spain, no force whatever remained to oppose the enemy; for, except a few inefficient bands of Guerrillas, in Estremadura, that species of force had been so reduced and parallised by the priesthood, that it had fallen an easy prey to the enemy. In this forlorn situation, the Cortes devised a scheme worthy of better sne cess. Remembering the attachment which all enlightened and liberal persons had to the name of Riego, they sent that patriotic chief, with a sort of Forlorn Hope, to land at Malaga, and proceed to the Head-quarters of the perjured and treacherous Ballasteros, and to endeavour to win back his army to the cause of their country. Riego appears to have executed his

hazardous enterprize with consummate
bravery and judgment, and even bore
off Ballasteros in triumph; it is evi-
dent that complete success would have
crowned his efforts, but the Spanish
troops were callous to all the appeals
by which it was hoped to rekindle in
them some latent sparks of honour and
of national pride; and at length the
intrepid Riego fell into the hands of the
French, who, contrary to their usual
honour in such cases, delivered him
over to the Regency, a party that was
known to be embued with a spirit of
the most sanguniary vengeance against
him and his adherents. It is yet a
question whether this brave man may
not perish upon the scaffold, and adorn
the page of history as the Hampden, or
rather the Russell of Spain. On the
failure of this expedition of General
Riego, the affairs of the Cortes became
truly desperate. On the 20th of Sep-
tember, the French captured the fort of
San Petri, which materially intercepted
the supplies which were brought into
La Isla, down the little river at the
mouth of which that fortress is si-
tuated. On the 23d of September, the
French fleet bombarded Cadiz, and al-
though they did but little injury, this
bombardment alarmed the timid and
selfish, and, what was of more conse-
quence, it enabled the emissaries of
the French to spread alarm and dis-
content throughout Cadiz, and even
amongst the troops. The naval and
military commanders now reported to
the Cortes, that their means of defence
were inadequate to their security, and
that body immediately sanctioned the
opening of negociations with the enemy.
The Duke d'Angoulême insisted upon
the absolute and unconditional surren-
der of the King as a preliminary to any
negociation; and the Cortes were so
indignant at such dishonourable and
unjust terms, that they unanimously
resolved to bury themselves in the
ruins of the place; a few days after
they voted by a division of 60 to 30,
that the enemy's terms should be ac
ceded to; and, on the 1st of October,
the King and Royal Family repaired to
St. Mary's, the Head-quarters of the
Duke d'Angoulême, and on the 3d Ca-
diz, with all its dependencies, surren-
dered to the enemy; and thus has ter-
minated this memorable campaign.-
The enemy at the outset declared, that
the conquest of Spain would be imme-
diate and without resistance, whilst
Lord Liverpool and Mr. Canning pro-
nounced it impracticable in toto; it is
curious to reflect how mistaken both
parties have been in their calculations.
The Duke d'Angoulême crossed the

Bidosson on the 2d of April; on the
17th he reached Vittoria; on the 22d
he got to Burgos; on the 24th of May
he reached Madrid; on the 21st of
August Corrunna surrendered; on the
31st of that month the Trocadero was
carried; on the 20th of September St.
Petri was taken; on the 27th of the
same month, both Figueras and Pam-
peluna were given up by treachery; and
on the 3d of October the surrender of
Cadiz closed the scene. But the two
calculations, that of the British ministers
was the more reasonable, as it was
founded on the rational basis, that the
Spaniards however inert and spiritless
would, considering the justice of their
cause, at least be free from any very
extraordinary degree of treachery.-
The progress of the French has been
entirely the result of tempting men by
gold to the commission of the worst of
crimes of which our nature is capable;
and this is the more to be regretted as
it proceeds from a government which
professed to derive its stability from its
superior justice and morals to that of
its predecessor, the Emperor Napoleon.
The King of Spain, during the whole
of his residence in Cadiz, acted with
such singular duplicity, that he had
induced the most sceptical to believe
him sincere in the cause of freedom;
and yet such was his extraordinary
cunning, that he was in secret corres
pondence with the enemy By means of
flying Kites of different shapes and
colours from the roof of his house, hay-
ing chosen this method because the
amusement was so congenial to the ex-
treme childishness and imbecility of
his character, that it was not likely to
excite suspicion. On leaving Cadiz, he
put forth a proclamation, conceived in
the best spirit, and promising a general
amnesty to heal the wounds of his dis-
tracted country; and, in his speech to
the Cortes from the throne, he ex-
pressed his gratitude to them and to
his ministers for the respect and de-
ference they had shewn to him, and for
the care they had taken of himself and
his family. Immediately, however, on
his joining the French, he published a
Rescript, in which he describes the
conduct of this very Cortes and minis-
try to have been "the most criminal
treason, the most disgraceful baseness,
the most horrible offences," &c. &c.;
and he annuls every thing that the
Constitutionalists had done from 1820.
Since which he has issued another pro-
clamation, which effects the banish-
ment to a distance of fifteen leagues
from Madrid of above 15,000 persons,
comprising the most intelligent, indus-
trious, and valuable members of the

