صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Crux est arbor decorata,
Christi sanguine sacrata,

Cunctis plena fructibus,

Quibus animae eruuntur,
Cum supernis nutriuntur
Cibis in coelestibus.

Crucifixe! fac me fortem,
Ut libenter tuam mortem

Plangam, donec vixero.
Tecum volo vulnerari,
Te libenter amplexari

In cruce desidero.

'Tis the tree of Christ, made glorious By His bloodshed meritorious,

Filled with fruits on every hand, Whereby souls are brought to heaven Fed by dainties freely given

To the hosts of that blest land.

Crucified! Thy servant strengthen,
That I may, while life's days lengthen,
Evermore Thy death deplore.

With Thee would I fain be wounded,
By Thine arms to be surrounded
On Thy cross, I ask no more.



Christum ducem,

Qui per crucem
Redemit nos ab hostibus,

Laudet coetus

Noster laetus,

Exultet coelum laudibus.

Poena fortis

Tuae mortis
Et sanguinis effusio,

Corda terant,

Ut te quaerant,

Iesu, nostra redemptio.

Per felices

Sputa, flagella, verbera,

Nobis grata

Sunt collata

Aeterna Christi munera.

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