صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

ANALYSIS.-1st. The word SHOE, in pronunciation, is formed by the union of two oral elements; sho-shoe. The first is a modified breathing; hence, it is an atonic. The second is a pure tone; hence, it is a tonic.

2d. The word SHOE, in writing, is represented by four letters; shoe-shoe. The combination sh represents an atonic; hence, it is a consonant. Its oral element is chiefly formed by the teeth; hence, it is a dental. Its oral element is produced by the same organs and in a similar manner as the second oral element represented by z; hence, it is a cognate of z. The combination oe is formed by the union of two vowels, one of which is silent; hence, it is an improper diphthong. It represents the oral element usually represented by ô; hence, it is an alphabetic equivalent of 8.



AAS the name of a letter, or when used as an emphatic

word, should always be pronounced ā (a in age); as,

She did not say that the three boys knew the letter ā, but that a boy knew it.

2. THE WORD A, when not emphatic, is marked short (ă),1 though in quality it should be pronounced nearly like a as heard in åsk, gråss; as,

Give a baby sister ǎ smile, a kind word, and ǎ kiss.

3. THE, when not emphatic nor immediately followed by a word that commences with a vowel sound, should be pro nounced thŭ; as,

The (thŭ) peach, the (fhů) plum, thē apple, and the (thŭ) cherry are yours. Did he ask for a pen, or for the pen?

4. U PRECEDED BY R.-When u long (u in tūbe), or its alphabetic equivalent ew, is preceded by r, or the sound of

1 A initial.—A in many words, as an initial unaccented syllable, is also marked short (ă), its quantity

or volume of sound being less than that of a sixth power (å), as in ělås, ǎmåss, ǎbåft.

sh, in the same syllable, it has always the sound of o in do; as,

Are you sure that shrewd youth was rude?

5. R MAY BE TRILLED when immediately followed by a vowel sound in the same syllable. When thus situated in emphatic words, it should always be trilled; as,

He is both brave and true. She said scratching, not scrawling.



ILENT letters are here omitted and the words are spelled as they should be pronounced. The pupils will read the sentences several times, both separately and in concert, uttering all the oral elements with force and distinctness. They will also analyze the words, both as spoken and written, and name the rules in articulation that are illustrated by the exercises.

1. Thů bold, båd bâîz brók bolts ånd bårz. 2. Thŭ rōgz rusht round thŭ ruf, red rõks. 3. Hi on ǎ hil Hù herd hârsez hârnỉ höfs. 4. Shōr ål her påfhz år påfhz öv pès. 5. Bå! fhåt'z nôt sīks döllårz, bůt ā dôllår. 6. Chårj the old măn tỏ chỗz & châis chez. 7. Līt sēking lit, hath lit ov līt bēgīld. 8. Thů hosts stůd stil, in silent wůnder fikst. 9. A thouzånd shreks får hòples mêrsi kâl. 10. Thů fölishnės öv fölz iz fölli.

11. Böth'z yoths with troths yuz ỏthz.

12. Arm it with ragz, ǎ pigmi strâ wil pērs ĭt. 13. Nou set thů tèth ånd strech thů nostril wid. 14. He wöcht ånd wept, he felt ånd pråd får ål. 15. Hiz iz, åmidst thů mists, mêzêrd ån åzêr ski. *16. Thủ whȧlz whèld ånd wherld, and bård thår bråd, broun båks.

17. Jilz ănd Jāsn Jonz kăn not sā,—Arorå, alis, ămås, mănnå, villå, når Lūnå.

18. Thů strif sẻsẻth, pès åpprocheth, ånd thủ gůd mår


19. Thů shrod shröz båd him sà thắt thủ vil viksnz yüzd shrůgz, ånd sharp shril shreks.

20. Shōrli, thō wonded, thŭ prodent rēkrôt wůd not ēt thăt kråd fråt.

21. Stern, růgged ners! thi rijid lor with pàshens mênỉ å yer shẻ bór.

22. Amidst thů mists ånd köldest frosts, with bårest rists ånd stoutest bosts, hẻ thrůsts hiz fists ågênst thů pòsts, ånd stil insists hè sèz thủ gòsts.

23. A starm årizẻth ôn thủ sẻ. A modël vẻssel iz strug gling åmidst thủ wâr öv élẻmẻnts, kwivering ånd shivering, shringking ånd båttling lik å thingking being. Thů měrsilês, råking whêrlwindz, lik fritfül fèndz, houl ånd mòn, ånd sẻnd shårp, shril shrèks thrở thů krėking kârdåj, snåpping fhů shets ånd måsts. Thů stěrdi sålárz stånd to thår tåsks, ånd wether thů sévèrest stårm öv fhů sèzn.

