Than all yon fiery oes* and eyes of light. The hate I bare thee made me leave thee so? All school-days' friendship, childhood inno- Two lovely berries moulded on one stem: Due but to one, and crowned with one crest. And will you rent our ancient love asunder, To join with men in scorning your poor friend? It is not friendly, 'tis not maidenly: Our sex, as well as I, may chide you for it; Though I alone do feel the injury. Her. I am amazed at your passionate words: I scorn you not; it seems that you scorn me. Hel. Have you not set Lysander as in scorn, To follow me, and praise my eyes and face? And made your other love, Demetrius, (Who even but now did spurn me with his foot,) To call me goddess, nymph, divine, and rare, Hel. Ay, do, persévere, counterfeit sad looks, Her. Sweet, do not scorn her so. Dem. If she cannot entreat, I can compel. Lys. Thou canst compel no more than she entreat; Thy threats have no more strength, than her weak prayers. Helen, I love thee; by my life, I do; Dem. Quick, come, • Circles, † Ingenious. I Needles. Wry faces, Dem. I would, I had your bond; for, I perceive, [word. A weak bond holds you; I'll not trust your Lys. What should I hurt her, strike her, kill her dead? Although I hate her, I'll not harm her so. Her. What, can you do me greater harm than hate? [love? Hate me! wherefore? O me! what news, my Am not I Hermia? Are not you Lysander? I am as fair now, as I was erewhile. Since night, you lov'd me; yet, since night you left me: Why, then you left me,-O, the gods forbid!In earnest shall I say? Lys. Ay, by my life; And never did desire to see thee more. Therefore, be out of hope, of question, doubt, Be certain, nothing truer; 'tis no jest, That I do hate thee, and love Helena. som!* Her. O me! you juggler! you canker-blos- Have you no modesty, no maiden shame, Her. Puppet! why so? Ay, that way goes the game. Now I perceive that she hath made compare And are you grown so high in his esteem, tlemen, Let her not hurt me: I was never curst ; [me. Her. Lower! hark, again. Hel. Good Hermia, do not be so bitter with I evermore did love you, Hermia, Did ever keep your counsels, never wrong'd Save, that, in love unto Demetrius, I told him of your stealth unto this wood: He follow'd you; for love I follow'd him. But he hath chid me hence; and threaten'd mə To strike me, spurn me, nay, to kill me too: * A worm that preys on buds of flowers. + Shrewish or mischevious. [you; Obe. But we are spirits of another sort: : You bead, you acorn. Even till the eastern gate, all fiery red, Dem. You are too officious, Opening on Neptune with fair blessed beams, We may effect this business yet ere day. [Exit OBERON. Puck. Up and down, up and down; Lys. Get you gone, you dwarf; You minimus, of hind'ring knot grasst made; And, like a forester, the groves may tread, In her behalf that scorns your services. Let her alone; speak not of Helena; Take not her part: for if thou dost intend‡ Never so little show of love to her, Thou shalt aby it. Lys. Now she holds me not; Now follow, if thou dar'st, to try whose right, Or thine or mine, is most in Helena. I will lead them up and down: Dem. Follow? nay, I'll go with thee, cheek Here comes one. by jole. [Exeunt Lys. and DEM. Her. You, mistress, all this coil is 'long of [you: Nay, go not back. Hel. I will not trust you, I; Nor longer stay in your curst company. Your hands, than mine, are quicker for a fray; My legs are longer though, to run away. [Exit. Her. I am amaz'd, and know not what to say. [Exit, pursuing HELENA. Obe. This is thy negligence: still thou mistak'st, Or else commit'st thy knaveries wilfully. Did not you tell me, I should know the man And so far am I glad it so did sort, As this their jangling I esteem a sport. Enter LYSANDER. Lys. Where art thou, proud Demetrius? speak thou now. Puck. Here villain; drawn and ready. Where Lys. I will be with thee straight. To plainer ground. [Exit Lys. as following the voice. Enter DEMETRIUS. Dem. Lysander! speak again. Telling the bushes that thou looks for wars, Obe. Thou seest, these lovers seek a place to I'll whip thee with a rod: He is defil'd, thou child; fight: That draws a sword on thee. overcast the night; Hie therefore, Robin, therefore, With drooping fog, as black as Acheron; As one come not within another's