community. The periods of Nero, of Marius, and Sylla, can produce nothing equal to this perfidy, tergiversation, bigotry, and vengeance of Ferdi nand. In vain can he plead that his first decree of amnesty was wrung from him by duress; for at the time of issuing it, he was on the very threshold of French protection, and had he not intended to carry it into execution, as a brave monarch, faithful to his honour and to his oath, he ought to have resisted the signature even by the sacrifice of his life and to have exclaimed, “ rather than so dishonour my throne, ĺ will die;" in me me convertite ferrum. But the situation of Spain is appalling. On oue side, the intelligence and virtue of the country are arrayed in favour of abstract liberty; on the other, the prejudices and the passions of the ignorant and selfish are loud for the establishment of a system of the most sanguinary vengeance and proscription; and for the re-establishment of a church and political government suited scarcely to the condition of the 12th century. The French wish to pursue a middle course, but either find or pretend to find it im practicable, without a forced and mili tary occupation of the country: they therefore run the risk of rousing that only enthusiasm, which, except the superstition and love of slavery, the Spanish character is susceptible of. No sagacity can foresee what may be the result of such a fearful situation of affairs; the most eminent of the go vernment writers has already declared, that Spain is blotted out of the map of Europe for a century at least ;" and he proceeds to warn us that we may soon behold "Political results of an unexpected kind.".

In Italy, the Austrians continue to Occupy the Neapolitan territories, but having, they conceive, sufficiently sub dued the public spirit in Piedmont by their extreme rigour against the li berals, or those suspected of liberality, they have withdrawn their army of occupation from the King of Sardinia's dominions.

Although the Greeks have achieved no great military or naval victories over the Turks, they have at least retained the possession of what they had previously wrested from their oppressors; and, in such a struggle, the gaining of time is certain triumph to one party and as certain ruin to the other. The vaunted efforts, by which the Turks were to overwhelm the Mo rea, have sunk into insignificance, whilst the Greeks have been assiduous in consolidating their power by the diffusion of knowledge, and by the es

tablishing of a free representative government, Neither Russia nor England seem to doubt the security of the Greek independence--an independence that will be the means of diffusing all the blessings of civilization, of arts, of science, of manufactures, of commerce, and of social morals throughout those countries of Asia and Africa that have for centuries beeu inhabited solely by wandering tribes. In Egypt, the Pacha seems to be of a character to promote all such objects.