24. Chȧst-id, cherisht Ches! Thů chårmz ov thi chêkêrd chamberz chan mè chanjlêsli. Får thè år thů chåplets öv chanlês chåriti ånd thủ chålis öv childlik chèrfülnės. Chanj kån not chanj thẻ: from childhûd to thủ chårnål-hous, from our fěrst childish chěrpingz tỏ thủ chilz ôv thủ chẻrch yård fhou årt our chèri, chànjlės chèftinės.




SYLLABLE is a word, or part of a word, uttered by a single impulse of the voice.

2. A MONOSYLLABLE is a word of one syllable; as, home. 3. A DISSYLLABLE is a word of two syllables; as, home-less. 4. A TRISYLLABLE is a word of three syllables; as, confine-ment.

5. A POLYSYLLABLE is a word of four or more syllables; as, in-no-cen-cy, un-in-tel-li-gi-lil-i-ty.

6. THE ULTIMATE is the last syllable of a word; as ful, in peace-ful.

7. THE PENULT, or penultimate, is the last syllable but one of a word; as māk, in peace-mak-er.

8. THE ANTEPENULT, or antepenultimate, is the last syllable but two of a word; as ta, in spon-ta-ne-ous.

9. THE PREANTEPENULT, or preantepenultimate, is the last syllable but three of a word; as cab, in vo-cab-u-la-ry.



NITIAL CONSONANTS.-The elements of consonants

should not be much prolonged.'


2. FINAL CONSONANTS.-Elements that are represented by final consonants should be dwelt upon, and uttered with great distinctness; as,

He accepts the office, and attempts by his acts to conceal his faults.

3. WHEN ONE WORD OF A SENTENCE ENDS and the next begins with the same consonant, or another that is hard to produce after it, a difficulty in utterance arises that should be obviated by dwelling on the final consonant, and then taking up the one at the beginning of the next word, in a second impulse of the voice, without pausing between them; as,

It will pain nobody, if the sad dangler regain neither rope. 4. FINAL COGNATES.-In uttering the elements of the final cognates, b, p, d, t, g, and k, the organs of speech

1 Initial Elements Prolonged.— On this point Dr. RUSH mentions the error of a distinguished actor, who, in order to give great force and distinctness to his articulation, dwelt

the following lines:

"Canst thou not m-inister to a m-ind diseased,

Pl-uck from the m-emory a r-coted sorrow?"

on the initial letters, as marked in Such mouthing defeats its object.

should not remain closed at the several pauses of discourse, but should be smartly separated by a kind of echo; as, I took down my hat-t, and put it upon my head-d.

5. UNACCENTED SYLLABLES should be pronounced as distinctly as those which are accented: they should merely have less force of voice and less prolongation; as,

The thoughtless, helpless, homeless girl did not resent his rudeness and harshness.

Very many of the prevailing faults of articulation result from a neglect of these rules, especially the second, the third, and the last. He who gives a full and definite sound to final consonants and to unaccented vowels, if he does it without stiffness or formality, can hardly fail to articulate well.


1. THIRTY years ago, Marseilles' lay burning in the sun, one day. A blazing sun, upon a fierce August day, was no greater rarity in Southern France then, than at any other time, before or since. Every thing in Marseilles, and about Marseilles, had stared at the fervid sky, and been stared at in return, until a staring habit had become universal there.

2. Strangers were stared out of countenance by staring white houses, staring white walls, staring white streets, staring tracts of arid road, staring hills from which verdure was burnt away. The only things to be seen not firedly staring and glaring were the vines drooping under their load of grapes. These did occasionally wink a little, as the hot air moved their faint leaves.

3. There was no wind to make a ripple on the foul water within the harbor, or on the beautiful sea without. The line of demarkātion between the two colors, black and blue, showed the point which the pure sea would not pass; but it lay as quiet as the abominable pool, with which it never mixed. Boats without awnings were too hot to touch; ships blistered at their moorings; the stones of the quays had not cooled for months.

1 Direction.-Students will give the number and names of the syllables, in words of more than one syllable, and tell what rule for the

formation of syllables each letter
that appears in Italics, in this exer-
cise, is designed to illustrate.
2 Marseilles, (mår sålz).

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