way. And sometime rail thou like Demetrius; When I come where he calls, then he is gone. For if but once thou show me thy gray light, Re-enter PUCK and DEMETRIUS. * Cephalus, the paramour of Aurora Dem. Abide me, if thou dar'st; for well I wot, Thou runn'st before me, shifting every place; And dar'st not stand, nor look me in the face. Where art thou ? Puck. Come hither; I am here. hipped humble-bee on the top of a thistle; and, good monsieur, bring me the honey-bag. Do not fret yourself too much in the action, monsieur; and, good monsieur, have a care the honey-bag break not; I would be loath to have you overflown with a honey-bag, signior. Dem. Nay, then thou mock'st me. Thou Where's monsieur Mustard-seed? shalt buy this dear, If ever I thy face by day-light see: [Lies down and sleeps. Must. Ready. Bot. Give me your neif, monsieur Mustardseed. Pray you, leave your courtesy, good monsieur. Must. What's your will? Bot. Nothing, good monsieur, but to help cavalero Cobweb to scratch. I must to the barber's, monsieur; for, methinks, I am marvellous hairy about the face: and I am such a tender ass, if my hair do but tickle me, I must scratch. Tita. What, wilt thou hear some music, my sweet love? Bot. I have a reasonable good ear in music: let us have the tongs and the bones. Tita. Or, say, sweet love, what thou desir'st to eat. Bot. Truly, a peck of provender; I could munch you good Methinks, I have a great desire to a bottle of hay: good hay, sweet hay, hath no fellow. Tita. I have a venturous fairy that shall seek The squirrel's hoard, and fetch thee new nuts. Bot. I had rather have a handful, or two, of dried peas. But, I pray you, let none of your come upon me. Her. Never so weary, never so in woe; briers, I can no further crawl, no further go; My legs can keep no pace with my desires. Here will I rest me, till the break of day. Heavens shield Lysander, if they mean a fray! [Lies down. Puck. On the ground Sleep sound: I'll apply To your eye, Gentle lover remedy. [Squeezing the juice on Lysander's eye. When thou wak'st, True delight Of thy former lady's eye: And the country proverb known, The man shall have his mare again, and all shall be well. [Exit PUCK. DEM. HEL. &c. sleep. * Stroks Tita. Sleep thou, and I will wind thee in my arms. OBERON advances. Enter Puck. Obe. Welcome, good Robin. See'st thou Her dotage now I do begin to pity. Was wont to swell, like round and orient [Touching her eyes with an herb See, as thou wast wont to see: • Fist. Dian's bud o'er Cupid's flower Hath such force and blessed power. Now, my Titania; wake you, my sweet queen. Tita. My Oberon! what visions have I seen! Methought, I was enamour'd of an ass. Obe. There lies your love. Titu. How came these things to pass? O, how mine eyes do loath his visage now! Obe. Silence, a while. Robin, take off this head. Titania, music call; and strike more dead Than common sleep, of all these five the sense. Tita. Music, ho! music; such as charmeth sleep. Puck. Now, when thou wak'st, with thine own fool's eyes peep. Obe. Sound, music. [Still Music.] Come, my Puck. Fairy king, attend, and mark; Enter THESEUS, HIPPOLYTA, EGEUS, and train. And mark the musical confusion Of hounds and echo in conjunction. once, Hip. I was with Hercules, and Cadmus, When in a wood of Crete they bay'd the bear With hounds of Sparta: never did I hear Such gallant chiding it skies, the chiding it for, besides the groves, The skies, Thung So flew'd, so sanded; and their heads are With ears that sweep away the morning dew; Crook-knee'd, and dew-lap'd like Thessalian bulls; [bells, Slow in pursuit, but match'd in mouth like nymphs are these ? Ege. My lord, this is my daughter here And this, Lysander; this Demetrius is; [asleep: This Helena, old Nedar's Helena: I wonder of their being here together. The. No doubt, they rose up early to observe The rite of May; and, hearing ring our intent, Came here in grace of our solemnity. Begin these wood-birds but to couple now? Lys. Pardon, my lord. [He and the rest kneel to THESEUS. up. The. I pray you all, stand I know, you are two rival enemies; How comes this gentle concord in the world, That hatred is so far from jealousy, To sleep by hate, and fear no enmity? Lys. My lord, I shall reply amazedly, Half 'sleep, half waking: But as yet, I swear, I cannot truly say how I came here: But, as I think, (for truly would I speak,And now I do bethink me, so it is ;) I came with Hermia hither: our intent [be Was, to be gone from Athens, where we might Without the peril of the Athenian law. enough: Ege. Enough, enough, my lord; you have I beg the law, the law upon his head.