صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
[blocks in formation]

Quum Leges aliæ fuper alias accumulate, eas de integro retractare, et in Corpus fanum et
redigere, ex Ufu fit.



Mifera Servitus eft ubi Jus eft vagum aut incognitum.

4 Inft. 245.


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THE Editor, having engaged to publish a cheap Edition

of the Revifed Laws of the State of New-York, now prefents the Public with the first Volume.

This Volume contains all the Laws to the eleventh Seffion, which is one Seffion more than is comprifed in the first Volume of Gaine's Edition: This was done to equalize the two Volumes as much as poffible; the Second, however, will probably contain the greatest Number of Pages.

The Types and Paper were manufactured in this Stateanxious to give public Satisfaction, and fearing, after the Publication of his Propofals, that the Types therein proposed to print this Work upon would not hold out good to the End, the Editor engaged Mr. Mappa, of this City, an ingenious Type-Founder from Holland, to caft a new Fount for it,which unavoidably delayed the Publication for near two Months. However difagreeable this Delay may have been to the Subfcribers (as well as to the Editor, who fuffers most by it) it is to be prefumed, that the Confideration of giving Encouragement to the Manufactures of our State, will more than compenfate. The Types are not fo perfectly Regular as thofe from the London Foundaries, which have been improving for Centuries-but, no Cash went to LONDON for themand our infant Manufactures ought to be encouraged, that they also may improve.

Several Gentlemen of the Profeffion of the Law have been fo Polite, that not a Sheet of this Work has been put to the Prefs without a careful Revifal by one of them-And it is hoped, that it will meet with the fulleft Approbation of the Public.

The Editor prefents his grateful Thanks for a generous Lift of upwards of Fourteen Hundred Subfcribers: Their Names Jhall be annexed to the fecond Volume, per Counties, in alphabetical Arrangement. With unremitted Endeavors to merit the Patronage of the Public, the Editor fubfcribes, their obedient Servant,


This Edition contains only the Laws now in Force, no Notice being taken of thofe which are either repealed, expired, or obfelete; and this is the Reafon why the Chapters do not always follow in regular Succeffion.


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