This country has at length appointed Consuls and Vice-Consuls to all the principal ports of Mexico and of South America, but it has contrived the ap pointment in a manner that avoids an acknowledgment of the actual inde pendence of any of those states; although all, with the exception of Peru, have long been independent to every intent and purpose of national existence. The republics of Chili and of Columbia have dispatched armies to aid the Constitutionalists in Peru, and there can be no doubt of that country obtaining the blessing of liberty, and rescuing herself from that thraldom under Spain, which for nearly two cen turies had kept those fine regions of the earth in ignorance, vice, and superstition. The Portuguese have been at length obliged to evacuate the Brazils, and the Brazilian navy, under Lord Cockrane, has intercepted a great number of the Portuguese ships on their return to Europe. No established constitution has yet been settled in Brazil; the King of Portugal's son continues there under the title of Emperor, but it is much doubted whether he will be able to retain his power, the spirit of liberty and of independence being so strong throughout almost every part of the country. The Brazilians are now discussing the form of their government, and it is evident that the Emperor is obliged to bend considerably to public opinion. One of the most remarkable documents of the age is a treaty between Buenos Ayres, a republic, and the constitutional government of the Brazils; a treaty acknowledging as its sole basis those principles which are designated in Europe by the terms ultraism and legitimacy. Such a treaty between countries owing their exist ence, as negociating powers, solely to their recent conflict against and triumph over such principles, is indeed a phenomenon. How inherent in our nature must be the love of absolute power

"Man, dressed in a little brief authority, plays such fantastic tricks before high heaven, as make the Angels weep."


Tuesday, October 21.

COTTON.-The sales in our cotton market during last week do not exceed 1000 bales, consisting of-200 Surats, good fair 63d, good 71d. in bond; 150 Bengals, middling 6d, fair 6d, good fair 61d; 190 Madras, good 7d; 460 Pernais 11d, good fair, in bond; and a few inferior at the same price, duty paid these, in some instances, are at a shade under the currency of last week; some holders are losing their firmness at the approaching prompt, and offering their cotton of the 1st August sale at a moderate discount.

SUGAR. The sugar market continued very steady till towards the close of last week, when a renewed demand commenced, and prices 1s. per cwt. higher were obtained, and more business were reported on the Friday than for some time preceding.

There was not so much business doing in Muscovades early this forenoon; as the day proceeded, the demand revived, and the estimated sales ex

ceed 1500 casks; the prices are fully Ls. higher than on this day week. The deliveries from the warehouses appear to have fallen off materially last week.

The public sale of Barbadoes this forenoon, 150 casks, went off without briskness, but not lower.

There was a very considerable change in the refined market last week; the request both for low and fine goods was considerable, and a general improvement of 1s. a 28. per cwt. was obtained; several contracts for forward delivery were entered into, at prices rather higher than the present market currency-Molasses were 28s. 6d.

The refined market is not so brisk this forenoon; the advance of last week is, however, maintained.-Molasses are brisk at 298.

By public sale last week, 331 chests Havannah sugars, were brought forward; the white was in part bought in; middling to good white 40s. a 44s; the yellow all sold at 28s.


To Benjamin Rotch, of Furnival's London, Esq. for his improved Fid for the upper masts of ships and other vessels. Dated August 21, 1823 -Six months allowed to enrol specifications.

To James Surrey, of Battersea, Surrey, miller, for his method of applying heat for the producing steam and for various other purposes, whereby the expense of fuel is lessened. Sept. 4,

two months.

To William Woodman, of York Barracks, veterinary surgeon of the 2nd Dragoon Guards, for his improved horses' shoe, which he denominates the beviled heeled expanding shoe. Sept. 11, two months.

To Bryan Donkin, of Great Surreystreet, Surrey, engineer, for his invention of the means or process of destroying or removing the fibres from the thread, whether of flax, cotton, silk, or any other fibrous substance composing the fabrics usually termed lace-net, or any other denomination of fabric, where holes or interstices are formed by such thread in any of the aforesaid fabrics. Sept. 11, two months.

Eur. Mag. Oct. 1823.

To John Hughes, of Barking, Essex, slopseller, for certain means of securing the bodies of the dead in coffins. Sept. 11, two months.

To Henry Constantine Jennings, of Devonshire-street, Mary-le-bone, Middlesex, Esq. for an instrument to be affixed to the saddle-tree, by the application and use of which, inconvenience and distress to the horse may be avoided. Sept. 11, six months.

To James Sprigg, the elder, of Birmingham, Warwickshire, fender-maker, for a certain improvement in the manufacture of grates, fenders, and fire-iron rests. Sept. 11, two months.

To Thomas Wickham, of Nottingham, lace-manufacturer, for his improved and prepared rice, rendered applicable for use in all cases in which starch is applied. Sept. 11, two months.

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