- Demetrius, Thereby to have defeated you and me : stealth, Of this their purpose hither to this wood; As the remembrance of an idle gawd,t But, like in sickness, did I loath this food: The. Fair lovers, you are fortunately met: Of this discourse we more will hear anon. Egeus, I will overbear your will; [Exeunt THE. HIP. EGE. and train. Dem. These things seem small, and undistinguishable, Like far-off mountains turned into clouds. Her. Methinks, I see these things with part ed eye, When every thing seems double. Hel. So methinks: And I have found Demetrius like a jewel, Mine own, and not mine own. Dem. It seems to me, [think, That yet we sleep, we dream.-Do not you apparel together; good strings to your beards, ACT V. SCENE I.-The same. An Apartment in the Enter THESEUS, HIPPOLYTA, PHILOSTRATE, Lords, and Attendants. Bot. When my cue comes, call me, and I will answer:-my text is, Most fair Pyramus.Hey, ho!-Peter Quince! Flute, the bellowsmender! Snout, the tinker! Starveling! God's my life! stolen hence, and left me asleep! I have had a most rare vision. I have had a dream, past the wit of man to say what dream it was: Man is but an ass, if he go about to expound this dream. Methought I was there is no man can tell what. Methought I was, and methought I had,-But man is but a patched fool, if he will offer to say what methought I had. The eye of man hath not heard, the ear of man hath not seen; man's hand is not able to taste, his tongue to conceive, nor These antique fables, nor these fairy toys. his heart to report, what my dream was. I Lovers, and madmen, have such seething will get Peter Quince to write a ballad of this brains, dream: it shall be called Bottom's Dream, because it hath no bottom; and I will sing it in the latter end of a play, before the duke: Peradventure, to make it the more gracious, I shall sing it at her death. [Exit. SCENE 11-Athens. - A Room in QUINCE's House. Quin. Have you sent to Bottom's house? is he come home yet? Star. He cannot be heard of. Out of doubt, he is transported. Flu. If he come not, then the play is marred; It goes not forward, doth it? Quin. It is not possible: you have not a man in all Athens, able to discharge Pyramus, but he. Flu. No; he hath simply the best wit of any handycraft man in Athens. Quin. Yea, and the best person too: and he is a very paramour, for a sweet voice. Flu. You must say, paragon: is, God bless us, a thing of nought. Enter SNUG. a paramour Snug. Masters, the duke is coming from the temple, and there is two or three lords and Hip. "Tis strange, my Theseus, that these lovers speak of. The. More strange than true. I never may believe Such shaping fantasies, that apprehend to heaven; And, as imagination bodies forth Hip. But all the story of the night told over, Enter LYSANDER, DEMETRIUS, HERMIA, and The. Here come the lovers, full of joy and ladies more married: if our sport had gone Joy, gentle friends! joy, and fresh days of love forward, we had all been made men. Flu. O sweet bully Bottom! Thus hath he lost sixpence a-day during his life; he could not have 'scaped sixpence a-day: an the duke had not given him sixpence a-day for playing Pyramus, I'll be hanged; he would have deserved it: sixpence a-day, in Pyramus, or nothing. hearts? Enter Воттом. Bot. Where are these lads? where are these Quin. Bottom! O most courageous day! O most happy hour! Bot. Masters, I am to discourse wonders: but ask me not what; for, if I tell you, I am no true Athenian. I will tell you every thing, right as it fell out. Quin. Let us hear, sweet Bottom. Bot. Not a word of me. All that I will tell you, is, that the duke hath dined: Get your Accompany your hearts! shall we have, To wear away this long age of three hours, Call Philostrate. Philost. Here, mighty Theseus. The. Say, what abridgment have you fo this evening? What mask? what music? How shall we be[guile. The lazy time, if not with some delight? Philost. There is a brief, how many sports are ripe; |